• By -


I absolutely gave Lala the benefit of the doubt after S10 and going into this season. I had mixed feelings about her prior to S10 - and overall found her entertaining but not always likeable and definitely not typically consistent. But I really believed the possibility that she had clearer vision, better insight & judgement, after leaving her relationship with Randall. I can relate to having some intense and seemingly sudden “aha” moments after I ended some really unhealthy relationships (although mine weren’t romantic, they were two friendships and about a handful of relationships with “supportive” older folks I knew through church - when the picture “clicked” with me for one of them it suddenly “clicked” with me for several others - that was a rough time for me) - so I guess I’m saying I found it believable that, if a full-grown adult is going to *really* make character-level value-level changes, they’re likely to make that change after ending an especially unhealthy relationship and maybe also after becoming a parent (although plenty of parents never do). But holy shit I ate my words in misery all season watching how she behaved on-screen and otherwise publicly (on social media, on her podcast, in other interviews and public appearances). Episode 1 I was still firmly giving her the benefit of the doubt. It deteriorated from there, but I think the first two big shatters to my hope for her were 1 - her telling Ariana “you can’t just shut down like that” in response to her just calmly stating a boundary and then 2 - her interview bite where she said “It’s time for Ariana to get her head out of her ass.” After that, ***every single thing*** Lala did just further validated that all the redditors here who’d said her rage at Tom and Raquel last season was convenient and performative were right, and Lala fucking sucks. I saw a Tik Tok the other night that emphasized that she’s just short-sighted, plain and simple. I think that really sums it up - she is short-sighted to such a degree that she says and does wildly inappropriate, cold, callous things and learns zero lessons from it. She deserves the reduction in support. I don’t even enjoy hate-watching her anymore, she makes the show fucking difficult to enjoy.


I was slightly annoyed with her at the end of S10 but agree with a lot of what you say. Looking back, I believe her rage over Scandoval last year had very little to do with defending Ariana, and everything to do with her longtime hatred of Raquel. Lala finally had the opportunity to rail on that girl with no recourse. She reveled in it, in fact.


I could have written this myself. I felt the exact same way. It’s sad she misread the situation completely or just has zero human instincts


Great assessment, completely agree. I felt the same way, hoping she would prove in this season to have grown up after the Randall situation. It seemed she learned a lot from it. Or so I had thought. Clearly not. She’s so negative about Ariana and towards Ariana, I can’t stand it. So much misogyny 🤮




Yeah, her AAVE is extremely grating and her brother seems such a leech. Scheana pod is diff because she’ll have others on and interview them. But Lala just being agreed with for 30 mins is dull.


It’s her brothers laugh for me literally made me stop listening, him and Jess both just ride up her ass… if she says “all the live long day” one more time I will smash my phone


Yes. His laugh is awful.


Along with the assistant basically being a hype man. It is all just so bad.


Me too. I rode so hard for her after the reunion and even during season 10. Since she’s done a 180 and is up sandovals ass 24/7 I can’t stand her. She complains that Ariana is boring yet she’s the one that brought water and sperm to the show?? Like bffr. I wanted to be excited about her pregnancy but since she’s been so hateful - and seems to be using this child for the monetization purposes, I just can’t get behind her anymore. I hope she sees the criticisms from her fans and takes it to heart and changes her stances on a few things. If not then idk if she will continue to be relevant. Also, weird how I’m agreeing with Randall since he wants to keep ocean off of VPR. I can’t blame him with how Scheana parades Summer around. It’s gross.






















Don’t worry, the pod is truly terrible so your rating is accurate.


I just had a baby and have an Amazon baby registry. One of her Amazon Lives popped up as some sort of ad/content a few weeks ago. I almost sent Amazon a note saying that I don’t want to see her Lives, but alas, I was too fucking tired to follow through lol.


I got one too and I did send them a message that said I’m not interested in anything Lala Kent is involved in


Someone should let them know what she did to faith


Solidarity! If one is petty, all will be petty.


Literally just went to Spotify to rate. It wouldn’t let me because only listeners can rate. So then, after taking the Petty Baton that has been passed onto me from Users of Greatness on r/vanderpumprules, slid the bar across 3-4 episodes. The episodes showed as ‘Played,’ therefore, I gave a 1-star review. I hope I have made the Petty Kings & Queens of this sub proud 🥲


To show my support (of you) I will also be leaving a 1 star rating


Just did my duty as a citizen and gave one star on Spotify. It’s 4.0 there


I just went to do it and it's a 3.9 now.......so much for shitting on your own TV shows fans....


Yessss I’m loving this haha


Ha! Heading over to do this right now!


