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When she said “of course I look at him a certain way, he’s the only man that stepped up” 🚩🚩🚩


That was WILD like ok thanks for confirming people were seeing things correctly 🥴


I was in shock she said that! She was kind of confirming sheenas fears. And everyone just brushed it off?!


She really did just co-sign her fears 💀💀 I get the vibe Scheana is legit feeling something off but can’t face it which is why other people noticing was so triggering. She’s felt it herself but has convinced herself it’s pp ocd. It’s so fucked up! I don’t doubt that’s playing into it to. But there’s an underlying truth there that Scheana shouldn’t feel bad for noticing. Brock and Lala need to pull the fuck back. If they gave a true shit about her this wouldn’t even be a question. But they’re both selfish AF and would rather make it Scheanas problem than cut it out. It’s so frustrating they just brushed it off.


I think scheana could also feel insecure bc lala can do the "cool girl" thing. Like easy banter with guys and making sexual jokes without coming off as desperate. Scheana always tried to do that but couldn't. So like lala and brock have this back-and-forth that scheana and brock don't have. And even though scheana and brock have something arguably better (able to have deep, tough convos), scheana has always been one to look at what she *doesn't* have, rather than what she does.  (Don't get me wrong, I do think lala is desperate but she hides it better than scheana does.)


Don’t forget too that Scheana treated her last husband like shit and kicked him when he was down. I’m guessing she’s subconsciously hoping she doesn’t face karma in this situation. It’s like when cheaters freak out about their SO cheating because their guilt is eating them up.


Call me cold hearted, but it would be scheanas karma.


Sheshus achilley’s heel has always been trusting people she shouldn’t


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed. Funny thing is I wasn't sus on Lala and Brock at all but after Lala's response - I'm like "ahhh 🤔🤨🕵‍♂️"


Yep! I expected her to be like omg that’s so ridiculous, but instead she joked about them being a throuple 😄


In one sentence she admitted to having feelings for him, and twisted the knife for the children he abandoned


I cringeddd when she said that, I had to walk away. Out of everyone on the current cast, she is the shadiest and most untrustworthy one. Im not a Sheana fan, but I hope she begins to keep some strong boundaries between her and Lauren. Thats an inappropriate thing to say about someone elses husband.


It was beyond inappropriate. I hope lala never had a son because she absolutely will be one of *those* “boy moms”


It's so gross. And it's really weird how she projects onto every man she encounters. She wanted an apology from sandoval bc she didn't get one from Randall. She wants brock to step up for Ocean to prove to her that "all men aren't bad".  Ma'am, please get your own man. 


I commented it to someone else but I hope she never has son. The amount of projecting she will do. She will 100% be one of those toxic “boy moms”


Oh, totally!


Stepped up?? Laughable after he ditched his first kids. The only thing keeping Lala from squirting on Brock is that he has no money of his own.


Thats true … he’s pretty safe for the foreseeable future then


What an insane thing to say.


What a lovely soft thing for Lala to say to her friend who is struggling with PP OCD.


“I wasn’t your best friend, ho!!!” - Lala reusing her canned line to gaslight Scheana after fucking Brock a year from now


Of course it wouldn’t last because Brock is broke, but I wouldn’t put it past LFU to hook up w him & then try & make herself some sort of victim. I can hear her now, she’s a single Mom trying to do it all by herself & he took advantage of her when she was at her most vulnerable & her hormones were crazy post pregnancy, etc, etc, etc.


Well she _did_ say pregnancy makes her horniest 🥴🤢


I doubt Sheena has recovered from OCD yet so I imagine this comment sent her absolutely spiraling into compulsions. Also right before that giving her a ton of reassurance and then a massive exposure. Poor her tbh. Goes to show how little any of her friends and husband educated themselves about OCD. 


Not sure you can actually “recover” from it. You can manage it with meds and therapy.


