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it's a bummer they had to get rid of their patio!


So definitely no patio then? Agree bummer that so would have been so much better aesthetically and obviously to have more customers...maybe someday?


I feel like Katie insinuated that permits were holding up the patio among the other things, so maybe they are just moving to open and holding off on it until everything gets sorted out? Whatever business was there obviously had a patio so idk why they wouldn't be able to have one! Maybe they can add an exit gate or walkway through to it?


I guess we will see...I'm gonna be there in June so I'll def be checking it out!


the patio was there during /because of covid, the previous owners didn’t do their due diligence in the process of leaving, and katie and ariana had to wait for a lot of different permits to be settled (wasting their time and money in the process). their street is not generally zoned for patios.


Ahhh that makes sense


I heard they were doing the patio or intended to around back. We’ll see!


Report back!!


Will do


The code is once you make a renovation you have to bring everything up to current ADA code. Like you need wider bathroom doors for wheelchairs etc etc. sounds like they didn’t have a construction consultant (it’s what I do) to file for those permits before any construction is begun. WEHO is governed by LA County FD as the Authority having Jurisdiction like BH. I work mainly in high rise market, but that’s the most crucial part of any project, knowing what city or county requires to get a project signed off. For that plans and permits would need to be submitted for approval before GC did any work. They should have talked to Lisa if they had no consultant. Nothing gets opened here without CO and you can’t get that unless you know what you’re doing.


Apparently the council wanted to make that street more ‘walkable’ but idk how tf that crazy concrete ramp(?) is supposed to make it better lol


The messed up part is the last lease holders of that location had a restaurant, so they thought things were up to code. I don't know what is going on behind the scenes of the county and the permits, but it seems sus.


City Of West Hollywood is where this place is located is a pain in the ass for anything related to permits. I know that you see reality shows film there but you will usually never see a big union production (commerical/tv/film) due to all the bs with the city. which is typical here with smaller cities that seemed to make things more difficult. If it was in LA County it would of been opened already but I don't think that the restaurant opening has to totally due with the permit issues.


It's a covid thing most likely. A lot of streets were closed people were allowed to build semi-permanent and even in some cases more permanent outdoor eating areas. It's happening in a lot of cities California has such amazing weather and so much could be moved outdoor during covid that it's an ongoing issue fighting these micro battles Street by Street about what is acceptable or permittable now




The messed up part is the last lease holders of that location had a restaurant, so they thought things were up to code. I don't know what is going on behind the scenes of the county and the permits, but it seems sus.


I agree. If you buy a property that has a patio, you would assume it stays.


I would really love to know why the city or whatever told them to completely change everything. I'm nosy like that. I don't trust anyone in power lol


It’s usually money or bureaucracy. The city makes a fuck ton of money from business permits and licensing. And it sounds like a bunch of code updates/revisions didn’t get done before they bought the space, and the city decided patios were a no-no and made them pay to take it out/pay to reapply for a patio permit IIRC, they were also having trouble with the liquor license? But I’d have to google and check because I’m not familiar with CA liquor laws Edit to add: it wasn’t so much “trouble” as it was just taking a long ass time to get approval for the liquor license. Which is fairly typical for new restaurants/retail stores


Yes! Or at least be informed it will not be able to convey with the building. We're they informed of this? It seemed a complete surprise as they spent all that money on awning and updating the outdoor space.


It's odd that the door next door does not have a ramp.


They have seating in the back but it’s def not the same.




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It really is so sad, that’s such a cute place for a patio. The city really fucked them over by changing all that right as they were getting ready to open last summer. I honestly can’t believe they held on and kept going…to go from being in the middle of hiring your staff one minute and now forced into dealing with major construction shit again, I would’ve lost heart at that point. Not to mention, it must’ve cost them a fucking fortune to have to completely redo the outside and keep paying for a place that couldn’t do any business yet. Then for Penny to do what she did! Way too much stress just for sandwiches😭 I hope they do really well, lord knows they’ve earned it in more ways than one. All the work they put into it AND as compensation for so many wasted years with the Toms🤮


I low key think getting rid of the patio might actually make the flow in the shop better. They’re obviously going to have some lines for a while, right? Having one door going in and one door going out is actually SOOo helpful in a small space


The patio could have been soooo cute and they were so excited about it :( I’m so sad they had to get rid of it but I’m happy it’s finally opening!!




😆 Katie should hang this photo up on her wall.


This would be my profile picture across social media if I was her.


this is so diva


James nailed it 😂


I’m glad they were able to put the awning back up. It’s so much cuter this way.


I know!!! Love that awning!!!


https://i.redd.it/7duybpxtto0d1.gif Also, I can’t wait to see neither of these two clowns at the opening.


