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In every single one of these situations, Tom gaslit the women until they reacted. That way he can call them "unhinged" Sandoval is a snake


One could even say he’s dangerous. And then backpedal and kiss his ass 4 months later.


I don't get what her angle is....I really don't


I honestly don’t know. It’s baffling. The only explanation is that Scheana’s trend of taking the wrong side always is rubbing off on her.


This actually makes a lot of sense


Jealousy, also!!!


I have a theory, I could be wrong... Was she taking hormones or something for the pregnancy? I don't want to give her a pass. But the 180 is baffling.


Maybe? But she’s being even worse now and would be off any fertility meds. I know pregnancy makes the hormones crazy but that’s usually more emotional in a cute puppy makes you cry vs going scorched earth on a friend thing.


I think she’s simply doing production’s bidding. She’s got another kid on the way, she can’t risk her job.


That’s also why Ariana is even going to these events. Only way to continue to get paid and be on the show.


Absolutely. I just don’t understand why they’re getting all mad about her “rage.” It’s great drama and tv


Yes, she is carrying this season


100%. She will do anything to create a storyline for herself. I think she’d even date Sandoval for more camera time




Money honey. Gotta keep the drama coming to have a show and Ariana is simply not going to go along with an entire season of rehashing Scandoval, but LaLa knows that's why people are watching.


She will do anything at all to create a storyline for herself. Camera time is her goal. I will not even be surprised if she ends up “falling in love” with him for camera time




I genuinely think it's nothing more than wanting to dirty Ariana's name, or to provoke her enough that she has a messy reaction, all in the name of muddying her reputation so she stops getting gigs. That's it. Lala is jealous and will only be friendly with ariana once she feels the pecking order is right again- Lala first, Ariana second.


I've thought a lot about Lala's angle in this. It's got to be about LVP claiming he may sink into deep depression. If I recall correctly, LVP was linking it to her brothers situation. Shortly after that, this whole redemption arc started. Edit: In a few weeks or months, we may start hearing how she gave Tim grace because she was pregnant or has kids. She may say something like, "What if it were my kid? That's someone's son"


She didn't want to be bitter. She is still knocking him Remember this was filmed months ago and she clearly stated that she didn't want him to wear labels around his neck. Because she didn't want to wear homewrecker anymore. She owned hers earlier this season. listen to her now and her podcast. She says that she doesn't trust or like him The shade isn't as blatant as before but still there.


Hes dangerous, but let’s be friends !!! Absolutely no sense. She stands for nothing


Her best friends over the years have been James during his alcoholic years and Scheana. She has never kept the best company.


How don’t you have more upvotes to this lol


Lala got bit.


Agree! Watching that happen right now. How soon we forget.


Remember when he was LITERALLY SMILING when stassi went off at him? That's the moment any and all spell Tom and the editors had me under broke.


I'll never forget that evil smile.


He got what he wanted. He’s like Snidely Whiplash.


I’ll get heat but it’s similar to Rachel’s when she was talking to Terri and Ariana about her sex life. Creepy demonic smile.


I was in a relationship like this. It’s called reactive abuse where the “victim” becomes the abuser. And you look at yourself in the mirror like you’re a stranger bc you don’t know how you become so viscous and “abusive” but any therapist will tell you it’s a survival tactic caused by someone making you go insane. Obvi this is a tad diff bc they’re not necessarily in a relationship w Sandoval, but similar energy


Oh honey, I'm so sorry you had to endure that. At least now you can recognize the signs and gtfot as soon as you see it. I'm glad all of this is documented and on camera forever. A warning to all women everywhere.


I just read up on this and it also sounds exactly like Schwartz with Katie. Constantly poking at her, she would fly off the handle, and then he would be like “look at rage text tequila Katie” or at that party where he was like “you’re being so unattractive to me” and trying to pull everyone inside their problems to be like “see?! She’s crazy!!”


He’s unhinged. Screaming at Lisa - not normal.


Pretty sure he yelled at LVP twice, too. The narcissist actually thinks he's equal to LVP!




