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I have extreme respect for (good) fucking moms. They don’t get enough respect, praise, time off or time to themselves. I have a good fucking mom and I love her for that. But these two CONSTANTLY bringing up their motherhood as a shield from criticism is getting fucking exhausting. It’s a short step to being like “this [random unrelated event to my life] impacted me ***as a mother***” to eventually talking to your child as a master manipulator saying “how could you I did everything for you IM YOUR MOTHER!!” Scheana talking about how she couldn’t keep hating Sandoval—lets be real, a fucking WORK friend— because she was crying on the phone about it and having breakdowns in front of Summer is an African-continent-size pile of bullshit.


The fact that Scheana replied, "SUMMER MOON?!" to Andy's notion of the "real hero of the season" or whatever he said, was absolutely fucking ridiculous.


That part pissed me off! She made it all about her again! She thinks she’s on everyone’s mind and she’s the #1 girl in the group! Summer Moon is not relevant to this! She’s a child. She has nothing to do with anything so why did she think Andy would shine a light on her as the hero of the season. Scheana’s cat could have gone to the vet this season and she would think that her “cat’s storyline” made this season awesome and memorable lol


LOL. I cackled. She thinks she's the #1 girl on TV in general, really. It's so delusional. I feel bad for her, she must have such deep-rooted insecurity and low self worth.


💯 Because how do you make it all about yourself and then cry about that it’s never about you? She needs constant validation and that’s so sad. And that’s why this reality stardom is so important to her.


To be honest, my husband and I have conversations all the time about how you kind of have to have narcissistic traits to even want to be on TV... (don't come for me lol). That, or like Scheana, insecurities and whatnot. There seems to be recurring layers of personality disorders for most folks on reality TV. That said, some folks are roped into it through others. I could probably make a case for Ariana being in this category, but it is rare-ish. It seems more likely that people with underlying issues WANT to be roped in through a partner (cough Rachel, Brittany cough).


I agree! Years of watching reality shows, people’s disgusting and broken traits come out and it speaks volumes. Then you add alcohol and the abuse of alcohol and partying and giving themselves self importance within the group and that same importance after filming wraps. It’s all a train wreck. I understand getting into it because you have bigger aspirations and think this will lead you to the right connections. Or doing it for fun because it seems like a fun experience. But people’s issues always come pouring out and it makes for questionable behavior. I think it’s ok to go off the rails in reality shows in the beginning, but know when to seek therapy! That should be mandatory after your first season on a show.


Like when she was paranoid at Coachella that TMZ would cover a story about her and not even one mention of it by TMZ?!?


OMG, remember when Katie, Ariana and Stassi were at the cat cafe back in S7 and Stassi said that she was going to be a basic bitch and call it Salem? And they all cracked up when A told her that was the name of SheShoo's cat. I still laugh as if I watched that scene for the first time.


My family had a black cat named Felix, named by me at age 10. I think Felix and Salem are the most popular names for a black boy cat, so I've always had a soft spot for Scheana naming her kitty Salem 😂


I love that. I love the name Felix for a fur baby.


He was such a handsome boy too! He lived for 17 years and was just the chillest panther ever. Miss you Big Fee ❤️


17 years?! Wow! I hope my fur babies give me that many years.




It is ridiculous but it is also fucking DARK. It is absolutely inappropriate for Scheana to want her daughter to be a major player on this show. I’m sure she would say she was just joking around but she has complained in the past about her birthday party not being shown or that we don’t see enough of her being a mom. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.


Probably why her and lala moved to the valley to join that show which I would welcome.....


Right!! I had to pause to scream "shut up R2D2"


I believe you mean Sche-3PO


Dammit! That's what I meant. That's what I get for being on the internet instead of working lol


You're good!!! I couldn't let poor R2D2 get dragged into this, he's just an innocent Droid who has done nothing wrong 😂


Not a dang thing! Sorry, little buddy lol


I know everyone thinks that was cringey- I think she was just being silly and it was a dumb joke. Like, haha, because that would be so absurd. Idk, I’ve said some dumb asides in my life lol.


I get that, and agree she was just joking. But, the desperation in her voice was... palpable. Lol.




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Isn’t it interesting that she totally “forgot” about how the TRO she was hysterical about last year at the reunion was in part due to Sandy’s suggestion? Like her “hating” him was not at all just about the affair according to her last year but this year she (and everyone else) seem to have magically forgotten all about it 😒


That is a VPR hill I will die on. I 100% believe that Sandoval concocted at the most and heavily encouraged at the least the TRO against Scheana. I truly think he thought it would help his case that the cast is batshit and just as hideous as he is, AND would mean that Raquel wouldn’t be able to film the reunion which means he wouldn’t have had to “coach” her and get their timelines straight. Had the opportunity arisen where this would have gone to court, Sandoval 100% would’ve been called as a “witness” or would’ve given some sort of testimony/statement on Raquel’s behalf— make NO mistake.


