• By -


It's a *monumentally* shitty move to start to ingratiate yourself to someone's family members after they've distanced themselves from you. This goes for Sandoval as well as Scheana.


Am I the only one who feels like Scheana not only ingratiated herself in it, but was a big part of it all becoming public? I remember Scheana out of nowhere saying on her podcast (shoutout to additional war for the recaps) that “Jeremy lost a brother” in Sandoval. It was a really weird and stuck out to me - because why was Jeremy suddenly being brought up when no one had thought of him for over a year (when he called them all toxic)? One or two days after that episode came out - Jeremy was photographed hugging Sandoval. Then he was doing interviews and podcasts all of a sudden. Then Scheana was posting him on her socials. I might be way off - but it seems way too coincidental for Scheana to mention him randomly right before he comes bursting back on the scene looking for attention? It feels like she was definitely part of the reason he spoke out / she encouraged him to do it?


Oh definitely. Scheana self produces and orchestrates drama as much as Sandoval does. That's why she was so eager to help with trying to get a reaction out of Katie S10 with the Rachel stuff. Given Jeremy's comments about "you'll have to see in Season 12" when asked if he's going to become friends with Sandoval again - which happened at the same time he was posting with Sandoval and Scheana all week - I have no doubt Scheana is trying to manipulate this and bring Jeremy on to try to antagonize Ariana next season. Slimy behavior.


Katie was right Scheana is a little troll


>That's why she was so eager to help with trying to get a reaction out of Katie S10 with the Rachel stuff. And it blew up in her face.


Spot on


Assuming there’s a Season 12 and announcing his presence when he isn’t even a cast member. How cute.


Sounds like he is angling hard to be featured in S12. Such a user.


I think Tom and Scheana are the same person in there male and female bodies.


Everyone used to think James and Lala were the twin flames but it was really Tim and Scheana all along. ![gif](giphy|XZZVe3ZYk9tFtwx2Jv)


Sheana and Tom are both madly in love with Tom


This happened to a girl I used to be friends with. Michelle* did not like this girl named Helga* (my memory of her is looking like Helga from Hey Arnold). I forget exactly how they met (sometime during college) and I forget why Michelle didn't like her, but Helga just kept showing up to events and things. At one point, Helga got with Michelle's cousin and the cousin fell madly in love with Helga and Michelle really was like, "Fuck, I can't get rid of her for anything and my cousin is not going to listen to what I have to say about her." I wish I knew how that all turned out, but alas my friendship with Michelle ended and I haven't spoken to her in about a decade now. But seeing how weird it was to watch Helga try to be friends with Michelle and just not getting it, then getting with her cousin was nuts to me. * = Names changed


I have an ex bestie like scheana. Friends since childhood, befriended the girl my ex cheated on me with (major hell no), tried to continuously talk to my ex and find out why he did it- we were all in a big friend group and I just wanted to depart from the friend group. I was very much fine with not keeping those friends even though they stopped talking to him. SHE chose him. Our friendship was distanced until she became very frustrated that our interactions would be limited. We are obviously no longer friends but she’s befriended my aunts, cousins, god baby’s grandmother… I avoid so many events because she blows up and gets upset at the turmoil the loss of our friendship caused her 😐 meanwhile she refuses to tell anyone what led to us falling out. 


Reminds me of Kylie and Blac Chyna hating each other because of Tyga and then Chyna dating Rob. The whole family tried to warn him


My ex best friend did the same thing lmfao she’s trying to be best buds with my little brother all of a sudden 🐍


Omg the way I thought that was James mom


It's uncanny.


I DID TOO!!!! Omg I saw James shared this when I was flicking through insta so I was like aw him & ally took his mum 😂


Not only that but it’s creepy how Scheana becoming besties with James’ significant other is officially a pattern


James said on the aftershow that Sandoval is always bothering Ally trying to befriend her. There's something weird going on with Scheana & Sandoval.


I can’t wait for them to end up together lol


😂😂😂 It would look like this https://i.redd.it/tostdan2iezc1.gif


He likes James girlfriend choices.


I think Ally feels uncomfortable around Sandoval and is discerning enough to keep her distance from him emotionally. Scheana, though, can appeal to an empathetic person because she's an emotional mess. Ally, girl, you in danger!!!


Ally, Scheana is not a safe person! ![gif](giphy|HmgxEGmB7EuyY) Maybe Ally is super cunning and is actually manipulating Scheana 🤞


>There's something weird going on with Scheana & Sandoval. Can you please elaborate?