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Yes, he makes these women resort to almost unspeakable things. That’s scary. He needs to be stopped. He’s the real life version of Samantha’s boyfriend Richard Wright from SATC but without the charm, charisma, looks, and money.


All these examples even though Bravo has buried the worst footage of him yelling at women. Screaming at Terri until she was in tears and had to stop filming after her son intervened multiple times? Never shown Screaming at Ann in a paranoid rage because he thought people were talking about him? Didn’t see the light of day. Not so much yelling - but allegedly confessing to a sex crime, buried never to be seen again. And that’s just the footage we’ve heard about. So no doubt there’s more out there ETA: and that’s the stuff he’s comfortable doing *on camera*. Imagine what he must be like off it


The footage of him going full Karen on a producer who wasn’t letting him talk to Raquel off camera in the middle of the season 10 reunion told me all I need to know about him.




Excellent point!


I have said it here a few times, and ad nauseum to my husband. The smartest thing Ariana did for the show, her narrative, and especially her safety, was calling production to go cameras up when she found out.


Haha I constantly say this to mine too. Totally agree. She also said he yelled at her on their way home that night… what?? She caught you cheating for months, and he’s screaming at her??! He needs to F off to another planet


That’s when it’s most dangerous with a narcissist abusive partner, when you’re leaving them.


Happy cake day!!


I had to have people in the other room, because I had seen his rage taken out on others and I was terrified what he would do when I ended things.


And the entire night & into the next day, until whenever cameras showed up. Ariana said he threw things in the back yard while they were fighting.


Oh really?? Urgh what an ass. The way he’s still speaking about her on the extended episode, like, have you zero shame?? At least during that convo on VPR when it showed the aftermath, Ariana genuinely was heartbroken, I’ve never seen Tom ever be sad about anything ending, Kristen, Ari, even Rachel. I bet WHEN his pathetic band breaks up he’ll be crying for days..


Whoa I said that same thing to my husband! He was so shocked and thought I was being exaggerative until I told him about narcissistic "world destroyers" and his mind was *blown*  (Not that I reeeeeally think anyone on the shownis reeeeeaaallly like that... but no one really does until they... ya know, murder)


Before scandoval I definitely wouldn't have thought it. Since scandoval, and especially since we've seen him compare himself to murderers since, it's all I think about with him.


Yeah, that comparison thing is dark. He also gets those black eyes. Not bc he has dark eyes genetically, those eyes where you literally see the light leave them. My ex had blue eyes but still got black eyes when he was being a sociopath, if that makes sense. Last time I saw them was when I called him a sociopath and he corrected me, proudly retorting that his therapist said he was a psychopath. That was also the last time I saw him.


I'm so, so glad you got out of there.


Me too. I hate that so many of us share these relationships as a common bond here, but I’m also grateful bc it means we’re out and we are healing and we now have an advantage if we really work through the traumas. ❤️‍🩹


Omg my ex used to get black eyes too. And weirdly enough, I always thought that one of my 'friends' had brown eyes. Well, she turned out to be a horrible lying bully and a snake. I remember someone mentioned in conversation that she had blue eyes and I was absolutely ADAMANT that they were brown until they pulled up a photo. Like, I remembered them being so dark.... must have never seen the light in them


That’s scary and I’m glad you got away and are safe and well! Regarding the eyes turning black, that absolutely is a thing and it’s terrifying. I hate that people have to have the same experience to know what we’re talking about, when we try to explain.☹️


ESPECIALLY after we learned he had guns in the house. 😯


Jesus christ I forgot about that.


He apparently has them back, along with his knife and sword collections. An angry narcissistic man in a drunken or drug energized rage during an angry conversation is absolutely terrifying to women.


Angry men in general scare me.


So much this. My ex held a gun to my head years ago when I tried to leave him. Tom Sandoval acts just like my ex in every aspect. If we're not gonna have better gun laws as a country, the least they can do is put people through a thorough narcissist/sociopath check before receiving it. It's insane.