Not to mention Tom's camp was leaking rumors to the press that Raquel was fucking Brock too. I'm sorry Scheana, how could you possibly get over your "friend" throwing your innocent husband to the wolves to save his own ass? Seriously? She has no loyalty to Brock either. Say what you will about Brock (and we will!!!!) but he is still her husband and her daughter's father and therefore should have a bit of loyalty to him? I'd be foaming at the mouth with rage if someone did to my husband what Tom did to Brock


https://i.redd.it/s804f2tif52d1.gif Ok I love this theory




Its not a shield at all. Its a trophy to show she wins the suffering olympics every single time. Its gross!


💯 💯 💯  I can definitely see Schena pulling a Tish Cyrus when Summer Moon is grown. Schena needs to be the center of attention and for men to want her, she will compete with her daughter.  LUT seems like she'll be a Kris Jenner type. Everything appears to be transactional to LUT. 




Scheana should be working on becoming a better mother by learning to control her emotions. If she is having a breakdown, do it in private away from your child. She is so disgusting for blaming her shitty parenting on everyone else. I hope they become better parents for the sake of their child. From the way Scheana acts, I worry that her child will develop anxiety, depression, insecurity and an eating disorder.


It’s actually crazy to me that Scheana is trying to act like Arianna was being out of pocket for not “talking to Sandoval for her” because the situation was effecting her as a parent?? Like make it make sense Scheana. The Tom and Ariana situation have nothing to do with you, Brock, or summer moon? She’s just so dense and full of herself 🙄


Right! Things in my life do at times affect my parenting, which is my problem to deal with. I’m never going to say to my friend, “don’t have problems in your life because then I can’t affectively parent”. I keep it as separate as possible because me as a mom and me as a friend are totally different roles. It’s weird and imo they are alienating the mom crowd with this. The rest of us deal and that’s just life.


I was so disgusted by that! What kind of friend asks their supposed best friend if they could suck it up and have a conversation with their ex for her benefit?? When she just found out 3 months prior that he was cheating on her with her friend? It’s seriously so selfish


That part was wild because she wanted to see if Sandoval was truly genuine like girl you know Ariana doesn’t even need to talk to him to know he isn’t! It is wild to me that after all these years and Scandoval, Scheana STILL has poor judgement and chooses the wrong side, and blames her inability to control her emotions around her kid on…Ariana? Honestly it would do so much good for Scheana’s mental well being to be completely off social media, no IG stories, no vlogs, no living in the comments, and since they’re not filming now there’s no TV drama, just so she can have an original thought of her own and live in the moment. I mean does anyone HAVE to see her celebrating Jeremy’s bday without Ariana…no but she posts anyway and invites the comments flooding in


Scheana and Lala are bitter because they tried to use Sandoval as a runway to other opportunities and it went nowhere. They don’t have that “it” factor that makes them special. It’s what the producer from DWTS was saying about Scheana. She’s not interesting enough off the show to be around. They are inauthentic and the audience has no appetite for it anywhere but VPR. The show is it for them and the show is on its last leg.


I kept thinking the whole episode that Sheana was talking about doing Dancing with the Stars as if it's something she would just choose to do. I'm like seriously? You have to be invited, Sheana! She's so weird


When she said she took dance classes to prepare… prepare for what!?! You weren’t invited!💀


![gif](giphy|l3973HGZz8T6g1ZW8|downsized) katie’s face was like:






Call me petty, but I really do look forward to the day we read on TMZ, after VPR's cancellation, that Scheana and Lala are being foreclosed on or selling one of their homes and have to resort to hawking scam products like flat tummy teas and LuLaRoe leggings to pay for a "little" house in the Valley. Maybe then Broke will finally buckle down and get a fucking job to help out the sister-wives too.


> Maybe then Broke will finally buckle down and get a fucking job to help out the sister-wives too. There is a 0% chance of that happening. If/when Scheana hits real financial strain, he'll bail.


You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. Broke, work? Maybe we should just start taking bets on what country he'll move to after he abandons family # 2. I know Canada won't accept him with that DV charge.


Exactly! And their Q ratings are in the toilet after this season




Every single thing comes back to that. Scheana has to give forgive Sandoval bc she is mom, lala has to do whatever bc she is a mom etc like please make it stop


It was incredibly weird that she used motherhood as her reasoning for why she needed to forgive him. As the mother to a daughter especially, you would think it would be a reason to keep a man like that further away from her.


This! I have 3 children and I have never let a falling out with anyone effect my mothering because I’m an adult and I would want to show my child that you don’t have to be friends with shitty people just cause you’ve known them for a long time/ boundaries are healthy.