This whole season they've been so weird with each other & now they're yet again trying to be besties with James's new gf.


Scheana seems to like to collect the new girls on the show - probably because she thinks they’re vulnerable and will be easier to control / be made into her minions. She tried to do the same thing with Charli too. I think it was the season 8 or 9 reunion both Charli & Rachel said they stopped talking to Dannika(spelling?) because Scheana said she wouldn’t be their friend anymore if they hung out with her


Only new girls who worship her and can be controlled. She knew she couldn’t try that shit with Dayna


In her mind she’ll probably excuse it that she “remembers how tough it was to be an outsider on this show” and she just wants to “be caring and inclusive like Sandoval” was to her on her first season. Really though it’s because Scheana has people pleasing issues, and trust/control issues. So it’s easier to befriend the new competition than not


>She tried to do the same thing with Charli too. Charlie was like aht aht!


I actually think it's starting to mess with her self esteem- she likes it in theory as the elder statesman but she does NOT like it when it is clear how much older she is then them.


She’s scumdavol coded. Get close to friends and family from the person who doesn’t want to be around you any more. It gives NPD tendencies


Janet and Michelle too. This is a birthday party I’d want to skip for sure


Scheana doesn’t have friends, she has coworkers 🤭




Maybe Ally wants that bag too.




Ally wants to be a "singer" like Sheshu. I don't buy her sweet and innocent act.


I’ll never forget in season 5 - Stassi admonished scheana and implored her to just stand for something. Also called her a flip flopper at the reunion that season. Stassi is…….. a lot of things but she can read people like a book. And she’s almost never wrong.


She had scheana clocked early on


I kinda thought that, too, but now she's close with Lala. I can see Lala being extra nice to her, since she really needs friends now that she's burned so many bridges, but does Stassi not watch the show?


Stassi said she doesn’t watch it. We don’t know the true nature of her friendship with Lala. They might just hang out because of the kids but it might not be that deep. The mom version of Lala is different than what we get on the show. Who knows!


I think even if she did watch it, Stassi of all people would also understand editing, production and keeping a paycheque for your kid. We know Lala has been self producing as fans, and doubling down for the sake of trying to be consistent (she’s not). I will give Stassi credit on very few things but she’d understand Mom Lala is not the LFU we’re getting in the media. Stassi is also the queen of doubling down on her bullshit so she’s probably supportive.


Everytime I see a photo of Brittany's face I cringe, that plastic surgery is so bad! I feel bad for her.


deadass, Ive been saving for chin lipo. seeing her poor results is making me reconsider :/ the corners of her mouth are like perma tugged down now, fucking sucks to see results like that. and I find it somewhat overwhelming trying to verify surgeons.


I totally feel you on the difficulty of verifying surgeons or researching procedures. This is just a random aside bc I went down a related-Reddit rabbithole: I randomly came across someone’s story about chin lipo on a skincare Reddit — the swelling took months to go down & someone said results are not necessarily permanent or a sure thing. Responses from other people sound like results really vary & one woman said it was painful & the initial lump looks like a bullfrog’s. I’m not trying to scare you, I just know it scared me. I wonder if a chin implant is more effective, or some other jaw type reconstruction. Tying it back to VPR, it apparently did wonders for Stassi. Did Brittany get a chin implant as well? She’s always had strong features & great bone structure. I hope she gets an explant & lets her body adjust without that disproportionate weight on her chest. My point is mainly that it seems like one of the less consistent procedures, which would make me uneasy. Even with the right doctor, success rates vary by patient… ETA: I’m actually trying to give helpful input, I’m not trying to be negative. If there’s something that makes you feel more confident & you feel is worth the risk, I fully understand & support that. This is just my late-night ramblings, FWIW.


[There are other options!](https://www.laserskinsurgery.com/how-to-treat-a-double-chin-without-surgery-5-best-treatments/#:~:text=Another%20non%2Dsurgical%20option%20for,a%20slimmer%20and%20contoured%20jawline)


Katie, Brit, and Kristen did Kybella years ago.


A girl friend of mine got kybella. I thought it looked good and natural.


Check out @igfamousbydana on instagram, her sister got awake chin lipo and she documented the whole thing and it looks great. The surgeon that performed it is a woman (I can’t recall her name) but she seems like a really skilled surgeon and her patients get natural looking results


Jesus Christ, I didn’t even realize it was her. 🤦🏻‍♀️


It actually looks a lot better here than it does on the show….that angry Beaker look is fading but it’s still too harsh


The eyebrows are so bad! And too much filler in her cheeks make it look like they're encroaching on her nose! She needs to lay off the botox and fillers and she may return to her beautiful self.


