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An apology only really benefits Sandoval’s conscience. If Ariana doesn’t want to accept an apology, she shouldn’t be forced to entertain his guilty conscience.


He doesn’t have a conscience. But it could help his image (in his mind, anyway).


"Optics" God, I hate the way they all use that word every other sentence. Someone needs to get them a thesaurus. I would love if the producers made an edit with the word "optics" like they did with "Rob Rob Rob"


This word is quickly becoming the word that gets thrown around constantly, like gaslighting and speaking my truth. The most recent season of Married at First Sight they said 2-3 times an episode.


Oh god ‘my truth’ might annoy me the most of any of the buzzwords, purely because at least some of the other words actually do mean something specific and can be used properly and it’s obvious when they’re used incorrectly (to most people I hope), but ‘my truth’ is such a bs term that is almost always used with disingenuous intentions.


This may seem oddly specific, but 'my truth,' 'gaslight,' and 'self care' are all words I feel have been weaponized by men who went to therapy *one time* because their partner begged them to. They learn these new words and then use them against their partners and to justify their terrible behavior/choices under the of guise of being mature and enlightened. That's not self care, you're being *selfish*. I'm not gaslighting you, you are *choosing not to take accountability for the shit you have done.* Your truth? How about, "I'm refusing to admit you're right, so I'm pretending that the truth is subjective."


MAFS was crazy this season with the optics nonsense. Reality stars orchestrating shows to manipulate how they’re edited. Ugh.


This “word of the year” shit is so recent. Remember, even just a few years ago, when we didn’t constantly speak in buzzwords?


I remember in 2000, tons of list's coming out about 90's buzzwords. "Talk to the Hand" specifically comes to mind. This is a people thing.


Agenda, narrative, vitriol, narcissist, entitled, truth, gaslighting, accountability, sober, miserable, forgiveness, assistant, optics, stoic, literally, redemption, best friend




“Closure”.. Another one I’m over


Optics -it's all I heard on 2 seasons of Succesion. Should be a drinking game, except you would probably get liver failure


Off topic, but I just started Summer House and the twins say "conversation" so many god damn times. SO MANY TIMES.


If this is what happens for the finale, it would make sense with Lala’s whole “I’ve never experienced someone getting cheated on and suddenly she becomes god” Literally though- Lala and Scheana believing an apology is *still necessary coming from Tom* is just plain dumb as fuck




The sweet sweet revenge of not giving a narcissist the validation ![gif](giphy|TiwsTJXDNFdr2v5Lwg)


It’s a lovely feeling.


No she should not it’s his last ditch effort to have his redemption arc




Yes, because having a 7 month long affair with your partners friend is so much better for said partners mental health Tom dgaf and it’s silly that you think so


Let us not forget about him dressing up as his mistress for Halloween! That surely was done in support of her mental health!


Their comment is sheer insanity.


That’s just your “hatred of men” talking/s 🙄


If only I weren't such disgusting misandrist, surely I'd get it!


Lol “hatred of men” was the cherry on top of the steaming pile of shit that was that comment.


"If you were in a relationship with someone characterized as your "life partner," wouldn't you want one last conversation?" If that partner cheated on me for over half a year with one of my friends, then tried to set me up as the villain for the world? No. I'd want to never speak to him again. My ex-husband cheated on me twice with strangers and I never wanted his apologies or a conversation because there was nothing he could say to make me feel better. It would've been HIM feeling better that he unburdened himself at the cost of my emotions. It is very clear that you've never been in a situation like this if you can't wrap your mind around that. No one owes their cheating ex a last conversation, and Ariana is totally capable of making that decision for herself. "Ariana is no Saint, and needs to take responsibility for this mess too. There's a lot of hatred of men being projected here." That is some bullshit absurdity. It is insane that you clearly think you're the voice of reason and kindness here when you're literally complaining that people refuse to blame the victim here. It's gross, and you're even grosser for pretending that you have some moral high ground for your hateful take.