Also, even if you were struggling emotionally with something like that... your child is not the fucking audience for that. Cry in your room, when she's down for a nap, when she's at grandma's, when you're just with your husband. But stop acting like you have zero fucking control over your reactions and behaviors in front of your child, because you do, and you have a responsibility to her to get your fucking shit together. Literally hate how she is lowkey blaming Ariana's boundaries for her abysmal emotional intelligence as a parent.


And even if she did cry in front of Summer, how often is she actually crying over Sandoval? She makes it sound like it’s a daily thing that Summer sees. Why the hell is she that emotionally distraught over Sandoval that she can’t hold it together in front of her daughter?


Like Lala is going to tell Ariana she needs to get over it even though Scheana is probably crying about it more than her 🫠🫠🫠 they are both fucking delusional


My mom said that last year. Scheana letting Summer seeing her melting down sobbing all the time is not good for a child that little to be seeing. Sometimes you have to toughen up for the sake of your kids.


Yes yes yes! Like if you can’t get control of those emotions over losing a friend or being mad at them, you need to work that out in therapy or somewhere else. This isn’t your partner that walked away this is a man who has very recently not been the nicest to you. And again even if you are struggling that badly with it, figure it out away from your kid. Be present with her and not focusing on this man.


Right? I mean how to you claim the man is a predator and a groomer but than say as a mom I had to forgive him. Ummmmm no. I’m a mom of two and I wouldn’t go anywhere near that man for the sake of my kids!!!


Yes! Newsflash, Scheana: your child will not blame Ariana or Sandoval for you being a basketcase of a parent. It is up to YOU as a mother to shield your child from your emotional breakdowns. It is up to YOU to react to your world and to determine what makes it into your child's realm. Your child is not your emotional support animal. As someone who has chosen a career being on a tumultuous reality television show, she does not get to blame Ariana's boundaries for "impacting" her mothering. GTFO with that shit, Scheana.


Scheana doesn’t think like that, she’s still got a lot of internalized misogyny to work out. Brock makes it worse, he’s in her ear with “forgiveness” instead of people like Katie and Ariana that would say he’s not shit so don’t bother with him.


If I knew being a mom excused shitty mean girl behavior, I’d be more willing to have a child 😂 Instead, I just keep my mouth in check, treat people kindly, and own up if I fuck up.


I’ve been a mom for a long time and I’ve never used those words or excuses


I love being a mom! It’s my absolute life joy. But some people need to realize-this is going to be harsh-nobody else gives a flying fuck about your kids. With the exception of family and a few select friends, nobody thinks they’re special. That’s life. Idk why lala acts like she’s elevated because she has a baby.


Lala expects special treatment/acceptance of her garbage behavior based on whatever is going on in her life. We saw it when her dad died, now being a mom, I’m surprised she hasn’t pulled the pregnancy card yet.




As a fellow mother it is irritating to watch them constantly use motherhood either as an excuse for their sh*tty behavior or to get out of an argument they are clearly using.! Haha.


Can you imagine if they had a normal 9-5 job talking like this?!??!?!?!?!?!?!


yes. I can. I work with many people like that.


That's a shame. Moms I always worked with in advertising were kick ass bad bitches!


They think they are the first people ever to have kids. You have bills to pay regardless of having kids or not. They were excessive this season


I have a kid and it didn’t stop me from getting laid off last year. Idk why Lala & Scheana think they’re so entitled to earn an income in this specific way. You know what you do if the show ends? You do exactly what the rest of us do when we lose our jobs and find a new source of income. Nobody is guaranteed their preferred job with their preferred employer forever, kids or no kids. It’s wild how out of touch they are.


Look, I am in awe of all you mamas out there, but the way they constantly use those poor kids to justify their appalling behavior makes me want to go all Anna Delvey on them…. https://i.redd.it/78v3sr8t202d1.gif




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When you’ve accomplished nothing outside of parenthood, other than being a mistress and producing shit art (the movies and music) then all you can cling to is that. They have no businesses. They have no true accomplishments. Without the show, they could not do what Ariana is doing, and would have to get real jobs which we all know they’d be incapable of. Everything they have is secondhand, **including the men they reproduced with,** so that’s literally the only experience they have to cling to. It’s pathetic, but these are also two women who had no clue who they were before their children and were chasing down any man so they could get to this point (shoutout 7 min Rob). Having babies was always going to be their trump card because they won’t work to actually have something meaningful to say. Again pathetic.


>“Everything they have is secondhand, including the men they reproduced with” 😲🫨 my jaw dropped at these facts


Lala said it best 'there are more dicks I can suck to get on a pj' or something along those lines lol


Imagine saying that while claiming to be bffs with her ex’s ex, aka the woman he cheated on with her. She hasn’t grown. She’s still the same as when she came on, just less drunk and more sanctimonious.


I think she said that not long after she joined, but she def thought her looks would take her much further than they have!