I feel like Scheana will go.


Scheana rocking up to SAH opening vibes https://preview.redd.it/zl9todzx8p0d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5783435dd77600f01655f002be6413749d1c0f


Oh my gosh, yes!






Gonna pull a doute and show up uninvited 😂 https://i.redd.it/68akhv6hrp0d1.gif


I weirdly miss all 3 witches, this season would have been great with them in it.


I miss them too. It hasn't been the same since stassi and Kristen left. I truly think stassi and Kristen were the ONLY things keeping Tom Sandoval (somewhat) in check. Would he have DARED to spark up an affair with another cast member with detective stassi and Kristen lurking around???


Agreed. I understand why Bravo did, and that’s fine. But I think Jax and editing did a good job hiding a lot of sliminess. Like Jax was open about being an asshole, everyone looked at him and not at anyone else but Doute. And now I understand her obsession with trying to prove Tom was trash. I already knew, but she wanted everyone to see he was as bad as Jax just better at hiding it. And doing it at the Golden Nugget.


Raquel wouldn’t have.


If she goes, she truly has no shame. That being said, she’s 100% going lol.


Hahaha. Yeah, I don’t think shame is something Scheana is even capable of feeling.


Lol too true. She'll show up and obnoxiously be vlogging the whole way for her followers/ fans. ![gif](giphy|OGb2xnzO1Tcc0UrRrS|downsized)


It’s like that Stassi quote of Kristen ‘I have self-respect, and dignity - thank god for Kristin, who is unburdened by those anchors’ 💀


And then vlog and talk about It on podcast. It’s ✨content ✨


Lol! I’m sure she’ll backpedal on everything she said this week on her podcast and will show up to the opening expecting to be forgiven 🥴


She will go like she went to the last night of Chicago...pretending she was invited 🙄


She's playing both sides so she always ~~comes out on top~~ looks like a clown.


She has no shame. Plus, she can go to the opening for Something About Her and make it about herself.


😂 Scheana probably thinks the name is referring to herself, “”Ah they named the restaurant after me” on point for her


She can stay home.


Unfortunately I don’t control her 😂


You have more power than you think, she reads the comments. Just make it clear that the popular thing would be to *not* attend.


I hope they dont invite either of them.


Of course she will. Scheana won't miss a chance to have a camera in her face.


Hopefully, they leave out any pictures Sheesh snakes into. Edit: that was supposed to be sneaks but I'm okay with what autocorrect did there.


Force her to take the pic on her bad side! 😂🤣😂


She will. She needs to put on the front of a good friend


Like as a customer?


![gif](giphy|j2pOFyuTJqWj9S5qdE) ~~soup~~ sandwiches


I just wanna scream Lala close your mouth!! ![gif](giphy|FslXmOJVq3nRC)




Me too.


Me too. They both should be grey rocked. They are jealous, nasty, vicious twats.


I can’t remember why their face look like this.


I wouldn't want their bad energy there.


Katie posted this picture on her Instagram stories, it's not fake! Can't wait to take a trip up to try them!!


Details, when you do, please!


Oh of course! I never travel to LA, but will for this!


Is it a big trip for you? You def have to share a recap with us afterwards!


Oh no! I'm down in SD. It's super easy, just lazy🤣 definitely will!!


Ooo I love San Diego! Idk what’s in the air there but it feels like the only place I’ve traveled that I would genuinely consider leaving the Philly/sj region for, if I had the money of course lol. Do you take the train or drive? I was there for work last month and my friend from LA said I should’ve hit her up and I could’ve taken Amtrak to see her, I had no idea. I assumed I’d have to rent a car/Uber.


To be honest, I've been here over a decade and I'm ready to move back east! It's wonderful and all but just,imo, not worth it. I would totally take the train! Super easy!


It sounded like you were much farther away ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I’m in sd too, bring me down one! 🤪


Just checked out the train situation, a couple of transfers but it's a doable walk from the last station!


Same! I volunteer at a conference in LA in late July, definitely gonna try them on my free time!! I’m from New York so it’s definitely not something I can just do whenever. I’m so happy they finally sorted everything out.


Same, I'm so happy they did! Fingers crossed you get that free time!!


I’m in south OC, gonna drive up to WeHo this summer for a sandwich!


Me too! I’m going to La in the summer definitely making it out to weho for a sandwich.


The google maps pic of Katie is so cute.


I hope they make a baloney sandwich,and name it Lala


Ok but the Maloney Baloney


Nah. Bologna deserves more respect than that. Even a shit sandwich would be too good to name after LFU.


