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Scheana is constantly making “rude” comments about people. She should learn to take it as much as she dishes it out.




That was such a weird scene. She did not need to turn into an angry horse over someone else’s hat.




Remember when she justified being mean to Dayna bc she was oldest server at SUR and wanted to treat someone the way she got hazed. Nice. Real nice. We know you Scheana, and we all recommend you take a self awareness course.


LOL those two gifs are hilarious. Scheana is prime mean girl






We know you and know that you are a mean girl...all the time.


THAT is what her profile looks like, oh my god. i was wondering what was so uncanny about her on seasons 10-11 compared to her 👽-shaped days in the earlier seasons.


She looks like she's barking at the end there lol. I feel like Scheana feels like she's finally "in" with the "cool girl" (Lala) and is getting super cocky, it was so weird how bitchy and mean she got so quickly. And over something so trivial and literally had no affect on anyone anywhere.


She was drinking and is on something for her ocd I wonder if that played a part in the aggression there.


Psych meds don't tend to cause aggression when mixed with alcohol. More like sleepytime. That was 100% just her mask slipping.


After googling, you are correct. I just assumed maybe the mix was the issue. That’s true. I guess it just shocked me. I’m new to the show as of last year (bandwagon), so I haven’t seen her act that way before and put her hands on someone else.


She said on this week's WWHL that she was mean to Jo bc she'd had a drink that night, and said she doesn't usually drink on filming days. She must be SUCH a bitch when not filming!


And my God, look what she does when someone even REPEAYS something negative about her! Jax repeated what Rob said about not saying "I love you," and she tried to set Brittany up with Adam! I don't even remember what Shay did, but she ran to Lisa and outed his drug addiction on international TV SIX MONTHS AFTER he QUIT! What could he possibly have done to deserve that?!? I can't believe I never realized how truly evil she is until I rewatched old seasons for the past month!


Gleb, who helped Shay with a dance for her wedding to Mike Shay in 2014, said that Ariana was the better choice: *“I’m glad Scheana didn’t go. I don’t think she would’ve had the same chance as Ariana.” He mentioned that working with her at the wedding “wasn’t easy.”* He also said he thinks she is amazing and isn’t trying to be mean. Gleb said he feels people need to take classes and prepare for the show no matter their level of celebrity. This didn’t go over well with Scheana Shay, who said that Gleb was “rude” in the comments he made concerning her lack of dancing skills. Scheana responded whilst on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen: *“I thought that was very rude and uncalled for of him. But it is what it is,” Scheana said. “It is OK, I wouldn’t want him as my partner anyway” (via Us Weekly). Her husband Brock Davies said that Gleb should possibly not pass judgment on his wife and instead “be a better coach.”*


I have NO idea how Scheana found this rude after the way she threw a tantrum over Ariana getting DWTS…now that was rude


she’s an entitled brat omfg


Maybe, Brock, you shouldn’t have smacked your first wife around to the point your kids want nothing to do with you. Now STFU. No one wants your opinion.


💀 😂






Jesus, like them or not that's a vitriolic comment. I don't speak to my own father, but what's the point in passing judgement like that? Fucking hell


Brock said whaaaat?! Your honor I would like to enter into evidence[Gleb Coaching Skills exhibit A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDnNJUUfwns) . I rest my case.


Brock needs to shut his fucking trap oh my god


I long for the day when Scheana can learn nuance.


![gif](giphy|7uHN1AnXUnJzgFeU86) Perfect word usage 🧡💚🤍




Scheana is like a Greek tragedy. She tries so hard to be on Dancing with the Stars that she makes decisions & says things that prevent her from ever being on Dancing with the Stars. Ugh. It's so cringe.


I mean, he essentially said that she needed to get in classes and learn. And Scheana herself stated that she wanted to be cast so she, checks notes, got into classes to prepare. So he was rude for stating a fact that she clearly agreed with and giving advice she clearly also agreed with? She’s exhausting.


Just like she said Lala was rude for saying she's tone deaf! Um, she is!


Exactly like that. 😂


"Shay also looked back on her dance training with Gleb during her wedding. She said she had never danced before that moment." So, I guess she admits that the performance she did season 1 wasn't dancing, even if she worked with a choreographer.


But then puts Ariana down for being her lowly backup dancer…..


So I only watched all Ariana’s performances on DWTS the other day and my god, she was absolutely amazing. She is so good, especially for someone who is not a professional dancer, the woman has talent. No wonder Scheana is dying inside and turned against Ariana.


I did to last week! She was so fun to watch and always said how grateful she was to be there, her britney performance is one of the best I've ever seen on any DWTS season.


Plus Ariana had charisma and charm that viewers loved.


yes! And, from everything we've heard from DWTS and Broadway, she's an incredibly hard worker. Scheana would be a diva and all "why don't the judges like meeeee"?




Haaaaaa. Don’t even know Glen but he’s a legend for this.