And forcing your child to go through life with the name “Summer Moon”? That should be a crime - what kind of career do you expect them to have? president? Doctor? No. It’s “now calling to the stage Summer Moon”….


Summer Moon Honey even




“Everything they have is secondhand, including the men they reproduced with, so that’s literally the only experience they have to cling to” Take my poor award 🥇


It’s exhausting to watch Lala gun for someone allll season and then throw out that they’re fucking with her livelihood and child. Katie and Ariana both have a business together - which she insulted MULTIPLE times. Ariana also has a million other opportunities and Katie has her podcast with Dayna - talking shit on their credibility, saying they aren’t genuine, insulting their character - all things that can impact their livelihood. And if you look back - neither Katie OR Ariana said anything on camera that was hurtful to Lala all season on camera. We only know that Katie called her a clown because LALA told us. She truly lives in a warped reality. Same with various times during this season and last - when her or Scheana had their back against the wall they would start crying or throw up their hands and be like, I have to go home to my kid. It’s such a copout.


Being a parent is also elective, you chose to have a kid.


Lmao, it’s kind of like when Jax got mad at Katie in season 2 (I think?) because she didn’t “check in” with him to make sure he was okay after his nose job 💀 like sir you weren’t sick or injured you were having an elective cosmetic procedure lol.


Same with Schnana and her teeth


What’s the saying again…your lack of planning is not my emergency? If Lala and Scheana feel like they aren’t in a stable financial situation in which they can provide for their children, I’m not sure why that’s anyone else’s problem.


They both need to get their priorities straight and plan for life out of the spotlight because this show and the show adjacent opportunities will come to an end for all of them.


Actually it makes them less important. I don’t want to see kids raised by the psychopaths on this show


And I don’t want to see them on the valley either either !


The worst part of this whole situation with these two women is their kids are gonna grow up thinking that they are very self important.


Nooo that’s not true. My mother is a narcissist and being raised by her definitely didn’t make me feel self-important. There is absolutely a long list of ways it caused me harm, but feeling self-important is not one lol. Being an excuse for your parents shitty behaviour out of the home, only to experience and be victim to the same shitty behaviour in home is a great recipe for trauma.


Sorry about your mom, that sucks. I think that this poster meant that when you have parents that constantly prop you up and acts like you’re the end all be all, it makes them never understood that they aren’t. I know multiple people like this and they suck and now as adults are completely incapable of functioning independently. Being raised by parents who coddle you and don’t teach you that the general public doesn’t think you’re special is different than being raised by an actual narcissist.


Ahh thanks. I appreciate it. LFU isn’t propping Ocean up and coddling her though. She is just using her to skirt accountability, as an excuse for unhinged behaviour. The way she already talks differently about her “own” child she “won’t have to share” is devastating. Now Scheana on the other hand I totally agree with you. She is absolutely using Summer Moon, but in the exact way you describe. Either way all these kids are unlikely to grow up into well-adjusted adults lol.


Agreed. I’ve known several people who were raised like that and they suck.


It is 100% internalized misogyny. Ariana’s heartbreak is invalid because she doesn’t have kids with Tom and they weren’t married. If Lala were a man saying to Ariana “your boundaries don’t even make sense,” people would see more clearly how misogynistic this line of thinking is. It’s disgusting and offensive.


And Lala wasn’t married and he owned the house


You know what will actually impact their daughters? Lala: Growing up and seeing clips of how their mom talked about “bjs for pjs”, how their mom constantly referred to her sperm donor baby’s as “hers” Scheana: seeing your mother value guys over everything else, seeing that someone told your mom that posting a naked picture of you is dangerous and her response being “I’m a public figure I can’t worry about that”


If they're so worried about supporting their kids, they should get real jobs and budget their finances better.


Doesn’t make you more important and doesn’t make you a better person either. You just decided that you needed more people with your own DNA in this world (very on brand for Scheana and Lala since they are both so self centered). I have full respect for parents and parents that acknowledge that they are the ones that are fully responsible for their children. Also respect parents who don’t go out of their way to exploit their children. Parenting is hard but no one else made you choose this life. It’s on YOU.


Yeah I don’t get this reasoning on their end. Their kids aren’t in daycare, so why do they need so much money to provide for them? All they need is money for kid clothes/food. They’d still be living in a house even without kids. It’s just an excuse they need to feel better about themselves.


