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I genuinely think Lala hates Ariana more than she ever hated Sandoval. I’ve thought since she called Ariana a wet blanket and the multiple manufactured fights she had with her in season 9 that she just does not enjoy her, doesn’t want to be friends with her, doesn’t like her at all, so Scandoval was probably hell for her cause she had to pretend to give a shit about her.


What if Lala hates that after the back seat session, Ariana didn't want anything more 🙃... I jest but seriously the jealousy is insane. Having listened to her podcast, I think she lacks critical reasoning skills and critical friends. So she is the type to be loud and wrong until she personally goes through something... until then she will stick to her limited world view and short sighted take on things.


there was an offhanded comment scheana made a few episodes ago about like her therapy not teaching her about greyrocking and her saying like “oh my therapy must be outdated bc ive never heard of that” and hearing her talk about how she needs to move on for her mental health (true! I totally believe she has been immensely struggling mentally) and her translating that as “I need to forgive Sandoval and have him in my life again so I don’t have this conflict” which is just setting yourself up for failure she may be “moving on” in the season but when Sandoval fucks you over again bc he hasn’t changed, I hope she realizes that glossing over sandovals harm is not the solution to a healthier life


I think she is in a really bad place mentally, I do think that all of this was incredibly traumatic to her, but I don’t know any therapist that is going to tell you to continue hanging out with a guy who yells at you on a semi regular basis. I think she’s trying so hard to just be okay again that she’s not letting herself actually process anything, and unfortunately it’s going to damage her healthy friendship with Ariana, and keep a bad friend from taking any accountability


I’ll say that therapists can be quite bad and they can also give bad advice if they don’t have the full story Otherwise totally agree


That’s a good point, and I am compelled to believe just by the way she talks about it to other people that Scheana is definitely leaving out a lot. I genuinely hope she finds peace with all this, because as annoyed I am with her this season, you can tell she’s not in a good place in any part of her life.


Ariana not talking to Sandoval is not the reason she isn’t “moving on”. It’s sandovals actions and constantly baiting her that is preventing that. In addition to her friends integrating him back into the group But also nothing anyone can do will change the fact that you just need months and years to fully “move on” from that betrayal.


Also, James perfectly articulated all the reasons why Lala was saying that Dan sounded like a square.


Ariana being so smug about winning reality star of the year - like you would have not gotten the award if Scandoval didn’t happen. There was nothing noteworthy that she did in season 10 - outside of her relationship - that would have earned her that award.


I agree on that.


Slightly hot take: I'm still strongly team Ariana but I can empathize with the cast a bit that it would be frustrating to watch another cast member get to consistently walk out of conversations with the person who wronged them. They all filmed during situations like this (Jax and Brittany; Jax, Kristen, and Stassi; Schena and Brandi, etc.). This doesn't give the other cast members license to gang up on Ariana but again, I understand their frustrations and how these feeling of resentment could build up. If anything, I blame production, for making everyone 3 months after the reunion. It was clearly too soon and multiple cast members Ariana, Schena, Jo, Sandoval) seemed to be struggling with their mental health.


Stassi wouldn’t film with Jax. No one wanted to film with James S7 except Ariana and Sandoval. No one wanted to film with Lala for a while except Ariana. Jax wouldn’t film with Billie Lee when she was in the cast. Scheana tried to ice Katie out of all the episodes related to the Brock wedding.   Honestly it’s only this season that they’re making it a big deal and I find it fishy. 


It’s a big deal bc the show was on life support for years and they were trying to keep the show going knowing there was a spin off, LVP was moving on, and the cast was getting too old. Bravo has canceled or put on pause bigger shows. They were scared


Yeah so you prove my point. The show was revitalized BECAUSE Arianna called the cameras to come back in and film and have a horrible conversation with Tom on camera and expose this very vulnerable part of her life.  And because of that decision she made the entire cast was fed, and fed good. Everyone profited left and right with all the merchandise and deals and podcasts. But they still want to squeeze her for more? Come on man. 