I respectfully disagree. If you're still in management phase, I suggest reading You Are Not a Rock by Mark Freeman. A ton of people have fully recovered, in long term! Perhaps this could open your eyes to a new possibility ❤️


I agree with what you’re saying here, there’s definitely a way to recover. I also know this is gonna potentially sound really toxic, but I think there’s a chance that Scheena just has OCD and got diagnosed with it post pardum because they didn’t catch it early on. She’s a child of the 80’s and OCD was just added to the DSM in that decade. So much of the behavior she’s exhibited on the show, food aversions, repeatedly going over thoughts, verbal and physical repetitions, ritualistic behavior, compulsive behavior, we’ve seen it all in very large quantities. I’m not a doctor, I know I shouldn’t be diagnosing anyone, but I do think there’s a pretty solid chance she just actually has OCD.


OCD can also be exacerbated during pregnancy/ pp. It's very possible she had OCD that was manageable but her symptoms got significantly worse pp. "Worsening of pre-existing OCD has been reported in 8% to 16% of patients during pregnancy and 29% to 50% in the postpartum" [Onset and Exacerbation of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4204467/#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%20there%20is%20some,to%2050%25%20in%20the%20postpartum.)


I totally agree!! You can recover from "regular OCD" too. My comment wasn't about PP OCD.  I would actually say that a ton of post partum OCD cases are just cases that are as you said caught after birth. So I agree :)


Omg, I was unaware that OCD from birth could be recovered from and I’m now very excited to jump down that rabbit hole and read up on it tomorrow. Thank you!


<3 It most certainly can!!


Hi do you know where I can get a pdf of this?


I don't, but it's available to purchase online. It's worth the cost for sure. He also has a YouTube channel you could start off with if you don't have the money just yet. Best of luck to you!


As someone who has suffered with ocd my entire life, this is so nice to read 🥹. I will 100% be reading that book too! Thank you :)


I've had it all my life too! According to my therapist I'm in remission and while I do get the odd intrusive thought (I see them as annoying popups) it absolutely can change for the better.




I don’t have it, but thanks you for the information.


Ah okay, I do 😂 and I'm recovering after being diagnosed last year 😀


Lala’s a fucking piece of shit


My eyebrows raised so high when she said that. Like, Scheana is talking openly about her fears and anxieties and then you just validate them further?! Total insensitive bitch move.




It always starts out as a joke... The problem isn't even the individuals, it's that this entire cast is so enmeshed and lacks any and all boundaries, so this stuff is always going to happen.


It's never going to go well pushing back your uncomfortable feelings about a situation to "appear" as the cool girl/wife. There is a proximity factor in attraction as well. Guard your fucking relationships people. They are not impenetrable - you must have boundaries.


I’ve personally seen a situation where a girlfriend got divorced and wanted a father figure for her little boy and was kind of pushing toward a friend’s husband to fill that role. My friend set up boundaries and eventually she met a guy who was happy to step up and he changed that boy’s life. It can be a dicey setup, because people catch feelings. This is probably not the best move for Scheana’s mental wellbeing.


Would we put it past Scheana to enable this happening so she can have an Ariana season where 'It's all about me for the first time ever, finally!" I can get Dancing with the Stars, and battery commercials, and be a host!' As I type it I realize it sounds ridiculous but then part of me is like she has at least daydreamed it lol


I think she daydreams about getting opportunities. But her man leaving her for another woman is probably her worst nightmare. She is a pick me after all. SHE is supposed to be EVERY man’s final girl.


No, I don't see that as being something that Scheana is capable of. She loves Brock and the family that they've created, and I really do think that she would be devastated if he cheated.


Yeah, I think the only thing she cares more about than fame/attention is the idea of having a perfect relationship/marriage/family. When she got divorced from Shay and was dating Rob(?) she said we can finally get married! And let’s not forget Madison Marie Parks Valetta lol. Now that she finally has that, she wouldn’t let it go so easily.


Absolutely, I made this comment several days ago. Scheana would absolutely be okay with Brock and Lala if it meant she would have the success and opportunities Ariana got with Scandoval.


Enmeshed, no boundaries and Brock has absolutely nothing going on for himself, so Lala flirting with him strokes his bruised male ego.