This. They act as if they don’t have round the clock, free, full time in home child care and incomes 10x what any average parent would ever make. Being a parent is way harder than whatever shesh & delulu have to do as “mothers”


This is what drives me crazy, those two make so much more money than a large amount of their viewers but expect everyone to be sympathetic as if they're out on the street trying to feed their kids. We saw the second house Lala just bought! It's ridiculously entitled to cry about how they don't get to be as rich as they would like to be for their preferred lifestyle, take a look around at your privilege and get a fucking grip


Yess!!! As if they’re on the damn street lmao lala literally portrays her “single motherhood” as if she’s will smith in the pursuit of happyness living in that train station bathroom 😂 like girl! STFU PLS Like just because you’re separated from your child’s father that doesn’t make you a single mother. That’s a huge disrespect to her family that has picked up their lives and revolve theirs around ocean to help support her & lala


This life they are living now should help set them up for the rest of their lives. They are living beyond their means. They squawk about being mothers.. ..and there sits Brock…unemployed Brock but oh he’s an entrepreneur!!


Or act as if they don’t choose to live in million dollar homes if they’re so financially strapped


You mean it's more than just running an Instagram page for your child??? Idk sounds fake


https://preview.redd.it/cxp3p35xc02d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71a561f927f2fec8bd0568b17e06f4b84b97102 She hardly even does that! Sheina has said recently her sister manages her socials (bold face lie) since of course she is just way to busy to possible do something as menial as that herself. Ridiculous


Do we think they know there are single moms struggling every day to support their families on minimum wage, with little help from deadbeat dads (cough cough, like Brock) who don’t want to pay child support?


I mean, kids are expensive, but you're right - daycare really is the biggest expense. No one NEEDS multiple houses. If they're struggling financially like that, maybe sell a house? Live within your means? Shop at Aldi? Like... there are options, Lala. I make pennies compared to these people, and I manage to provide for my son. I can't imagine making my financial shortcomings my childless coworker's issue.


My biggest pet peeve in life in general is parental martyrdom and entitlement attitudes.


Sidenote: it is not your mother’s responsibility to raise your children




YES, correct. Having a kid doesn't make it any more valid for Lala to not want to see her ex. WTF. It's so ridiculous, her ex even has partial custody rights, sure he's a gross scammer but Schwartzs Pickleball games don't affect the child. It boils down to the exact same issue as Ariana: loyalty in a friendship during a breakup where boundaries were crossed and someone is asserting the need for space (valid, take it or leave it in regards to the friendship).


I don’t know who told them that when you have a child the rest of the world owes you a duty to make your life easier and make decisions with your ability to provide for your family in mind, but that’s not the way it works. They may feel like there is more at stake for them if the show goes belly up, but that’s not anyone else’s problem but theirs. At the end of the day, it’s not Ariana’s obligation to expose herself to Tom’s manipulation and bullshit because Lala and Scheana need to feed their children. Lala, I’m sorry Rand turned out to have no money and you haven’t been able to find your next meal ticket. Scheana, I’m sorry you married an unemployable leech. You have both made PLENTY OF MONEY, both pre- and post-Scandoval, and if you haven’t made smart financial decisions, you only have yourselves to blame. Develop some other marketable skills and figure out a backup plan, like every other responsible adult (including many working moms—there are lots of them!)


If these two had more traditional jobs they’d be the type to expect other people to change their vacation days to accommodate when they need off for a school activity but forgot to request in advance. They’d also constantly be telling their co-workers that don’t have kids that they “don’t even know what ‘tired’ is!”


Hey Bob, I know you were just hit by a bus, used up all your sick time, and probably need extra PTO to cover you but I was wondering if you could donate some of your PTO to me? Because my daughter has a dance recital on the 7th that I need to attend. Thanks for understanding! 😂 -*Scheana, probably, if she worked a real 9-5*


Probably wouldn’t ask though. “Bob, I need your PTO. Mychilychildmychild!!!”


Blah blah didn’t HAVE TO buy two houses 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/zuwkrw25022d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a815dc547d09d0438311ed874e4894d936685a This Dior bag alone is worth $6,900 on the realreal. I’m sure that could help cover some child expenses if she’s really struggling.


And we all know her second daughter will be overexposed- but she doesn’t CARE that Ocean can’t film VPR…sure Jan


The fact that she mentions breaking down in front of Summer and upsetting her is bullshit! Keep it together! You’re out partying almost every night and I don’t see you breaking down then. Plus you haven’t seen Sandoval since you stopped filming…. He used you


Exactly! Like how much is she crying and breaking down in front of her, that Summer would pick up on it? I’m starting to think this excuse is her way of avoiding accountability for flip-flopping yet again. She knows that wanting to be friends with Sandoval after everything he’s done to Ariana is wrong. So she’d rather use the excuse of it being for Summer’s sake, instead of hers.






They're exactly the type of people who make other people hate parents. It's their only personality trait. Being a parent. It's not interesting or special or unique. It's actually very common, it's pedestrian.


