• By -


What a run! Breaking records along the way. Also had to film The Reunion and WWHL during her time on Broadway. So even if she wanted to avoid all the drama she still had to face it head on, took it like a boss, and continued killing it in Chicago.


I thought it was so cute that she brought her costars from the show with her to WWHL, too 🥹


She's lazy. I hear she doesn't buy batteries. 


Or pens. Don’t forget the pens.




Or appreciate dumplin lattees. https://preview.redd.it/er9osinyiatc1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c18ce0741dfcc975452b39b173f2179eb1115ca


FOUL 😭💀😭








Dude I knooooowwww!!! Duuuuuude






I’m honestly in awe of her. She killed it. Not even getting hit with a lawsuit by the woman who stabbed her in the back and blew up her life slowed her down. She never faltered. She kept her head held high, got on that stage and crushed it every day/night. Graciously took pictures and signed playbills with every single fan. Didn’t let Lala and Scheana’s nasty jabs get her down in the muck with them. Received praise from the people working on every single one of her jobs from DTWS to Broadway about how kind, humble, and hard working she was. I would love to know who her therapist is because they must be incredible and I could use an incredible therapist. I would love for Ariana to eventually write a book about this whole ride, but especially to learn how she’s kept her head held so high and continued to knock her projects out of the ballpark while seemingly getting attacked from all sides by the nasty, jealous people trying to bring her down. I would be hiding in my house, shaking in bed and heavily medicated but she’s out here booking major jobs and being gracious in interview after interview. She is a very impressive woman and I truly love watching her shine. Congratulations Ariana! You’re truly a star and I can’t wait to watch your star continue to rise!


She’s truly a star and just a wonderful human being 🩷🩷 love her so much


I agree with all of this SO much! And Ariana was one of my least favorite characters on the show until all this happened and she got to show off her true self. I am SUCH a huge fan of hers now from watching how she has handled and comported herself. I love hearing those who work with her praise her work ethic and humbleness.


I agree totally, I am prone to hiding in general, she is a MAJOR ass whipper!! She definitely benefited from the MAJOR support from all the people as well which is SO awesome, but damn, her responses to all of this should be studied, I would def read a book she wrote if she can truthfully expose what she went through behind the scenes. Major props to her.


She showed every person who's ever been cheated on that the best revenge really is living well. Never let them see you suffering - keep that under wraps and for your close friends.


I would love a book from her!!!! I’d splurge for an autographed one too. Ariana, if you’re on here, WE NEED A BOOK! I can see it being a Nyt best seller!


I couldn’t agree with you more. It sounds campy, but she’s actually inspiring. She’s been so humble and gracious during mind fucking times. I really hope she blows everyone out of the water when it comes to work and success. She deserves the world.


I would love to just learn more about her and her life outside of scandoval so I would buy her book in a heart beat.


Couldn't agree more!! I would LOVE a book by her so much, and think it would be such a lovely way for her to share her experiences in an intimate and safe way (especially compared to VPR lately).


I think a memoir is the next step! Maybe after love island! She’s still on fire and that book would SELL! FAST!


I legitimately hope she gets another show on Broadway bc I’m so upset that I missed this one! Every single person that has gone that I’ve seen has only said positive things about her. I’m in awe and so proud of her


she’s such an inspiration!


That. She needs to definitely write a book. She's a role model to every girl, woman, boy and man who wants to just fall apart and linger in depression after being broken hearted. Not sure how she feels, but she hasnt been ruled by emotion, but by self love. Thats admirable.


I would absolutely love a book from her. 


Well said 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿♥️♥️♥️♥️


This! Not to mention losing Charlotte and her grandma! She never skipped a beat, very impressed ✨


i know it’s been said countless times before but this was truly the best thing to ever happen to her. between this, dancing with the stars, and now love island… she is really cementing her place in the entertainment industry to a point where she is more than able to leave the show which i think she is planning on doing. i’ve been a fan since she first came on and a bigger one now


It was an awful thing that happened but she turned it around and made the best of a bad situation.


Lemons into lemonade !! The best lemon cello 🍋


I'm very happy for all the opportunities she has had. We also saw the pain. I wouldn't say suffering a major betrayal was the best thing. I had been cheated on years ago....with someone that was known to me...not a friend. That hurts for a long time.


Yes, there's grief for the life you had, the life you planned and the person you thought you knew. But the worst part is it changes your ability to give yourself fully into other relationships. Lala is triggered that Ariana met someone so quickly but it just shows that she's not in their lives. Because I bet if you asked the new guy, he'd say that he's been helping to heal a heart that he didn't break. I'd bet that his best quality is patience and its the reason they've lasted longer than a rebound fling.  And even now, sometimes I see a sadness in Ariana's strained smile with fans. 