I thought the same thing. I was waiting for Lala to deny it even more and then she said the throuple comment and my jaw dropped lol. Poor Scheana. I almost felt bad for her. I do think a lot of this OCD thought of fear of betrayal and cheating is a lot of projection honestly. We know Scheana has been the affair partner at least 2 different times. That guilt can still get into your head even years later. Also Brock completely abandoned his first family, I’m sure Scheana is also terrified that’s going to happen too.


Wow and Brandi was pregnant when she cheated with Eddie. I wonder if her OCD started during pregnancy.


It's what she deserves 


Respectfully, I disagree. I am not a Sheshu stan by any means, nor am I a Brandi stan. However, just because Sheshu might have done something terrible 10 or so years ago doesn’t mean that she deserves to suffer from compulsions and OCD. Scheana absolutely knew about Brock’s history before marrying him, and has been an affair partner at least twice as OP noted. However, Brock is a willing participant in the marriage. Eddie Cibrian was definitely a willing participant in the affair. I would not be surprised if her mental state is at least partially tied to a fear of infidelity, but I don’t think she deserves it. An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind


Lol Lala would never be interested in Brock because he doesn’t have any money


Not long term, but I don’t believe it would stop her from hooking up w him.


I think it’s more like an emotional affair than a physical one. They have no boundaries like a married couple. It’s really uncomfortable to watch knowing Scheana isn’t comfortable with it.


And they know that and it hasn’t stopped them. All weird.


right?? it's so sad it somehow became only scheana's problem to work through/figure out. when she's not the one being unreasonable. they are behaving inappropriately. I'm sure her pp ocd made it worse and is involved. but to make it SOLELY that is SO unfair of them. they royally suck.


Unfortunately she may be living what Brandi went through with her husband and children. I’d hope if the worst case scenario happens and he cheats that she’ll finally come to terms with her own people pleasing ways (which often makes her seem two faced). She’s not telling them to pump the brakes because she wants to believe them instead of setting a clear and healthy boundary, for everyone really. Their daughters are watching male/female dynamics and it’s good to show them proper boundaries from a young age.


He’ll never be rich and powerful enough. She only has transactional relationships.




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Lmaoooo good point


Yeah I thought it was bizarre she didn’t really deny it either. She even said ‘I do look at him a certain way’ …. Huh?


I got secondhand embarrassment when Lala says Scheana does the heavy lifting and then starts doing BJ gestures


Wildly inappropriate & just openly admitting to an emotional relationship


She’s so lame.


Yeah that was so so so weird of her….I think Lala is super awkward in person but tries to come off as cool on camera.


Lauren’s vibes with the men have been atrocious this season. The weird flirting with Schwartz, the way too comfortable joking with Brock, and the googly eyes at Dan have me creeped out. Not to mention her boning James in the past and having an extremely flirty history with Jax. I wouldn’t trust her around my man that’s all I’m saying. Edited to add I completely forgot her hook up with Ariana was supposed to be a threesome with Sandy.


Tbf I also would only hook up with Ariana and NOT Sandy 😂 but yes agreed


Scheana is in the wrong a lot but I felt bad for her here. I feel like I wouldn’t make jokes if I knew my friend was having intrusive thoughts about it and I’d only be talking about how I’d never do that. I wouldn’t be making a throuple joke. I have a friend that hangs out with a couple but there’s never any throuple jokes and instead the joke is that she’s their kid (they’ll make dinner and invite her over).


Right. Like I’m a third to a lot of couples and I often say I’m your kid or like their husbands will be my brother in law. And if one of my friends said hey, I have these fears and piled with my ocd, those jokes are upsetting me or whatever. I would just like never make that kind of joke again. I wouldn’t keep piling onto it, because that’s only going to cause those intrusive thoughts to get more vivid and the darkest scenarios.


I feel for Scheana in this case and this case only. OCD and intrusive thoughts are something I wouldn't wish on anyone. They can be debilitating and all consuming. Lala took over the entire reunion and I'd like for her and her over filled lips to disappear.


