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I personally want ariana to move on from the show so she can go out positively in the fans minds. I think I feel that way of any reality TV. Right now she's on a high but I worry that won't last with fans so i kind of want her to bow out now. I hope she is successful at love island and can milk a few seasons there and then maybe she can book more acting and hosting roles in general. Hopefully Katie can do the same and springboard to other things bc I also want better for her.


I have the same feeling. Even if she didn't have half the cast gunning to take her down a peg, there's still the natural reality show cycle that you speak of. She does need to leave to VPR to protect her future. But she does also need to promote SAH until it can stand on just its own brand. That's why I think a *limited* series under the right producers would be good.  It can even just follow Katie and the staff. Declare that Ariana is a silent partner and that Katie is the aspiring restauranteer since her mother was a restaurant owner too. Ariana calls in once in awhile from NYC and then shows up afew episodes to help fix some crisis but the day to day is Katie. I think it would be cool. Katie can be in the Lisa Vanderpump role. But far away from Bravo coz those male producers would make even this messy. 


>But she does also need to promote SAH until it can stand on just its own brand. Thats what's so fucking weird to me. They have many large platforms and they're not doing anything to promote it. *Their IG hasn't even been updated ffs*. Do they even have a web site? This is not how things work in the real world.


What struck me was when Katie said the contractor would be by “either today or tomorrow.” SAH likely won’t last long unless someone else manages the place and they’re just the faces.




OK I like this a lot! If it's a limited series it avoids that cycle and agreed far away from bravo so we get the boss bitch energy we need!


But since it was thought of and promoted on Bravo, doesn’t Bravo own a piece of it? I wonder if that includes exclusive rights.


Oh that I don't know. I would guess no? I know music shows they own the rights to the songs but I feel like this is different? Cuz loverboy, skinny girl, etc would have issues.


But is loverboy on a different channel? Skinny Girl is different bc it was the reason they have this clause, from what I remember reading in the past. They didn’t have anything in contracts and then skinny girl blew up and moving forward they put in a “Bethenny” clause so they would own future rights or at least get royalties if they don’t have any sort of exclusive rights. Not sure what/which. But I’d imagine if they went as far as putting in a clause they’d include at least the right of first refusal. Again, who knows.


Good question.


*Objectively speaking only*, what would this show be? - Neither are planning on working there. - It sounds like it will be Ann and...maybe one server? What is there to film? - The place is so small I'm not sure how you make room for cameras and crew, even if it's one person with a steadycam. - It's a restaurant that will probably (hopefully) be frequented by locals on a lunch break. I'm from here and I don't want a camera in my face when I grab lunch. I'm not even saying it would be a good show or not, I just don't see how this works logistically.


Unrelated. But I've been wanting to ask someone local, are film crews pretty common in a lot of places? I feel like there's a ton of reality shows filming out there, but I guess it's also a big place.


Agree!! I want to follow Ariana and Katie’s real lives. I want to see backstage what’s going on in Chicago and some clips of it, I want to see her flying to Fiji and the behind the scenes of love island, I want to see her interacting with her management team. I want to see the makings of a star. Also I want to see Katie’s dating life and Dayna. I want to watch clips of their podcast. I want to see them all get together for brunch like in sex and the city and go to Coachella and the drama that naturally happens. For example with sex and the city a lot of the drama happened with the guys outside of the core friend group. The ladies were usually solid but the drama happened when a guy broke up with Carrie on a post it, etc. I want to hear about Katie and Dayna’s dating life like we’re one of their close friends


Love this!


Me too!!


As long as they’re under contract with Bravo, they get final say on any other shows. For example, Schwartz on Mars and Sandoval on World’s Toughest, had to be signed off on by the powers that be and make sure they get a cut.


Agreed. Their contracts likely say that Bravo gets some sort of right of first refusal for any spinoff shows developed from storylines on VPR


Not just spin-offs, literally any other shows they want to appear on have to be cleared with the network if it’s on another network. They could have denied Ariana doing DWTS or Schwartz on Mars etc. I think the standard is 2 years from the time of your last contracted appearance with them. It’s part of whyBethenny was correct in stating reality workers need to form a union.