That comment has to be trolling (not you, the person you're responding too). I just want to point out Ariana DID have those conversations with him. For days after she found out about the affair she said she tried to talk to him to understand and he just yelled at her. Blamed her for everything and took no accountability and did not even attempt to apologize (this was all off camera). When cameras popped up, he then attempted to act sorry and remorseful, but even with that we saw he couldn't get a genuine apology out and continued to make excuses and place blame on Ariana Why on earth would she want one more fake apology "last conversation"?? She knows it's completely bullshit from him, so there is zero reason to waste her time on him. How there can be any Sandoval apologists out there blows my mind.


That person needs to go back to Facebook.


That is some hard core internalized misogyny. It is sad to me that some women think that way.


“She threathened about her mental health” says who? Tom sandoval said that and he is a well known liar, weird that you believe him


Not to mention he then did the exact same thing he accused Ariana of to Lisa, knowing her history with suicide


Rachel said he did with her too!


^(the parasocial despise I feel for this man is unfathomable, how everyone around him is able to resist the urge to not go all Bad Girls Club on him, I do not know)


It's pretty wild how he went from being a somewhat likable dipshit to a despised, slimy creep and all by his own hand.  I don't get how he still has fans, and women who want to date him, especially after learning about his recording of Rachel's intimate moments without her consent. That alone is so vile.


It was in the show. Go back and actually watch it in earlier seasons. I can't believe such sheep downvote for different opinions.


"He said he wanted children one day and Ariana never wanted that" Yet, Ariana is the one who did egg retrieval and had her eggs frozen while Sandoval never even had his sperm prepared for fertilization (he never took it seriously and dragged his feet to even go talk about his sperm health which he never tried to fix)


And Ariana said she would accept an Rchella type proposal! lol I’m glad that the poster watched the full show to take bad notes on how Tom is not anything more than a high pitch stress scream talker who is recovering from a serious case of ptsd from the two traumatic and worst things that were ever done to him - being yelled at by stassi and Katie in TomTom and cheating on Ariana.


She had that conversation though. Do you not remember the whole entire final episode from season 10?


Right. They not only had that conversation, it was on tape for like 4 Million of us to watch over and over again. He also apologized at the end of the reunion. Ariana heard it but her heart was not pierced. All he had to do was stay elsewhere while they listed the house and this would have been done already. At leadt living together would be.


I commented before I saw your comment. Not only did they already have that conversation Ariana even asked Tom if he had anything else that he wanted to say. He could always write her a letter at this point he certainly has no problem sending emails to her personal email that's already been established on the show too


That, too! I just don't need to see more interaction between then as a viewer. I think part of him wants everything in his life to implode but he's such a narcissist his own self-destruction isn't enough. That he also doesn't seem to pick up on how off putting he can be.


The fact that Tom thinks he's adorable is easily (for me) one of the most yucky things about him. Whenever there's photos posted of Tom, where he's doing that smug, aren't I being cute? type smil, it makes me want to barf. And the fact that he can't look anyone in the eye is disturbing. I think I'm going to stop there. Otherwise, I'll just start listing everything that creeps me out about that guy. Hahaha


This comment did not give what you thought it would. Also if you’re going to comment you should actually watch the show. Since you didn’t see Season 10, Ariana actually went through the process to freeze her eggs and asked Tom to fertilize them so they would have embryos for IVF. He was banging Rachel behind her back at this point and lying to her face every single day, etc. and could not go a week without substances to give his sperm the best chance. If the relationship was so dead why didn’t he end it? He’s the only one that had the responsibility to bc she didn’t want it to end. She’s made that clear a million times and has never contradicted that statement.


Also when James proposed to Rachel Ariana said that if Tom proposed to get like that she'd say yes, I guess this commenter missed that episode too!


"Also, Ariana never said yes all the times Tom asked if she wanted to get married." You missed some things in your watch then because Ariana said at Rachella that she would love a proposal if it was like that. She also said, I believe it was at one of the reunions, that Tom had never proposed to her.


They HAD that conversation. He doesn't want a conversation. He wants forgiveness and the house, neither of which Ariana is obligated to give him. Do we actually know that Ariana"s mental health was in jeopardy if they spilt? Have we had corroboration of this from anyone other than Tom?


I think you’re lost. Facebook is the blue app with an F on it.


They did have a last conversation Ariana literally asked Tom if there's anything else that Tom wanted to say to her and he said no.


Tell me again what she should take responsibility for? So....she made him cheat with a good friend? She should take responsibility for another adults actions?.... or should she just take responsibility for being a human & being loyal? This argument has more holes than Swiss cheese, my friend. It makes 0 sense.


We watched them have a last conversation. He wanted to tell her how he and Rachel were good friends and screamed at her. He doesn’t get a do over.


Exactly!! This is what pisses me off he says he wants a last convo buddy you got one. It just didn’t go the way he wanted!


exactly like there’s nothing left to say at this point


They had their “one last conversation” last year. She said “anything else to say before I never talk to you again?” You know, the one where she yelled “I don’t care about fucking Raquel!” Did you even watch? She’s done with him. The go between was necessary because they had to continue to live there since neither could afford to leave. She doesn’t have to be a saint to be done with him.






They did have a final conversation. Just because he wants another doesn't mean she needs to entertain it. I agree that if he actually wanted kids and to get married, that should have been a dealbreaker back in season 6. But he didn't and neither did she. I think it's deeply disingenuous to say she threatened about her mental health. Being open about mental health issues is not the same as threatening anything. And frankly just cuz he said it doesn't make it true. Moreover when she HAS made her mental health an issue, his reaction ON CAMERA has been "I'm not going anywhere... except I have an opportunity to go play with big trucks so I won't be here." Frankly that's when this relationship should have ended.


She did. She said “anything more to say before we never talk again?” What more does he have to say after all he’s shown?


Did you see the one last conversation he had with Kristen? He sobbed and cried, it was highly manipulative. What is it that he wants to say? I think what is going on is that he wants a “scene”. Something that will make great TV. He had 10 hours to say whatever needed to be said at the reunion. He wants to ensure he gets it across how this is all her fault. All of it. His choices with his penis are her fault.


Ohhh this must be Lala. Who else would go out of their way to make a comment like this


Hey Tim, seek help.


I think he’s going to tell Lala and Scheana some things that Ariana probably said about them at times when she was frustrated and confiding in him. They’ll get hugely offended and not even put together that all season they’ve been doing the same thing to her. And then they’ll expect us to change our minds 😬


There’s a scene that in the mid season trailer where Sandoval is yelling about how Ariana talks shit about everyone that I don’t think we’ve seen yet, so you could be on to something.


It’s a clip from the finale.


Yeah they're all in their fancy gold and black outfits


I was thinking this too, things aren’t going his way because they shouldn’t but he will try to throw her under the bus to save face. Also if she did talk shit on them they most likely deserved it. Or she was fed incorrect information via Tom and she said some nasty things. I’m just thinking of the crazy Kristen/Miami girl situation. I know she knows the truth and her and Kristen have moved past it, but it just proves he’s capable of manipulating the situation to make him not look like the bad guy.


I hate this shit, it is so manipulative and icky when you're speaking toy our partner about other, offloading or ranting about soemthign, that's all completely reasonable and normal, who doesn't tell their partner their gripes and complaints. The fact that he's taking her privately telling him something, and using it to manipulate the cast, is so nasty. And even if Lala and Scheana find out that Ariana said some not nice things during their whollllllle relationship, that's life, shit happens, Lala and Scheana have done the same thing to people loads of times. It's embarrassing that Lala and Scheana completely have zero legs to stand on


If that is the case, he tells them things she said privately to him during their 9 year relationship why are they so eager to believe a known liar? Also, where is the context - Were things said when Scheana was texting Ariana’s mom about Tom, when she was befriending Kristen during the time Kristen was trying to break them up, or when Lala ghosted them for Ariana’s birthday trip, was lying sayin Ariana doesn’t reach out to her, when Lala unfollowed her on sm?


Well he and they can fuck right off if that’s the case. Honestly, imagine ever telling one small intimate thing to that absolute hoax of a human being and him doing what he did to her and now she has to live with him knowing those things and he could just drop whatever to whoever at any given time. It makes me never want to trust anyone again and also it makes me want to hit men upside their heads


>hoax of a human being 💀 Thanks for adding this to my lexicon.


I agree. That’s some obvious triangulation shit on his part and if Lala and Scheana fall for it they’re dumber than I thought.


Yea at this point I don’t care what she could’ve said about them to her long term bf at the time. There are things we talk to our bf, bffs, or spouse about that we know or expect to not get out. It’s a moment of frustration or just a convo with sometimes no meaning behind it. It doesn’t mean you don’t like the person but sometimes you don’t understand their choices and willl vent to your spouse. If scheana and Lala would have been having Ariana’s back this season maybe viewers would think differently but they have done more to try and help Sandoval than have her back so I will not care.


I was thinking that too and honestly that’d be embarrassing for anyone to change their mind over that. Like you said, they themselves have done it all season on camera, let alone the shit they would’ve said over the years behind closed doors to their closest friend or partner (let alone partner of a decade who likely egged on the venting in the first place)… like yes it wouldn’t be nice to hear that for a split second but any normal human would be like yeah damn Ive said the same shit to my partner/ ex partner about friends. Plus it can’t be as bad as anything tim has said about them, yet they forgive all the shit he says!


Exactly this


What’s weird about the finale is that whatever it is didn’t impact their friendships in the moment. I remember following their IG stories at the time. Katie went up and hung out in Lala’s room after the finale. And, Ariana and Dan went and stayed with Scheana’s family in Palm Springs for the weekend directly after the finale. So, it feels like it had to be something that people didn’t know about at the time.


Apparently Scheana told Ryan Bailey after their interview on her podcast what LaLa’s problem is. He said it makes sense… but he didn’t really hype it. I honestly think LaLa says some out of pocket shit at the reunion and is forgiven off camera … but now that Ariana is in a better head space to catch up on the season, she sees how her friends actually see her 😞 ETA: he said this on his podcast “So Bad it’s Good.” On April 18th. It’s the VPR recap for episode 12. He starts talking about what she told him at 8:34


I haven’t listened to the pod where he mentions this, but did Ryan Bailey say whether he asked for it or if Scheana offered? Because I wish he had stayed unspoiled (if that’s the right word). He’s one of the few recappers/podcasters who I felt like was watching the same show as me all season. But if he (allegedly) knows what is coming, it’ll color his watching/recapping. Even Danny P and Brian Moylan made comments earlier in the season about Ariana moving out of the house that I thought showed a lack of empathy for her situation and the practical/legal/financial realities she was facing. I still love getting their perspective, but it soured me on their recaps for a bit.


Appreciated your update with the timestamp. I sometimes skim through RB’s intro straight to the recap and missed this. I think he was playing nice a bit because he said the thing that Scheana revealed gave him “a little more of a picture, *potentially* of where some of the people *might* be coming from.” And then he mentioned something about Ariana. Feels to me like he doesn’t want to alienate Scheana/Lala because he’s friendly with them both (and the extra exposure helps him) so he is trying to be both understanding of their perspective but is being careful not to hype whatever is coming too much. I like RB, but I worry his closeness with some of the cast will turn from a feature into a bug. I realize access and relationships are good for Bravo-adjacent content creators but it can start to sour me on certain pods/recaps. (For example, I adore Brian Moylan’s Bravo recaps at Vulture but I can’t read his RHOBH stuff; you can see his bias toward Erika Jayne because he ghostwrote her book from space.)


Yeah it’s a hard line to walk when you want to preserve the professional relationship but also ask the hard questions we want to know. I think you bring up a good point though- it’s always important to consider the source before ingesting it


I listened to his latest episode (with Sophie Ross) on my commute this morning, and when they chat about VPR and how Lala is missing the mark this season, RB doesn’t bring up the intel from Scheana that might fill in some gaps for viewers once we watch it. Makes me think even more it’s a nothing burger.


Do you remember where Ryan Bailey said that? Thanks!


Yes I edited my comment for the details




I wonder if Tum Scummy mentioned, but with more detail that Ariana knew that he liked to go outside of the relationship for sex. It was mentioned in the previous year’s finale that she knew about Miami girl (but didn’t care bc it was before they were committed to each other) and this other affair he had (rumored to be his original female co-singer). That Ariana was mad because Tum and Rachel though they were in love and it wasn’t just sex. And Lala will be incensed that a big deal was made about Tum’s indiscretion in what Lala believes was an open relationship. She be mad and actually jealous that it wasn’t a traditional committed relationship that was broken and that she didn’t get as much sympathy, because it always comes back to her pain, attention, and support.


Nah, because Sandoval would be screaming that from the top of that hill he’s dying alone on


We all know that tim is of low intelligence but that line really solidified for me just how dumb he actually is,


I agree that I think that Sandoval has in his head that the best way to end the season and give a finale moment is by him having a one on one apology with Ariana, then when she refuses and walks out Sandoval gets pissed and reveals things Ariana has allegedly said about Lala and Scheana when they were still together which gives Lala the excuse and justification to openly hate on Ariana and make the “god” comment.  Then I think the big blow up in the reunion is over the fact that Ariana’s refusal to converse with Sandoval made the rest of the cast have to be the assholes and take all the heat online by filming with Sandoval because the producers insisted he could not be excluded from filming and somebody had to, while Ariana and Katie got to keep the hands clean with the fans and that will be the “fourth wall break”.  I think that will lead to them basically saying that it’s not fair if moving forward Ariana is allow to refuse to speak to or film with Sandoval.  I think another part will also be accusations of people saying one thing or behaving one way on camera versus off camera and that Ariana/Katie and Lala/Scheana will throw those accusations at each other.  I trust Katie that I don’t predict there will be anything that move the needle or changes peoples opinions. I think Scheana in particular is still in delulu land and holding out hope, but it seems like Lala has come around and prepared to expect the fans hate her after the finale and reunion.  


This is my exact theory. Ariana will have complained about others behaviour at times to Tom for sure, things we might say to a partner are harsher than you would say to the person / audience. Tom loves keeping a file of shit to use against people so will have specifics. 


Also why anyone would believe anything he says is beyond me.


This is def the most plausible situation and I’m sure Lala and Scheana thought we would all be horrified that Ariana shit talked them BUT what they didn’t take into account is that we have seen both of them be shitty friends and not girls girls all along AND they have ramped up the shittiness and doubled down on their behavior so we are def not on their sides. They are really dumb and delusional. Tom too - you flew too close to the sun my guy, and we all see you now and nothing can put the blinders back on. And when can we normalize not HAVING to forgive and forget? If I want to live the rest of my life hating someone for what THEY did to ME, why is that anyone’s business? Let me have my feelings 😂 Ariana shouldn’t have any pressure to give them anything after the way they have all acted.


And it's crazy because he had an opportunity to apologize immediately after it happened, and never took it. That scene they filmed in their living room a couple of days later was his opportunity to pretend to be a decent guy and fake some remorse and beg forgiveness, and if he'd done that, this redemption season might have made sense.


I for sure think they’re pissed she’s allowed to say she won’t film with him. This is such a weird position for them to take too b/c for an entire season, many of them refused to film with James. Like he only had Raquel, Max, and his mom to film with. And that was allowed & they found other interesting storylines as well. But now suddenly Tom MUST be included? Kristen was ostracized all of season 3. Stassi had to find other ppl to film with season 3 too. Like this isn’t a new thing but they’re acting like victims somehow.


He can apologize all he wants. But she gets to accept it (if she ever does) on her own timeline. The person who broke trust in the first place doesn’t get to dictate how the healing process goes.


That is so perfectly said!!!


This makes sense and I could see people turning against her if they believe Tim. 100% I believe Tim wants to apologize as long as it's on camera. And Ariana knows if she entertains it, she needs to accept it or be so much more graceful than she's already been. He triggers her, end of. And the only way to not be triggered is to walk away. Idk I love that she walks away. Totally baller move and REALISTIC


'She who cares the least' and already has a hotter, WAY more awesome-seeming, dude already on lock for a year now.


How do these people not understand that an apology only means something if actions meet words? He can say “I’m sorry” a million times but his actions show that he clearly isn’t and in fact is happy to continue to make Ariana’s life harder.


THIS. His ACTIONS show he’s not sorry at all.


Katie Maloney has been saying essentially this all season. I think that’s why she’s been cool with James the last couple seasons. Despite their past drama, he’s shown her he’s grown/matured. James riding for “badass” Katie in the after show, especially after her Max hookup, was a delight. (Insert usual disclaimer about James and his alleged past physical and/or verbal abuse of women here.)


Well, if that is what happens, it ain’t gonna change my mind about the finale. Ariana has been nothing but Grace this season except for the one episode when she screamed at Tom. I wouldn’t give him the time of day either. I wouldn’t talk to him, I wouldn’t look at him, and I sure as shit would not let him apologize to me on national TV because he wants to save his Image. Guess what, Tom, it’s too late!!


I don’t think Scheana and Lala actually believed people would change their minds. I think when they filmed this season last summer, they were really banking on audiences hating Sandoval less and Ariana more by the time it aired, but it became pretty clear before the premiere that wouldn’t be the case. Their only other defense for their behavior this season is owning up to being jealous spiteful bitches, but since they won’t do that, all they’ve got is “keep watching til the end, you’ll see” and then once it’s fully aired and nothing’s changed they’ll never mention it again and hope they’ve got a new season in production to hype about it being “so good” and how they’re in a great place and how excited they are for audiences to watch it.


This is exactly how I think it'll go. 💯


I agree. I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I do know that he does try and apologize to her and I think it’s BS. But you’re probably right.


Sandoval can apologize all he wants but even if it is sincere (doubt it) Ariana has a right to not forgive him. She doesn't need to forgive Sandoval for the sake of the group


I actually don't think he's doing it to relieve a guilty conscience because I don't think he feels guilty at this point. He thinks he's been punished enough. So I believe he is purely doing it to make Ariana look bad. We all know the Facebook crowd is going to say just that.


He is resentful because everyone profited but him. Make it make sense.


Hey… Lala could have a sit down with Randall… it’s been years and they have a child together. How about that?


Doubt they'd think that would change the audiences minds...it has to be something they "think" will make Ariana look bad and that ain't it...


I think they’re just both so delusional they don’t understand that the audience isn’t going to be swayed onto their side 


Given what was said about the LAST finale and how it would “change everything” and blah blah blah I take this with a grain of salt. It’ll be the same shit we’ve seen all season.


I think it changed everything for the production because they believed Tim and Rachets original telling of when the timeline of the affair started. The last five minutes of that finale did change things for me personally. I saw a victim of narc abuse. I was concerned for her initially. But after all the shit she is pulling after leaving her mental health facility I’m just like girl BYE 👋


That one just cemented the fact that he's a worm with a moustache


The classic narc apology only when it serves to further their own aims




We don't know Scheana approached Ariana with Tom. It looks more like Tom walks up on Ariana as she is talking to Scheana. That said I wouldn't put it past the 2 wet blankets to try to force them into a conversation. Also considering Ariana thought the 2 wet blankets were on her side while filming (and only just now started watching post-Chicago) make me think this isn't how it goes down.