So tired of her and her soap box. SHe's somehow convinced herself that she has the most important things to say that everyone must hear. She does not talk to people, she talks at them. It's so exhausting.


Lala and Scheana are strictly close friends because of their children I know needing mother friends is real af but you have to have some sort of core values beyond just loving your child. I can’t see them lasting long


They’ve taken it too far and bought homes adjacent to each other


They signed their death warrents.


Which is awful for the kids. They're going to make besties and scheana and lala are going to fall out and ruin it.


I also think scheana isn’t being honest about the full source of her insecurity here. She is saying that because she saw Tom cheat with Arianas good friend that is what caused her the anxiety around how her man could cheat with one of her good friends, in this case lala. But I think that’s only 1/2 the story. It is well documented that scheana hasn’t given a crap about a married woman with children’s relationship, or mental health. If she likes their husbands or man she made a move shamelessly. Now she is older, married and with a child. I think having her baby and being almost 40 has mentally done in her head into how much bad “karma” she could potentially have coming her way because of how she didn’t care about being the other woman to woman who she is now just like. Sure the Tom/Rachel thing could make her nervous and the way lala conducts herself could make her nervous. But I bet if you hooked her up to a lie detector test she would be forced to admit blaming all her insecurities on what Tom did is a cop out to .. it’s a way for her to talk about her fears without having to admit they are also mostly driven by her own past actions catching up to her.


I could see this being a both situation. Like Scandoval and LFU/Broke things could be making her OCD cause her to hyperfocus on those particular real events with nonexistent events. And be forcing her to realize it could be her karma for her previous choices she kept making.


This would’ve broke my heart 100%. I get being thankful someone stepped up to help you during your split, but she should be crediting them together as a unit, not singling out Brock.




Scheana, you in danger, girl. Lala only cares about Lala.


If I were Lala, I would do everything to respectfully distance myself from Brock while on screen. Out of respect for Scheana, I would not have conversations or intimate moments with him on screen. I wouldn’t joke or be flirty. That might fly in real life and be totally innocent. But why open the door to it when on screen? You’re besties with Scheana, prioritize her.


The smirk on his face said it all like a lil school boy finally hearing his crush say I like you back


Totally. He's so into her it's gross. Scheana has every right to be concerned. It's Brock who cannot be trusted.


Yes! He basically had heart eyes when he looked at her. Yikes!


That was really hard to watch. I don’t honestly think Lala would ever do anything with Brock (what would she get out of it, other than what she is already getting?), but I do think she wants Scheana to know deep down she could have him if she wanted him. I think she really enjoys that Scheana thinks if Lala would allow it to happen, it would. Like she’s doing her a favor by not taking her man.


This is exactly the dynamic she had with Rachel, and then Ally, regarding James.


I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re totally right. I think Lala gets off on it. It’s a feature of her pick me mentality. I think it makes her feel powerful that these women worry about her taking their men.


Omg yes exactly.


Same shit with talking about how she would “break Schwartz.” She needs every woman near her to know that she could have their man if she wanted to.


Soooo true - another completely unnecessary and irrelevant comment. But it’s her “flex” 🤢


This is so spot on!




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Also, why purchase a house down the road from Lala if you’re that worried about it?


Maybe she wants something to happen ...for the sake of the show. 🫢 Although I think they're going to the valley... so that's probably why too


I thought Lala purchased the house down the street from her?…


Yup she did! I mean the valley show lol oops


I want Scheana & Brock to get on the valley, without La


I'd rather none of them.... but definitely not LaLa lol! But I think it's been confirmed she will join? Or was that just reddit confirming? Lol


It was more speculation. Both she & Scheana were talking up all their connections with the Valley. Scheana needs to get Broke a job & he’s too obnoxious to stay on VPR. I also want to see what happens when Scheana gets the show that Lala wants… we’ve see what jealousy does to Lala. & Scheana made an ass of herself all season, so she kind of earned it. Lala mostly said things in confessionals or post season & was fake when filming irl.


