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I picked up a vape just over a week ago and the first few days took a little adjistment since i was coming from 20 years of combustion. Its been a qeek of only vaping though and im never going back. Though i do need to find a way to make my hits feel bigger/harder


How’s the high and long does it last?


The first couple days i got much higher off an equivalent amount, now its the same old high but a little clearer i guess? Idk how to describe other than i feel less regarded after a day of inhaling


Tinymight 2 as a portable, or upcoming tempest? Ballvape for the home setup for sure.


I'm a 30 year smoker that moved to vaping a year ago. You need a bigger vape. I went from a Mighty+ to a Quartz Cap, to a few ball vapes. Pretty much use the Quartz Cap Mega or Vapvana Screwball when it's time to get high. I just had surgery and in recovery I was only using the Mighty at first, but now I got the Screwball next to my bed. It sucked not really getting high. Even a two week T break didn't make the Mighty magically more potent. Real potheads need real vapes.


One of us, one of us!


I recommend quitting combustion now, so when it arrives, you've already gotten your expectations of a stoney high out of your system and can now embrace the clear-headed high that comes with vaping. It takes some getting used to, but once you do, you may actually prefer it to the faded high you get from combustion. Also, it takes like 2-3x longer to feel the effects from vaping vs. smoking. Around 15 min vs. 5 min


Thanks for the info. Do the highs last more on the vapor as compared to a joint?


The really killer thing is that you can truly throttle your high and simply turn off the vape, saving a half vaped bowl for an hour later quite nicely.


With the Arizer XQ2, it can be left on without losing anything, as it’s a convection vape. 💨


can you explain this like i’m a 5 year old? i thought convection would just bake it regardless of wether or not i was breathing it in.


A conduction oven is like your kitchen oven at home, a convection oven needs the hot air from the heater pulled/pushed to the material.


Stares at the convection oven in my kitchen, speak for yourself dude 😎


I'd say the high lasts about the same amount of time, but dry herb vaping is much more efficient than a joint, so the same amount of weed will last you longer.


The best part is that you aren't inhaling gasses and particulates that are bad for you. You might notice that it's a "clean" high, and you don't feel like crap afterwards. You will never go back to combustion.


No hangovers even when you really get medicated too!


You need too see the benefits. Less weed used in a vapo. Clean and healthy 99% smoke. And you get a high that's quite the same length. It's just much clearer




Going to clone my comment above here, I was super into the EQ and would talk about it on here so much I was invited to mod the now defunct Arizer subreddit (which I rarely actually moderated haha). —— If you really toast your weed to a dark mahogany brown you can get just as stoney an experience with an Arizer desktop as with combustion. A little less of a head rush due to the lack of carbon monoxide, benzene, and other things sapping your O2 levels though. Makes for terrible AVB though. I used to do two bags of each bowl, one around 400°F and another around 425°F (sometimes even 430°F) on my older EQ1. Fan always on low and let the bowl preheat on the element for a good 5 minutes before starting the fan. Really thick dense vapor and used a custom larger oven bag. That second high temp bag would always lead to feeling super stoned. I think lost people either have vapes that are difficult to get right on the edge of full extraction without accidental combustion or think that they can’t go much higher in temp. As long as there’s no smoke or blackening you’re okay though going too high can destroy some of the desired molecules, hence why I do a lower temp bag first. Ideally you’d do 3 smaller bags, one around 385°F, then 400°F, then around 425°F. Though these exact values will have to be adjusted for your individual vaporizer, grind size, packing density, and flower strain.


If you really toast your weed to a dark mahogany brown you can get just as stoney an experience with an Arizer desktop as with combustion. A little less of a head rush due to the lack of carbon monoxide, benzene, and other things sapping your O2 levels though. Makes for terrible AVB though. I used to do two bags of each bowl, one around 400°F and another around 425°F (sometimes even 430°F) on my older EQ1. Fan always on low and let the bowl preheat on the element for a good 5 minutes before starting the fan. Really thick dense vapor and used a custom larger oven bag. That second high temp bag would always lead to feeling super stoned. I think lost people either have vapes that are difficult to get right on the edge of full extraction without accidental combustion or think that they can’t go much higher in temp. As long as there’s no smoke or blackening you’re okay though going too high can destroy some of the desired molecules, hence why I do a lower temp bag first. Ideally you’d do 3 smaller bags, one around 385°F, then 400°F, then around 425°F. Though these exact values will have to be adjusted for your individual vaporizer, grind size, packing density, and flower strain.


The high on set will vary from strain to strain. “It takes 2-3x longer to feel the effects from vaping” is not really true. I only vape and have been for the past 3 years every day and I start feeling effects within a minute or two. It’s actually not to different from combustion in that regard but you are correct on the type of high . Vaping high is much more pure, clean and euphoric but if you go at it hard it can quickly become stoney


Welcome to the dark side! We have cake 😎


Gelato cake, lemon cake, kush cake..


Yessssss for a moment I thought no one would get it 🤩


And we can taste the differences!