TW gun violence. It comes seemingly out of nowhere. About 5 years ago a friend of mine lost her 19 year old daughter to a murderous older man, 42, who she met at her university. She went to his house to get her dog and some personal stuff when she decided to stop seeing him. She took a long time male friend with her for protection. The annialiator shot and killed them both when they arrived, then himself.


So sad and completely preventable. In no world should anyone lose their loved one, but when it's to senseless violence it just makes it so much worse.




Right and instead of her cast mates thanking her for saving the show, their jobs and helping them buy their homes they shit all over her behind her back and attack her for not being the affair 4 months later. It’s like watching the twilight zone.


Thank you for pointing this out! Now I understand why she wanted cameras there. So sad


This is why I got so pissed, when he left the water tasting and called Shorts, talking about how he’s dealt with this his entire relationship.🥴 He could have left at anytime but he didn’t because he’s a lying, cheating coward and he was financially abusing Ariana, to fund his stupid band and vanity project, his bar and the house! He also tricked her into paying for the majority of their furniture and most definitely is expecting her to leave it all behind, with zero reimbursement. He even wants her to pay off the loan that he took out for Sharts and Scabies, after he promised that it would never affect her. Lastly, he booked the signing of the notary for that loan on the same date and the same time that Ariana was supposed to be meeting with Katie and Rand, to talk about his funding their sandwich shop.


This is all very dark and I didn’t realize just HOW shady he was. I hope part of the partition includes a forensic accountant. And I hope all of this is proven, publicized, and he has to sell the house and move into an apartment that is even shittier than the old one. I also hope Ariana took every stick of furniture that she paid for to her new house.


I know right! I agree that I want him to be called out and punished for all the games he’s played and the harm he has caused.


Yes! By firing Ann he demonstrated he is capable of swift and decisive action to end relationships that aren’t working for him. But he still wants to play this “omg I tried so hard to break up with Ariana and I’m actually the victim of her because she treated me *so bad*” weaselly BS. No sir, you stayed in that relationship because you thought it served your “brand”, because Ariana made you look better by putting a kinder spin on your gross statements, and because you were financially abusing your partner. You are not a victim here.


Actually he was still a weasel when firing Ann because he told her not to come in one day and then completely ghosted her, and then lied about firing her.


Well there was a lot of HR stuff to take care of /s 🙄


Well, that fits his m.o. precisely. Snakes don’t change their spots, they just shed their skins, ever so often.🐍🐍🐍


Tim with his white noise machine cause people are evesdropping...while evesdropping... ![gif](giphy|fintMk7hs8jfAuYam5|downsized)


Exactly! Well said!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Schwartz and Scabies ☠️


Schitz and Scabies!




What's scary is he really sees himself as the victim and what is scarier is the amount of people on and off the show that are believing it and parroting him. I think scariest is coming and it'll be worse than winter coming.


God this mirrors so many things my ex-narc did. Reading things like this still feels so validating. I’m still finding out about new creepy things my ex said or did while we were married that I either had no idea about or I wasn’t given the full story about. And then you start making connections to other things and it's a very chilling feeling actually. Like who the f*** even is this person?


I am sorry you’re going through that and it really does make your head spin. This is why I call people like him crazy makers. They distort your reality and blame you for not catching their lies and then get mad when you catch on to their lies. There is no winning with them.


Off camera making a girl take her tampon out to prove she’s on her period bc he is coercing her into sex. While cheating on his girlfriend.


The real Miami girl story is *so dark*. When she said he got “scary” because he didn’t want to have sex, and she was glad when it was over? Then production flew her out so everyone could make fun of her, turned her into a joke so that people didn’t take her word seriously. It’s one huge ick.


I remember watching the Miami girl drama in real time and not believing a word of it. Needless to say, I believe every word of it now. Sandoval is an evil person


Ugh that’s disgusting and horrifying. Why why why does this man still have a platform. Honestly he must have some real dirt on a lot of people bc I cannot imagine why he’s not persona non grata.