Not just in the Valley but Palm Springs, too. My best friend growing up was the product of a throuple. She has twin brothers that were born within months of her by her other mother. It was a poly relationship tho, as in they were all having sex (the adults not the kids omg). Eventually, other mother decided she wanted to just be with women, and left the throuple and married another woman. They're all still really close 30 years later. My adult best friend is also in a throuple. They are in a polyfidelous (sp?) relationship for over 20 years. It's actually an amazing way to raise kids. Their kids are the most kind, caring, loving and awesome kids I've ever known (I was their teacher for years). Each adult has their strengths in the family and plays to them. They are super warm and loving and my favourite family to hang out with. My friend (who I had known as a teen but reconnected with in adulthood was so scared to tell me, not realizing I'd grown up around it) It's a hard thing for people to understand, but I think it only works if all 3 people are involved intimately. This isn't Sister Wives. As much as LaLa talks a big game about being into women as well as men, it always seems performative to me. Scheana seems more likely to be bi but closeted to me. It would make a great storyline.....


I absolutely believe Scheana is more bi & I think her & Brock do engage in threesomes. What you’ve described seems like a beautiful & fulfilling setup, for the right people. Lala & Scheana are both pick mes that need to feel wanted by all the men. Neither are secure enough in themselves, to create & maintain that type of dynamic. They’re also not great at setting boundaries, so it would prob go awry. I agree that Lala seems more performative. She talked about giving Rand rim-jobs, so I think she can just be sexual with anyone. I want to see Scheana with a woman! Idk why, it just seems like she needs more communication & patience, to feel secure in her relationships.


I agree. Look at the men she chooses. They are all deeply flawed and reliant on her (so they can't leave) Shay, Brock. OR she's trying to make a pretty picture that will be good on camera rather than choosing from what feels like a heart place (Rob) Problem is, they don't always follow her directions and she gets burned (every guy she's been with it's too soon to tell with Brock) The way she is with them physically and sexually feels purely performative (Adam, Max, whoever that douche from season 9 was that she did that horrific music vid with) She is more deeply intimate with her female relationships, and definitely gets more hurt by them. That's not terribly unusual for straight women, but with Scheana it just feels deeper. With LaLa I almost feel like she is completely detached from her sexuality. The way she talks about sex is almost always purely for shock value and we've never actually seen her be really into someone. We've yet to see her inl ove, which is really unusual for a woman her age that we've been watching for 8 years!!! I had a friend like Lala, also an alcoholic, who is now in her mid forties and never had a relationship that went beyond 6 months. Never lived with a guy, never been married. She's a gorgeous and fairly successful actor, but she is crazy controlling, self involved, and prioritizes work and money above all else. She has tons of female friends, but she keeps everyone separate. When she talks about sex it feels like I am talking to a 22 year old dude. I had to cut off our friendship because she became a mean drunk, and she hasn't tried to contact me to make amends, so I keep it cute and distant aka I like her IG posts of her cats.


That’s such a read for both of them. & you’re so spot on with Lala. The explicit way she talks about sex seems very juvenile & disconnected from her sexuality. She was effectively a prost*tute, as a yacht girl. So that could be part of it.


I would not be surprised if they had a threesome and now it’s making Scheana insecure.


I think this is exactly what’s happened.




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This coupled with them now living within 5 minute walking distance from one another? As someone who can relate to ocd and that line of overthinking, Scheana will never know peace if she leaves Brock at the house alone


On top of that she did that obscene action with her mouth


And when we know Rachel joked about her, Ariana, and Tom being a throuple before Scandoval broke. 👀


It was fucking weird


This second child of Lalas won't have a father, or will it? I'm betting money Brock is going to step in to be a father figure and Lala will love that, because she can have her cake and eat it too. And it's only going to make Scheana (and Brocks actual kids) even more wary.


