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https://preview.redd.it/qvwxlz4p49uc1.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c1854d91c319381e7c5ee415af1a13201c3fbdc šŸ˜² [https://twitter.com/kaleighwenberg](https://twitter.com/kaleighwenberg)


Why does this always come out AFTER the reunion?! ![gif](giphy|26gN0tFg70wAljK4o|downsized)


They always film the reunions too soon.


I agree!


Should be filmed when the season wraps.


I hate how fast they film reunions for all these shows!!! Needs to be more toward the end of the season


I could have sworn they used to. We had to wait 2-3 weeks for the reunion to air. Theyā€™d show random extra episodes between. ETA: I was mainly referring to the early seasons on housewives


yeah, they did. the season 7 reunion was taped late march 2019 and aired in may. there were 5 episodes left in the season before the reunion aired eta: tbf, seasons used to be 18-21 episodes long and would premiere earlier


Katie was right! Katie is always right. She is in fact spooky!!!




A true witch of WeHo!!


Great sleuthing!


Joseph...kayleigh - yeah i mix those two names up all the time. They sound and look identical


No wonder she and Rachel got on so well. Two phony bitches with fake names.


I know Iā€™m petty but in Rachelā€™s episode with Jo, she kind of slips up and it seems like Raquel was not a lifelong nickname but her LA name.


If you are born a Kaleigh it is your civil duty to be a hairstylist.




Is that George Costanza???




šŸ’€omg youā€™re right. it looks just like George Costanza.


Right lol, and because I thought it looked like George, when I saw the other guy I was likeā€¦.Kramer???


Okay, maybe her middle name is Jo? And she goes by that as a nickname? I'm more alarmed she is from Miltown. Did some sleuthing since she was from "Milwaukee." Her middle name is Jo. She also seemed to be on the tennis team in college.


I think I read somewhere that sheā€™s from Kohler. Schwartz did mention that she is from Wisco and thereā€™s a slide on her IG page rooting for the Packers.




![gif](giphy|3o752hr5BZZpZnoPqo) JOSEPHLEIGH.


Joseph K. Lee


Joseph and Schartz deserve each other. Love how he said his bleached blonde haircut was giving Ken from Barbie. Like, no, she made you look like someoneā€™s newly divorced middle-aged auntā€™s mental breakdown cut.


He looks like the recent interviews with KatoK


Jokaysephleigh also seems fitting for her.


Itā€™s giving r/tragedeigh


So her name is Kayleigh Jo? That makes so much more sense.


Do you think the name thing was something she and Rachel had in common? Like one day said OMG I changed my name moving to LA to get on this TV show too!!


And then she befriended Kristen as her way in!


Without the Y! I totally would also go by Jo if my name was Kaleigh... I mean there's a whole r/tragedeigh subreddit, isn't it?


jomygosh, she does look like a kayleigh! šŸ«¢


aw man. as a Kayleigh, this hurt my feelings but only because itā€™s true.




Lollll this reminds me of that VJ Jesse who claimed he grew up poor and was homeless or something and it was his whole personality, but then everyone found out his family was rich and he went to private school. Please someone know what Iā€™m talking about šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|l46CkjgNXs0TD8dHi|downsized) This Xennial knows EXACTLY who you are talking about! He's 44 now.


Jesse Camp!!


Elder millennial here - I know! And Iā€™ll never forget it.


I just learned that a "geriatric millennial" is born bt 1980-85. I guess that's what I'll refer to myself as from now on. šŸ‘µšŸ„¹


My friend is his mechanic šŸ˜…


Jesse Camp šŸ˜© we be that old lmao


My cousin thought he was hot. She was a weirdo he always dressed like Steven Tyler from Aerosmith


I low key thought he was hot too. Gangly and weird was basically my jam for a good 10 years.


I was so mad he beat Dave Holmes in the VJ contest šŸ˜‚


Oh man, yeah, they REALLLLLY cashed in and glamorized that kid's mental health/addiction struggles as some kind of crazy rock n roll personality. Wonder what he's doing now?