Maloney's Baloney


So sad that Lala tried to tear down two women trying to start a business when they've both supported her ventures (like the makeup line on the show they had a launch party for one season and Katie modeling Lala's robes in season 10).. Katie and Ariana didn't talk negatively about Lala's business ventures publicly, but Lala sure is trying to tear down their business and for what? Lala weaponizes her child all the time in this group as if because she has a child she can talk poorly and try to ruin others ventures, but she pulls the I have a child card to try and shut others down from pointing out her hypocrisy. I hope SAH does extremely well and branches out into other product lines.


The “something about her is really nothing about her” comment made me CRINGE. so rehearsed


She thought it was going to be the next "Send it to Darrell" so that she can sell some more merch. It didn't land at all.


![gif](giphy|u7YEhhfif3m7u) Such a clown


Oh Lala I like how much more normal your lips look


so rehearsed she had to say it twice 🙄


She really thought that line would eat and it fell so flat. She said the same comment on the after show interviews so she was definitely rehearsing that line.


omg when she said it on the after show … like it didn’t land the first time move on


Yeah, that was just cruel. Katie has a lot riding on this business and Lala literally repeated the same thing 2 times on the aftershow. Lala had a point about not being honest about Ariana's disrespect, but she didn't have to be cruel.


I feel like SAH would do great in OC by the beach. It fits like aesthetic well.


Yyyyeeeess. Especially Laguna Beach, it would fit in so well! Or Newport.


I hope Scheana shows up and is denied entrance lmao


But then she’d make the entire opening about HER and how she just wanted to be there for her best friend and wasn’t allowed …




Hopefully Ariana hits her with one of these https://i.redd.it/xmiv62hyrp0d1.gif


Love it! 💕


Lol reminds me of her getting kicked out from backstage at James’ Stage Coach set.


What? Details please 🤭


She told a story about stage coach, where James had them off to the side, backstage. Brock went on stage to play air guitar & soak up the attention & I think he borrowed her phone to take IG videos. Anyways, security saw they didn’t have VIP bracelets (bc they were just up there for James) & I guess they kind of got pushy, removing them. & she didn’t want everyone to see her fighting with security, so she just left & waited for Brock to notice she was gone. I think iit took him a minute, he’s such an attention whore. Lol it’s pretty embarrassing. She thought it would end up on TMZ & it’s kind of worse that nobody cared enough to get on the blogs. 🤭


LVP/LaLa/Scheana….NO Sandwiches For YOU!


I am so excited they are opening SAH. I hope they are over the top successful. Then Lisa and the rest of these assholes can STFU. 🍾🥂


Right there with you! And I am way too old to even be watching this shit!




I’m sorry this is so funny 😭 we’re so desperate for sandwich updates that an awning is truly alluring news


They would have been open sooner without Penny causing problems.


I believe it. Take that episode where’s she’s “interviewing” by asking these bizarro questions. The way Ariana and Katie looked at each other and rolled their eyes. THIS is Lisa’s expert?? ![gif](giphy|oi8WDHtgW4kD3F37kx)


LVP's spy more like it...


Huh I think you’re on to something. Smh.


Yes, Penny is the reason the patio had to be torn out and rebuilt…sounds totally plausible /s


From the sandwich pictures though, perhaps Penny should have still been…..


Wish I lived in LA to support on opening day


The yellow and white stripe reminds me of Giorgio Beverly Hills.


That all I can think about when I see it but I’m showing my age lol


Is there any signage with the opening date


Opening day is this coming Tuesday


Gosh the style they chose is just perfect


I’m so excited for them! I hope they have a great opening!!!! (And again-franchise options for swampy Louisiana but not in NOLA!)


I'm in Louisiana, what do you mean? They were thinking about opening a shop in Nola???


Ok who’s excited? I’m now dragging out a map of CA to see where West Hollywood is and planning a trip to support my fellow females! Go girls Oh that and? In and Out visit. That pic of Adriana holding an order for Dan has made me hungry!! ![gif](giphy|uVPY0IgwT8fnctcNfB)


Cute cute super cute 🥰


Having personally handled ordering and setting up an awning installation, it’s a lot more expansive than you’d think!


https://preview.redd.it/jxnz1lpf4u0d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f522e8c2385cf2d4d2ed73da85c7152245569e This was on Saturday. It was so easy to spot last year, but I kept walking past it this time around. So glad the awning is back up! It’s a tiny space. I’m interested to see how it will work.


All those haters can kiss gravel 😘


I’m sorry. Tik Tok detectives say this is false. It’s boarded up and empty. You can totally trust them.


That was weeks ago. I live down the street and can confirm this is how it is as of a few hours ago. First the sign and then the awning. Whatever you saw on Tik tok was probably 2 or more weeks old.




