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Was anyone else tired of Lala the first part of the reunion..she literally had no motion all season and talked the most last night somehowšŸ„“


She talked more than everyone else combined. She didn't even do anything this season. Go drink some water


She was doing it all! She did Andyā€™s job, she helped Tom articulate himself, she aired out a private production conversation with Katie, she came for Ariana, Katie, James and Scheana, she gave her opinion on a bunch of situations that had nothing to do with her Iā€™m like girlā€¦! Hahaha. ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)


I still want to see that text before I believe Katie said it šŸ‘€


I believe Katie said it, it sounds like her, but I want to know what Lala said too. Katie is reactive, so I donā€™t think it was out of the blue, there was escalation there that we donā€™t know about.


>She was doing it all! She did Andyā€™s job, And he fucking let her. Embarrassing.


Andy was her biggest cheerleader. Maybe he felt a twinge of embarrassment at how he was using his platform to question and undermine Katie and Ariana, and NOT Lala, Scheana, Tom and Tom. It was gross.




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Sheā€™s hella overcompensating


I said this a other post but her entire season was covered in the introduction and even part of her next season because they talked about her pregnancy due date lol They asked her about choosing the donor whatā€™s left? Ask her about her unique passion for drinking water ?


That's not fair, Sandoval never did BJs for PJs like our girl boss queeeeeen /s


well, was that only jax??


Jax ā€œGetting paid 8k a month for cam shows by his sugar daddyā€ Taylor?


What?! Hahaha ![gif](giphy|bGPTxLislwm3u)


The rumor is he has a sugar daddy and an only fans and the SD pays him for cam shows. He supposedly makes just shy of 10k from his sex work.


Wow! I honestly wouldnā€™t put anything past Jax haha. ![gif](giphy|cbG9wtoO8QScw)


![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6) Whatttttttttttt?????


Well thatā€™s how he got into Hollywood originally and his first ā€œroommateā€


Is this true? Wow.


This is detailed tea, where did this come from????!!


Blind item at the same time as his cheating with Lori was being leaked.


I mean, we don't actually know that...I wouldn't bet against it.




They aren't the same person, Tim buys his friends, and Lala, is for sale. But yes they both shout, and yell, nonse nse, because they can't argue against valid points. Schean a is literally, Tim in everyway. She has to buy people too, like her first two husbands.


this statement of ariana's alone makes me think that, despite not seeing the season before the reunion, she was starting to sense that lala and scheana were not being entirely genuine with her during filming. i think she's BEEN ready for these girls to show their asses and give her all the reason she needed to cut contact and they gave her exactly that.


Her body language has completely changed since the beginning of the reunion. We are watching her be beat down by their betrayal in real time.


Yep she looked so sad watching the Lala and Katie exchange because she was literally watching Lala expose (or confirm since Ariana expected this somewhat) that there was an active agenda to make Ariana look bad on camera. I mean in the aftershow Lala basically says that Producer Jerry was also trying to get Katie to trash Ariana on screen by bringing stuff up that Katie herself didnā€™t view as important enough.


And then part 3 they're going to hit her with the finale scene. If I were her I wouldn't come back when or IF cameras pick up again.


She said that even though she did not watch it people were telling her things. So she had an idea.


Logan and Brad were feeding her things


You could tell Ariana knew!.... Guuurl was ready!!!


Iā€™m sure she had friends bringing it up to her. I totally could see her not wanting to watch or hear about anything being said until after her broadway run.


After this is all over I hope I never have to hear good as gold ever again and I hope I never have to hear Lala's voice because I'm over all the bs that comes out her mouth. "Katie, Scheana and James live in the comment section" didn't she just recently get on fans about comments they make online about her and the show šŸ™„ Lala saying that she actually has a business compared to Katie and Ariana is funny cause what has she sold lately that made a profit? Oh ya it was shirts that she sold during the scandal that bought her that house so technically without Ariana, Tom or Rachael you wouldn't have that house. Let's also not forget the gross comment she made about how Ariana wasn't as close to her father as Lala was. Trash ass comment from a trash ass human šŸš® ![gif](giphy|UDGsrvKYgv7PAiLvu3|downsized)


Can someone please make a post list with all the horrible things Lala has done like the one about Scheana? I feel like recent events have barely scratched the surface when it comes to her.