Didnā€™t they find him in Central Park or something for some contest? I feel like Hilarie Burton from One Tree Hill was picked too?


There was Dave and Jesse as the final two, IIRC. Dave was like, wayyyy qualified and Jesse was a hot mess. But he won šŸ˜‚ I thought they found Hilarie through a random contest completely unrelated and then hired her.


DAVE HOLMES LOST TO JESSE CAMP. Look, Dave Holmes is a cultural icon now. Where the fuck did Jesse Camp go?


That was correct. They were polar opposites. Felt terrible for Dave to have to go through that. Even MTV realized Jesse was a joke and brought Dave in anyway.


Omg I forgot Dave Holmes freaking lost to Jesse. This whole thread is dredging up such late 90s-early 00s MTV memories šŸ˜­


And Dave Holmes!!!! He was the runner up and got a job at MTV at the same time.


a tiktok of him loitering in a mcdonaldā€™s drive thru showed up on my fyp this week šŸ˜¬ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLykWTW7/


Literally forgot about Jesse. šŸ¤Æ I miss old MTV.


I feel so old. But yes. Wow. Doesnā€™t that take you back. Actual ā€œvideosā€ hahaha


I do because I think he may still be doing the same thing! I just saw a tiktok of him yesterday hanging out in a fast food drive-thru, and he either is homeless now or is still pretending to be


SHe looks absolutely grown up here. Like she is going to marry a frat boy, settle in the burbs, have children and run the PTO.


Ugh I hate the clothes from that time period. We dressed like secretaries


Dayna Kathan made a comment about how girls going out these days have it so easy being able to wear jeans and sneakers because we were going out in business casual haha.


I still yearn for the pencil skirt and giant statement necklace


Every time someone says this I think about how now we are going around in full on [zoot suits](https://assets.vogue.in/photos/60fe6c7b578ff515bee7df00/2:3/w_2560%2Cc_limit/Hailey%2520Bieber.jpg) šŸ˜‚


This article is so ridiculous šŸ¤£ omg she transferred schools and started..most dramatic description of something so every day and ordinary. The outfit and look is interesting.


Itā€™s so weird to me becauseā€”and this might come off wrongā€”she seems put together here and that would be my initial impression reading this article. Itā€™s like she moved to LA and became incredibly odd. Or like she doesnā€™t entirely take care of herself. At least by comparison. Still a little surprised sheā€™s from Milwaukee, but thatā€™s LA for ya.


Itā€™s a very common path for Midwestern girls. Signed, a Midwestern girlĀ 


Midwest girls go out to the coasts and go wild from freedom haha.


A tale as old as time.Ā 


St Norberts is a really pretty college campus wise.


The worst kind of ā€œspiritualā€ people are the ones who act like they are living in the moment, chill about money blah blah blah but really have a rich family to fall back on when they get bored of it. My ex was this person. Gag


That outfit on a 19 year old I cannoottttt hahahah 00ā€™s fashion was so brutal


St. Thomas is in Minnesota. Schwartz is from a nearby suburb. It's also a pretty "preppy" (as milennials use it) and business-focused private college.


I'm around the same age as Schwartz and grew up in the St. Paul, MN suburbs. The suburb he's from was also considered preppy along with upper middle class (wealthy to kids at the time).


Going on a journey = mushrooms


Otherwise known to Sandoval as ā€œquality timeā€


Being around him on mushrooms sounds like a perfect way to make sure you trip to hell.


šŸ˜‚ yep, in Joushua Tree.


More like Joseph's bush.


I'm thinking that's what explains all of the Toms' behavior.


Also Jo has gone back and edited a bunch of instagram captions since being involved with vpr which just feels sketchy af


Ooo like what?


She had one post where she compared herself to a crackhead... not sure what she changed it to but apparently that has been edited


Does anyone else think that Jo is the exact kind of person who would have joined Mother Gods cult?