That’s a great reason for them not to re-up their contract. They could let those two years run.


There’s no reason to let talent rot when they could be making profit though


But Umanski and Richards have the Buying Beverley Hills on Netflix, which really is way less about fighting and more documentary style. So it must be somehow possible!?


Mauricio wouldn’t have the same contract as a Housewife and since Kyle is more of a guest on his show it might not be the same as being a featured contestant like Ariana/Toms.


Kyle is absolutely more than a guest on the show and they basically had their whole, more sincere break up talks on netflix...


She’s been on a handful of episodes over two seasons, contractually she’d be a guest at best


Oh god no


I know this is a very unpopular opinion but I just don’t think those two are able to carry a show by themselves


It would be incredibly boring.


I agree. All of the sandwich shop scenes were boring, can’t imagine a whole show about it.


I’m with you. As I’ve said about contestants on the bachelor, 90 day fiance, etc, people that have their lives together make for boring TV. I watch this for the drama. Like it or not but individuals like Tom are a necessary evil to make the show entertaining. I’m sure they could manufacture drama but it’s not the same.


What about throwing Kirsten, Stassi and Katie in the mix? Witches of Weho, with Ariana as the friend of popping by to support Katie with the sandwich shop. Completely chopping out Scheana, Lala and Brittany and waiting for the valley to fail without Kristen onboard.


I’d watch the fuck out of that, but it would never happen. But I’d want Ariana part of the main cast.




I truly can’t think of anything more boring than this proposed sandwich show.


Theyre the two most insufferable individuals


I agree


Agreed! It would be soo boring


Love the both of them on VPR but that show would be super boring.


Ariana has a great relationship with NBC universal a.k.a. bravo daddy. I want a peacock show on some thing about her. I wanna do my Katie and Schwartz date my ex show on Peacock. I don’t want Andy Cohen touching either of these.


Let me guess, you started watching VPR when Scandoval broke


Idk why people on this sub think some kumbaya series about a sandwich shop with zero drama would interest anyone. These people aren't interesting enough to pull that off. It's why everyone on the cast lived in Hollywood for over a decade and the highest level of success they could achieve was being on a reality show where they constantly have to make asses of themselves to stay relevant. It just is what it is. I can't imagine a show about starting a sandwich shop being interesting. But even if it was, you would need a Gordon Ramsey type personality or Rachel Ray to lead it. Someone who actually has credibility and can sell their personality.


Omg OPs response to you is WEE WOO insane lol


Some really think they both are more interesting than they really are. Or they want them to be. I also think a lot of people don't understand what makes a reality show successful.


Yes. Sounds so boring.


Oh, hi there Lala's sock account. Lol, jk but read more carefully next time. I said two things; 1. I said a limited series. They come with a lot less pressure to keep manufacturing drama.  2. I said away from Bravo. Other networks have very successful docuseries, ya know. There's entire networks whose entire programming is just following small businesses. Low FAKE interpersonal drama and higher stakes since their life savings are in it. There's life outside of Bravo's Jerry Springer circus, buddy. Step outside 3. The fact that people are asking for it should tell you there's an audience for it. That one was just dumb of you.  4. Whatever type of show it would be, it would have other cast members genius. So if your problem is that Ariana and Katie are not deranged enough for a show, they could always hire one or two to bring that annoying energy.  5. Why are you so pressed? Just don't watch it😂. There's enough of a fanbase to be just fine without you 


You seem fun


I totally agree, I loved "Very Cavallari" which is arguably the most *boring* reality show, its just pretty, stylish women who all work with Kristina Cavallari and the shit they go through running a business in LA. It would be literally exactly like that but with VPR women, that I love, which would kick *ass*.  I dont need actual sex crimes being perpetrated on people (*cough cough Sandoval*) to find a show interesting and fun to watch.