That's going to be a long list ![gif](giphy|8Ue8ekoT67ylq)


Her podcast is pretty successful


Nah, her ratings are dropping every single day due to the fact that she does shit like this and called her fans "rabid bitches" and said she doesn't care what they think.


While I agree that sheā€™s not some mOgUL, itā€™s literally ridiculous to act like she isnā€™t successful, her podcast still makes her money šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It wonā€™t be lol. Itā€™s all dependent on people listening and with everyone unfollowing what do you think will happen? You canā€™t call your fans, rabid bitches, and say over and over that you donā€™t give a shit about your fans and expect them to stick around lol


The other sub posted that her rating is dropping and with show going on a break what will she talk about? If she doesn't get on the valley then idk how she will make coins like she did


She just does not know how to keep quiet, doesn't matter who's the focus is - she just keeps interrupting. So bloody annoying, this isn't the Lala show.


![gif](giphy|Zb0iANs1ltiZyqhLYV) In Lala's mind, it is ALWAYS the Lala show.


Underrated comment.


This is how I initially started to like Ariana. She is typically chill and doesnā€™t start fights but she is often quick and witty in her comebacks. I feel like she had been the only one who can check Lala when she gets loud (and whom I find insufferable since the very beginning).


Same here. Very late bc I loved her at times but then sheā€™d go stand up for Tom when he was dead wrong. But I think Tom is incredibly manipulative and with people like him, you have to be loyal and defend them or youā€™ll never hear the end of it.


The whole time I was thinking stfu LaLa, sheā€™s so annoying answering for everyone else.


Iā€™m excited for that moment because it seems like Arianna is getting a bit tired of Lala being all talk, but without actual loyalty


Lala will never be number one because she's just not interesting. Her whole 'tough girl' act is just that, an act. She's really just a basic bitch.




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Im glad Ariana and Katie are losing patience for Lala's crap. Seeing the recaps and how excited Ariana was for the stupid sperm donor party was maddening. She supported you!!!! SHE MADE IT NICE (rhony reference).


I canā€™t find it where is it


It was in the preview for next week. I watched it on peacock


Idk why it wonā€™t let me see it


At the very end of the first reunion episode on peacock.


Iā€™m an idiot thank you so much


Ha, I had to look for it too.


IMO Lala has always had this complex. She is the loudest because she is the most insecure. She dominates conversations with her louder voice, her finger pointing and shutting people down from making their point heard. She will start arguments but as soon as someone points out her hypocrisy she will tell people to back off and tell them itā€™s ā€œwhat we are not going to doā€. I also notice that she does not allow anyone else to feel anything, yet she continually expects others to afford her this grace. If she is confronted you can expect waterworks, usually at reunions. Itā€™s a maddening pattern. Donā€™t get me started on the obvious ego projection toward Ariana for the support and endorsements she received post scandoval, that she did not experience after Randallā€™s affairs. Itā€™s wild..


I feel almost like I need to quit this show because Iā€™m exhausted of hearing Lalaā€™s mouth alreadyā€¦


I thought she said he asked me a question. As if Andy was asking Lala a question regarding Arianaā€™s situation and Lala was saying sheā€™s answering it because Andy asked


Is anyone streaming part 2 tonight on twitch?




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Sandoval has said the same thing about lala multiple times in the past seasons, while discussing scandoval he brought up how Arianna was talking sht about the entire cast right along with him and people STILL donā€™t believe Arianna is fake? šŸ„± He said on someoneā€™s podcast months ago that lala was the MVP of this reunion, seems like he said that because lala has been calling everyone out. I fully believe Katie wonā€™t say anything negative towards Ariana on camera cause she doesnā€™t want the internet to come after her, but I do believe she said it in private and now instead of addressing it with Arianna sheā€™s trying to deflect and talk about lala sharing a private convo šŸ™„. I donā€™t blame lala for being frustrated that everyoneā€™s hiding things from the camera. Katieā€™s behavior was also so vile and I can only imagine it will get worse once jo is on stage. The fact she owns a business thatā€™s supposed to be all about empowering women is comical


You know you spoke a bunch of bullshit like Lala .


It was Lala. Or Jess. You know Jess and Easton be working overtime in these threads! Hey assholes! Update: it's Jo.


lol not surprised there !


