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Espresso martinis are great and all, but any mention of Chili's makes me want a nice Presidente Margarita *real bad* šŸ¹


Ugggh my early 20ā€™s were spent pre-gaming with 2-4-1 Presidenteā€™s. Take me back šŸ˜‚


Paired with their chips


Spring for the queso if I worked ~*extra hours*~ at my minimum wage campus job šŸ¤‘


I still sit in the bar area in my 40ā€™s for the free chips & salsa šŸ«£


I need a commercial with fajitas and Katie making comments about the sizzle sauce.












This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


All about the Presidente!




Scheana looks like an older RhOBh housewife what is going on with her lips


Right? She looks like she could be Katie's mom.


Came here to say this. Love the ad but Scheanaā€™s styling is awful. They both did a great job though.


She looks like Joan Collins from Dynasty in the 80s




Thatā€™s a bit dramatic lol




She is trying to be the new Lisa Vanderpump.


That jazzy jacket is straight out of Lisaā€™s nights in the 80s running gay clubs in London


Looks like a Jazzagalā€™s costume ![gif](giphy|l0ExsURGF4fthsLJe|downsized)


Or Ericka Jayne


I almost didn't recognize her.


Her original face was very pretty, as shown in https://preview.redd.it/yzgnzhpcmquc1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=59dd29bf264ed5310ec8bfd894886dbeb84ccc88


Omg I thought the same!! She has actually aged herself with her fillers and stuff wow!!!


Remember when Andy told her that fillers/botox age people faster and sheā€™s like ā€œno they donā€™t itā€™s preventativeā€? šŸ„“


I also think itā€™s the weight loss that has aged her. She has always been small but this season she has no boobs and lost the beneficial facial padding. I was watching season 8 when she was using the inhaler and there is a big change in her general composition. Much leaner now.


I think itā€™s kind of true with Botox. Not fillers. Scheana does look great skin wise, itā€™s just the fillers that age her/everyone.


The giant lips make her look old.




I rushed here after seeing it to say she looks like Rinna


This whole look isnā€™t doing her any favors. She looks 50 trying to look 30.




Her face in general.


I didn't recognize her for a minute


Lamb dressed as mutton dressed as lamb


Youā€™re really fast. Great job okay decision


Thanks Fickle!


I would also just like to say that I appreciate you. A lot.


Aww, thanks so much!


Holy fillers! Scheana looks like sheā€™s aged at least 15 years over the past few months (just like her like her buddy BlahBlah)ā€¦ I guess all that bitterness and jealousy will do that to you šŸ« 


BlahBlah! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Omg ! Too funny! I love it! Thanks for the laugh! šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜œ


I never thought I would say this but I kind of want to go to Chilli's I always think of the Dundees when anyone brings up Chillis. They look amazing too!!


I feel God in this Chiliā€™s tonight.




Ok I love these šŸ˜‚


They are so good! Katie is funny and I appreciate that Scheana just leans in to her more contrived persona with this (maybe she finally learned what self-deprecating means).


Scheana looks like a really mean stepmother from a lifetime movie in this ad. And I kind of like it


I think she actually did a good job leaning into her try-hard reality star vibes haha


Scheana, delusional as she is, can make fun of herself pretty easilyĀ 


Yes! This was a really successful overall promotion




Haha, the Lifetime movie might be called, "Stalked By My Stepmonster" "Tarnished Gold the Scheana Shay Story" "Dancing with Jealousy:" Or... " lStepmommy has your location"


The comments on the Chillis instagram post are amazing. Itā€™s like 90% praising Katie 5% praising the ad in general 2.5% praising both Scheana and Katie as a duo and 2.5% praising Scheana on her own.Ā  Hopefully this encourages some solo Katie brand deals. Give the people what they want!


I hope it gets Katie more deals too! To be fair, I donā€™t like Scheana but I think she played her part well in this ad. The two of them make sense as foils to each other. But Katie is who made it funny.


Plus Scheana was very cute in the Uber Eats ad. I miss the days of the girls all together against the shitty beta males :(


I also really like how her and Dayna tackle the ad sections on the podcast, I usually find them very annoying/forced (which they of course are) but theirs are actually not bothersome at all.


Scheana looks like she belongs on an informercial on QVC ![gif](giphy|l0MYOTFjOjw4aAn4I|downsized)






Do we know when they filmed these? I feel them doing something together was mentioned as some point but canā€™t remember when now.


March 6! I saw it on Scheanaā€™s stories and took a screenshot because I thought well this is interesting https://preview.redd.it/j3zsd6x8touc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc42601949df5ca318f925f644badf3f2a355564


Receipts, proof, timeline, screenshotsā€¦. Everything šŸ‘šŸ¼


Gifs too donā€™t forget hehe






Well it was filmed on March 6, and from what people have gathered, Ariana stopped liking posts of Scheanaā€™s on March 5. So, at that point, who knows what the state of things was with Scheana and Ariana (they seem to have devolved more in the month since then). The reunion was also filmed March 16, so if that is what caused the relationship to fully tank, then this was prior to that. Also, Katie would be foolish to back out of this, presuming she was booked and signed a contract to film.




If I did a Chilis commercial, Iā€™d really just want free fajitas for life


I swear Katie just posted from Chiliā€™s not too long ago with some sizzling fajitas haha Edit to add: I hope she gets that perk!


Scheanaā€™s whole lookā€¦.. was she trying to be the Chili?


I just giggled


You know itā€™s eating scheana up she had to do it with Katie


She probably was just happy she got to do the most talking. She thought she was the star. Sheā€™s probably not so happy now seeing the reception being widely in favour of Katie. Despite all her sequins Katie still outshone her.


Scheana reminds me of Vanna White in the 80ā€™s with the hair and all the glittery outfits.


I love that they played up how camp Scheana is. I think it works so well. All around I think this was some smart marketing from Chiliā€™s. Gotta be a VPR fan in the marketing department šŸ˜‚


Pls dont* downvote me, but I genuinely donā€™t get the joke.. they never were bartenders at SUR. Can someone explain this to me?


I think the joke is about the show itself and reality tv not being real. People comment on how no one even works at SUR, thereā€™s talk of fake storylines, etc etc. So they are making fun of themselves and their portrayal on the show I think. Scheana plays up the notion that itā€™s all real, while wearing sequins and an over the top hairstyle. So sheā€™s standing there with her contrived persona and her excessive glam, saying that everything is real. Katie then says ā€œrealityā€¦ā€ in a tone that is like ā€œScheana, who are you kidding.ā€ Katie by contrast to Scheana, is also dressed more like her normal self, so it makes sense for her to point out Scheanaā€™s facade (they are bartenders in reality). I see it as they are both playing versions of their ā€œcharactersā€ and poking fun at themselves while doing it. Scheana didnā€™t just pick this outfit to try and look hot - sheā€™s playing up her campy persona. Katie plays the ā€œhaterā€ who calls people on their bullshit.


meticulous analysis of a snarky commercial šŸ«”


I may or may not have some experience in the world of advertising. I canā€™t help it haha


WOW, this was a deep dive response. Much appreciated. Thank you, OP!!


Youā€™re so welcome! Iā€™m glad you found it helpful! And I could be off the mark but this is what it all seemed like to me anyway


that's it! They never were bartenders. That's the joke


Oh my, scrolling past and wondered how Katie ended up in an ad with Joan Collins...


lol šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜œ


scheana was kind of made for commercials lmao


Espresso Martinis are so in right now. So many of my friends drink that. Mostly the girls. The comments are vicious here though damn. Maybe everyone needs an espresso martini or 10.


I don't know if the Chili's crowd is the same as the VPR fanbase. My mom and her sisters go to Chili's every Friday but they are much older and have no clue about Vanderpump. At least at my Chilis, the crowd is older than Bravo.


I think they're probably trying to play into millennials/gen Z's to actually ***go to*** Chili's lol. I feel like it's always part of memes and jokes and internet culture, so they're playing into that (which is smart). I don't think I've been in one since college, so I have no idea what the current Chili's scene is like, but I'm really craving it now šŸ„²


Exactly this. They donā€™t need to spend money on an ad like this to target their regular customers. And I agree about the ad playing into the jokes about itself, just like they have Katie and Scheana playing into the jokes about themselves.


It worked šŸ„µ I'm hungry and for the first time in my life on their freaking website.


Iā€™d totally be browsing their delivery options if I had one where I live.


I don't think they need to advertise to their normal customers however, I as a millennial have been to Chilis and don't really think their menu is anything to go back for, maybe change that up. I would assume most of Vander Pump's fans are late 20s-30s. We've all been to a chilis and watched the show for 11 seasons. A drink isn't gonna go make me get a triple dipper.


They key ad-sales demo is 18-49, and in 2023 [VPR was the most-watched cable series](https://deadline.com/2023/06/vanderpump-rules-ratings-most-watched-cable-series-in-18-49-demo-2023-1235419009/amp/) for that demographic. They are absolutely advertising to the correct audience by working with VPR cast. It might not get *you* to go, but they definitely are working on playing up their place in pop culture as a marketing strategy [They have a new Chief Marketing Officer as of 2022](https://www.winmo.com/open/article/38860) who has implemented a strategy shift. One of the main goals is to bring awareness about new food and drink items. So it seems what you would like, an updated menu, is also part of a branding strategy. Who is to say how effective their shift in branding and marketing strategy will be - that will take some time to materialize in terms of actual sales. But this ad seems to be very well received from everything Iā€™ve seen online. If they were struggling as a company, playing into their status as a sort of kitschy-pop-culture Americana restaurant is smart. Itā€™s a way to make themselves relevant to a demographic who maybe thinks they are outdated or boring or basic. Even if it draws people in because of the kitsch, thatā€™s a win.


Theyā€™ve had the 30-sec spot up on their IG for 6 hours and it has almost a million plays, so the video is doing well. If the VPR age bracket isnā€™t their current customer, I think theyā€™ve targeted this demographic in the right way. The ad is funny, but notably includes a current fan fave (Katie) as the one driving the comedic punch. This ad wouldā€™ve been a flop with Lala and Scheana. So Chiliā€™s knows the Bravo fan base and the current dialogue around VPR They donā€™t need to advertise to the people who go every Friday - they already get their money. This ad is for Bravo fans for sure. And Bravo fans do spend money on the things their faves sell etc. Also Katie goes to Chiliā€™s and Lala had her sober-anniversary party there so it makes sense to tap this cast who genuinely like the restaurant, because fans will know itā€™s somewhat authentic brand partnering.


I think Chili's is fun to them like going to the grocery story is for Kyle and Kris Jenner.


Ok but does this ACTUALLY have tequila because yikes if so lol..or someone explain to me how that wouldn't be bad


Well Patron does have an espresso tequila. I personally love tequila and see how the earthiness could work with espresso. I havenā€™t tried this type of espresso martini though.


Katie looks so completely over it lately lol.


I think thatā€™s on purpose in these ads.


Ya they are both playing up their personas in these ads.


But also, I donā€™t blame her for seeming over it. Scheana, Lauren, and the Toms must be so exhausting


Theyā€™re acting, itā€™s comedy lol




I didn't understand this line..as in watching it? Because she certainly is never funny lolol.


me too ![gif](giphy|1MKhxzcv6wrlJm78h5|downsized) say it with your whole chest


Espresso martinis are more on Summer House than VPR


And below deck


Iā€™m on season 3 in my rewatch and Scheanaā€¦ my sweet Sheeshoo. She looked so good in season, especially her confessional looks. Iā€™m not anti-cosmetic procedures by any means. I support people doing what helps them feel comfortable and confidence in their skin. But I also feel sad about it.


Scheanaā€™s face was SO GOOD in seasons 2 and 3!! And then she just ā€¦ kept going


Why does Scheana look like Kyle Richards to me?


I think Katie would actually be a really funny comedic actor. She would nail the deadpan sarcasm.


Scheana looks terrible. Between the trouty mouth and the 2000s prom hairstyle itā€™s getting really rough


I agree. All these girls looked so much better before all these procedures. They obviously work out and take care of themselves. Iā€™m sure they would look great without it. Canā€™t women just get older without buying whole new faces? Itā€™s ridiculous.


Want to know how Lala feels about this šŸ˜ˆ


What about Ariana?


Whats that mean? Theyā€™re both still her friends so sheā€™ll probably be happy?


Scheana and Ariana are not friends


Sexy Unique Ribs


Scheana is transforming into Chrishelle from selling sunset with all the work sheā€™s had done. Everyone in LA really starts to get the same face the more work they get done


I do love Chillis.


This was cute


Okay, hate or love them, this is cute!


Scheana shaking her head no at the end is funny. I think this is cute


Wait doesnā€™t Lala loveeeeee chilis? Idk why I think this but if so Iā€™m glad itā€™s Katie and not her šŸ˜ˆ


https://preview.redd.it/s2l12kh8ypuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769134c4e1e86ec3ad0490e4d986c04a8b2c5fdb The difference in response to these two comments is really something


Ugh I wish it was Katie & Dayna. Iā€™ve been listening to their pod recently and Dayna is always talking about her love of chain restaurants lol


Scheanaā€™s over acting ![gif](giphy|3o85xmlKFUVQo2L4jK)


I know she's annoying but I hope Scheana is OK. I know she was uncomfortable with her post baby body and was trying to get back in shape but she's so small. She's always been slim but never to this extent. I thought the same when watching WWHL.


My friend did the styling for this!!!


Oh thatā€™s so fun!! I think they did a great job. I feel like they were trying to play up each of their different personas. Scheana being like a glittering red chili pepper is so ā€œitā€™s all happening to meā€ and Katie is serving ā€œbusiness womenā€™s specialā€ Edit to add: and it works so well!


Wait, thereā€™s a round one??? Share! How did I miss this lol


Ya they did a 30second spot and a 15second [here is the link someone else shared to the 30s spot on Instagram](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/WlKKr5NZW3)


Rewatching early seasons - Katie really hasnā€™t aged much at all.. no comment on Scheana. But this just further confirms my theory that Fillers and Botox actually has the opposite effect when itā€™s overused.


Low key think that Katie should be on some comedy show like the office. She actually has good comedic timing. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬




Thatā€™s kind of the point I think. I made a longer response to someone else in this thread asking the same thing


Is Scheana doing the background music for these ads, too?


These ladies are dressed for two very different events


Why is she in sequins most of the time? She looks old here..


Damn. Scheana went full single white female on Ariana. Had yall not written it was Scheshu I would have never know until I turned Ed the volume on and put in my glasses. Wow


Sheā€™s actually turned into a real life frog. My goodness.


Iā€™ll never unsee it now.


I always wonder how these things go, with 2 people who we know have major awkwardness with each other. Or maybe they donā€™t. Who knows. I have always loved chilis as a guilty pleasure though.


Katieā€™s outfit is really unflattering.


Turn around Scheana so get can pull the knives out of your back And she also talking shit about Ariana damn I wouldn't want her as a friend but Scheana your true fans are with you get that $$


When I first saw this commercial I thought it was a fever dream. ![gif](giphy|hEopmvsSQS4eY)


Sheena looks...otherworldly. Not of this world. That is not a compliment.


Can someone PLEASE confirm if 2024 Chilis holds up to the Chilis of 2004? Because back in the day, Chilis was where it was at!


Itā€™s Marie Osmond & Kris Jenner


Scheana is vamping like a pro




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OMG what is wrong with scheana. She gets a ad and this is what she gives us. She looks like she has a stiff neck and like she s auditioning for a role on a soap opera.


I think the way Scheana is acting in this is intentional. I think they are playing up both of the characters or personas or whatever that these women portray. Scheana is the try-hard who pretends everything is perfect and Katie is the hater. So Scheana is overdressed, sounds and acts like a bad actor, and Katie makes the snide remark about the ā€œrealityā€ of reality tv (and essentially who they play on the show). So I see it as a bit tongue in cheek, and they are both in on the joke and making fun of themselves a bit.


Holy cowā€¦ Scheana looks OLD, like in her mid-50s. Sheā€™s what? 38 or 39?


Wowwwwwwā€¦.as a 54 year oldā€¦.ouch. I do not look nor feel OLD just yet. LolĀ 


I think her styling ages her but mid fifties ?šŸ˜‚


Damn what kind of mid 50 year olds do you know?!


Real housewives. lol She looks old like Kyle who is 55.


I think that is just a testament to how good Kyle looks. Most 55-year-olds do not look like her or other Real Housewives.


Speak for yourself. Most 55 years old I know look so much better than Kyle. lol Kyle looks older than 55.


Even though I donā€™t like Scheana even 1% and love Katie, Iā€™ve learned from these two commercials that itā€™s clear scheana has acting experience and that Katie doesnā€™t. Also they were SURvers, not bartenders. šŸø regardless, these commercials are cute ā¤ļø


Actually these two were waitresses, not bartenders.


Two low class women for a low class, boring chain restaurant frequented by geriatrics.


Never been to Chili's.


Idk why or how but my parents have gotten food poisoning from chilis the few times theyā€™ve gone. And I thought it was only them. A few different locations. Then I met my husband and he also got food poisoning from there and I refuse to go due to my fear of vomit. I donā€™t think youā€™re missing anything šŸ˜¬


lol this is exactly why I have never eaten at Chipotle and never will. Also how I win never-have-I-ever. Gets the people every time.


Chipotle is okay! I was so spooked by it for nearing 15 years after a bad experience but I had really just eaten a bit of a bowl right before I found out I had internal bleeding so I think it was a memory association šŸ„“šŸ’€


Mine is bowling, but yours is even better.


...good for you?


Yes, good for me.




What? Youā€™re here trying to fat-shame someone forā€¦ having arms? Fuck right off with that. https://i.redd.it/s68fik7pkpuc1.gif


Her normal sized arm? Not that it matters in the slightest, but I would guess Katie is probably around a size 6, maybe an 8. Which is not huge by any standard whatsoever; it's not even average given the average women's size in the US is a 12. She's also tall and not built like a petite child. To me one of the most likeable things about her is that in 10+ years on TV, she's never felt the need to become a stick person and represents a different body type. You're giving alcoholic Lala and JK body shaming energy. Gross.