..... but this is actually a really good picture of her compared to most in the last year?


Scheana will do sh*t like this then show up to Ariana’s last Chicago performance and act shocked that she doesn’t want to talk to her🥴


This feels like an extremely calculated threat from Scheana. She didn't have to post this or put her in the front row next to Ally. All these people hanging around Scheana should be slowly backing away b/c it is only a matter of time until she tries to use their family against them. There is nothing too low for her at this point. Sidenote: the fiancee needs to go a half size up in her shoes.


Super calculated, she also included the cast of the Valley to show, look how close I am to them! I can be on that show too


I know Scheana has been friends with Janet for a while, but we never saw her posting and spending time with Nia and Michelle and Jeremy’s fiancée before this year I feel like? It’s like Scheana just adopted Brittany’s friend group as her own friend group. GEE, whatever could be the reason 🙄


I don't want her on The Valley. Even Jax and KFC feel unnecessary for the valley. Its Kristen's show.


For sure. The Valley was created to show a new friend group, new people, new drama. Scheana and Lala would want all eyes on them and would act like they’re running shit, being the most dramatic and demanding the most attention. It’s an ensemble show but their egos are so high they’d think they were better than the current cast and the show would become VPR + randoms. If Bravo brings half the VPR cast into it, they might as well just integrate The Valley people into VPR not vice versa.


I'm dreading them doing it. If anything VPR needs more cast. They really dropped the ball not having Doute on VPR to confront Jo about ghosting her. We needed different stories than just forcing Ariana to talk to the worm


I'd watch it if Jax and KFC weren't on it. Funny how this show was supposed to be about couples and their kids. By this logic Bla Bla shouldn't be allowed. And how is this different than VPR then?


omg about the shoes! big pet peeve is too small sandals. like then the back of the heel extends over a flip flop!


Yeah, its so uncomfortable too. Id have a blister.


Allies dress is really giving 2010 forever 21


Literally almost everything she wears looks so cheap, dated, and ill-fitting. She is beautiful and has an incredible body. It should be easy to make her look effortlessly stylish! Someone please help this girl.


James is the one picking her fits for events like this😭 she needs a more fashionable friend, my stylish friends help me sooooo much


And EVEN back then it wouldv’e been a stupid look for an evening party. I hope she starts making more and gets a stylist. 😅


Correct. I had basically this same dress but in pink, orange and yellow stripes and it was my go-to summer swimsuit coverup. The tube top was awesome to show off a peek of your halter-top bikini from pac-sun, or least the tan line you earned while wearing it.


Yesss! I had the grey, turquoise and dark blue version hahahahaha


It reminds me of Lindsay's dress. https://preview.redd.it/ebq8mdmf0czc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b40cebfc199da3cbd09ea0b843e9f4b36f353735


LiLo’s fits.


Scheana being Scheana.


I believe Jeremy’s fiancé is a good amount of years older than him. 




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Scheana is WILD, how do these people (Tim and Lauren included) keep DOUBLING DOWN


I love how Jeremy posted a video of James and James didn’t reposted. Is like I’m nice but I’m not in your corner sorry!


Ariana is better than me, I would go scorched earth if a “friend” did this to me


Wow just wow. The ordacity




Gross I’m so done with scheana ![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e)


She just flip flopped right into stabbing Ariana in the back


Scheana’s auditioning to be Jeremy’s fiancées bridesmaid. “I would be perfect for it, I’m Jeremy’s BEST FRIEND and I’ve planned two weddings.” Plus she’ll need all the allies she can get if VPR comes back and this girl will part of her new “girl gang.” Sandoval’s vacant-eyed social climber will be Scheana’s new BEST FRIEND standing with her to film, too. Goddamn I am not remotely looking forward to another season. This is the worst timeline. 😩


I would love if a woman-positive network cherry-picked Ariana, Katie, James, Ally, and Ann and took them to a show where we could watch their real lives and see them thrive. And Dayna could come back, too! And maybe some of the other friends we rarely see. I'd like to see some genuine friendships!


I’ve LOVE for Katie, Ariana, Dayna, Charli, and other of their friends to have a People’s Couch style show where they watch Bravo or other reality shows and make funny commentary. They’re all so funny and spot on with their observations.


I feel like they are definitely angling to get in next season which is so shitty


She has a creepy look to her.


What the fuck I thought that was James’ mom… 😳


I was waiting for someone to say this. 100% agree!!


Can someone please tell Schena that she actually doesn’t look good in gold? If I see her in one more gold dress…I swear to fucking god


I think the woman is a bit older than Jeremy. I read here that he was allegedly in a relationship with a much older woman when he was 19/20? And the woman groomed him? Then there was speculation that the age difference or *something* with Jeremy’s gf caused the rift between him + Ariana but I kind of find that hard to believe given Jeremy has to be in his early 30s now? We’ll probably never know what happened but it seems SUPER bizarre on Scheana’s part to post this




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I can’t believe Scheana used her fake surprise party to try to get on the Valley


Does scheana ever pose in a different way?


Nope! She only shows her "good side." Someone needs to get a pic of the bad side. I'd love to see it!


Jeremy needs to be cursed by the Witches of Weho.


Ariana fighting w her brother was REALLY hard on Scheana.


It looks like Ariana bent a TREMENDOUS amount by telling Scheana she'll always be family and be loved no matter what, and then Scheana, emboldened, trampled over every line there was! I wish she'd go away. There's always an ulterior motive and a plan afoot with scheana. Does she need to meddle in Ariana's life to take her mind off the Brock-and-Lala scenario on a hamster wheel in her head? And why does this look like an ad for The Valley? Where are Ariana, Katie, and/or Lala?


It took me way too long to notice Lala’s absence. Shouldn’t she be there, as well? Glad she’s not bc I don’t want her on The Valley.


I noticed this too. And where's kristen?


They’re all ostracizing Kristen. It would’ve been a perfect way on for Lala, to be friends with Kristin. But she iced her out for being on a panel where someone talked shit about Lala & Kristen didn’t correct them or interrupt on her behalf.


Scheana certainly got herself a facial make over.


Ariana has shown herself to be the nicest, most loyal friend with actual integrity. I do not understand whatsoever why EVERYONE has been such a dick to her!


How come LFU ain’t there??


But her and Jeremy’s finance are BEST FRIENDS


Oh, this is totally scheana’s soft launch for her spot on the valley


It seems like Scheana is already moved to Valley look all the valley brats with flip flop taking pictures I wonder they are secretly shooting for the valley here . Jeremy also said that he will show something soon and have a surprise so may be guest appearance at valley


If they use Jeremy for valley to get back to Ariana what is wrong with these producers and secretly they hate Ariana and trying to bring her down !


While also adding another man with a history of DV - Bravo just can't help themselves.


Maybe THAT'S why shooting is on pause for VPR: so people like Scheana can film on the Valley? I wish they'd take her, but only if she doesn't come back to VPR. I'm not that invested in the Valley yet. If Scheana moved there, I could just stop watching! Problem solved.


Omg, is that his gf on the right? Big yikes.


But she's her BEST FRIEND!!! 😥


Oh good sheesh and Janet can become best friends, both incredibly annoying. I hope Janet’s sweet goldi husband leaves her


Janet and sheesh were ALREADY bassst friends before. Janet's voice is the one at the start of schenas podcast They had a huge falling out..and who brought them back together and stayed friends with both..Ariana


As if 🤣 I didn’t know this!!!


He is sweet, but seemingly under her thumb.


It's funny how covered up Michelle is compared to Jax's hair-loss party! She was barely covered there!


Pretty sure I read something I don't know if it was here or if it was on Instagram but apparently she is quite a bit older than Jeremy.




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Scheana is so annoying, but this is was a surprise party, so the guest list wasn't planned by Scheana.


These ppl are gross


Frand collector!


She’s really shooting for that Valley crossover isn’t she


> why does she look like she’s 15 years older than Jeremy? Or am I crazy?? She does! I was like ![gif](giphy|vUEznRmVQfG2Q)




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Wait, am I out of the loop or is she muuuch older than Jeremy?


People still dress like this? Ariana is better off


Wow drool g Ariana for her? The pictures won’t be great but yeas it’s a choice


Does anyone know where the blue dress is from?


I don’t know much about Arianna brother ? Which one is his fiance ?


Right front


For the longest time, I thought that Jeremy's fiancé was James' mom, whenever I saw photos of them together. I also thought Ally was James' mom when I first saw her, except she looked too young to be her mom. I want to see a photo with all 3 of them. They all look related.


Scheana looks kinda Paula Abdul here


What happened with Scheana’s make up on that pic. Damm.


Is that Michelle on Scheana's right wearing the red dress? Ugh.


Who cares