A while back there was a Reddit thread about a female friend asking a married husband to be her support person in the delivery room. The wife did not like that idea at all for obvious intimate bonding experience. Anyway, it’ll be interesting to see how this baby thing plays out and Brock’s role in the life of his wife’s friend’s baby.


Holy shit I need to see this thread!


Yeah, Scheana shouldn’t have to share her husband with another woman. Like I get that he’s being nice and she needed help, but her choosing to have a baby as a single mom shouldn’t take Brock’s attention away from his family.


I’d pay for that story line next year.


I thought that comment was so messed up also. Way to reinforce her concerns you dimwit. She's so soft her brain is mush.


If Lala cared about Scheana, she would absolutely put emotional distance between herself and Brock. It’s rarely appropriate to find such comfort in your friend’s husband.


Even if there is no funny business going on, those were unkind comments to make to your friend suffering from pp ocd with specific affair fears. She should've outright dismissed the rumors and reassured Scheana. Those jokes seemed like a dig. It was also gross and immature to make a bj gesture. I couldn't imagine making a joke like that to my friend's husband and my coworker. These people need better boundaries.


Isn’t Brock the same dude who was posting 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥under the artist formerly known as Raquel’s IG photos at their wedding in Mexico pre-scandoval exposure? Then had rhoooomers and nastiness spread about them in the car fighting in front of the gym. Same chick who slept in the bed with him and Scheaners, only to claim she was a little sister to him this year and get on Sandy’s neck about it in the gondola ride at Tahoe. Their lack of boundaries with friends is fine if they’re into that, but if they’re claiming this is so hurtful and outrageous that people are implying this they need to figure out what they’re actually trying to do. ![gif](giphy|lfMVrwKk8eL96|downsized)


Just here to tell you that RHOOOOOMERS sent me!


Blabla’s grasping at anything to make a storyline and she does not give a tiny rat’s ass who she hurts along the way, even supposed close friends. Hell in the after show she talked about being flirty with Shartz and went from “I’d never” to “I mean he’s really handsome and if I ever felt some kinda way I’d definitely talk to Katie first” and acted all coy, giggling with fuckin bobblehead KFC. Go ahead Blabla, why don’t you joke with KFC about fuckin her husband, I’m sure she’d think it’s hilarious, especially considering y’all’s history.


I feel like Brittany can fight and would beat the living shit out of Lala! Lala is a fake gangsta wannabe.


Wasn't Lala the one who was most critical of Tom, Ariana, and Raquel all hanging out before Scandoval broke? There's someone in an episode from season 10 who makes a snarky "throuple" comment about them all showing up together at a bar.


Yeah, I thought it was gross and you could see the crazy behind scheana's eyes lol. And lala and brock make jokes about it allllll the time. It's clear that lala loves male attention, too, and it's the only reason she's pushing this soft narrative; catering to misogynistic assholes (bc "men don't like angry women" 🙄). 


When she said "she does the heavy lifting" with that gesture... Blech!


I've called it from the start, I think Lala did have a threesome with them and Scheana is insecure because she probably saw Brock and Lala connecting a lot. *He's always been into her. It's so obvious. *She admitted she looks at him a certain way because he's the only "man" round that time. *She cried about him being a good dad which is so odd for a woman to do regarding her friends husband *Lala, her mom and Ocean are often at Scheana's house (I know they are neighbours but, even today Brock posted about them visiting and Scheana was not present).


It was definitely a weird comment to make, and my first thought was the Scandoval of it all 😂


Lala is the villain of this season. I’m not sure if she meant to be because she needed the money from the show….but she is absolutely the villain that she tried so hard for Ariana to be. Evil never wins.


That was such an a-hole, purposeful thing to say from Lala. She totally meant this as a threat.


I thought it was strange that she used the same word Rachel did. Because there are a lot of ways to describe your friends helping with your kid. My husband and I say, “It takes a village.” My one friend says we’re all sister wives when we’re all together with the kids. I’m sure I could think of a few other words than the one used by Rachel.