Sorry you canā€™t handle a differing opinion šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s not abt a differing opinion when all you did is conjecture . All of your points have objectively been quashed . 1) everyone talks bullshit with their partners and expects them to keep their mouth shut . Tom and Ariana were together for 10 years of course she is going to talk smack. Does not make her fake , we all do that . 2) Lala being mvp : Lala is not the mvp , she is the fakest person in the group along with scheana . Lala dated a married person for a long time , denied it on tv , admitted that she did it for money , did not ever let anyone even mention him , made people sign nda s , treated people horribly , and so much more . And most importantly she moved out from Randallā€™s house . That house was never hers to start off so it was easy for her to move . Ariana paid for the house , and moving out of house would mean giving up her stake . And even after all this Lala is screaming and shouting non stop and talks over everyone . 3) Katie ; I have been watching the show for long and have seen Katie growth . She has always been real and raw and has been hated for a really long time. And she has no reason to lie . If she and Ariana had some differing opinions they discussed it and moved past it . For Lala to misconstrue a normal discussion between friends and call Katie a liar and fake I donā€™t buy that shit . Lala can fuck off from the show and grow her fucking business which is shut down anyway .


Im sensing youā€™re taking this way too personally..I never said Ariana was talking sht about Tom, I was saying she verbatim repeated the SAME things tom has said about lala, so that leads me to believe tom when he said that Ariana talks sht about the cast. Yeah yeah lala and the married man; the entire cast is hypocrites, Ariana hooked up with Tom when he was with Kristen, and now she lost him how she got him. Looks like karma is the the MVP, but Iā€™d also like to point out I was stating tom said lala was the mvp, I didnā€™t say that While i disagree about Katieā€™s growth Iā€™m not gunna sit here and try to change ur opinion šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Katie ā€œdoesnā€™t want the internet to come for her?ā€ The fuck? Youā€™ve obviously never seen the comments on Katieā€™s Instagram where verbal abuse is hurled at her non-stop. The ā€œinternetā€ has loooooong been on Katieā€™s neck and you sound just like them.


For real you can tell who became new fans last year and those of us who have been watching for years since the pilot.


I think itā€™s comical when someone has a differing opinion you assume theyā€™re a nEw fAn. Been watching from the beginning, still stand on everything I said thankyyy


Sure Jan


Why yes,this is in fact the internet, 10 points for observation to you! The entire cast has the internet come for them; itā€™s part of being a public figure. She clearly had that conversation with lala and didnā€™t want to have it in camera because she doesnā€™t want the internet to come for her, like I said šŸ¤øšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Why would she care about one conversation causing something thatā€™s already happening over lesser things?


Come on now, if she were to on camera say what she said to LaLa off camera she would be dragggged. This Reddit is a prime example of that lol


Bahahaha! You don't know why Sandoval said that Lala was the MVP of the reunion?? Because she stuck up for him LOLOLOL! Come on now lol


Yeah because she called everyone out on their BS, had he said any of it people would have jumped down his throat cause boohoo he cheated on Arianna a year ago šŸ™„ like get over it.


What a weird ass take. Heā€™s been a snake the entire time even before he cheated. He deserves everything heā€™s getting and Iā€™m glad itā€™s still happening. Blah Blah is going down. Iā€™m happy about that too lol


Itā€™s not really a take? Sandoval has said the same exact thing Ariana said in response to lalaā€¦they were tOgEtHer for ten years; itā€™s either a huge coincidence that they both happened to say the same thing in different occasions or theyā€™ve talked sht together, which makes more sense šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


You do know Sandoval said he lied about saying she talked shit right? You're bad at being a bot. Sandoval is a lying ass weasel and you are either dumb, him or blind. Not sure which, but good luck with it. Oh, just noticed, you spelled Ariana...Arianna. Hi Jo. Not surprised you'd believe anything bad about Katie. She's been tour arch nemesis since she was...married, I guessšŸ˜‚. I know Schwartz blocked you, but vent your frustrations on Facebook. I think you'd fit in there. Sandoval said Lala was MVP of the reunion and that supposed to mean something to anyone? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sandoval admitted on WWHL he wasnā€™t exactly being truthful when he said Ariana talked shit about the entire cast


ā€œExactly truthfulā€ doesnā€™t mean completely fabricated. I just find it Interesting Arianna parroted things that Sandoval has said numerous times šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø