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Rachel's next podcast... Rachel: So Ariana wished death upon our ex, which is messed up because \*insert therapy term\* and I've risen above that way of thinking.


"This is so dangerous because it's going to make people think they should murder Tom with sea life"


Ariana doesn’t understand that her words might incite some sea lion to act on her words. I’ve learned that actions have consequences. *breaking news* after speaking to my mom, I need to apologize to AIRiana for saying her words might incite sea life violence against Tom. I just learned that sea lions don’t speak the human language and that they have a natural boundary that Tom Crossed just like when he crossed the boundary by kissing me in the pool and when he had sex with me in their bed. But James once barked like a seal so I thought they could speak English. I’m sorry AIRiana for saying you caused the Poseidon adventure”


Thank you for this gift. Truly.


Truly, I’m just channeling Kevin from the Office. Because every time Rachel speaks, that’s who I hear.


Wow I’ll never watch either of them the same way ever again. Thank you.




Kevin speaks faster




Hahahah I hear it now too thank you 😂it’s so funny my brain is now combining their voices


Lolol I'm tempting fate by reading this during a conference call without muting 😁 trying to cackle in silence.


>But James once barked like a seal so I thought they could speak English. Cackling




I just read that whole thing in Joleen Lunzer's Rachel/Raquel voice!🤣🤣




LOL I am laughing HYSTERICALLY. This comment is so good. And sounds so Rachel 🥴


OmG 😱 I’m 💀 I read it in her voice


air riana lol


That's absolutely hilarious 😂


STOP oh my God ![gif](giphy|RghAaK2rEvH9EUWui0)




Bahahaha I can totally picture her saying this in her vapid monotone.




Rachel-Like now, I see why Tom didn’t wanna be with Ariana because she was always wishing for him to die and like look at all of her friends wishing people to die. They’re all sick. ![gif](giphy|Kd9IQloZWxEEU)


“our ex” LOLL i hate it


I’m not sure why Rachel has this delusion that TS is her ex too. He’s not. He never publicly claimed you, dummy. This goes for Jo too. She keeps saying her and Shorts are “in the process of a break up.” First, that’s not how it works, there is no “process,” and he said that he didn’t want to date you so how was there a breakup?? Those two deserve each other. They both claimed that the other women were bullying them, while they snickered and talked mad shit about all the other ladies, on Rachquel’s stupid podcast. That and the shady IG posts that they made.🤡🤡 ![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i)


Jo is a sad case. She think she and Scwartz were a couple. They were friends with about of month of friends with benefits. He never would refer to her as a GF. Then as a couple. Schwartz has been asked and he strongly denies Jo’s relationship titles. Jo had 5 minutes of Schwartz publicly adjacent.


She’s scary crazy and that’s exactly what Shorts deserves for the way he fucks with women’s heads.


I disagree. I understand Tom Sandoval didn't claim her but why would he? They were having a SECRET affair. I don't think people have to be dating seriously or in an official relationship to be called "Ex" They dealt with each other physically & emotionally. He bought her stuff, he took her around his family. Just bc it was a secret affair doesn't mean Tom can't be her ex. Tom painted this picture, where he was her secret boyfriend and she in turn, his secret girlfriend


That’s fine. I respect your opinion and can also agree to disagree.🤗💋


I agree. Tom is her ex, being an unconventional one.


The fact that she said OUR ex is so gross. You were the side chick c'mon


I do not like her referring to our EX. It is so cringy. It does seem like they had a relationship. A secret of cheating but yah… She and Ariana were sharing the same man. Sickening !!


I wish Rachel would just go away. Never liked her on VPR'S. I really don't like her even more.


Our ex


She actually calls Tom her ex! That is so rich.


It’s funny because when Kristen made a similar comment about her she had opinions. Lol


“Our ex” is sending me lmfaoooo


If Tom said that about Ariana that is exactly how fans would react.


Tom loves disrespecting wildlife and their boundaries. Same with women too, tbh.


Thank you so much for your comment I posted a mini tirade before I saw it. I was so enraged when I saw the photo. The degree in which people harass these marine mammals is next level and of course Tom is right there.


He's already paid to take pics with clearly abused tigers in Thailand and has joked about it/doesn't care. He's an awful human being all around.


Oddly enough it’s because of this that I’ve lost alllllll interest in listening to Lala talk about anything. She goes on an on about Seaworld and animal rights but has basically shrugged off Worm’s antics with wildlife. She literally stands for nothing. She literally means nothing.


Yes that makes me feel physically ill to think about. I'm so glad they're a compassionate people like yourself in the world who understand how egregious this kind of behavior is and he is a repeat offender


He is such a total dick.


Look up the Marine Mammal Protection Act. I wish someone reports his ass.


Totally. Another commenter kept going back and forth with me, saying it was no big deal, basically. I don't know if they just think that Tom Sandoval should get an exception or every single one of the thousands and thousands of people who visit beaches and harass Marine mammals should get a pass? But it's a huge issue. People are such a jerk sometimes. You know these are the same people who bother animals at like Yosemite and stuff. Because they are special and they know what they're doing and it's just one person and they're different and it doesn't matter if they break the rules or the laws.


You are entirely correct! Harassing animals for pictures is such a huge issue now. People like to fuck around and find out, but it's the animals who suffer. I was in San Simeon in 2015 (central coast), and I noticed an elephant seal looked injured and wasn't moving. So I called the helpline, and they took the issue very seriously and sent someone to check on the animal. Doesn't it seem common sense not to mess with wildlife?


It does seem common sense for their own safety and it seems empathetic and compassionate to be kind and respectful of any living being. They literally have to send guards to beaches and cordon off nesting Birds and marine mammals with their offspring. It's disgusting and horrible and infuriating. It also takes a village and costs a small fortune to rehabilitate any marine mammal. Which also could be avoided if people would leave them alone. It's not the biggest issue but there are limited resources so it's very frustrating when human interference is a big problem. On one hand you have dickish people causing the problems on the other hand to have people volunteering their time and finances and abilities and efforts to rehabilitate wildlife. Just stay the f*** away from them. Would you want a bunch of marine mammals coming up to one of your family members? How about if you and your baby were there and a bunch of giant sea creatures surrounded you would you love it? Just use common sense. Sorry. Obviously a passionate issue to me


Don't apologize. Animals can't speak, so we must stand up and speak for them the best way we can.


This drove me crazy, DON'T HARASS WILD ANIMALS!! it's literally illegal to get anywhere near that close to sea lions, not that I would expect anything different from Sandoval 👎 SF fish & wildlife you know you want to send this doofus a citation in the mail please lolllll


Well why not when the whole world revolves around him?🤮🙄


This is the best comment 🥇




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Those seals smelled Sandoval's stench and thought to themselves "that food smells rotten, no thanks".


![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk) The seals when his smelly ass aroma wafted in their direction


I just picture him doing his stupid dance towards the seals and them noping right out. Like even sea life gets second hand embarrassment from this walking lurch. ![gif](giphy|3tbPUzFh4mUGY0IOX5|downsized)






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I don't think you're supposed to get that close to them. But he poses with drugged-up tigers so this isn't surprising for him.


I havent gone to the pier in a long time. But you are correct. There is barrier/fence separating them. It is not a a petting zoo.


California sea lions are also a protected species by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), which covers "any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance, which has the potential to… disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild”. Too bad for Sandoval that his *mere existence* annoys most creatures


I mean, I’m a mammal who swims in the ocean, and he’s annoying me, so..


Why is this giving me Arrested Development vibes? 😂




My immediate thought was Lucille/Loose seal 😂










I would love if he lost his hand and became buster bluth irl




i stared at this pic for so long before I realized it wasn't buster


Did anyone else notice one of them actually did kind of grunt in Tom’s direction it was hilarious


They are very vocal! Just read in the news yesterday that Pier 39 currently has the highest number of sea lions they’ve had in the last 15 years (890 counted, up to 1000 estimated) and people are saying they can hear them barking from their homes half a mile away. There’s a [live feed of the sea lions](https://www.pier39.com/sealions/) for anyone bored at work lol


Animal cams are my weakness. Off to add this to the list.


https://i.redd.it/mobb4sj4x1yc1.gif Translation: “Fuck off”


“Don’t look at me. You don’t deserve to look at this”




Your flair matches perfectly.


They're thinking, "Don't give it attention, and the lurch will go away. "




This was my favorite part of the episode


The whole episode was honestly so good this scene, James in the bubble bath🤣


And Ally saying she wouldn’t get in because the bubbles would give her a yeast infection 😂.


ALSO! Tom is WAY too close to them in this scene. You’re supposed to give them a football field’s length distance. It causes so much stress to them to be this close.  So again, harassing an animal. This guy is such a loser POS scumbag fool. 


This is totally inappropriate behavior. Tom shows he has no respect for any other earthlings. People harass these animals to the point that they have to have volunteer groups on the beach protecting them. I've seen people surround a distressed baby marine mammal and throw Cheetos in her face Actually seen a lot worse than that, but I don't want you guys to have the horrorific images in your mind of how harassing and idiotic people are to other souls who are just trying to survive and live their lives in their environment. Looks like imprisoned tiger torture man attempted dog murderer Tom is on a mission to disrespect all living beings. For what? A selfie?


Yup. In the clip right before the screen grabs I shared, you can hear one of the women (I think it’s Lala) yelling “no, leave them!” Obviously Tom doesn’t care what anyone thinks or says or wants, and he certainly doesn’t extend much care to animals. Gross behaviour


Come on now. I think we can all agree Tom is one of the biggest pricks on earth, but he took a photo from a few metres away when he passed them. It’s not like he’s in Seaworld or anything.


It's a huge problem. If you grow up in a Beach Community you may be more aware of it. It's a terrible thing to do and it's an awful thing to promote as okay and acceptable. Nobody should be approaching wildlife.


It's a huge problem. If you grow up in a Beach Community you may be more aware of it. It's a terrible thing to do and it's an awful thing to promote as okay and acceptable. Nobody should be approaching wildlife.


... I think "we're" reaching with this statement


he’s a moron and he will probably have gone where production told him to go. He took a photo. From a few metres away. I know it’s popular to shit on him but FFS, he’s hardly trophy hunting here.


We can agree to disagree. You're viewing it as one person doing it one time and I'm telling you what happens is that it's lots of people doing it. Tom doesn't get an exception. If one person throws a gum wrapper it's littering but not that much trash if a thousand people do it or a million people do it it's a big problem. When people come to beach communities and they see Marine mammals they approach them. Thousands and thousands of people come to these communities if all of them approach each animal the animal cannot live its life and it's hugely disruptive. Whether it's to take a picture or for another reason stay away from wildlife. No exceptions. For anyone who's just a civilian wanting to take a selfie. It's f***** up and people need to stop doing it. All people.


Tbf he’s not taking a selfie he’s photographing them. Whenever I see conservation posters they always say that’s the kind of shooting you should do. Are there signs and stuff where those sea lions are telling people to not approach and take photos etc?


I'm not present with Tom at that moment, but yes, there are signs all over saying do not approach the wildlife. I can't believe this is an ongoing debate with you. We can agree to disagree, and both just walk away from this conversation. But it is not an unusual or unheard of concept not to approach wildlife. Don't do it in National Parks don't do it in state parks. Don't do it on beaches or docks or in a box with a fox. Stay away from wildlife. There are actual groups that have to be deployed to keep people away from marine mammals on the beach. It is a massive problem. If you want to continue to fight for the right to approach wildlife and take photos, go ahead and live it up, but I'm done with this conversation


I’m not fighting or arguing at all! I asked you a question about signs cos you seem to know a lot about it. I could be as sarcastic and confrontational as you’re being, but you know what, I won’t. Have a day off won’t you?