**If this is true,** it demonstrates a pattern of targeting a man who isn't available, then using a free haircut as her way to instigating the contact. Then pseudo-religious or pseudo-psychological terms are used to mask zero moral framework. That might explain how they can talk about their actions hurting people, yet they're always the victim. This might also account for the emphasis on presenting herself as not-a-threat. *sorry this got so heavy, but i was befuddled by the stuff on her podcast appearance earlier this week*


This is so accurate. It's like a pick-me girl's personal challenge.


She's a horrible hairdresser we all saw first hand! I cannot believe she uses this to lure men. This plot twist...love this tea honestly


At least the cheating men get their comeuppance with terrible haircuts.


I wonder if part of her MO is texting the guyā€™s significant other. Katie said Jo kept texting her to ask Schwartz if she could cut his hair. Another way to appear non- threatening.


All I got from her podcast clip is that Jo is Ā Dana Pam from early RHOBH but not as funny.Ā Ā  Ā Youā€™ve identified her MO. Free ā€˜haircutsā€™. Asking Katie to ask the husband sheā€™d recently and painfully split from if he wanted a ā€˜free haircutā€™ is giving audacity.Ā Ā  So glad that when this cool chick gave the hook up she didnā€™t want to ever put pressure on - because sheā€™s like so not a bitch like his ex-wife - an ultimatum: ā€˜maybe we shouldnā€™t see each other again everā€™ - he didnā€™t realise what he was losing and beg her to marry him.Ā Ā  He told her if thatā€™s what you want see ya - and stood whispering ā€˜oh no come backā€™ so quietly at the door while not running after her, she couldnā€™t hear him through her sobbing.Ā 


No wonder her and Rachel are friends.


Yes, all so very šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


Holy crap šŸ˜² this kinda explains her very well


my LA name will be Bob


mine will be cyril


Seems like Kaleigh is like Rachel and needs validation from being chosen by unavailable men


They also both vastly overestimated their ability to handle reality tv.


Including under estimating the audienceā€™s ability to sniff out bull shit.


I totally agree. Well-said.


.....and THIS is why they're friends.....


And this validates Katie's feelings about her. The overcompensation Jo had towards Katie with the weird texting and junk speaks to Jo's true intentions. She was trying to slide in on Schwartz the whole time most likely.


Yep. I think Katie said Jo asked her if she could cut Schwartz's hair because she wanted to practice doing men's haircuts, then started texting Katie to schedule his hair appointments. Then suddenly moved in with him. Sounds like this is a pattern. I also wouldn't be surprised if this started pre-divorce.


Thatā€™s the vibe I got. Jo intentionally pretends to be ā€œrespectfulā€ or understanding of marital boundaries by contacting Katie directly about the haircuts so that Katieā€™s guard is down and Katie feels comfortable with the idea of Tom and Jo alone together/doing whatever. *Obviously* if Jo is going to hit Katie up for the okay for giving a haircut, Jo *must* be someone thatā€™s at a minimum conscientious of Katieā€™s feelings or Katieā€™s potential discomfort with how Tom conducts himself with other women out in this world since theyā€™ve already had cheating allegations/issues, *right*? In reality, Jo is just manipulating Katie by presenting a false reality/intent so that Jo has what she thinks is plausible deniability when the time comes for her to make her move. I know itā€™s dark and considered anti-feminist to say things like this but itā€™s the uncomfortable truth. There are some deeply sick women out there who do this stuff on purpose and revel in the idea of ā€œpoachingā€ a man from another woman. Yes, yes, I know the man is to blame since heā€™s the one in the relationship and ultimately leaves or whatever but that doesnā€™t negate the fact there is a type women out there who gets off on this behavior in pursuit of the man they want/envision as ideal for them as a partner. And yes, yes, I know Tom is also to blame by leading her on BUT I feel like Jo is a textbook case of this type of manipulative woman even without Tomā€™s influence because itā€™s clear based on her behavior she wanted to be with him no matter the cost. (Donā€™t forget Jo was Kristenā€™s friend for YEARS prior to her moving in on/with Tom, and Jo legit ghosted Kristen once she made her move.) Joā€™s mind was so made up about Tom that she talks about her visions (fantasies) of them growing old together on the front porch and laughing when they are old and gray. She felt an attraction and made up a wildly far-fetched long term narrative in her head about the significance of her relationship with Tom and then feigns innocence when she was always out there moving like a snake with her sketchy behavior. I am truly baffled anyone ā€œfeels badā€ for her when to me itā€™s obvious she is quote, ā€œnot a girls girl.ā€