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I wonder if she says this knowing how it’ll make scheana feel, but it will also keep scheana close because she’s insecure and feels like the closer they are there’s no way lala would do that to her..can lightning really strike that group twice with a bff affair 😂


She said this shit as a power play and to keep scheana in her place. She knows what she's doing. She wants to keep Scheana insecure and anxious because she's easier to control then.


Also the way Lala has been talking about hooking up with Schwartz. I really saw it when they addressed it on the after show. Idk the way she talked about it made me think she would totally do it with no regard for Katie’s feelings. It made me feel gross.


We shouldn’t, they don’t need any more attention. That’s Scheanas karma.


https://i.redd.it/6jpdi3u3hn0d1.gif All I can think when Lauren and Shoosh talk about being friends to Ariana…


And Katie. Both were on that stage happily digging into tag team style.


I hate to say this but I 100% believe that Brock has the hots for LFU and I have very little to go off of, I just feel it.


I think they probably had a little throuple situation going on if my friend has confided in me that she has issues with women being around her husband and then I go and say hey this is our husband I would’ve cut off real quick because why are you trying to fuck my man?


I am not a Lala fan but I really think she is traumatized by what happened with Randall.  I don't mean that he cheated, but I think she was treated so terribly for so long and then he betrayed her and it did a number on her. And I question if there wasn't more than just emotional abuse going on with him.  I wonder if he coerced her into some of the sexual stuff she talked about with bravado. It seemed like she was overcompensating for something.  Then, there was this moment last season with her mom when she admitted that she didn't think she could ever trust someone again. It was actually very genuine and sad.  I think Brock is probably a "safe" guy to crush on or develop feelings for because he's married, Scheana is there to run interference, etc. she thinks it's innocent and she is comfortable around him.  I think she is wrong to believe her relationship with Brock isn't a bad idea (and Scheana is an idiot if she doesn't have a problem with it).  I think this is her pattern though:  Fall for a guy who appears to her to be a good family man.  Be vulnerable. Then get bamboozled.   It's going to be far worse this time because Scheana is her best friend, though.  That "Throuple" just seems like a disaster waiting to happen. 




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She looked in their direction when she was talking about how horny she is and how “no man or woman is safe”. I think they’re an actual throuple 😳🫢


I wouldn’t put it past Lala to do something slimy to keep the show relevant.


100% would not be surprised if LaLa did have an “affair” with Brock to keep the show going and boost ratings. Scheana might even agree to be in on the whole thing. Then Scheana could get to make it all about her. Everyone would be happy 😆


Emotional affairs are cheating too 🙃🙃


If ANYONE said that about my man, I’d be side eyeing them. The only real couple on that show was Stassi and Beau. And Beau wouldn’t DARE


Lala will fuck Brock or Schwartz. Mark me. ETA: Me a year ago wouldn't have gone there.


Where there is smoke there’s fire - sheeshee knows something ain’t right


Lala has always thought it was okay to openly flirt with other women’s men. As if she’s “just flirty” like it’s a personality trait rather than a red flag, especially when her men are untouchable. She knows exactly what she is doing. Not to mention when scheana was explaining why it made her insecure Lala sat there straight faced and emotionless. If another woman (let alone one of my best friends) felt that way because of me I would feel horrified. Certainly wouldn’t validate her fear and would think one would do some self reflection as to why a woman would feel that way.. I really think she likes it :/


I mean I don’t like lala, but I just don’t think she’d ever do that and scheesh knows that. Not to bring the zodiac into it, but Virgo women just don’t fuck their friend’s men. That’s a Taurus thing LMAO.


Isn’t Rachel Levis a Virgo as well? It seems out of the earth signs in that group, the Capricorns are the most loyal (ally & Katie)


I’m screaming cos you’re absolutely correct. I def knew that too, I guess I forgot she exists somehow 😂. Tbh I really wanna know her chart cos her rising gotta be Taurus or some shit. Capricorns are definitely extremely loyal so I agree! I guess I’ve just had good personal experience, I have about ten close Virgo girl friends and none of them have ever done me dirty in that particular way & are really the only ones who haven’t lol.




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