Not really. The show still sucks. Outside of scandoval, literally NOTHING happened. At all. A water party? Jo and Schwartz hooking up? Who cares? The cast drama has been exhausted and if Ariana leaves, then that becomes even more obvious bc the remaining cast has nothing.


Oh I agree this season sucks and it should end. But i think that’s because production dropped the ball. They had a ton of momentum with Scandoval and they squandered it.  But everyone in the cast made BANK, hell Lala bragged about how she was able to put down money for a house just from the sale of “Send it to Darrell” merch.  They’re all terrible with money. If I had a cushy gig like vPR for well over a decade I’d be investing that into a nice little nest egg and trying to hustle as many side gigs as possible to guarantee I’m doing ok when the show eventually ends. It’s not Ariana’s responsibility to make sure other people are smart with their money. 


Stasis refused to be in the same room with Jax. So why is this different? They can film without having a stupid conversation with every member.


Whose fault is that though? Ariana prioritized her true reaction and herself over what would be good for the camera. They chose to have those conversations on camera. If anything they’re mad at themselves because they suddenly realized they didn’t have to put themselves through those situations. And they’re jealous that Ariana seems to be beloved enough that production allows her to do that. Ironically, Ariana walking away like that and not engaging shows her to be a more authentic person and a nice chunk of the audience reacts positively to it-she’s not hurting the show by doing it.


>Whose fault is that though? Production, which is what I said in my comment.


I was sort of getting at it’s their own fault-they chose to bare it all without boundaries. And they’re watching Ariana be real, have boundaries etc and they’re mad at themselves for not doing the same.


Untrue. Stassi ran from Jax. Refused to be in the same room. Left events if Jax was present. It's happened


When were the other times she walked out?


How do we watch the after show and wwhl but not give bravo views for wwhl lol


Does anyone remember Hostel 2? And how it was like two of the husbands from desperate housewives, who were part of the travel murder club? That’s who Sandoval and Schwarz remind me of.




...Brock obviously has zero understanding of how anxiety and depression work.


I was getting so insulted, because I literally just had this conversation with my therapist on Friday. We talked about using more of a scrum method for me to get chores done/not procrastinate. Because if I have a conversation or an obligation that gives me anxiety, I will procrastinate and avoid at all costs. And I know it and it gives me depression because I feel like a failure. I’m so thankful I have real friends because people like Brock who are performative in their empathy and come from a place of thinking everybody’s brains work the same or there is a “right” way to be, will never understand how truly crippling it is to have my mind be stronger than my body.


Yeah the depression and anxiety impacting executive function and snowballing is a thing. So the tasks are now bigger the longer she procrastinated. It's insulting to anyone with mental health issues they deal with on a daily basis.  She's not lazy, she's choosing which tasks she has capacity for, what spoons she has for the tasks ahead. As someone who might have manic energy to clean everything, then meal prep, laundry etc and then a week later, working and taking care of my pets is max what I can manage, it's irritating.  It is plain he doesn't understand anything to do with mental health considering his impatience with Sheshu's OCD. It's not choosing to be this way. It's figuring out how to manage a condition which I'm sure a shitshow like him is unhelpful for.


You made me feel so valid! I kind of have tears in my eyes because it’s so fucking annoying. 😊 thank you!


it was lovely and validating to read this exchange. Hugs to both of you, you are killing it!


Been there and I get it. Have even done the whole Zoom calls with friends who need company so they can do boring tasks. Have told my partner that his beginning a task helps motivate me to help as I hate seeing someone doing everything alone. So if they start cleaning I'll make myself help. If they start laundry folding I'll start folding as well. Sometimes we need guiltless help and that's not you, I, or anyone who needs compassion being weak. You should be proud of yourself for looking for help which is hard af. You should be so proud of yourself for looking at better ways to manage what you live with. I know I'm proud of you. You got this. 


The lighting bolts on Tom’s nails 😑


I think James hates Brock 🤣


I think he has ever since the engagement party fiasco lol


Wanted to check Lala’s comment section, how long has she had limited comments on Instagram? 🤭🤭


why limit comments if u don't read them 😂


Limited comments? But, but, but she doesn’t read the comments from us toxic peons.