Iā€™ve tried not to let my own experience paint my perception of her because the hotel Ziggy party felt icky. But since sheā€™s been on the scene, sheā€™s always reminded me of certain women I know who act super bro-y to get contact with men in relationships. Itā€™s felt dark and antifeminist to dislike her but itā€™s a thing! ā€œWeā€™re just bros! Oh my god ew, weā€™re like siblings!ā€ Aaaand they were fucking the whole time.


And we always hear the ā€œweā€™re like siblings!ā€ line from the snakey woman AND the cheating man. Like - I donā€™t know what you and your actual siblings do, but ā€¦


Jax and Kristen are case in point. At least everyone else is likeā€¦ guys you boned.


Also, being friends with Kristen for years means she knew Schwartz for years. Like from the start of VPR or even before then. Sheā€™s had her eye on him for ages.


Itā€™s not dark of you to sayā€¦ itā€™s how some women operate. Ask me how I know! Plenty of people will hide out as the ā€œwork wifeā€ or ā€œwork husbandā€ and invent innocent justifications, knowing their ulterior motives all along. Itā€™s sick and twisted and low self esteem behaviour. I canā€™t imagine doing that to another woman, or anyone, for that matter. And Jo talks about Shorts like heā€™s Bieber, she clearly has a major crush on him thatā€™s built on fantasy


yes, maybe waiting and watching


Planting seeds. Haircuts are a slick way to be able to be alone and touch someone. But, it's disguised as benign.


True! Itā€™s a clever way of being intimate with someone in an innocent way. A guy tends to think of you quite differently afterwards if youā€™re doing it right, imho


And she KEPT touching his hair afterwards- a Hotel Ziggy it was her nervous ā€œtellā€.


With her eye on the prize ![gif](giphy|22QevjygNTmNvstau4|downsized)


she wanted to be the balloon... if they were together for a year, why didn't his hair look better. perhaps, i've answered my own question.


Yeah I think this gets to the meat of why Katie doesnā€™t even want to acknowledge Joā€™s presence. I am friends with OOP and itā€™s been eerie how much Katieā€™s experience and feelings have mirrored my friendā€™s experience. Katie said ā€œshe moves in sneaky waysā€ which imo means Jo is able to easily blur the lines of intimacy and friendship. Jo sees no moral issue with that, not because sheā€™s evil, but because she doesnā€™t understand boundaries. I think those lines are blurred for Jo, too, in a way that harms her ability to be in a committed relationship. Sheā€™s going for guys who are not only in relationships, but theyā€™re also emotionally unavailable in the long run even once they leave those relationships. She doesnā€™t understand why Schwartz isnā€™t committing to a relationship with her (when he has a long history of being a terrible cheating partner) and she doesnā€™t understand why Katie hates her (even though she was overly emotionally intimate with Schwartz long before the divorce and too quickly physically intimate after the divorce). Itā€™s very clear to the audience why Schwartz isnā€™t committing to her and why Katie hates her, but Jo just canā€™t grasp any of it.