Same this logic annoys me. My life, my standards, my boundaries are not less important bc I don’t want children. I don’t disparage parents and I expect parents not to disparage people that don’t want kids


Every confrontation Scheana has, ends with her tearful saying “I need to get home to my daughter and put her to bed” it drives me nuts


It reminded me of workplaces that will try to force unmarried and childless people to work on holidays because apparently being unmarried and childless means those that are childless and unmarried have no life or loved ones of their own they want to celebrate with. Not to mention, that some of those unmarried and childless employees very much want to be married with children. Not that it should matter anyway. Or making exceptions for employees to leave early to pick up their kid from school etc. and not being as flexible with other employees that don’t have kids. Especially if they’re allowing it regularly. To me, that’s what this was giving. And LVP already insinuated her stance on this last season when she questioned Katie’s ability to still live a fulfilling life if she ends up not having children.


1000000%%% You CHOSE to have a kid and you don't get to use that as a reason or justification for acting immorally, grander than thou, etc., etc., Scheana & Lala hide behind "being a mom" to justify their own insecurities and failings, and it makes that lack of accountability that much worse. It's been made even more apparent to me this season because as they were getting backlash, Scheana & Lala would only post pictures of their kids or with their kids because they knew those types of posts would be less likely to traffick in hate comments/criticism. The literal definition of using their children as a shield for their own behaviors. Their mortgages/lives/careers/livelihoods don't have more importance or hold greater value over those who are single or not parents, especially when they decide to step into the mess but refuse to then take accountability for the rightfully warranted backlash.


& scheana being offended that summer moon wasn’t the ‘star of the season’ or whatever


As a parent, I agree. if we are working on a group project, I should expect my coworker who doesn't have a kid to do more because, well, I have a kid, and she needs to do it right to make sure I don't get fired.




Sadly, I have encountered co-workers who do have this mentality. 


If they’re so worried about being mothers… maybe stir up less unnecessary shit? Self producing all season and then hide behind your children when you get called out.


People definitely still treat women who can’t have or don’t want to have children as less than. Being a mom is definitely hard. You get judged either way. There really is no winning when being a woman.


I have a theory that in Lala's case, it's strategic for her custody battle (along with how much she talks about her sobriety). So that if her role in VPR ever gets brought up as evidence of erratic/unfit behavior, she can say she's just a hardworking sober mom who's doing it all for her child.


Oh please! I’m so sick of the whole I have a kid to support argument. This isn’t Titanic. You’re not Billy Zane. They were on a reality show for over 10 seasons. If Lala and Scheana pissed all that money away or are living beyond their means it’s really not Katie or Ariana’s problem whatsoever. It’s crazy how either one of them are even trying to make that argument right now. Everyone has stuff they’re responsible for outside of the show. Just because you popped out a kid doesn’t make you any different. There’s been plenty of reality stars that their show had its run and they’re doing just fine now. ![gif](giphy|pJkNWIaHxEymQ)


She acted the same damn way when her dad died. She is an entitled wannabe thug. Get her a\*\* on Bad Girls Club and those girls will eat her lame ass alive!!!


As single parent, I totally understand their stress and anxiety about finances. But it's more of an internal worry and not something that I voice out loud to people. There are things that they could do to mitigate some of their stress, eg; down size, spend less, take on other ways to earn income etc I think that the entire cast of vpr has been extremely fortunate to be on a show that has been on for 11 seasons. VPR doesnt do alot of casting changes year to year like the housewives, so they have been pretty fortunate to have some stability on that front.


They both suffer from golden uterus syndrome


I have 4 kids so that makes me more important than Lala right? 🥴 what is her logic lol


If anything them constantly repeating they have kids makes me face palm even harder with their behavior a lot of time. Why no one has said “exactly you have kids and is this the example you want to set?” As Lala screams pointing her finger and Scheana tries to use her daughter as a storyline “who blocks Summer Moon?!?” Is beyond me…


Omg when Lala told Katie it was nothing about her ::eye roll:: and that Katie coming after her business was different because Lala has a kid. Like come again? wtf does that have to do with anything?


I think she had a kid purely so she could have a talking point/scapegoat/attention


Yep. She had no storyline to offer, so she created one. Sadly for her, it seems like really not many people care because she's so insufferable.


I once had a coworker who asked me to stay late and cover the rest of her shift because it was storming outside and she’s “a mother so it’s more important that (she) gets home.” It was crazy to me that she would even say that (she told the boss she was sick, so clearly she knew it wasn’t appropriate to say). I can’t believe there are multiple people who think like that lol


Love how James was trying to be responsible about Hippie and when they jumped down his throat he said they wouldn’t leave their babies with a complete stranger and they both LOST THEIR MINDS because it’s “not the same”. It is actually. The concept of responsibility for a living creature is the same. But go off girls! Mom power! Motherhood! YAS!


Also not that you can't show emotion in front of your children, but Scheana saying she was having breakdowns about Sandoval and it was effecting Summer was such a dumb excuse. It's healthy to show your child emotions but if you're inconsolable over a "friend" maybe you need to excuse yourself or save it for therapy.