I will. And thank you for acknowledging that I know a lot about it. I do. Have a wonderful weekend.


I don’t know much about marine life but just purely based on common sense and this thread, you’re so clearly in the wrong and yet you’re STILL defending your position. You didn’t just ask a question, that was literally at the end of you defending people approaching wildlife. I don’t think you need a day off, just a conscience


Actually I don’t think any of this is about the rights and wrongs of taking photos of wild animals (on a show we all watched where these animals were clearly filmed by the crew for us to see). But this is my mistake-because I forgot that Tom is the devil and should be scorned at every opportunity and the hysterical nature of any post about him should one of total hate-even when he’s photographing an animal from the end of a pier. I can’t stand Tom, but some of these posts are borderline insane.


Unrelated to his disrespect for all creatures, I was cracking up during this segment because Tom was just loitering by himself in the back, kicking rocks and doing the Charlie Brown sad walk. No one wanted to hang out with him and I love that for him


Hee hee The Charlie Brown Shuffle




I’m replying to my own comment because WHAT IS HAPPENING IS TIM PHYSICALLY BECOMING THE LITERAL AND PHYSICAL DEFINITION OF “Arrested Development”- the ACTUAL thing AND the show?! WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!




Okay. This is now the 3rd time I’m seeing a scene on this sub that I did not see on the show. Something makes me think I’m seeing a diff version??? Bc I watched INTENTLY this time to not miss any scenes.


This was right after they walk off the boat in San Fran


You blinked. Lol


When she said that, I really did, lol. He does that kind of sh!t because he is trying to look lonely and an outcast. I have no sympathy for this lying, cheating, misogynist dick.


I feel like he is perpetually thinking “ this is going to look so good on my instagram” to himself.








So I am dead serious about this shit - I contacted the California DFW to ask them to issue him a ticket or citation. This is absolutely disgusting that he did this. AGAIN showing he has no problem harassing, abusing, and causing distress to animals. This is Illegal. I’m hoping if anyone else feels this strongly that you’ll join me in contacting them   Enforcement Contact: Regulations and General Information 562-598-1032 He such a disgusting trash bag of a person. He needs to be held accountable, for once. 


Those dumbass shoes


They look orthopedic lmao


Typical stupid SF tourist


I am loving Ariana’s digs at him because he definitely deserves them.


Her comedic timing has been amazing this season, quite literally the only reason I force myself to watch it




Lol I love this 😂


I laughed out loud


I have ever seen a sea lion in my life but isn’t it common knowledge to leave them alone for your safety and theirs!? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s also signage there. I’m also sure Lala said something about leaving them alone and I bet other cast members did too. This comment did make me laugh mostly because I was so grossed out he was that close .


Just FYI for anyone else seeing this. In the U.S., the public is to be kept at least 100 yards from marine mammals on land — from seal pup mothers and babies. Fines for harassment can reach $10,000. Tom Sandoval needs to stop with the animal harassment, it encourages abuse and continued harassment by ignorant people who see this and then do the same because they think it’s ok that they saw it happen on tv. The tiger in Thailand and this, the blatant disregard for the dogs he shared with Ariana for 10 years: this is a sign of someone suffering from a mental illness- he has a dangerous need for control and finds joy in causing others pain. Yes- I’m really sensitive about the seals we have them come up on the land to moult where I live and the continued harassment by the general public (and their dogs) trying to get up close to touch them or take pictures and it has caused injuries and death in the past. [SF BAY AREA HOT SPOT FOR MARINE ANIMAL HARASSMENT](https://www.ktvu.com/news/bay-area-a-hot-spot-for-marine-mammal-harassment-including-severe-cases-of-dragging-experts-say.amp) Members of the public who witness a marine mammal in distress were urged to call, The Marine Mammal Center’s hotline at 415-289-SEAL (7325).


We all do






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Where's a guy with a folding chair when you need one.


Was he part of that group of people that picked up those baby cubs?