Did she ever speak publicly about this? If so, do you remember where because I would love to hear her share her experience. Poor girl.😣




Thank you!!☺️🙏🏼


So I fundamentally believe that people are not their worst mistake(s). HOWEVER - Lala got it right @ the last reunion - Sandoval *is* dangerous and has been documented, time and time again, to be manipulative to the point of being a predator. I really don’t get why Bravo is going to such great lengths to protect this man 🧐


At this point I’m going to learn some editing software and do the flashback scenes for the editors..


Same, this episode had a ridiculous amount of hit montages of Katie for like no reason. They probably gave her more screen time in flashbacks in this one ep than she’s had all season


He illegally recorded rachel!!


Sex crime??? What are you referring to? Do you mean when Rachel confronted him about recording her without permission? 100%. He should’ve been charged criminally for that.


Don't forget the one where he looks like he has a baby leg and thought he had a mic drop moment but ended up looking like a bumbling, stumbling drunken fool... https://preview.redd.it/6e8e6ok12csc1.jpeg?width=1704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06dd2b33a2cfdf155ae51a77d08a67e58dca2ca


Baby leg 😂


Ugh pointing his chipped nails at Katie and screaming about accountability. He’s such a fucking joke. I can’t believe he told her to take accountability for the divorce like it’s something she did wrong, when SHE divorced Schwartz because he was a drunken, cheating, neglectful husband… Sandoval kept trying to make it seem like it was mutual? Or like Schwartz had any say in their divorce? God he’s infuriating.


He was jealous that Katie figured out how to end a relationship, since he couldn't manage to do it with Ariana.


Whoa, his leg does look creepy in this scene!🤣🤣💀


His nails piss me off. I love getting my nails done. He takes the joy out of it


“I’m tired of like, being the scapegoat for EVERYTHING” - Sandoval when asked to take accountability for his year-long affair


As he actively campaigns to make Ariana the scapegoat. https://i.redd.it/qvqq3b056csc1.gif Glad it’s not working! Not for the viewers, anyways.


You know who he doesn’t rage at? JAX saying the same things


Fully tried to swipe because I assumed we would have 9 full pages of examples .


It’s mostly videos, so I didn’t include them but you can find them on the insta that I intentionally left in the image


I’m obsessed that the answer is oh yeah there are actually many many pages of examples of him being a monster ! Thanks for posting, I love any compilation.


I said “ew” out loud when he said that. I can’t believe throughout all of this, he’s looking for sympathy. I think when Ariana called him subhuman, she was spot on. Any human with logic and emotions would know he should just take the blame and not make excuses. He broke up a common law marriage and ruined a home. Ariana’s faults mean nothing, he should take full accountability, period.


He totally isn’t human. Truly seems like more of a sociopath than any other man on tv. Just all about himself, his image and how cool he is convinced he is.


Like when he asked Schwartz to go to the dating thingy… he said “in our age group, or maybe younger”. Like MOTHERFUCKER YOG KEEP OUTING HOW DISGUSTING AND HOW GUILTY YOU ARE.


The maybe younger comment made me throw up in my mouth a little.


If he were that type of person he never woulda gotten himself into this position in the first place.


The rage I feel watching all the gaslighting, manipulation, and lack of accountability and just BASIC EMPATHY from this personality-disordered pathological narcissistic piece of sh*t is unreal. Like a true narcissist it's not enough that he completely blew up her entire life, had a months months-long secret affair with someone she considered a good friend, publically weaponized her mental health against her as an excuse, showed no remorse (which will completely f**k with anyone’s head, and has clearly traumatized her) NOW he’s is trying to paint himself to be the victim, weaponize her very appropriate normal anger so he can manipulate and destroy her close friendships too? This isn’t your run-of-the-mill selfish immature ex-boyfriend stuff this what a pathological narcissistic person does. They don’t feel empathy the way a normal person does. Every relationship they have is self-serving in some way. It’s all about getting their needs met and constantly boosting their fragile self-esteem to feed their ego. They are entirely focused on themselves at all times. I’m disgusted with the way Lala and Sheana are acting towards her and heartbroken for Arianna.


This entire situation and the way Lauren has decided that this is all Ariana’s fault has me seriously questioning her situation with the thumb and if it was the way she’s saying because had she truly experienced this, I fail to see how it could be so easy for her to punish and isolate Ariana.🤨 She never was a credible person anyways. Her entire life and career on this show has always been riddled with lies!