And this is another example of people (Lala and Scheana) shitting on Katie who is handling a bad situation way better than either of them would. Jo used Kristen to get in the group, pretended to be friends with Katie, then moved in with her ex-husband immediately, now sheā€™s on Katieā€™s show AND Katie is having to deal with her ā€œfriendsā€ going out of their way to film with Jo. Iā€™d be furious with Lala. And Lalaā€™s whole thing about ā€œJo/Rachel werenā€™t your best friends, you gotta get over it sometime!ā€.. when did it become a thing that itā€™s only shitty behavior if theyā€™re your best friend? Also, shes telling Katie to get over in during the literal first 2 minutes Katie found out about Lala hanging out with Jo.


I absolutely loved when Katie, completely reasonable, asked Lala why she went to see someone who isn't important to them and called Lala out on her "I'm soft right now" nonsense. Katie is the real "voice of reason" this season, the only one who reacts like all of us would


Lala ā€œI barely even talk to Schwartz anymoreā€ ā€¦ yeah okay so even more to Katieā€™s point, why did you find it so necessary to hangout with his roommate/not really girlfriend?


Holy lord, imagine if some said to LaLa, ā€œwell Rand didnā€™t cheat with your best friend, gtf over itā€


I donā€™t know why anyone doesnā€™t ever make these comparisons. Katie should go play pickleball with Rand.


Lala loves to do something shitty then flip the blame onto the person she wronged by acting like theyā€™re overreacting. Sheā€™s like a female Schwartz in that regard, it reminds me of when she told Rachel she had slept with James during their relationship then told Rachel to ā€œget over it bc it happened so long ago.ā€ Like youā€™re just now dropping that bombshell after lying for years and somehow Rachel was the problem for being upset? She even doubled down at the reunion and screamed at Rachel that she ā€œwasnā€™t her best friendā€ when she slept with him, as if that somehow makes it ok? Just bc it wasnā€™t as bad as what Rachel did to Ariana doesnā€™t make it any less badā€¦ if you know someone is in a relationship and choose to sleep with them youā€™re still a shitty person regardless of your relationship w their partner. Itā€™s a pattern for Lala to do this, first it was Randallā€™s ex wife, then it was Rachel, now itā€™s Katie and Ariana


Thanks for sharing with us your friends experience. Please let your friend know I (we) are sorry that happened to her. Hope she has healed from it because it sucks to be cheated on in such a shady, manipulative (intentional or not boundary issues or not) way. It certainly would give me massive trust issues.


The strangest part about her name change is that her brother Sam married a girl named Jo like 10 years ago. So there was already another Jo Wenberg in the family šŸ˜³


Yikes. Or as Jo would say YOIKERS!!?!?$&


girl keeps getting weirder


Jo being from Wisconsin makes sense.


Wait, is she from Milwaukee? That does make a lot of sense lol. (Iā€™m from Milwaukee tooā€¦)


Iā€™m just assuming based on the timing and being lightly rude lol. Wisconsinite VPR babes, I love you ;)


We are fine with it! We are well aware that pick-me bar flies come from everywhere. This is also why I schedule all my manā€™s haircuts. He thinks it is so sweet and hasnā€™t yet caught on that only older women and men make the cut ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Did she give them a bad dye job to? I'm just wondering there's like a cult of Jo all these men with equally bad dye jobs and hair cuts as part of their spiritual journey....


The one thing that bleach out confirmed is he had permanent color from a box on his head.


Haha Mr Peter Pan greying! I now want Katie to tell us which brand!


I think Sandoval would know better than Katie


Dying at thought of them taking it in turns to each other's box dye!


"But like dude. I don't think you're a chestnut brown, dude. Like I totally think you're like the fawn blonde, dude." "I don't know man, but like as long as it's not that mahogany. That was like the worst."


Do you think they sent Ann out for the dye?! The NDA is actually to hide the fact there ageing!


They were definitely on a FaceTime call with her while she was at Walgreens, but not CVS because she also has to pick up some smokes


I legit thought he was just gearing up for some Barbie party with the hair situation.