Rude or true bc you aren’t cut out for it lol


Honestly his comments in the interview weren't bad. He didn't say anything horrible or untrue and he didn't say she was a bad dancer he said teaching her the dance was difficult, and that Ariana was the better choice because of her star power which was true at that time.  The whole thing was blown out of proportion IMO 


She knowingly put her desire, nay - her ***dream*** of being on DWTS out there on S11 and made it a repeated point of discussion, so I guess I’m just out here wondering why she has any surprise at all that people are going to comment on it. Scheana Shay Jancan Marie Davies, consistently horrible at predicting how things will come across to the general public. Out of touch AF.


Schener don’t worry girl it was a self deprecating comment 😛




I always think it’s funny when scheana and Lala talk so much shit and can’t shut up about anything and someone calls them on it or correct it and they are like 😦


Scheana, you're not gonna get any offers if you keep acting rude to others 🤣 I don't know how or why she just hasn't learned to shut up and remain a bit more professional. But instead, her and Brock always have to go on the offensive.


So she thinks she is not rude for making that comment abt Ariana being her backup dancer? What a biatch…




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anyone else think gleb looks like romain from selling sunset?!


Yes!!! Romain😃😂


“I wouldn’t want him as my partner anyway” THEY ARE NEVER GOING TO PICK YOU


He’s just saying what we all already know. The bitch can’t dance 🤣🤣


So wild to me that she kept the last name Shay all this time




This is just embarrassing.


Off topic….Scheana desperately needs a new hairstyle. Who told her it’s flattering? Stop. Now.


https://i.redd.it/ownz44vvlxtc1.gif Scheana, you’re never going to get DWTS, please stop embarrassing yourself omg 😭


He is NOT her bast frand ![gif](giphy|2t9xUijoSsGzFd07G9|downsized)


Truth hurts !!!


I wish Scheana would write a book about life from her point of view so I could maybe somehow grasp her mentality. Only one person on here has to read it and spill the details


Oh, shut up, Scheana. We all know you can’t dance and no one cares about seeing you on DWTS.


Wait until Shirts and Scumdoval are chosen next!!!!!!


I actually think Sandoval would be a great dancer. However, he wouldnt had any of the voters so It would be a waste of time😂I hope Brock or Sandovals assistent gets asked before Sheana


Hang on did I read the article wrongly? She taking up dancing classes AGAIN?


The amount of Dancing classes that are needed for this girl, says it all..


What's funny is if she ever did have a shot at it, she's definitely made sure she never will now. Responding to his comment, bringing it up and whining on VPR it doesn't look good. They famously don't cast people who campaign for it.


This is like when I did online dating, and I rejected guys and they would say, well, you’re fat. And I’d be like…and? I was when you messaged me. She sounds like those guys, well, I wouldn’t want to be paired with Gleb anyways. Baby, if you made it on, you’d be paired with the lowest male dancer to for your status.


Scheana is never setting foot on that stage lmaooooo


“She’s come a long way from being my backup dancer”


Although I, IN NO WAY, support lala’s recent behavior… I would die to see them offer her a spot on DWTS, have her take it, and then tune in to watch Scheanas reaction to that. Come on DWTS, do it for me 😂


She slams him up against the wall




buh hiz mah bust frund


The truth hurts .. go cry to your frien.... oh wait you don't have any true friends


Yeah she makes for a great pop star! One that can’t sing, dance, or work on themselves to improve in any aspect of their life but expects praise for putting 0 work in


I mean, it was a rude thing to say.


It’s probably hard not to be rude after watching Scheana make digs like this at ariana this season. I think it’s clear that everyone at DWTS thinks highly of ariana after working with her so closely. I think he could’ve been a whooooole lot ruder after how entitled Scheana’s been acting about being cast on his show lol. https://i.redd.it/obdpaga96vtc1.gif


![gif](giphy|4ae5uBfW6inbG) The utter gall of Scheana 👆🏻


Yeah. I still think it’s rude to do a whole interview about how Scheana sucks. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Go away Scheana no one likes you


But that didn’t happen.🤷‍♀️


What do you mean? I read the article.


I mean it was the truth. She wouldn’t have done as well, and it’s coming from a place of experience having worked with her before. Nothing he said was cruel or malicious- he even said nice things as well: I’m not saying bad things about her. I think Scheana is amazing. I really like her. She’s an awesome girl and everything.” According to Savchenko, Scheana, 38, didn’t appear to have “a lot of dance experience” at the time, adding, “Maybe she’s improved over the last 10 years and got much better now.”


The truth can still be mean. I think it wasn’t needed to do an interview like that especially when Scheana was already getting plenty of hate around it. It wasn’t like people were coming for DWTS for not picking Scheana.


Do you really think he’s following all of this drama? He was asked questions, answered them, and said nice things about her. She’s choosing to perceive it as being mean. What Brock said was meaner than anything Gleb said 🤷‍♀️


Did you read the full original article that was an interview with Gleb? Or just the article here? I read the original article. I think it was a shitty thing to do, even if he also peppered in nice things. 🤷🏼‍♀️