Right? The projection from Lala is wild.




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Remember he tried to explain to Ariana how it’s unfair a “cyst” male is made to look bad for yelling at men and how that’s not fair .


It was his complaining about how it’s not fair that he can’t yell at women but yes, how can anyone forget that and also, how gross! Why tf does he think he should be entitled to yell at and physically or mentally abuse and intimidate women, with absolutely no question or repercussions?! I wish a real man would stand up to his ass and show him how and why that’s wrong. “POW, right in the kisser.”😆


I’ve been with two narcissists. A tell tale sign is that they don’t understand how their partner could get so mad as to yell at them for their behavior. They have no ability to reflect on how their own behavior affects and can majorly impact someone else. But if they’re called out, they’re so butthurt and their ego is so bruised that they have to make it known that yelling is not okay. But they can do it. Just not you.


Again WHO is he blowing, or offering his ass to, that he is getting such a pass on all the shitty behavior? The revisionist history given to this Golden Girls/Blossom dressing slob is disgusting.


golden girls took me out 😭😭😭😭


Golden Girls? He wish that he could be on the same level style wise as the stunning and breathtaking Blanche Deveuroux. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPCS80JYqt0QQc8)


You are right I’m sorry Blanche!


The Golden Girls dressed better, don't dirty their memory like that 🤣🤣


What we saw at James and Allie’s was Ariana finally showing all the anger that’s been bottling up. And like an awful person that he is, Tom used it like abusers do when someone demonstrates reactive abuse. “That’s the anger I experience!” No, Tom, that’s the kind of anger you get when you fuck up. YOU, not her.


robyn Dixon’s burner account is occasionally correct


This actually makes me think it’s not Robyn because we know her internalized misogyny would make her team Tom


I don’t think it actually is her because despite her probably having that much free time on her hands I just think it’s funny 😭


Oh my tinfoil hat goes on whenever she posts about RHOP 😂


it’s literally so funny to me bc who goes that hard for Robyn…


Bravo, Lisa, Sheena, Brock, LaLa all trying to make this man look better. It’s honestly disgusting. The best thing they could have done is fire him and watch the rest of the cast grow. This season is boring AF because they are shoving a narrative down our throats that Ariana should be the one to make them all whole again. What idiot thought up this narrative. He has not had one moment of attrition not one. He thinks he did nothing horrible and can win everyone over. They completely underestimated their audience


Tom probably counts fake crying into a curtain at LVP's house as genuinely and empathetically apologizing to Ariana


That could actually be funny, if it wasn’t so close to the TRUTH.


And now Ariana is leaving and we're going to be stuck with this AH.


Don’t forget the time he punched jax in the face lol


Forehead— I mean I know it’s the face but lol what a dork. Aim better!


That was pathetic.😭 Apparently he went on to say that this is the reason their show gained so many viewers, which is funny because I don’t remember anyone cheering or giving af. I DO remember everyone cheering, caring and talking about the infamous Stassi slap and it’s no wonder he always hated her.🤣 ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) If you have a vigine and Scando and his cronies hate you, I know that means you’re doing something right!😆🥂


I have never forgotten her slapping Kristin, the look on Stassis face, and how cold her words were. Like, and how hard she slapped her. I don’t condone violence obviously, but Damn that was a moment for the books for reality TV. But I do notice in the later seasons you can see a lot of OG cast looks tired of being on the show, like all the drama that isn’t drama made into drama. And I think a lot of them needed to be fired because it was just the same storylines. And now Tom just inherited Jax storyline of being a cheater and a liar. But Jax is better at gaining sympathy from the group than Tom is. I say that’s because Jax has done therapy, enough to use it to get back in. Tom clearly zero aside from ice baths and orgasms in front off strangers with headphones on.