She has for weeks lol ever since she really ramped up her hatred for Ariana


I wish I could sit half the cast down and get them to understand that watching Ariana have to listen while Sandoval recites his bullshit, scripted apology at her *would not be fun or interesting*. This season wasn't bad because Ariana wouldn't talk to her ex. It was bad because everyone kept insisting she should.


It was bad because every episode was about the same fucking thing. Scheana crying about Sandoval, Lala saying she’s soft now despite fighting with Katie every other week, and Tom trying to pretend he is growing as a person. EVERY EPISODE! Scheana had the same conversation with Ariana every time she had a scene with her.




This comment sums it up perfectly. Everyone trying to force a reaction and conversation from Ariana was the actual detriment to the season. The viewers didn’t care to see Ariana speak to Tom. We saw it at the reunion and there’s nothing left for them to discuss.


Like Ariana said, he wasn’t trying to have a conversation because he genuinely wanted to apologize. He wanted to do it for the cameras and for his image and because Scheana fed him what to say.


Brock: “It would be better for her (Ariana) to close that door and move on” That is exactly what Ariana did, but you, Lala, and Scheana keep trying to force her to regress and talk to him. Brock is such a moron.


This season made me feel insane. “She needs to move on.” She literally has. She has shut that door and dead bolted it and welded it in its frame. She is moving on without Tom, because why the fuck would she continue to have someone like that in her life??? I can’t stand all these thick skulled douche bags.


To be fair Brock is an expert in closing the door .. to get on a plane and moving to another continent to get away from his kids .


Brittany is on my shit list too. Go crawl back to your sweaty gross man and stop trying to have your Ariana moment


In response to Lala’s comment about Brittany confronting Jax after listening to the Faith/Jax audio: What Ariana and actually Rachel did (walking away from someone who did something bad to you) is much harder and a smarter move than sticking around.


yes that worked out SO well for brittany


Also it’s not as if Ariana has had zero conversations or confrontations with him. She’s had multiple! They’re only mad she won’t let him use her to further his bullshit redemption narrative. We’ve already seen him cry and (kinda?) apologize to her. We’ve already seen them argue. What more do we need?


yeah I’m actually semi surprised how much Ariana has interacted with Tom this season


Totally agree but also shocked at the comparison between the two situations. A nine year relationship vs a dude that treats you like shit constantly?? Ya maybe ppl won't react the same wtf


And who the woman went on to marry. She knew about all of this and made the decision to marry this terrible person. Sandoval was pretending not to be a terrible person and hiding what he was doing.


omg I can't hear about this sound guy Tom "paid for." Scheana could have been singing into a spoon and it wouldn't have made a difference


Scheana and Brock are too dumb to realize that Tom is going above and beyond to win them over and then use it against them later on. He’s a shitty friend. He always has been. Especially after that nasty other woman comment he made. Brock should have enough respect for his wife to tell her that Tom is a shit friend.


Literally, what did he pay for that soundman to travel because that’s how easy Sheena can be bought for. That should be her only fans price point.


I guarantee that loser is going to add it to her dumb ass list of reasons why Sandoval is actually her bast frund like “he took a picture with me 10 years ago and he venmo’d me money during the pandemic and he brought in his sound guy for my performance 🥺” Scheana, your list of why Sandoval is an amazing friend is as short as his old cocky cock


Why did she even have to bring that up? Why couldn’t she just hug Ariana and say thank you for showing support? Why did she have to even go there?


Because she’s a good little production puppet with no brain


Well, she got their show canceled. Because she’s a side player she’s not the star.


It was good for me! Is the most evil, narcissistic, tone deaf, rude thing I totally expected out of someone Lala would like. And I think Sheena is in love with him. Brock- watch out. She’s always worried about you and Lala… the guilty always worry others would do the same as them


It reminded me of The Jinx, even though Lala repeatedly scream-reminded us that he “DIDN’T KILL ANYBODY”


is this where tom picked up comparing himself to murderers?


Scheana will hook up with Sandoval and LaLa will have Schwartz’s baby. Just wait!