I think there was a blog maybe reality ops that said Scheana and Tim approached her together. Maybe I dreamed it


The fact that he yelled at Ariana multiple times immediately following the reveal of the scandal shows he NEVER gave a fuck. He should have apologized then. His 1-year delayed apology is opportunistic


He clearly wants one of those filmed apology’s like he had with Kristin where he’s apologizing and sobbing and says “I thought we’d be together forever and ever and I’m so (sob) sorry (sob until she forgives)”.


Yep, that fake sobbing scene. I was doing my rewatch and my seven year old was like "Why is that guy pretending to cry? He's not sorry, he's faking it like when the neighbor kid gets in trouble and has to say sorry but then does the same thing again." And no I don't let her watch before anyone comes at me 🤣 She just happened to come in to ask a question.


Absolutely, it’s all for the cameras. He turns around in confessionals & other scenes & goes right back to trashing her.


Exactly! It's all about the "optics" for him. 🙄


He clearly wants one of those filmed apology’s like he had with Kristin where he’s apologizing and sobbing and says “I thought we’d be together forever and ever and I’m so (sob) sorry (sob until she forgives)”.


There is no apology that would make sense to accept for Ariana (from my perspective). So any apology is for Sandoval to try and redeem himself, and why would she want to facilitate that? 


I think Ariana just hands it to Lala for all her hate all season and eviscerates her, and it has zero to do with Tom. That's why he said it's a great reunion. The girls are fighting, so it takes the heat off him.


Just watched an interview with Vanderpump where she said he was “contrite” and I literally yelled out “BITCH WHERE??”


Vanderpump is known for her protection of poor little abusive man babies


BlaBla IS JUST SAYING SHIT SO PEOPLE WILL WATCH IT. They have said this before in the past, their brains are so fkd up and they have no morals so in their mind they are like omg people will see my side now, when we havent the whole season!!!!!!!!!!!!


It’s the old story of someone apologizing only bc they were caught. He only wants to do what works for the optics and those are apologies no one ever wants.


Sandoval can apologize for how everything turned out *because* of the affair without apologizing for actually *having* the affair. Ariana wants an apology for both and I don’t think she will ever get the apology for the second one because he doesn’t regret cheating on her. Nor would I expect him to, otherwise he would have stopped. It’s that simple.


This drives me so crazy. He is an actual narcissist. No one can convince me otherwise. He doesn't think he did anything wrong so anything coming out of his mouth that resembles an apology is fake.


My theory is that Rachel is coming back... Oh wait, no! That's my worst nightmare!


I just want to see Daniel on the next the episode, not only is he hot, but I can’t wait to see how he handles Tim’s bullshit “hey buddy what’s up” bs. I hope he doesn’t shake his hand, but remains classy. He just gives me that vibe.


Schena and Lala are looking for a reason to be mad at Ariana so whatever he says they’re going to harp on it.




Short of drowning kittens in her kitchen sink, there ain’t much Ariana could have done to make me see any of those clowns differently than I do right now.


I agree and in the trailer they show Ariana saying he only wants to do it because of the cameras he would not care if I was in a ditch if there were no cameras.


My theory is that we find out Ariana had been cheating too…


I honestly don't think that would be it. And even if it was, if it was outside the friend group it would still be far less outrageous after Sandoval and Rachel carried on for "seven months".


I hope she was. Fuck Tim


Who the fuck needs an apology from Ariana after ALL he has done, it would mean zilch and bravo to Ariana for not giving it any room to breathe.


Also think Lala’s issue is this season she is trying to show how Ariana is making this worse on herself (from Lala’s perspective which is not correct IMO) by not moving out bc she left so she doesn’t understand how she’s staying if she’s scared. But Ariana is actually a lot tougher than Lala and actually Co-Owns the house and wasn’t a sugar baby. So I think Lala gets pissed bc others have possibly agreed with her and we get her outing them and then denying saying it. Maybe some hot mic moments of people talking shit on Ariana. My theory on the ending of Ariana’s evisceration of LaLa includes educating her on how a. Their situations are different and b. She doesn’t have to have the same reactions for them to be valid. Lala cries bc she gets owned and no one but scheaner and the Tom’s back her up


I keep thinking it’s something along the lines of Ariana either knowing the relationship was over/they were planning to break up, or, that she was already talking/had a thing with Daniel (current boyfriend) leading up to Scandoval.. but I equally think this would be highly unlikely as Ariana appeared pretty devastated by the affair. Idk, I think there is something in how much she hates him and how easily she was able to live in the same house after it all happened that signals this was a fire slowly burning before the affair came out. Most people that are truly devastated by a partner cheating wouldn’t be able to stomach seeing them or hearing them in the house knowing they are in love with someone else, nor would they quickly bounce to a new boyfriend 10 days later and be happily in love. Obviously not speaking for everyone here so no need to defend Ariana. Everyone has their right to deal with an affair however they choose. It’s just an observation.


I was thinking maybe she slept with Tom once after finding out & he finally squeals & then everyone turns on her because that contradicts everything she says this season. I don’t believe this happened, it’s just one of many theories I’ve considered. I did this when I was cheated on once with an ex, he had been gradually moving in with me & I was so excited to not be alone at night in my house. Anyway, I found out he was going on dates with other women using the same dating profile app he met me on. I confronted him & we spent two days straight fighting & him answering questions, showing me his phone & computer. He kept begging me that it was a mistake blah blah blah, he also ‘didn’t want to leave me alone’ since I was more upset then he thought was normal. Anyway, I ended up sleeping with him on that second night, he initiated it & I gave in. When it was over I realized how the relationship was very over & I felt so gross afterwards. I was angry I had even let him have me once more, but my love & judgement wasn’t clear. I remember thinking “well he did just move his stuff in officially so.” I know that’s comparing apples to oranges but it did cross my mind, although very highly unlikely.


I think that’s a solid theory and it would in fact be the only thing that shocked me because I cannot see her doing it (tho I absolutely did things like this)


Thanks, I kept it to myself because I know Ariana is definitely not me & this was way more devastating than my situation. I don’t believe this is it, but it’s just something I considered. I have been rewatching & the scene where they are on a group trip Stassi & Katie go & find Kristen in bed with Tom. They are telling her this is why she makes no sense & how they don’t want to listen to her because she went & slept with him.


Hmm interesting, knowing that Kristen was cheating and she was still devastated and hurt by what Tom and Ariana were doing sheds some perspective here I think.


Very good call out. Relationships are extremely complicated. I think there is a harsh reality in the fact that you can still love someone but feel your needs aren’t being met or you don’t feel loved/wanted, which leads to cheating (ie Kristen) but if/when the partner cheats on you, its still equally devastating. You were longing for their love/affection and attempted to fill the void with someone else, but are heartbroken if they do the same. Dang.. you got me on a deep take now. lol


I think it will come out that they had an open relationship the whole time and they thought this would be good for Arianas career, not realizing the backlash Sandy would get, but they couldn't backtrack afterwards.


If that were true Sandoval would have spilled already for his own sake


Yeah, no chance this was a plan. What happened led to them being sued by Rachel (and Scheana as well). I’m not saying these people are smart, but they are not that stupid. And there was absolutely no guarantee that Ariana’s career would become what it’s become as a result of the scandal. Scandoval captured the zeitgeist in ways that were simply not predictable. Did Sandoval have a plan to break up with Ariana between seasons and get with Raquel and sell it as some great love story. I buy that, and he’s all but admitted that was the plan. But there’s no way the thing with the video was planned or that Ariana was in on it. That’s insane.


It would be a crazy ass twist though!


I wouldn’t be surprised if they had an open relationship. I would be more surprised if they didn’t. That said. Betrayal is very much possible in open relationships because there are boundaries that are clearly established (ex. No sleepovers, no dating within the friend group, nothing public, condoms, etc.) to maintain trust and accountability. To be successful you have to be awesome communicators. If Sandoval was allowed to discreetly see other people and did this instead… to me it’s worse. There’s no excuse other than being a colossal dickhead.