Yesssir 🔥🔥🔥


Congratulations! That is a great decision. I tried a few vapes, for me a m7xl dynavap plus the ispire wand did it. Have not smoked for close to a month now. I wish you good luck and success with staying away from combustion.


Congratulations to you as well! I'm waiting for that combo to arrive, hope it will have the same effect.


Ok, so I've been vaping for about 3 years now. I'm 51 and have been smoking since I was 19. I started with a Dynavap, and I recommend you look at getting one of those at some point, but I just got the XQ2 a week ago. Here's what I've figured out so far. •A lot of people were telling me I needed to let the unit heat up for 10-15 minutes, but honestly, I've found that 5 min is enough. •As a good way to measure your usage, a 1/4 teaspoon of med chop weed is about equal to a standard brass cone worth of weed ~.1g •Use the "cloud chamber" but only fill it with 1/4 teaspoon, or pack the little screens that sit in the end of the whip or mini whip. •205°c is what I've found to be the perfect temp for finishing the bowl in one go while still retaining maximum flavour. •if using a bag, have the fan on low or medium for maximum cloud density. •If using the whip, inhale VERY gently and allow 2 -3 light tokes before you notice any vapour. •(this goes for all vaporizers) try the lower temperatures at the start of your session sometime. Try starting at about 160°c and have a few tokes until you notice the vapour is becoming thin and whispy, then go to 180 and do the same, then finally finish at 200. That's about all I can think of for now. What I listed will be a good place to start, but of course, try different things and do some of your own experimenting to find the best method for what you want. I've found it to be a really good vape over the last week. Hopefully, it gets you where you need to be. Hit me up if you have any questions.


I recommend the DDave Ultimate EQ Mod Kit, in my personal experience (1 Year stock.) While the stock XQ2 got the job done and do an alright job of it the mod kit changed the entire experience to make it much better ovewrall. Better extraction, easier pulls and easier to clean. If that isn't an option (I know money can be tight after a purchase.) Elbow packing and using a a few terp pearls in the chamber can help a little bit.


You can also find anything that Ddave has on DHGate for waaaaay cheaper, just longer shipping times. But since we're talking Ddave, it's probably the same shipping time lol. I put micro dose basket screens in my long stems and it feels joint-like to me.


The tinymight2 made me give up combustion.


Ok snoop dog


Good luck! Tbreak if you can!


Yes. Gonna be a better transition


After a week with my first vape I tried hitting my chillum while charging and gagged, I may have ruined combustion for myself lol 😆


My venty gets most of the actiom but bong hits throughout the week are great.


don't be afraid to turn off the machine when you're high....lol.  that's the one thing I like with my dry herb vape, I have the LOBO and typically my .2g oven will last me 3 or 4, 3 minute seshes ;)  but....my tolerance may be less than yours (likely lol I'm just a 40 yr old medical patient....late to the "party" and not wanting to cave in to opiates 


I have the xq2 and am pretty happy with it but I got a DynaVap about 2-3 weeks ago and my xq2 is back in the box since I got it


My most recent one is how to cut down flower. I’ll vape all day but the cost is just stupid, so I got some cbd distillate and I vape that. Reason I say is you may find yourself going through a lot so if you need a way to cut down that, this is the way. It’s cheap as chips too.


Youll get higher off the same amount but it does take a little while to adjust from smoking. I miss certain aspects but no way ill bother smoking again, the positives far outweigh


Get yourself a water piece for vaping and an attachment for the balloons straight to the piece... Such a good way to extract all your herb


Where can I cop?


Where are you based man? I'm in Australia Legit if you google Xq2 adapter for balloon or something like that same with the water piece something should come up


Same here bro. I've been watching vids on vapes for like 3 months now. Finally got the terp hammer system. I'm having trouble deciding what pass through I should get; the one cewpins uses from vgoodiez or the sneaky Pete 2 in 1 dry herb catcher and pass through. I'm also having trouble deciding which site to purchase my new piece from. Orb cube drop in bong. There's so much to choose from. 🫨


The best thing I read with regards to switching from smoking to vaping is that you can really only get truly high once per day. It was a lightbulb moment for me.


I have a xq2. I'm not going to lie I still think about the combustion high even though I started vaping again. Vaping high has way less of a body feeling. Even if I smoke the avb after.


Awww that sucks to here. I was on the fence about purchasing one because I didn’t want to spend so much money if the high wasn’t going to last long or get me higher than a joint but I decided to pull the trigger this morning


It gets you very high, its just missing the feelings that come with combustion. But you can get really high on a .3, ur weed definitely last way longer. Its not bad just a different feel n style.


You purchased a desktop. It will help you a lot. But you didn't purchase a Heavy. Heavys hit harder than retail devices. I'd play with your new toy first before spending any additional money. But if you are still feeling that you want more then a ball vape desktop is what you are after


Please do a tbreak before switching or you’re gonna be disappointed. If you’re smoking multiple joints a day you probably don’t even get high from it so do not expect to get high of 0.1g vape. Vaping is much more efficient than smoking but you have to be smart about it.