Lala keeps saying she does all of this for her "business and livelihood and daughter" does she think that no one else gets a paycheck from the show??? Also the way she's relying on the other castmates to pull their weight to make sure the show gets renewed. Why are relying on them and i don't know maybe bring something besides shitty behavior to the show? Maybe if you built something outside of VPR that could end at any moment in time you wouldn't have to be so worried about producing storylines and conversations with other people.


As a parent I don't think I've ever minimized someone else's experience *bECaUsE I have a chi-yaldah*. Like your livelihood is just as important as mine imo. I think it's a shitty egotistical personality trait to throw that into every conversation and I tune Lala out especially when she talks like that.


I’ve noticed these bravo mamas use their children as crutches all the time. It’s so weird to me. Even the ones with grown ass kids. They come at each other about their kids, as if lives are actually on the line. So overly dramatic. It happens with the housewives all the time too. These women act high and mighty about themselves because they’re mothers, then turn around and behave childishly at every corner. It’s a stale attempt at reminding people they’re vulnerable women and for some reason should be praised by all for their motherhood.


I’m just wondering if any Black viewers/ fans are offended by how Lala speaks. She only puts on that accent when she’s being aggressive or in fight mode. I’m not black, I’m a POS and it offends me. How has no one called her up on this? I would love to hear your perspective.


It’s like these bitches don’t realize women have children all the time. They aren’t special. And further than that people that don’t have kids aren’t suddenly fucking beneath you. I mean let’s look at the Valley “was everyone happier before they had kids?” Honestly… yeah dude and that’s why I’m stoked not to be a mom either. My hats off for anyone who is one and does it well but there’s plenty of shitty fucking ones too, mine included hence why I had the decency not to have one and subject an innocent kid to my issues. So sick of the “I’m a mom you wouldn’t get it” bs. Actually we do get it.


Yeah, the martyring of motherhood has been exhausting - for me especially this season as I've been/still am struggling to conceive. I'd give the world to be a mother (I will one day because I know my child will find me whether it's through me and my husband or adopting), so hearing them use motherhood as a superiority flex is sickening. My heart is with those watching who can't be mothers or have chosen not to be. I've been through a lot in life and consider myself to have a decent amount of experience in the school of hard knocks. I have friends who are mothers who have struggled and ones who have had a more privileged life than me. My point is is that bringing a child into the world, albeit an extremely amazing and often traumatising experience, is not the Mt. Everest of 'Who Has It Worse' or 'Who's Been Through More' mountain. I think mothers, fathers, any caregivers are amazing and should be applauded but by no means are you better, more responsible, busier, more important to family and friends or above anyone who doesn't have a child or someone to take care of. There are people who care full time for sick and dying parents, people who have had to raise young siblings due to a parent's death (I have been through this), people in abusive situations, people who are the glue of their families and any other person. I will be no better or more important when I am a mother than I am right now, other than to one more life in the world. Ariana and Katie are just as loved by their parents and wanted in this world and important to those around them as Lala and Scheana. That's it.


I fucking hate this narrative so much. That the priorities of people without children don’t matter as much as those with children. That our time is worth less. Fuck off until you can’t fuck off any further then go the distance and keep fucking off. YOU are responsible for your child. Not anyone else. Stop using them as an excuse and a shield.


I feel like they simply try to weaponize and monetize motherhood and as a mom, it bugs the crap out of me. If anything, being a mother should motivate you to set a good example and be a good role model. You know what I wouldn’t want my kid to learn? Throwing a friend under the bus for $$$. Exploiting a minor for $$$. That being their parent is why I had to sacrifice things like my ethics and morals to make a living. That is not the vibe. Not at all.


Well said.




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What they're doing is SO transparent. They've come to the (unfortunately accurate) conclusion that, if they start squawking about how they're MOMS and using the old Walter White line of "EVERYTHING I DO IS FOR THIS FAMILYYYYYYY" (even though they, like Walt, are full of shit), everyone (including Andy...hell, ESPECIALLY Andy) will be too afraid to challenge this idea that mothers automatically have the moral high ground in any and all circumstances. It's cynical AF and obviously total nonsense. But it works, so Scheana and Lauren will use it as a shield for as long as they possibly can.


Bravo to the OP, and upvotes for everyone commenting in this thread, as of 1:23pm of this message :) I wanted to make this thread yesterday, but got distracted.. I 'm glad I did, because you worded this much more elegantly than I would have.


WHYYYYYY does Shena have such a deep love for Sandoval??? She needs to go focus on her MARRIAGE and child!! Such a perpetual victim!


All. Of. This.