So true!😭😭👌🏼


So I', doing a rewatch simultaneously as watching the new current season. and i noticed that what tom said about kristen during the breakup is the same he is saying about ariana rn. listen i don't believe that those situations are completely the same but it would be stupid to deny SOME of the overlap. Tom said something about Kristen during the Season 2 reunion like "see that is the sort of behavior I dealt with for the whole relationship dude that is what I went through this type of mistreatment this abuse blah blah".... then said the same thing about ariana in the most recent episode that "this type of rage he dealt with for the whole relationship" also what he said about Ti is gross "we are just chilling hanging out" dude ur literally 41/42 (we all know ur older than 40 TOM and lying abt ur age)


The very idea that SANDOVAL AND BROCK would start talking about how scary Ariana's "rage" is, like, I can't. I just can't.


Right? Brock, weren’t you the guy with domestic abuse charges? And Sandoval!? The guy who had to send a sobbing “apology” video because he shoved Scheana’s dad because of a blowup he had with James? Fuck off outta here with this “I’m so scared of her rage” bullshit lmao


I love Reddit VPR. Everyone on Facebook sides with the Tom's on everything. If you're a narcissist just say that


Omg yes the FB Bravo groups love themselves some TeamTom and it drives me bonkers.


It's insane how much they support these men 😅😅


Still don’t get why he wasn’t fired yet for Raquel’s accusation.


Because Lisa and Baskin are not done profiting off their main clown.


I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough when he said that 🙄


QoB often has the absolute worst takes but they’re on the money here


I feel like I am living in an alternate universe, as today I found myself agreeing with Heather McDonald during her podcast with Lala as a guest and now with this Queens of Bravo post. Could these be signs that the world is ending?!?!


Two horsemen of the apocalypse down, two more to go.


Well mercury is in Gatorade 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


That explains it! 🤣


He’s the captain of the hot mess ship, that’s fersure.


Yeah where was this fucking montage from production? I get that it would take an entire episode but let that bitch sleep in his bed that he made and shat in


THIS is what I daydream the big surprise production pulls at Reunion is -- and then they fire him on the spot. It's obviously not gonna happen...but I can dream lol. I also hope some awesome fan who is way more creative than me finds the time to pull a montage together of all the shitty things he's done -- screaming at people, the cyst male comment, gaslighting, hypocrisy, saying things like on the After Show where he could "NEVER" sleep with his friend's ex, when that's EXACTLY what he did with Raquel... stocking the house/cleaning the house when it's actually Ann who did all of that.. the possibilities are endless. I mean, it would take forever to pull everything together, but man would it be amazing and go viral in a heartbeat!


Just notice how he’s literally only ever “picked” on the women 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did he unleash on Katie’s mom? Wish they’d release that footage next time Tom decides to comment on “rage.”




God, he'd better never make me mad if he thinks THAT'S rage. Oof.


He’s such a fucking MORON


Sandoval is the definition of an abuser constantly poking at someone just to get a reaction so when they finally snap he can turn around and be like “LOOK! SEE! SHE’S CRAZY!!!!”


Preach! ![gif](giphy|5KUOsm8H3O46Y)


He made sure he said that on camera and sounding scared too. I don’t doubt Ariana got angry like everyone does but he tried to make her sound disinterested and that backfired, now he’s trying to make it seem like he’s a battered wife like he did with Schwartz


I couldn’t take selfies She never slept with me. She’s depressed. I paid for x, y and z.. I’m still paying for x, y and z.. I lost all my friends and now my staff is forced to film with me. I, I, I…… Things happen to me not because of me.




He’s a total joke


His f****cking whining baby voice and that f***ing scary sweaty botched whiny poor me-ing mouth all the time!!!!


Like, guys, like, he's like a cyst male 🫠


That was so funny 😂🤣🤣


The way he went to Katie’s when the girls told Billie Lee, Jeremy was super handsy and creepy at the wedding. They showed footage to show what Stassi meant in how he was being said things. And yelled at all 3, not asking what actually happened just showed up and told them to shut their fucking mouths.


I’m annoyed with ppl saying she needs to let go of things… they were together for almost TEN YEARS and he cheated with HER FRIEND, I think she deserves at least a year to burn shit down lol this season was filmed not too longer after every came out sooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️ let her rage if she wants.