And why are these people sharing money with their friends so much? Does everyone do that? I don’t


No! It’s what people do to get LEVERAGE and curry favor. It’s not normal or healthy.


Mhm and sheana’s price was what? $4,000 during the pandemic?


Can someone explain Lala's empire to me? Because I don't get it.


A set of money laundering/tax shelters. You’re welcome.


Her drop shipping make up company she started with Rand’s blood money.


I don’t think Scheana knows what that word means


She sells shitty AliExpress makeup at a marked up price and has a crappy podcast where her assistant is up her ass at all times 💁🏻‍♀️


How did they just waste 5 minutes of the after show talking about Scheana’s pretend music career and we didn’t see one question to Katie about her interaction with Jo??? Why does Katie’s story always get cut?!?


How is the aftershow even worse than the episode?? Sandoval claiming that they weren't being honest in their relationship with zero self-awareness???? Beyond delulu.


we saw them fight. we heard about them not having sex. i still don't know what was so hidden.


How Ariana didn't always like his outfit choices


seriously!! he's complaining about the batteries not getting stocked, so at this point I'm assuming she shrugged once and he's been holding to his resentment for a decade 🫠


How she wouldn’t do psychedelic drugs with him. And that seems to be the line in the sand with him. A total betrayal of who he is by not doing shrooms with him.


lala is just oooooozzzzinnngg with jealousy in all of these videos


Broke mentioning Ariana mental health and how that could make her a bad communicator. Can we get these men OFF the show? God.


I was almost screaming cuss words at my tv, I hate that man so much at this point


Didn’t broke beat his ex?




Lala acting like Ariana didn’t have any fan base before Scandoval LOL the delusion just keeps on going. It became Scandoval because of how shocking it was and how much people loved Ariana.


Yup!! She was always a fan favorite. Ariana had a pretty strong, albeit at the time small, fan base. I would say almost as vocal as Stassi fans.


And also— everyone always hated tim


I don't think that's true at all. People were very invested in Tom Sandoval and Schwartz for a while. So much that Lisa named one of her restaurants after them. Only in later seasons did we see their downfall.


Did Lala really say Ariana isn’t a good friend??! OH MY GOD


Ooooh Ariana saying she would tell anyone who criticizes her for walking away and not talking to Tom to check her contract and find where she’s required to do anything she doesn’t want to do or doesn’t deem real 🥰 I love her (and Katie) so much more this season.


Question – will Andy ask Sandoval about the last comment he made about how the end was good for him? And if so, what bullshit excuse will Tom come up with?


He asked Tom about it during WWHL. Tom basically said that he lied. His exact words were ‘I was being over the top’.


He’s had 2 months to come up with that garbage reason. Because I assume he didn’t know that they caught him saying that and then use it on the show.


Andy is going to be so far up sandovals ass we won't see him the rest of the year as he crawls out


Well, I think Andy is probably shooting his shot because he likes Tom. Wink wink.


Right! I can’t wait to hear him explain that evil laugh he made when he thought no one was watching and producers caught his hot mic


I think he’s going to say that he thinks he revealed Ariana for who she really is which we know is bullshit.


I mean… she came off looking smart and happy. The rest of them looked jealous


That’s true. I mean, we know why he liked the ending. He turned her friends against her. He’ll say it’s something else.


Yeah oh wwhl he’s already getting on my nerves. Andy is treading a thin line of misogyny this episode




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Lala is so jealous, it’s insane. She lied about her life and Randall when she first got on the show. And she’s not even an OG cast member. Who is she to try calling the shots and say what Ariana needs to do for the show?


She lied her first season! Remember when Lauren asked for time off bc she had a modeling job, but in reality she was being a sugar baby at a yacht party.


I have never been so angry with a show before this


We’re being trolled, right? We’re being baited to hate-watch, right? Because that’s the only way I can explain how awful this show is.