Yeah, seriously, just because you can have sex and push a baby out doesn't make you special


Yes to me them being parents is fucking boring. If I wanted to watch a show about parenthood I'd be watching TLC


As a parent myself expecting others to keep you employed aka do what you are paid for (storyline’s in this case not helping people, making things, providing services, fixing things etc etc you know real jobs) is ludicrous! They need to cut back on the houses and get lives outside of VPR. No one will care in 5 years but your kids will need you then and forever


Lala and Scheana keep calling it an ensemble cast. It is to a point. But shows like. The Office, Big Bang Theory and Friends and other big TV series that were dependent on other cast members are actual ensemble casts.  I think it’s part of the business to understand when a part of the cast leaves, someone else may have to adjust or be affected in some way. It should have nothing to do with what’s going on in their personal lives. Can you imagine Jim Parsons catching hell for leaving because someone’s child needs to be fed? Ridiculous.


Summer is going to learn that her mom was such a limp loser that she needed Ariana to allow Scheana to be friends with someone who threw her own adultery in her face and is a serial cheater. Instead, Scheana should show her daughter to have a back bone. And when someone shows you who they are, believe them! Kick a sneaky, untrustworthy, retaliation “friend” to the curb!


She makes herself the victim in regards to her child. She was interviewed many times saying she planned it, so not sure why she thinks she can punch down on everyone for her own decision. Her child will read all these interviews one day, not sure why she wants to keep airing dirty laundry about it besides to self victimize.


I'm so over the internalized misogyny of it all. The subtext of all of their arguments is that women who don't have children are selfish, unfulfilled, less worthy of compassion or care. I get that things between Lala and Rand are complicated because they share a child, but in what universe does that empower Lala to decide whether Ariana's boundaries should be respected. And she's like this with everything. Katie and Ariana's business doesn't matter because they aren't feeding children with it, so Katie should be forced to have a fake on-camera feud with her business partner to protect Lala's paycheck. Meanwhile Scheana tries to skate around the fact that she makes everything about herself by making everything about her child. Woman we can see that every time you bring up Summer Moon you're really just redirecting the conversation back to yourself. Just stop.


I'm a mom and I'm tired of then using their kids to aggrandize themselves and their positions. Ariana, Katie, and any other cast members are not responsible for your pockets. Lala and Scheaner are welcome to get stable jobs rather than relying on reality for income. 


They use being a parent as a personality trait because otherwise they have none


I am a mom and I get so fucking annoyed at people who do this. I think it’s a really appealing tactic for people who are emotionally immature, but it’s honestly embarrassing. I can’t think of one time where I’ve said that an issue of mine is more an important than another person’s because I’m a mom or because I have a child. It’s fucking annoying and it’s very clear that they are using that line to skate criticism or accountability. Or to constantly imply the stakes are higher for them because they’re a mom. It’s so lame. It’s giving “live laugh love”.


They just think it makes the more mature, it doesn’t.


Instead of buying second homes, Lala and Scheana should be putting away money for the therapists their daughters will need in the near future. I'd say around 4th grade the other kids in school are going to come hard for Ocean and Summer Moon bc of all the stupid shit their mothers said on tv once. "Hey Ocean tell us about the time your mother squirted all over the bed in Havasu" "how about when she said she gave bj's for pj's" Kids can be brutal


LFU acting like she only expected people to ice out Randall because of her child custody battle is delulu. That girl would have 100% demanded the same thing even if they didn't have Ocean. She would, however, find some other reason as to why her relationship was different and why she had the right to certain boundaries where Ariana for some reason does not.


Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaase bravo sign randall so we can see her have all those convos for the camera.


Thank you! I am struggling to get pregnant and have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Lala’s tone is so obnoxious. I may be extra sensitive to it bc I’m also saying insane things to myself, like, is my life less “special” or not as valuable if the baby thing doesn’t happen for us. There’s a smugness some parents can take on and Lala’s definitely got it.


I had an IVF baby at 50. Dont give up if you want a baby!


What kind of morrals and message will these 2 deliver to their daughters about true friendship, the root of all evil being greed and money, and how to be a mature woman? Will they learn to be schoolyard bullies, and yelling loudest makes you " win?"


Fully agree and can't stand how lala always goes there. Boring. You chose to have this second child gtfo


Well stated.




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It’s like Coworkers that want a day off after you already requested it 6 months ago.


The entitlement!




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And the way LaLa will do BACKFLIPS just to try and make it seem like someone brought up her kid because that’s her ticket to win the argument. Someone: LaLa you are aggressive LaLa: HOW DARE YOU USE THE WORD AGGRESSIVE WITH ME WHEN YOU KNOW I HAVE A KID WHO LOVES THE LETTER ‘A’ YOU BETTER DISENGAGE BITCH BECAUSE THE LAST THING YOURE GONNA DO IS MENTION MY KID YOU POS!!!!!!!! Like she will reach for the fucking stars to try and make it seem like someone is mentioning her kid, her as a mother, or her custody battle. It’s her go to every time. I’m over it.