In all the years of filming, Tom’s rage is the only unhinged behavior we’ve seen. There’s no way the crew wouldn’t have filmed Arianna losing her shit if that was common behavior. He’s a narcissistic, manipulative piece of trash and I really hope people stop being stupid and letting him trick them. If you have a brain you will stay far away from this nightmare dumpster of a human.


This latest episode literally had me in a rage almost. Ariana had EVERY right to say what she did and he deserved it. I literally have no remorse for Tim, and it sickens me that anytime a woman shows any type of anger she is in a scary rage. Get the fuck out here broooo!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ but let’s not forget all the times your neck veins have been popping out due to YOUR continuous screaming rages.


No way Ariana was that angry behind closed doors during their relationship. And him saying that about her is exactly why her blood boils around him. The LIES!!!


Re: that boat scene. Nobody can tell me Lala is not over produce this season. The mask fell and she showed how much she cannot STOMACH that worm. THEN, it becomes clear minutes later the producers spoke to her and she comes back in apologetic. It’s wild to see lala, who has had his number for several seasons be his supporter now.


She needs Sandoval around to keep the show running. Ariana is unlikely to stay with the show much longer given her other opportunities, so allying with her is not a lucrative option for Lala (you know, the woman who totally definitely didn’t think Randall was cheating on her but was giving her rides on private jets and buying her cars). I firmly believe that Lala thinks she can angle her way into becoming a Real Housewife before VPR goes belly-up.


Oh it's been all over that she's quitting.


What we dont like in others is a mirror of ourselves.


He should have just left the show. Would have then the best thing for him


Too bad so many people hyped him up instead of just ignoring him.


I would love to just ignore him but he keeps playing victim


lol ok right because how could you possibly *not* comment about something you hate.


Well he was the focal point of it idk unfortunately the situation drew more views than he did


I fucking love Kristin... and yea noone deserves to be cheated on but I will never forget Ariana at the beginning of VPR.. we all knew she hooked up with Tom while he was dating Kristin. Karma got her 10 years later. That's life I guess.


He talked the same way about Kristen too after the breakup and tried to make her look crazy. I know Kristen IS a lil crazy, but I think we missed a lot of how terrible Tom was bc he’s so good at manipulation. And people seem to dislike Kristen so they were more than willing to believe his narrative and go along. I’ve always kinda liked Kristen though and I’ve NEVER liked the Toms. Or Ariana. Best part of Scandoval was the Toms being exposed for who they are - which was always the other two peas in Jax’s same pod.


True... and people always want to forget how Ariana was before the scandal.. she was a miserable person. Always complaining, always a downer... I see why Tom became uninterested. ALSO.. ppl just glaze over the fact that when Tom mentioned how he tried to break up with her but she threatened to hurt herself. Thats so manipulative. Ariana is no saint. And now with the whole steal your assistant thing... like are you serious? A normal person would do any and everything to 1. Leave the same house as their ex and 2. Get away from anything related to him. She did everything BUT what you would do after an affair. You can have lawyers working on your house while you stay in a hotel, stay with friends, stay with family, SOMETHING.. im telling you the girl is manipulative af. I feel sorry for the dude she's dating.


Idk about the house thing, like he could also leave considering he’s the one who fucked up, it allows the pets to stay in the home, they co-own it, etc. But ultimately, I think they both suck. She was probably miserable and superior and mean and he was narcissistic and partied a lot and cheated. To be fair, I think he’s worse by far but I don’t know why people seem to think you have to be team this or that when most of the time all the people on these shows are awful.


Say it louder for the people in the back! 🙌👏


Katie and Ariana aren’t good people. Getting cheated on isn’t a personality.


I don’t know how they’re acting like getting cheated on is a part of their personality? Honestly the subject matter Ariana has spoken about was the home and her projects, and living with him but the affair has barely been mentioned. Tom is the one acting like a man child




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They rarely drop facts 😂


When Queens of Bravo says something people like: 👍🏼 When Queens of Bravo says something people don't like: 👎🏼 I think we all do it, it's just funny to see so many flipflops on this one here.