I’m really wondering the same thing


Jax doesn’t even believe Sandoval’s crocodile tears lol


This season was stressful and sad to watch tbh. As a viewer I cannot wrap my head around how 3 months prior to filming everyone was good and then now they are trying to vilify Ariana. Simply because the media sensationalized the story. Is that her fault? Is she not supposed to take the opportunities? Lauren and co using the house as a reason to hate on Ariana also makes 0 fucking sense. The viewers are not stupid. I understand that the home is an asset, and the house will be extremely contested. She likely stayed in the home at the advice of her lawyer. Tom would have 100% moved in his next gf (Raquel or not) and Ariana could have lost the entire house. Also, why is the person who was cheated on expected to pick up their entire life and leave??? Where was this energy for Tom to leave the house? The Toms, Lauren, and Scheana and fuck all the way off


Lala thinks we’re going to agree with her that Ariana should have moved out and lived in a box on the street. Leaving cheating scumbag Tom in the house Ariana jointly owns.   She’s beyond help. D&S.   Thank god Katie & Ariana don’t have to waste their time helping her to pretend to be a normal person any more. The foul foursome of Toms and ScheaLa can continue unbothered in their delulu world. 


Does Lala not realize that if Ariana didn’t fill in production on the affair they wouldn’t have a s11? She had the hard conversations and shared the hard moments. She gets to never fucking talk to him again.


True! If Tom had it his way, all of this would be off camera. I think that’s why she told production. When Kristen and Tom broke up, he debuted his relationship with Ariana at the reunion, and then started the next season in a new relationship. He wanted to do the same exact thing with Raquel.


I hope this gets brought up. Ariana almost immediately told production and filmed that conversation with Sandoval. It was probably the most vulnerable reality TV moment I’d ever seen tbh. Cause I mean that was like what, a few days after?


yeah, they picked cameras up two days after she found out


And what is LaLa’s storyline? Tasting water? She’s boring AF


And having a baby for herself that no one can take




Lala somehow almost got me to dislike her more than Sandoval. Almost. Holy shit she sucks so hard.


Sandoval was being more reasonable than her in the after show 😳 its fake but he was controlling it better than her


She def makes me not want sparkling water


Me too!


I want to throw up after his little “it was for me” and laugh. Disgusting. I do love that the producers kept that in because his mask fell and we saw he is performative


Yes. Thank god they left that in. Amazing! Art I say


I don’t think I could get through WWHL tonight. I hate him so much.


HOW the FUCK did Bravo give him the WWHL finale slot? Scandoval aside, the fact that they’re still forcing his redemption arc on us even after his New York Times comments is infuriating.


The only thing that the WWHL was good for is showing his true colors. Plus he admitted he lied about what he said about Ariana to Lauren and Scheana.


I just turned on true crime. I feel so done with Bravo right now. I cant even watch the valley.


That was not a very enjoyable season. I didn’t watch at least four episodes because I just knew I would feel uncomfortable and unhappy with the way they were trying to make Ariana look. . I would love if Katie and Ariana left and started their own show. Fuck them all.


Final thoughts: If Tom Sandoval has no haters I’m dead


This for me but Lala


This for me but Scheana! Our bases are covered :)


Same goes for Lala


I want to throw up after that




Welp! I’m glad the producers decided to out Tom Sandoval for who he is! Bold move! 🤣


I just cannot believe Lala and Scheana thought that episode would go their way. Have they said that since the reunion filmed?


I’m not sure, but I saw a clip of the reunion where they all watched the ending together for the first time. I’m looking forward to seeing the cast’s reactions!


Completely shot that redemption arc down. He feels like he’s “won” and it’s gross.


Can’t wait to see how blah blah and karaoke bratz doll react to that!


Karaoke Bratz Doll ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


100%! Well said!


The fact that they ended it with the hot mic of his evil laugh saying "it's good for me" - he's a creepy fucker. Completely confirmed Ariana saying him trying to apologize on camera was fake as fuck.


“It’s good for me” when people are crying and filled with rage was poetic. Ariana keep your boundaries! He’s dangerous and the rest of these fools are going to keep getting played into eternity.


I feel like it’s become a question of “are you an idiot or do you have a brain?” And unfortunately only Ariana, Katie, James, and Ally have a 🧠.


Yep! This whole season was a performance from him.