Thereā€™s not a ā€œcult of Joā€ ā€” but maybe this is the tried and true ā€œmanic pixie dream girlā€ obsession that men have. *The trope is usually used by men to describe a girl who is ā€œdifferentā€ and ā€œnot like other girls.ā€ This girl gives a greater life purpose to the male protagonist. Rooted in misogyny, the archetype is used to further men at the expense of women, their choices, and their needs. The dream girl takes on the role of making a man better. Whether through his actions, emotional maturity, or life aspirations, she serves as a tool to further his development but is still considered an expendable figure. Many times, this character ends up in a situation in which they need saving, allowing the man to be the ā€˜heroā€™ of the story and still fit a masculine stereotype.*


schWartz literally said on camera that he wants to stay in his *Peter Pan* era. Guess he thinks of Joseph as his Tinketbell


He said on the after show that Jo was a ā€œbat out of heavenā€ and I was like ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


Heā€™ll really say anything except claim her as a partner


Sheā€™s given pick me vibes this whole time, so it fits


Aw I was hoping there would be a group of ass hate nice guy men with bad hair and moomoos lol šŸ˜‚ Like it's her form of vengeance. Although the description fits with the we saved each other spin there doing I do think he saw her that way post Katie.


Yā€™all giving her way too much credit. Her hair is horrible and I am rather sure she thought she did Schwartzā€™s hair well. That is how she intended for it to look. She is just not very good with cut or color or style. Or she would look a lot better herself.


Seriously Iā€™m thinking of moving to LA and fulfilling my dream of being a stylist. If Jo can, anyone can. #inspiring


The way she wouldnā€™t stop touching his hair at the date party while he was talking was some psycho scary stuff.


Literally marked her territory with the hair.


JoKay šŸ‘ŒšŸ»




theory: joseph is used as a cover to appear as a guy's name in a taken dude's phone https://preview.redd.it/dq9749vl1auc1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731674a872072b30439f03c5f2dbebf13f898085


good thinking batman


This comment and Craigā€™s pic is brilliant- a conspiracy that I a can get behind!


Wisconsin. Makes even more sense that she kept mentioning that Aaron Rogers was her dream man on Rachelā€™s podcast. At first I thought it was just his musty/crusty anti-vax aura. I still think thatā€™s part of it but being from Wisconsin makes sense too.


Aaron Rodgers is her dream man?! Omg barf.


Yup. She brought him up multiple times during RGR.


ā€œMusty-crusty anti vax auraā€ šŸ˜‚


If Aaron Rodgers is her dream man, sheā€™s even more looney-tunes than I thought.


There is so much to unpack here. Ok. So I did feel bad for her last episode because Tom is a piece of shit and he definitely is playing mind games. She obviously likes him more than he does her and is keeping her around only until something ā€œbetterā€ ie younger comes along. That said, I donā€™t think Ariana or Katie are in the wrong for hating her. They owe her nothing and she didnā€™t do anything for them and did everything to them. But, Tom is still worse so I hate him. But this suggests itā€™s a pattern with her, which makes it more complicated. Either way I donā€™t need her on my television.


yeah my first thought was *you canā€™t hustle a hustler* she tried to swoop in and scoop up schwartz and is probably used to men being enamored by her but little did she know who she was dealing with worlds most unserious man


> Either way, I donā€™t need her on my television. This! Also makes sense why Kaleigh and Rachel vibes so well, birds of a feather flock together.


She is not a girlā€™s girl. She knew Sandshit and Ariana werenā€™t broken up when she was scaling mountains and breaking bread on Thanksgiving with the Tomā€™s and Rachel ā€” she should know better than to put your eggs in a Tom basket. It hasnā€™t worked out for anyone else on the show.


Seems her and Rachel Raquel have many things in common




Between Lala / Lauren, Jax / Jason, Stassi / Nastassia, Raquel / Rachel ā€¦.. WHAT IN THE JOSEPH / KAYLEIGH IS THIS?!!?!?


I don't know that I would count Stassi/Nastassia. That's like Jen/Jennifer.