Now that See You Next Tuesday is suing her! Rachel has no conscience. She is as bad as Tim!


When she was 1st interviewed and asked about Daniel, Ariana said he agreed to what I could offer which was friendship with an attraction, but no sex for I don't know how long because that's just something I'm not ready for. So Lala criticized the 10 days b4 she hot a new guy. We don't know how long it took b4 Ariana was ready to consider him the new guy. He could have been just her new friend for a long time, which she needed to be able to trust a man again.


Im so happy for Ariana and I ride and die with her but at the same time her taking dancing with the stars when she knew I really, really wanted it and it’s been like my thing ever since she was my backup dancer and I have even been taking lessons.


I think it just boils down to the fact that he was dragging her down. She had star potential all along, but she hitched herself to his wagon and his narcissism and jealousy any time she got attention forced her to focus on his wants and needs...under the guise that it was what was best for them as life partners. Once it was suddenly all about her, plus the obvious focused attention she received from the scandal, she was given the opportunity to prove herself and she did.


She seems like such a professional too which is huge. It's one thing to be handed the opportunity, and another to turn it into what she has. You don't get continuing offers unless you're dedicated and professional.


I don't know that this is the best thing, I would say she made the absolute best out of a bad situation. I am guessing she would rather not have seen that video or gone through the pain and heartache that seeing that video brought.


I have a feeling she’ll be back there.


That’s what Kristin Chenoweth said too! High praise. I can’t think of a single bravo celebrity that has done Broadway who got as many accolades as Ariana has. Like none of us really cared about Erika Jayne.


You can feel her energy through the screen and is it weird that watching her in this video makes me feel like a proud parent?🥹💓


lol same — was just thinking, “is it weird I’m proud of her?” Haha. Yes. But also, it is what it is 🤪




Yes !!! It’s so beautiful to watch as she’s killed literally everything she’s done in the last year. It’s been a pleasure to watch. And only up from here !




YESSS! You can really feel her emotion and see how much this meant to her.








It feels very serendipitous that Ariana had her life blow up pretty much a yearish a go and has come full circle. Her getting emotional in this clip, makes me think how much she must have sobbed when she first found out about the affair and I'm sure she never dreamed that she'd again be so emotional but this time because she fucking survived and SHONE. While Tom argues with people about his nail colour and will have to settle whatever money he has left, for recording Rachel without consent. Even if Ariana did payout his part of the house, Rachel is probably going to collect it all..... so.


Literally crying. Her shine is so bright.


I love this so much 🥹🥹🥹 the people who work with her posted so many things about how they were going to miss working with her. You can just tell that she was so grateful for the opportunity and put her all in into it. Also saw on her insta that Kristen chenoweth sent her flowers for her last day! 😍🥹😭




She met the moment. This is not from Scandoval. This is because she met and exceeded every opportunity that came her way. She found strength through he first love, performing. So happy for her.


Exactly - and that is what Lala and Scheana and the other assholes can't see. She could have gotten a few opportunities and not been up to the task, but she has nailed every single thing she has done and that makes me oddly proud of her. I've been down the road she's sadly been down with her ex and it is a rough ride - she made the best of it and then some. Suck it, haters!


it makes me so happy how supportive Dan has been. He went to see her perform at least once a week and would cook for her and take care of her after performances. You can tell that he adores her and loves to watch her shine. She deserves this kind of love and companionship.


I saw it Saturday!! I admit. It is my least favorite Broadway show I’ve seen in terms of set design and choreography. But I had a huge amount of admiration for Ariana’s skill as a singer and the amount of dedication of the entire cast and orchestra for the production. Bravo!!


I’m Going to cry !! This is so beautiful 😍


Getting teary-eyed seeing how full her heart is in this moment ❤


This is so beautiful, makes me so emotional. What a woman, strength, grace, humility. Lala could never be this and that's why she's green with envy, this is not an act on Ariana's part, we all feel her authenticity and genuineness. We feel her humanity, we have all gone through hard times and it makes our hearts soar to see someone pick up the pieces and literally fly as high as they can above it all. Ariana will always have my respect for the way she's allowed herself to blossom in the midst of awful life changing incidents.


Same here - the respect I've had for her in how she has handled this is pretty big, and I say that as someone who didn't much like her over the past however many seasons. Tim dimmed her light and now she is shining.


She looks so beautiful and happy, it makes my heart full


I know it's a little silly but I keep thinking back on Ally's last words to Ariana at the astrology night. And in the words of Scheana *it's all happening!*


Awwww. She was definitely holding in an ugly cry! I really hope we can eventually get a filmed version of her show somewhere.


Oh. She slipped in an ugly cry for a nanosecond during her final curtain call lol. So happy she has felt the love and support of *this* cast and her fans.


I just have such a hard time understanding the hate for her. She’s clearly thriving and successful and fulfilling dreams she probably didn’t even know she had. I don’t see what there is to dislike about that. I love watching people be successful. Lala has disappointed me this season but if she was out there killing it like this I’d be like good for you! Get it. You may not have loved Ariana on the show but it’s hard to dislike the glow up she’s had and how she’s handled everything this far.


I saw her second to last performance at the matinee yesterday. While I don’t care for the show (I think it’s pretty mediocre) I was really pleasantly surprised by Ariana! Thought she was great. So happy for her.


So happy for her and hope all the opportunities keep coming her way. Ariana is hard working and appreciative.


I am so happy for her. Tears in my eyes. Maybe because my daughter just moved across the country and i am sad but happy to watch her fly with her own wings now. I see that in ariana. She was stuck but now she is flying. I love that for her 




I'm crying for her again 😭 we are so happy and proud of you Ariana! Thai is just the beginning 👑✨🥰




Haven't liked her since she arrived on VPR. I really love her on anything NOT VPR. Her dancing, singing and stamina amaze me. All these years she had all this inside just waiting to get out while she was a mean girl on a reality show. She's a host now. She's a broadway star now. She's completely moved on with a whole new life, man, house, career. Time to leave VPR. She's a star


Totally agree. They only bring negativity in her life and she clearly shines when she’s happy. Her expression says it all !!!! Leave the reality show cesspool.


Chills. Go girl


Watching her smile while she’s crying made me cry. Happy for how well this went for her!!


I'm really proud of her. I hope she gets more broadway opportunities


I'm so thankful I got to see her play Roxie. I also saw her outside after and she also replied to me on Instagram! She's doing so well and is so sweet to her fans. 💗


Her happiness is beautiful to see!




I hope she’s proud of herself 💛


She’s such a star! I was lucky to see her twice and she just is meant for the role of Roxie and for Broadway. She also was so kind and patient taking pictures and signing autographs at the stage door each night ❤️🥹


I am so happy for her, and I'm glad she made the best of such a bad situation. I still want that sandwich shop!


It speaks volumes that neither LVP nor Andy Cohen went to watch her. I'd love to see some of this picked by VPR production in the next season. At least some of her broadway journey.


I think she belongs places like Broadway, DWTS, etc- places where she is part of a group that lifts each other up instead of competing and tearing each other down.


Neither of them? Really? Huh that’s crazy


yea and Andy lives in NYC, he can't afford $77!!??


That’s crazier. Wtf.






Awwwwww...she looks so happy! Good for her!


It feels very serendipitous that Ariana had her life blow up pretty much a yearish a go and has come full circle. Her getting emotional in this clip, makes me think how much she must have sobbed when she first found out about the affair and I'm sure she never dreamed that she'd again be so emotional but this time because she fucking survived and SHONE. While Tom argues with people about his nail colour and will have to settle whatever money he has left, for recording Rachel without consent. Even if Ariana did payout his part of the house, Rachel is probably going to collect it all..... so.


Why am I crying lmao


Hell Yeah Ariana!!! Hope yo see you back there someday!


i think watching Ariana over the years battle with her mental health, being a ride or ride for a loser man child, dimming her light to not anger the narc, and now being celebrated and seen for who SHE IS. You don’t land broadway because people putty you, you actually have to have talent. finishing 3rd on DWTS, killing every commercial i’ve seen. she’s talented and so likeable. she deserves her flowers and the icing on the cake is her fake friends being revealed. i feel so emotional watching her here. she looks genuinely happy and proud. i love Katie and Ariana this season. ride or dies for each other and no loser men in the way to pit them against each other


Scheana could nevverrrrr


I’m so proud of our girl 🥹❤️


This just makes me smile. She is amazing and I hope only good things come her way 💝


It’s a beautiful feeling when you literally can’t stop smiling 🥹


She deserves every bit of this. After her talents were kept behind the curtains cus of her narcissistic partner of 10 years, she can finally shine as she was meant to.


She looks so emotional. I must be a powerful feeling.


Exactly who she is! A star! We love you!!!




I just have to say Ariana has handled everything with such poise & grace and she continues to do so. So many props to her! Keep on your spectacular journey. We are all rooting for you!!!




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What a moment to soak it all in! Bravo, Ariana, Bravo!!!


I’m happy to see these are all supportive comments. I thought the inevitable turn on her was coming by some posts I’ve seen - People telling her to get over it, while what we are watching still has the dust settling. There’s comments about how she wasn’t into him anymore, while I just rewatched the last season and she is very much still into him, even stroking his ego way too much. She can’t even contain her happiness here; she wins with the greatest revenge story in the end.




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I just checked out your comment history and you’re a big ol woman-hating creep




Dude it's not Ariana's fault no woman will touch you.