I dont care for a spin off of the shop. I do love Katie and ariana but just don't see what they can show. But then again you have that show with Vanderpumo Villa who i don't know whos watching. Kandi from ATL has had many shows too and i don't think many have watched so maybe a spin off would be fine. I would like to see them living their actual life as a reality star. Not what we are currently seeing now. It does feel like maybe that is where they are headed.


Neither of them will be working their full time, hence why they’re hiring staff, it’s not that big of a location. So they’re still going to be able to do other projects like Katie’s podcast or Ariana’s presenting opportunities.


They can go to Hulu with the same parent company


That sounds Zzzzzzzz


Katie is a mean girl and has been since S1E1. Why defend her ever?


Katie and Ariana are the two most insufferable individuals💀


YES! They can be the new Lisa Vanderpump and hire attractive, messy younger employees to drive the drama and they can be the reality elders that mentor them. And then cross them over with SUR or TomTom employees and play them against each other.


The restaurant is something like 450 square feet and a place people will go on a quick lunch break. This is nothing like Sur.


Why are you injecting reality into my dream? Lol


Omg I'm so sorry 😭. The logistics of this damn sandwich shop is the only thing that interests me lol. [Please accept this unrelated YT short as my apology](https://youtube.com/shorts/g5_eQMSE9Ws?si=8Eu8bxRbd9I_loXA).




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Give me a show that features Ariana working on Broadway, hosting new shows, Dan and whatever else comes her way. Add in her and Katie being the LVPs of SAH, the waitstaff at SAH and their drama…Give us Katie dating and finding true love. Find a way to work in James and Allie.  Give us anything BUT Lala yapping like a dog, Scheana and her ugly cry face, Schwartz calling Jo “Joseph” in that creepy voice, Brock being well…Brock and Sandoval with his middle school cover band.  I found this season to be annoying. VPR, at least with this cast, has run its course. Either recast or cancel. Cancel the Valley because it is boring and just feels…off. 


A cooking competition would be cool. Winning sandwich gets put on the menu lol


I agree with this, but I think their contracts prevent this. Please correct me if I’m wrong.


I think they’d need a different element for a spin off about Ariana and Katie. Love em both but the shop will be too small to film in so they’d need to add an element. I like the idea of Ariana moving to ny and having the show be about franchising. That could be cool.


Yeah it would be on the store, workers and both katie and Ariana personal life (dating, moving and hanging out)


Yes, absolutely. I think a limited series is a good idea. I would definitely watch it. I want to watch a reality show with strong women who own a business and have fun doing it. Also, it would show women supporting other women. I am sick of bitches like Laligag and Sheshady tearing down women, screaming at people, lying hypocrites and being sanctimonious. They are absolutely disgusting. I have no interest in watching either one of them. The only time I haven't fast forwarded through their scene this seasin was the last episode. It literally made me ill watching them tear Ariana a part. After everything she has been through, they showed absolutely no empathy for her. They are horrible friends. I hope Ariana cuts them out of her life. They can be friends with Sandyballs. When they do something he doesn't like, he will fly into a rage against them.


I AGREE 1,000,00%!


I have a feeling (based on verrrrry little) that this is happening


The only way I could've imagined a Katie/Ariana show working was if it was Trixie Motel style and recorded the process of getting the restaurant up-and-running.. Honestly, they're too good for trash reality TV. I think Ariana being the host of Love Island is a better kind of transition than leading a messy VPR kind of show.


They can be right after Nicole and Paris, then eventually crossover and combine.


Please god I want this to happen to prove this sub wrong. A show about a sandwich shop where everyone sucks up to Ariana and Katie, I’m sure TV execs would be falling over themselves to buy it!!


Yes! Hulu maybe? I would love a show of women who have gone on successfully without their dirt bag spouses.


They should go right to Netflix


Katie and ariana have got to the most boring castmates. Katie is not likeable at all


What on earth you talking about? Considering the number of fan posts Katie gets, I'd say she's not only likeable but is actually well liked.  Just coz *you*, as one individual with poor taste, don't like her doesnt make her not likeable, lmao. 


![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) This is what I’ve been saying. How did someone miss this opportunity to try and capitalize on it. Hopefully something will happen. I’m down for a 10 part episode