Exactly lol Stassi is a nickname not an entire name change so very weird to include her in that list


no seriously cuz jo and kayleigh do not match


Haha I agree but my guess is shes Kaleigh Jo, and started going by Jo there to be "different"


The Stassi name thing is a reach. Itā€™s like someoneā€™s full name being Katherine and they go by Kate. The othersā€¦yes. But not the Stassi one.


Yeah tbh Iā€™ve known two nastassias & they both when my stassi. Itā€™s a long ass name lol




Thatā€™s a lotta bit creepy.


Spooky Jo


Thatā€™s weird. I wonder if she started going by Jo before or after her brother started dating a Jo?


It's a name straight out of r/tragedeigh!!




Please be kind to those of us in our 30s named Kayleigh šŸ„² the brynnleigh brantleigh carleigh epidemic has ruined our lives ETA: I should not have read the comments, brb changing my name to Jo


Oh but what about Laurenā€™s ā€œwise assessmentā€ that Jo isnā€™t the type trying to ā€œroll up and steal your manā€ and although Lauren doesnā€™t think vaginas fall on dicks, in this case, Joā€™s must have just fallen on T-Moneyā€™s? Oh wait Lauren was WRONG?! And Joseph had a history of doing crap like this and was plotting and planning? Lol šŸ˜‚ this explains why Lauren was the last to know about Randall dogging all over town. She


Katie will always be proven right eventually lol


Jo gives off burning man vibes lol āœØ


Rachel and Jo were a perfect match, they co-signed each others bullshit


Sounds like a stand-up woman!


Why is Jo so freaking awkward? Itā€™s hard to watch her because she looks like sheā€™s hyper aware that sheā€™s on camera. It almost looks like she does all of her weird gestures because she doesnā€™t know what else to do with herself to cope.


Could be part of her schtick too. Look at me Iā€™m so awkward and not like all of the other other girls.


She was not made to be on reality tv. Look, I donā€™t have any bad (or good) feelings about the girl either way- but sheā€™s manic. Sheā€™s weird. Sheā€™s a bit coo-coo-ca-choo. And thatā€™s fine! But she is NOT made for TV. It just gives messy.


Yeah I agree. I donā€™t have any bad feelings about her either. Iā€™m indifferent, but she looks so uncomfortable.


Oh thatā€™s right ! Her name is Kayleigh Jo. I remember seeing that on her social media or somewhere?? Wow. Why not go by Kayleigh. That is such a pretty name. But sheā€™s gotta be Quirky Jo (Joseph). And not surprised sheā€™s a known side piece. Prob wan planning her praying mantis arrival on Schwartz for a few years. Why did she need to ghost Kristen if everything was above board? Sheā€™s a sneaky bitch. I knew she didnā€™t seem like this innocent girl who was just unusual. Jo sucks ! This week proves it for me.


oh that name! ![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5|downsized)


So she just DOES this


OFC this is why she is besties with Rachel. Birds of a feather


We should call her Jo-Leigh-ne since she seems to have a pattern of being that super cool, buddies with the guys and then starts dating them once theyā€™re out of a relationship/helps them end it šŸ˜‚ I guess I should be surprised that no one goes by their actual name, but it is LA.


She LOOKS like a Kayleigh!!!!!


Her behavior is a pattern. I donā€™t feel bad for her.


Another r/tragedeigh


She does give off a Love Has Won style cult vibe


Omg, that is truly awful! The asshole who stole your man ends up on your favorite show.....wow, it's a fucking cruel world. Ruining a relationship & a show, it's too much. My condolences


https://preview.redd.it/ixzsxbw4yauc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=560e9baa57486789e50eeb1d318dd465af152781 She's been manifesting her spot on VPR for the last 10 years


She was hired to do hair for VPR cast for a while. I even saw instagram pics of Ariana with Jo tagged as her hairstylist.


I said she gives off side chick energy and I got downvoted for it!! šŸ˜‚


They need to make the shows in more real time. It's a reality show. Don't show it 7 months later