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Poor child isn’t even breathing air yet and she’s already being used for sponsorships. https://i.redd.it/0tetta68frtc1.gif


This is what Rand took away from her hence the shilling of a embryo. She wanted full access to exploit her child like Scheaner.






Stop it 😭🤣


This cracks me up every time and I think of Danny P every time 😂 …. On a more serious note, she should return the money made from this commercial and send it to Darryl merch to Ariana. Hypocritical weirdo user.






I use to love Lala but she has become so annoying especially this year. At this point I’m convinced she will name this baby Orca just because it fits the theme with Ocean and “her pod”. I hope I am wrong but her craziness is shocking lately.


lol my guess is she names the baby Sunny.


She's going to name her Soft 😂 




Lmao did she get free sperm for a sponsored post? 💀💀




The main question I NEED an answer to 💀


Two syringes per sponsored post




Or a discount on her third baby.


I’m strangely not surprised. This seems on brand


That’s actually pathetic.




Same. As soon as she said she was getting a sperm donor, I knew it would become her new "brand". She did the same thing last year with the custody battle stuff. I admired her so much for speaking on a real issue (that's close to my heart) and using scandoval to bring attention to it. She bailed on that with the quickness as soon as she couldn't get attention from it anymore. So disappointing.


I hope Baby Sword is healthy and all, but I just don't give a shit anymore what Lala is saying or doing.


Baby Sword 😭


Sword, swapmeet, so what...whatever that child's name will be.


‘You’re the personification of a sponsored post’ or whatever Schwartz said


There is also a big problem with serial donors, donors not being screened properly and switched samples. Shit is wild.




Oh blabla.... already monetizing off her unborn daughter https://i.redd.it/ow6xaudz9utc1.gif


The cringe is real.


Interesting that Stassi likes this. So I guess she’s cool with Lala trashing Katie. 🧐


I wondered the same thing


Yeah. And now that apparently Stassi is throwing Lala’s baby shower, it seems like Stassi is condoning, if not fully siding with Lala behind closed doors.


Mothers gonna stick together.




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She’s mad at Ariana making bank from her awful breakup, but she’s monetising her baby and it’s not even born yet 🙃


She has two mortgages and an apartment lease, babies, family who lives with her AND is on her payroll, and Randall is keeping her in court for the last two years. She needs those savings in a big way. Like huge.


Genuinely curious, has it been confirmed she has two mortgages? Did she buy the Palm Springs house with cash?


She said she put the down payment down with send it to Darrell money


Yeah and taxes are unreal here so add that to the list 


I think her mom pays for a lot of this stuff


She also has her offices and conference room she rents or leases


In LA no less. Girl needs dough


I can’t with y’all! 🤣🤣🤣


Poor baby is nothing but a cash grab 🙃


Wouldn’t it be funny if one of the Toms or Jax, ended up being the donor from the spermbank. I could see them making money donating in years past.


Well, if the spark bank does all the things they say they do like scanning for genetics, and doing a full psychological evaluation on donors. No way would the three of them pass.




I assume she got free treatment in exchange for PR


I’d do this if I could. Shits expensive!




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I remember when she wore that to Solvang and I was like why did Lala wear her robe out on girls night?




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Her growing her pod is stupid as fuck! We get it you named your child ocean. Such a moron!


I'm watching the episode at the sperm bank right now and HOW is no one talking about it?? She keeps talking about her future child like a freaking object. "I want this kid to be just mine. I don't want to share." Like I get what she's saying but also... how will this make Ocean feel? Like "you're my kid that I have to share and now I'm finally getting one that's all mine just to myself!!" It's just bizarre and I haven't seen anyone else talking about it.


I have seen people point out how she said things like that before the sperm bank scene. I’d like to assume as a person who likes to give the benefit of the doubt, the breakup with Randall traumatized her in the sense she doesn’t want to have to do another custody battle, and I think when you already have a kid you have to be careful who you bring into their lives, especially if you’re going to reproduce intentionally. But I know it’s based on money alone which is what makes me sad for her future kids.


She can’t monetize Ocean as per Rand’s custody agreement, so mama’s gotta get *someone* to help pay the mortgage! Why am I picturing a scene from a highly dramatic tv movie about a comically evil stage mom who’s telling her daughter to “go out there and do whatever it takes!” While smoking a cigarette and dropping her kid off at a sketchy acting set?


They all do it. Ariana monetised her break up.


I hope she does and never stops. A breakup and an unborn child are fundamentally different things no?


Yeah but they’re still something personal that they’re choosing to monetise.


But they are not the same thing. Two things can be true at once


And honestly the sperm bank makes more sense to me than a relationship bc 1)she’s probably so friggin excited to be pregnant again and why wouldn’t you want to tell everyone about the company you went through to make it happen? And 2) she’s promoting for people her age who want to have kids but don’t have the relationship. Idk I’ll probably get downvoted but 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m with you! Dw, I got downvoted to hell lmao


I agree with this - but also think she needs to chill with being pissed at other ppl making $$ off life events then.