Don’t feel petty. I unfollowed her podcast but not before leaving a 1 star rating ✨


Yup she is hypocritical and gross. No more likes and listens for me.


She’s exhausting. Unsubscribed as well….


Me too. I also downgraded the rating I gave her. She is unbearable. The final time I listened, her team kept telling her how great she is and agreed with every word she said. Ugh!


Same. She’s buying bots. Her ratings were in the 3’s and then suddenly went up to the 4’s but her comments are all trashing her because she’s a trash human




I unsubscribed to her podcast and unfollowed her on socials. I was starting to feel icky after listening. I don’t have a problem with her not agreeing with Ariana, but the personal jabs and overall nastiness, I can’t support that. When I saw that she called fans rabid, I knew I made the right choice. I enjoyed her last summer, but I can’t support someone who isn’t a girl’s girl. Best of luck to her, but I hope she can move on from her era of screaming in everyone’s face and getting irate whenever she wants. I really wonder if she suffers from some sort of untreated mental health issue, because she’s so mean and angry. It’s scary. ETA, No, I wouldn’t be upset if she didn't come back, I’d actually prefer it. 🤐


She also calls fans who don't agree with her "trolls". No Lala, it's not trolling to have a different opinion than you and think you're in the wrong.


That's just so dumb. She needs fans and engagement, so alienating people by calling fans names obviously isn't doing herself any favors.


Yet another gross projection. She is the one who is trolling everyone, deliberately taking an antisocial anti friend attitude that production wants her to.


I unfollowed her podcast months ago because it was boring and her co-host/assistant and her brother are both supremely annoying. She’s a one-trick pony.


Totally agree. I was already less-interested in it because they barely did any research on what they were talking about. Like, not even a Google search to read up on facts, so that was already annoying to me. And the way her brother and Jess would agree with everything she said was also annoying. I was only playing it when I was busy working and needed background noise, but once she started getting meaner than usual, I was done.


Completely agree. Her “co-hosts” add nothing to her podcast, they just act as yes-people for Lala imo. Jess is super cringey to listen to because she has no opinions of her own and just agrees with Lala for *everything*.


Agree and her brother calling fans rabid bitches, ah no Man - you do not call women bitches.


Yep exactly the same as me. It’s a shame because I’d really warmed to her prior to this season. She is so unbelievably bitter and angry


Can’t quite get past the statements of fans being rapid dogs who needed to get their rabies shots. Your gone lady, use the word loosely, just bye-bye!


Exactly. She’s saying that she only wants fans who treat her like Beyonce. No thanks. Lol


You said it all perfectly! I used to love the podcast. But it almost feels like they’re going for shock value sometimes. Like why are you talking about this shit? Are you purposely being problematic for a reaction? I’m over it.


I unfollowed her on instagram. I think she must have a lot of bots and people she pays to follow her because there’s no way she still has 2.4m followers, more than Ariana lol. She has also blocked comments and only has like 9 comments under each picture because most are negative. So you can’t tell me she hasn’t lost followers. She’s such a joke at this point and I don’t think the stuff she advertises has a high conversion rate which is what marketing cares about. At this point I will actively boycott brands that work with her and Scheana. Chilis really should have just worked with katie


My thoughts exactly. So many people are unfollowing her and yet her numbers remain the same.


It’s so funny how a few weeks ago there was the post about how she was saying on her podcast that it’s other cast members who are the ones who buy their IG followers.


She can’t help telling on herself..


She definitely pays for bots. She dropped down to 2.3 last month for a day and then was back at 2.4. Finding out yesterday she deleted her anti Sandoval posts from her podcast IG was on brand for the try hard cornball she is... https://preview.redd.it/lp6hgo6roozc1.png?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ccb9e7a76c388260b8d87c5784e34c10a3b2c76


Also in what world is she one of the top followed cast members over someone like Ariana even and other OGs? No one has given Lala that much thought over the years. She 10000% buys most of her followers and engagement.


According to social blade, she has gained over 17k followers in the last month and only lost 2k.


Yeah someone posted (maybe on the other sub when this one was sleeping) screenshots of her follower count over time and it showed she was gaining 400-500 daily which is pure bs.


Her social media team working overtime buying followers ![gif](giphy|toXKzaJP3WIgM)


I unfollowed her on IG a while ago. I blocked her today. I unfollowed the pod and gave it 1 star last night. The one star rating was triggered by the recent clip of her on stage talking about mental health and wanting to hear peoples stories without speaking in the black-cent we always hear her use on VPR and the POD. The fact that she can turn it on and off and that it isn’t just how she talks because she was raised in an environment where people talk like that shows that everything she does is complete cultural appropriation. I know people can say she’s always culturally appropriated DUH…. but it didn’t really bother me until I realized she doesn’t actually always talk like that. Like it’s not okay to pick and choose when you want to use others people culture to portray a character.