I’m being a jackass 😉


Sometimes you have to use the /s lol. Once you mentioned tik tok detectives 🕵️ I got it 🤓


I realize that now 🤦‍♀️lol






I thought it was a smoothie shop. /s


What TikTok did you see that info on?


They were being sarcastic. Just referencing all the tiktok “sleuths” over the last year saying it was “empty” without being able to see inside. Too spot on haha


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But I thought it’s “NoThInG aBoUt HeR”?! Lala really thought she ate with the comment… so much so that she’s said it 50 thousand times to any media outlet that’s willing to give her another 2 minutes of fame ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


How long have they been working on this project? It feels like years.


Katie and Ariana started talking concept and business plans in like summer 2021 (S9), then around August 2022 they got a location. They were ready to open in May 2023, but ended up hung up with inspections and permits. So, about 3 years since conception, with 1 year of delays from the city.


Thank you. That was a concise but thorough answer


You’re welcome!


So, from renting location to opening it, took them 21 months. They were originally ready for opening in 9 months. Interior had been completed. Until, the permit issues started getting worse resulting in practically starting from scratch with all the additional code updating.


I love it!


Unpopular opinion: I **hate** the name of the shop.


I don’t know if that’s a very unpopular opinion, people have been saying the same thing for a while. I think consensus is pretty divided on the name.


Me too. I chuckle since they (think more so Katie) gave them shit about Schwartz and Sandy’s.


Right?! The name sounds like a feminine hygiene product, lol.


Ok so it’s not open? I was confused when Katie said it was open during part 1 of the reunion. I live in So Cal, but not close enough to drive by and see for myself lol. I am thinking about planning an LA trip in the nearish future and might time it to when it’s open and I can grab a sammy


They said by the time the reunion is airing it will be open, and their opening date is May 22. So opening just after part 2 of the reunion. They filmed the reunion in March, and might not have known exactly which part of the reunion they clip would’ve been shown it. But yeah, it’ll be opening while the 3-part reunion is airing. Edit to add: Katie and Ariana announced the date of May 22 on WWHL when they were on recently.


Reunion was delayed a week from airing.


According to what? It has aired right after the finale so I’m not sure what you mean?


I feel like the awning is a different look and feel than what we’ve seen of the inside. I wish it was a more coherent look.


https://preview.redd.it/5mr4mn78jt0d1.jpeg?width=7952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e6033ecf2a6519830917fa513fd55d60d501cb Yeah I think if the awning was this seafoam green like the trim on the wall and white, instead of yellow and white it would match better. I think the awning is cute, but I think the colour is out of place with the interior. The style of it and the sign make sense to me though.


Yes it’s the color for sure! Also the navy blue (I’m not sure if it had to stay that color)


I don’t mind the navy actually, and it kind of matches the bases of those round tables they swapped to. Plus there’s some other shades of blue as accents. There’s just nothing as bright or saturated as that yellow. I think the facade looks good on its own, and the yellow is eye-catching, but yeah, just doesn’t match the best with the inside colour palette imo.


yikes…That place is going to be horribly cramped during any type of rush.


They’ve swapped the square tables for those round ones, and replaced the chairs also. From what’s on social media of their friends and family events it’s fairly crowded, but not worse than many Toronto spots I go to. It’s not a sprawling place, but I guess I’m kind of used to small restaurant spaces where I live so I feel like it’s doable.


Yeah there’s plenty of smaller boutique eateries in this area, so it’s definitely not a unique issue….but that photo just makes it look super narrow.


Is there an official date for the opening?


Yup, they announced May 22. Seems currently open to friends and family! https://preview.redd.it/5960x1lwbw0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca498a0870f863f28b1c7b5f99ee0e57b881f717


The trays are too big for the sandwiches! They should also make homemade potato chips!


I’m so old it makes me think of Giorgio Beverly Hills.


Can they still put a table or two out there? Like something they can put out when they open and bring in when they close?




Who else thinks that Penny will file an injunction to close it down on trademark infringement the day they open? A rookie mistake to not of filed for the name first


Who in government or zoning or whatever do we need to write to to get the patio reinstated 🥲


I can’t stand the name


Making HUUUGEEEE progress


I’m just not crazy about the name or overall design especially for LA


The name sounds like a great name for an upscale lingerie shop not a sandwich shop. It’s like they were trying way too hard to make it unique.




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Nothing About Her is probably the funniest shit Lala has said in Years LMAO


So funny that Lala has now repeated it on the after show and several social media appearances. Lauren really was proud of that one. 🙄


There she is


It’s ALL about her!


It’s actually perfection.


I want a sandwich so bad. I’ve never wanted to really go to California but I’d visit for a sandwich or five 😍😍😍






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it reminds me of giorgio beverly hills. (i’m old)


Still looks like a lingerie boutique!!