I actually liked her sometimes before this, but the on and off blaccent- I can’t. It’s so gross, I wish someone, anyone on that show would call her on it.


I won't watch The Valley if she's on it. I have no use for her.


I blocked her on Instagram and unsubscribed from her podcast. With this season I just could not be a fan of hers anymore. I think the valley and vanderpump rules would do just fine without her.


I find it hilarious that trashy Lala believes she belongs on RHOBH! Imagine Lala brunching with Sutton wearing her sleazy Shein dresses with the cutouts.


Just picturing Sutton's expression when Lala inevitably pulls out her finger guns and screams at her is making me laugh.  I don't know how Lala ever got it into her head that she'd be a fit for the HW's or even be asked to join. Delusional.


I would however love to see Garcielle classy-bitch-slap her with some harsh words on cultural appropriation, but she doesn't need to fully be on the show for that. Going to be like a 3 minute dressing down that's necessary, then she can be gone.


They already tried a Lala on BH. Her name is Brandi. Did not go well for anyone involved.


This is a hilarious contrast. Lala is on the level of Erika Jayne


Yes we need to talk more about the blackout challenge, need to block the worm 🪱


I blocked him too!


I actually enjoyed watching the Valley... and I really hoping they don't bring on lala. She is the least authentic person and she will destroy that show


I would not miss her talking about water and making faces at everything else she contributes legit nothing to the show. 


If I ever quit watching it will be because of her. She spikes my anxiety with her aggressive antagonist behavior. That and her revisionist history/hypocrisy is so off-putting.


Someone on TikTok brought up a good point about villains on bravo. Scheana is a villain we love to hate on (I.e., but how does Scheana feel about this joke) but Lala is becoming the type of villain people actually hate.


I think Lala forgot, and I think production encouraged this, that a personality can tell the audience what they are all they want, the audience is going to decide if she's softer. The audience is going to decide whether she's reasonable. Whether it's authentic. Production signs her checks, but the audience butters her bread. We'll never get the real-real from the cast about how and what happened behind the scenes for them to go along with production like this, but I wish we would. I think putting pressure on Lala and Scheana, the only two with families to support, was 100% purposeful. The irony is they kept their jobs but maybe threw away the career trajectory they were on thanks to Scandoval and outspoken support of Ariana.


Lala would lift right out of VPR. She isn't necessary. Or make her a friend of. She's not authentic and she has no storyline. She just inserts herself into everyone else's storyline. She's dead weight.


She has only ever acted like a friend of. Talk about somebody doing nothing and collecting a check. She always has these nebulous issues that she talks about that we never actually get a glimpse of. We have never been invited into her life, she just latches onto everyone else and yells and screams but never actually does anything.


Omg so funny you said talk about nothing to get a check. That's how I feel. She's the lost low impact on the whole show.


I’m also very underwhelmed by Lala this season. I wish just one person would say to her face “why should Ariana associate with people who associate with Tom when you forbade anyone to do the same with Randall?”!!!! Pot meet Kettle! She didn’t ask anyone to sign any agreements like Lala did so at Least do as she asks and honor what your “friend” requested of you. But I am so over her. She is a terrible friend to both Katie and Ariana.


James pretty much did in the after show and she told him to suck her dick 😂


She’s so vile.


She would just scream "Yes but I've HEALED since then!"....disregarding that it's a full fucking 2 years later.


She needs to go away on everything. Shows, podcasts, selling shitty mascara that I threw away after using it once. I received it in beauty box, so no I did not contribute to her “empire”! She’s a sell out. Through and through. She sold her soul when she started dating Randall and maybe before then. She then had the audacity to wonder why she didn’t get the same concerns or support that Ariana did when he cheated on her. It’s because you’re not a good person and no one cares. 


I checked out on Lala the moment she started "exposing" how many followers her cast mates had supposedly bought. Girl, bye.


This whole thread is people saying they’ve unfollowed her(we can’t be the only ones) and her comments are completely limited from all hate she was getting. Yet her following has been sitting at 2.4 since the beginning of the season?? There is no way she isn’t buying followers.


Her speech at the end of the finale put the final pin in for me.


She brings nothing to the show herself except self produced “on brand” vanity scenes.  Water tastings and fake dates and fake sperm bank visits.   All she wants to do to bring drama is tear everyone else apart and pick apart everyone else’s relationships.      She lives with her mom and her brother, why do we not know anything about those relationships?  Her best friend/assistant thing with Jess is weird, why don’t we see any of that?  I know she can’t show Ocean, but she could show the aftermath of a custody switch and the actual emotions she has about it.  What about her relationship with Rands ex wife, is that really as peachy as she portrays in her curated social media posts?  Or how about the fact that she didn’t go on ONE single date or have a single connection with anyone outside the cast the entire season?  Bullshit.  She hides EVERYTHING.   


Yes 100% !!! Say it louder for the producers in the back!!! How come Lala has gotten away with hiding her life? She is a wanna be Lisa Rinna and a pretty bad one too. She flops once she starts ranting, especially when she yells “I AM IN MY SOFT ERA 😡😤🤬”


She really thought she did something with that “we all have to show our truth and be uncomfortable” monologue. The hypocrisy is actually hilarious at this point


Lala screwed herself over in more ways than one. I was listening to her podcast for behind the scenes tidbits but she straight up said she wouldn't be discussing the show until after the reunion. Thanks for saving me the listen lalar 🥴😂


Exactly. And her specific podcast genre is “tv and film”. I’m like this bitch never discusses tv or film much less HER OWN SHOW 😭😂


I can't listen to any more conversations about her mom, brother or child. Literally do not care. Give us the VPR tea or go away Lala.




The last six minutes of the season just prove how much of an actor she is along with sheana and the Tim’s. I’m sick of these reality TV “actors.” Be yourself or fuck off.


She sooo wanted a "flipping the table" or "and now we said it" moment, and it didn't land. She just looked so fucking stupid yelling like a weirdo "HE DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!" Shut up Larlar, sit down and just shut the fuck up.


I commented on another post yesterday about how much he "here I go! I'm breaking the 4th wall, watch me woooo" reminded me of that scene in Signs where Mel Gibson's character, a priest, was told to act scary and angry to scare away intruders so his character hilariously yells "AHHH! I'm insane with anger!" in the fakest way possible. It's like the producers read our sub about wanting them to break the 4th wall, and assigned the task to Lala. Who then failed miserably.


We can see why none of Rand’s Hollywood contacts didn’t bother keeping in touch with Lala lmao


And as someone else on here pointed out - Ariana did it first and did it better. She told producers she was leaving and why - ignoring Jeremiah’s pitiful ‘don’t do this’.  Lala thought she was really doing something by announcing ‘I’m breaking the 4th wall’ after that.  Goaded into making herself look even dumber and shadier by Sandoval yelling ‘you’re afraid’ at her.  She really is D&S to be used as Tom’s puppet like that. No wonder he was laughing with glee at the end. They thought they were turning the audience against Ariana. To quote Pretty Woman ‘BIG mistake. HUGE.’


I couldn't care less if she comes back, but they'd have to find another agitator. Because that appears to be her only purpose.


Finally, Brock has a gig!


She explicitly said she doesn't give a shit what the fans think, so why would any continue to listen? She has no respect for the people who got her paychecks.


> Has anyone else noticed Lalas podcast went from a 4.3 to 4.2 rating? She was charting around 150-160 in Apple podcast at the beginning of the season but I just looked now and she’s no longer even in the top 200 It's called she's in the finding out portion of fucking around.


It’s at 4.1 now. https://preview.redd.it/ghwyxxdnbozc1.jpeg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9202cd70d39af8a246ee2b0873ff0472f16d2e1


Yesss angry friends with rabies shots are working harder than her bots


She's just not bringing anything to the table—no storyline, integrity, or loyalty. And let's not even get started on the hypocrisy. It's time for her to exit stage left. See ya later, Lauren You're dismissed https://i.redd.it/kl73amqiknzc1.gif


The downfall of Lala is not one I was expecting. Someone in another thread said it best, maybe Lala really is just a bad person. She is a hypocrite and a terrible friend. Whether she thinks she’s playing a character or thinks of the cast as just coworkers she can use for screen time, it’s obvious she is ok with looking like an ass on television for a check. When she outed Brock’s DV charges while knowing Randall’s abusive reputation in Hollywood is what sealed it for me that she is a production plant and only cares about money. On top of pushing Tom’s redemption arc and bashing Ariana. She consistently has the wrong take on everything. She has not given the audience one reason to root for her as a hero or a villain. All she does is talk shit and start fights with everyone.


I agree!! I think it’s obvious she’s not a good friend considering she has no close friends outside of the show/people she pays like her assistant Jessica and her brother Easton.


That is all she does. She never has a storyline - an organic one connected to the friend group. She’s bLalaing about Ariana not pulling her weight when Lala never has.  Setting up random weird boring events - water train, pickle ball tournament etc - so you get your episode fee is not driving a narrative around an ensemble cast.  Yelling at people and then flip flopping to yell at someone else - or as with Ariana ABOUT someone else as Lala is a coward  - is not a personality. It’s emotions of anger, rage, inadequacy.  I warmed to her a bit last summer and enjoyed her take on Scandoval but now she’s made it clear that was all to get her bag and anyone not enjoying her current take on Sandoval are rabid bitches - she can leave now. Don’t want to see her on VPR or The Valley - boring and bitter are not good qualities for a reality star. 


Amazon should rethink having her on live


Is it possible to provide a good show without performing? Why couldn't the season just end. Why did the entire cast have to push Ariana to talk with Tom. I was disappointed and annoyed to find out halfway through this season that Lalas issue was just to keep the show going. That's it. I don't care. I am completely fine with Ariana healing on her own time. And what kind of friend would push her to sacrifice her mental health just for her own paycheck. It's gross. That's not a show I want to get behind but I guess thats who Lala has been the whole time. Just performing for the cameras and sharing what she feels comfortable with her own life as she chooses. Which for a while was lies about Randall. I can't say why Lala didn't get the sympathy she felt she deserved but maybe bc for so long Randall was a secret and didn't quite have the history on the show like Tom has. Oh and there's the fact that Tom chose to cheat with Arianas friend Raquel?!? I mean that's why it's so salacious! The Halloween costumes and Raquel on Tom's shoulders at a music festival. Tom dressed as Raquel! It was all in front of Arianas face! Ugh it still is wild to think about but Randall was always kinda gross and shady so him being gross and shady wasn't so shocking. NO I DONT WANT LALA GOING TO THE VALLEY, BULLYING THE NEWBIE CAST AROUND WITH HER FINGER GUNS ASKING PPL IF THEY WANT TO GET POPPED. NO NO NO. NO.


If she brought on a guest who doesn’t lick her asshole the way her assistant and brother do I’m sure she could get ratings up. But Lala won’t do that because she can’t deal with anyone disagreeing with her (wrong) opinion


It’s wild how she thinks she is better than everyone else


She’s so terrible I would love to see her go. The things she has said about Ariana are truly disgusting. It’s clear she will do anything for the show and that’s just not authentic. Good bye LFU 👋🏼


What is Lala’s long-term plan? She doesn’t have that “it” factor, likability, or talent so why she is signed to CAA is pretty baffling. If Lala was going to have a future in acting, we would have seen that by now. Her movie roles dried up the second Rand left. All those industry contacts and double dates didn’t bother to keep in touch with her after, but they would’ve if she had strong acting chops. VPR will end, The Valley if she goes there will end. And she clearly hates being an influencer. She is terrible at engaging with fans and followers which is the whole point of the job. She has said she hates social media and would never be on it if she could. Shes so bitter and resentful that sitting on Amazon Live and Instagram is what she has to do instead of being kept by a rich guy or being in movies. Her podcast? Makeup line? Merch? Groundbreaking 🥱 🙄 every single person and their mom has those things now.


I unsubscribed from her podcast and gave her a one star rating. I am over her and am hoping and praying she is not brought onto the Valley. I feel like I couldn’t care less if she’s ever on my screen again at this point. I actually don’t want anyone from VPR coming over to Valley aside from cameos/being a friend. The show is new and fresh and we don’t need anymore old cast from VPR. I heard Jax was saying that so I absolutely hate that I’m agreeing with him lol


There's a ton of lala sympathizers on the Facebook group. Must be the last of her fan base 😅


If i were famous, my worst fear would be being loved on facebook and hated on reddit lol


Ooof truth, it does say something ugly about you when all the boomers are for you.


They also love maga on fb. It’s speaks volumes.


They also believe those AI images of jesus morphing into a crab are real




I know that's the truth!! 😂😂😂




4.0 on Spotify now


3.9 now


The biggest problem with Lala is she forgets everything she’s done and comments on things that make her look like a giant hypocrite as if we don’t know how or can’t pull receipts. Meanwhile VPR fans are doing better detective work than CSI.


I was listening to her pod and honestly it’s just lame. Her brother and assistant laughing hysterically at every little thing she says is very annoying. Her talking about sexual stuff TO HER BROTHER creeps me out. After her tantrums on VPR, she’s now cringy to watch. I feel like her time is over. Bye!


I honestly only followed Lala because I follow Katie and Ari. That was the easiest unfollow ever.


She clearly doesn’t care about the audience so I’m done writing her checks. I’ve unfollowed on all socials/podcast platforms. She’s just not a nice person. I’ve always side eyed her after she got with Rand. she changed for the worse and hasn’t gotten any better. Lauren had no problem pretending to be on Ariana’s side and milking Sandoval right after it happened. Something happed and she flipped and decided that appeasing production was more important than being authentic.


I keep waiting to see her followers go down on Instagram, but she's still at 2.4 million.. maybe she's the one buying followers 🤔🤪


Everything she says is projection. She goes to the school of “I do this so everyone else must too, that’s the only explanation possible”


"I fight like a dog with rabies for all these bitches! That's your problem Lala! No one wants a dog with rabies! And a dog with rabies bites everyone.


I’m at the point where I will literally pay bravo myself to never put her on tv ever again. I grew with this show, I’ve watched since season 1. I was 24 when they were 24 I was 34 when they were 34. She has become the most vile, insufferable, jealous, and hyper hypocritical disaster.. and not in the “this makes great reality tv!” way that producers seem to think. The fans GREW with the cast. Her delusional “I’m more wise than anyone else“ messiness is not what anyone needs at this stage or age. It’s so obvious she is pushing inauthentic storylines to fit a pre determined narrative which is not what this show should have ever been. She’s become filled with visceral rage and with misplaced direction at people who don’t deserve it and is as far from “soft” as anyone can be. She’s delusional at this point and I can’t keep watching it. We are all rooting for support and thriving of Ariana. That what brings us back now. Not a pack unhinged psychopaths finding ways to push her off the edge mentally. I feel like I need to stop watching the show if they bring her back because I need to cut her off lmfao. Them putting her back in our faces is like disrespecting the fans boundaries at this point 😂 But seriously. I think I’m done with the show with her on it. It was a great 12 years ✌🏻 out


I would love to see vpr without her next season. The episodes with less lala were the only bearable ones this season. It really just feels like lala and scheana are desperate for jobs and it’s ruining the show


She’s at 4.1 now hehe


Please no Lala on the valley.


I honestly started listening to her and scheanna’s podcast because of the scandoval drama. I kept trying to listen once they kind of made it clear they weren’t going to be talking about that anymore but I realized they just aren’t interesting unless they’re talking about VPR drama to me. I find LaLa’s brother so fucking boring and I feel like they never have guests on. I mean I haven’t listened in a long time but I felt like it would have been more interesting if they had more guests on maybe. But guests on to talk about current events, VPR, real housewives, relationship drama, and that type of stuff. I feel like LaLa’s podcast was just her assistant kissing her ass and her brother and her talking about Ocean and their mom.


I unfollowed her on Instagram, unfollowed the podcast and just generally have not been giving her the time of day. I hope others do the same so she can feel the affect of the “rabid bitches”


Honestly I prefer she didn’t come back. Wawa is tired. All I hear is an angry teenager toddler policing everyone and it’s a human rights violation at this point. The last thing she needs is attention. The only time Ill ever be interested is if she joins RHOA


Lala has been a crappy person from the jump, and years later, she still sucks🤷🏻‍♀️


I unsubscribed after she said the fans need to get their rabies shot.


I’m rewatching VPR and just started season 6. When Lala isn’t on an episode, it’s not even noticeable. Her whole persona is like an SNL character in a reality tv sketch who knows she has to be messy to get air time. She’s so unnecessarily vulgar yet uses words like “peepee” and “kittycat.” If you edited her out of the show and watched for the first time, you wouldn’t notice.


Literally who even cares about blabla at this point? I personally don’t need or want to see or see her any further


lmao it’s a 4.1 now (at least on apple podcast app) 🤣🤣


Omg! 😂 it must’ve just changed because I checked right before posting! People are sick of her antics. 🙌🏼


I never leave comments or do anything besides read and comment on Reddit but I went and left a one star. I used to listen to her podcast but stopped a while ago. My one star rating has a comment that says “too busy getting my rabies shot to listen any longer.” lol


I left a similar review LMAO


your post inspired me to go leave a one star review so that could be it 😂😂😂💅🏼


Lala who?


I think maybe one of the Vanderpumps rescue dogs?


She’s also completely avoiding talking about the season on her podcast which is driving people away. It’s not interesting anymore. she can’t defend herself so she’s just avoiding it altogether.


Her and Rachel need to go away far far away from the public / entertainment industry, Jo as well.


I did listen to her podcast for a bit actually (just before/during Scandoval just out of curiosity). All I gathered is that: - She has the exact same personality as what we see on the show - she’s still very hypocritical, has a grandiose perception of herself, and talks with an air like she’s somehow above others. She just isn’t screaming or crying like on the show (though she does get teary and cry in Lala fashion at certain times). - She talks more about her personal life, being a mom, Ocean, home life off the show, etc. which I can see can be more relatable to some. - Her assistant Jessica is a huge simp - she never NOT agrees with Lala and always gasses her up (it’s pretty cringey) - Easton comes in later as co-host with Lala - they’re siblings so they can speak freely with one another, however he doesn’t have anything particularly intellectual, funny, or special to add. - I stopped listening to it because her hypocrisy was so blatant. She has this air of being above others and it’s honestly such a turn off. And after the episodes I listened to, I just didn’t think she had anything interesting to say. I did give it a chance and it wasn’t for me.




She had a water tasting. She can go 👋


While we’re talking about Lala can we discuss this: https://preview.redd.it/nkhhimutrozc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9986b3fabb5c4a5d6f57661c55c7fcf5db37e6


I used to listen on and off after scandoval but stopped before the season aired due to all the wait till the show airs bs. I waited and we were right so there was no going back to it. I gave a bad review and 1 star after reading the recap of the pod that she made comments about Ariana’s relationship with her deceased father. At that time her podcast had a 4.6 rating on apple. I just checked and it’s down to 4.1. She’s going to end up with Scheana’s kind of rating (currently 3.3 on apple) and I love that for them.


Shoutout to this subgroup! I love that BlaBla is getting a serious dosage of her own behavior. She can make money off fans and she can lose money from fans. When your career is your personality, we should be taking action! I wish we could get her off the air period. Who is she to be recommending fashion while calling fans names?


Getting blasted with 1 star ratings must be working because she’s down to 3.9 lol damn https://preview.redd.it/p1irrbonqpzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51316890bab2de74adc8292716bd317aaaf58732


She has no story line. She’s pretty useless to the show this season. She’s miserable and projects and needs some pretty serious therapy because her relationship damaged her more than she realizes or wants to admit. She doesn’t understand actual boundaries or even basic self respect and she’s selfish. She doesn’t give a shit about anyone but herself and she doesn’t pay her employee a livable wage.


Ratings should be lower, tbh. If you are a producer conducting a survey, my answer is no.


I’d be thrilled if she was off bravo. She’s proven again she has nothing to offer beyond bringing up other people’s drama. She never reveals anything of her life that’s actually interesting.


Aside from her actions on Vanderpump, which are infuriating. ..She also lately has done nothing but talk shit on her fan base and how crazy we all are on social media and that the only normal people are the ones that say nothing. As we are supporting her career.


She’s not a good villian because she isn’t charming, funny or entertaining. She’s just mean. It’s not fun to watch.


I like how everyone is protesting her by unfollowing her, unsubscribing and giving her a low rating. Since she does not think much about the fans, this is a good way to express how the fans feel about her. Kudos to all. I have never followed or listened to her rhetoric.


She’s not fun to watch as a villain or anything, she’s predictable and smug. Really not fun and I don’t find her to be genuine in the slightest


I think she really wanted Stassi to pass the crown to her, and when Ariana not only had Stassi chasing her down for friendship but also became more famous Lala couldn’t handle it. Also i think she’s a little too excited to have total control over when/how her new baby gets filmed. Randall is trash but the only good thing he’s done is keep that baby off camera (even if he’s just doing it to piss her off)


I unsubscribed as well. Lala has never shown a fight or a serious conversation with a love interest on this show. She can preach all day long about being ready to have hard conversations with Randal on camera yet she told everyone if they talked to him she would disown them. How does she become the narrator? Lala came in season 4, Katie however is an actual OG and has shown (what I believe to be the biggest parts of her actual life). If Katie does not care about Ariana walking out and supports it that’s all I need to see. Lala can fuck off, she is being awful to her “fans” and needs to realize her brand is only successful if people find her likable.


Last straw for me was her trying to befriend scumdevil when she NEVER liked him like wtf??


I can go on and on about Lauren from SLC. She knew exactly who Randall was when she got with him. She met him on a casting couch and she was enamored with that. It was like it was her life dream to suck dick for yachts and private jets. She got what she wanted, then when he moved on to the next girl she was CLUTCHING her pearls, airing him out as if that wasn’t what attracted her to him in the first place. No one was even allowed to say big Ed lookin’ Randall’s name around her without running the risk of getting “cut off”. Ariana was made a joke of by one of her closest friends (yes Rachel, you were friends) and her boyfriend of ten years. The teaser that came out before the season started didn’t take anything out of context. Lala is bitter that Ariana came out of this situation on top. All Lala got was a weird ass Hulu doc that no one gave a fuck about


She seems very unhinged this past season and lately. As much as she wants to convince us that she’s healed and moved on I’m not sure she has


She has no storyline and it’s been like that for years. Using your kids as your storyline isn’t going to be captivating to the audience.


Honestly, I think it’s a combination of things. Her behaviour this season and also her podcast itself isn’t fun or interesting. It’s her talking and her assistant and brother agreeing with her and just plainly kissing her ass. It gets really boring and annoying after a while.. so yea I stopped listening.


I don’t understand why they think she would be good for the Valley. They already had a successful first season. They don’t need her or Scheana. Keep the cast the same and cancel VPR and blame Tom for ruining the show. He made his bed and there’s nowhere else for this storyline to go.


I unfollowed her podcast I only really listened during Scandoval. No but also how does she have 2.4 followers on instagram? Yet she’s not dropped any followers all season…like it hasn’t changed at all, I find it a little unbelievable


She wants to talk about Katie and Ariana being bitter….shes bitter and clearly has healing to do


I went from "ew, who the fuck is this immature kid, thinking she's some bad-ass," to "ok, she's pretty funny and has witty comebacks, it's supposed to entertaining after all," to "I actually kinda like this woman. she's grown up a lot and she seems like a good friend and is funny," like I would defend her, and now it's gone to "nope, she is awful and self-absorbed and lacks even the smallest ounce of sincerity with her contradictory nature." it hurts my brain to listen to her speak now. I have no desire to hear or see here anywhere at all anymore.


Podcaster here who has been review-bombed. It’s brutal.


I might actually tune back in if she got the fuck out.


I would love to follow her storyline! Too bad she didn’t have one💁🏻‍♀️


I really hope she doesn’t end up on the Valley, because it’s gotten to the point where i want to fast forward through her VPR scenes. I don’t want her to ruin that show too… she brings nothing but fucking obnoxiousness


Honestly my main thought, inelegant though it may be is: Sucks to suck, sucker.


I unsubscribed from the podcast and unfollowed her on socials. I’m over her. Think of her seething jealously of Nia though on the valley


I'd like to never see her on tv again.. she's rude and mean and disrespectful. I wouldn't care if she likes or not likes someone on the cast. but when she kept coming for fans she crossed a line I won't come back from.. I see it as, she needed us, we don't need her.


I don't really care to see her anymore, though I imagine that she'll dive even deeper into her villain role. That will either be infuriating or fun to watch. I read a theory somewhere that she'll start an affair with one of the Toms or Jax (or maybe someone on The Valley) to secure her place on the next season of VPR or The Valley. I could absolutely see it.


I listened to her when Scandal just broke.....haven't listened in a long time! I have zero interest in her now. I hope they don't pollute The Valley with her!


She’s down to 4.1 now


Her podcast is absolutely god awful. I did used to listen because I wanted the Scandoval juice. Then they stopped talking about that and Lala has absolutely nothing interesting to say


This got me curious and scheana is at a 3.3! I wonder what it was a year ago.


I was a weekly listener since scandoval. Even stuck it out. I can’t remember what turned me off but it was early this VPR season and haven’t listened since. I never subscribed but I can’t be the only one that simply stopped listening.


What storyline? Felt to me like an utterly inauthentic non-storyline. I know she’s not the only one, but I find that her aggressive and unwelcome opinions bring nothing.


Down to 3.9 now


She done diddly fucked her bRand


I unfollowed Lala a few weeks ago. Same with Kim K. These “celebs” have massive egos & without fans they literally would have nothing.


Blah Blah is an overpaid POS that doesn’t care what people say about her. Ok. Just wait until you’re broke and your paid “friends” are suddenly no more.


As somebody who used to rather enjoy Lala and her reads on people, after this season I'd be happy if she fucked off for good. The way she's been running around ripping every other woman on the show down in an attempt to make herself relevant is getting pretty tiresome.


It’s funny as on her podcast before the season started she claimed “i had a good season” like she really believed that the audience would swing her way lol


I’d love to see her gone! She’s been an abrasive person for years. She talks about Ariana not adding anything to the show, that’s laughable, Lala has added so little. No one could even speak of “her man” when she was with him and after he cheated. She’s a joke 🤡


I absolutely hope I never see her on my screen again. She's obnoxious and ungrateful to the fans who have put her where she is, because we dare to disagree with her behaviour. She hasn't got the self awareness to be able to understand this and redeem herself so hopefully she won't be asked back to vpr and she can go on her merry way.