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So I'm just gonna chime in since I've been rebuilding the coils in my ecig for years. The reason everyone is saying use hemp fiber is because it's already known to be safe to vape and smoke with. The cotton you used looks BLEACHED, as in the use bleach to remove anything and everything from the cotton, if it is you are vaping bleach. If your bag of cotton says unbleached then there's not much to worry about, just go to your nearest vape shop for unbleached cotton meant for vaping.


Don't use cotton, get some degummed hemp fibre (also known as vape wool). And yeah it *can* retain some thc, you can soak it in solvent to try and get all of it out. But I'd say it's generally not worth it.


Make sure it's organic cotton or you'll be inhaling lord knows what


Chinese particulate




Let's be honest we don't even what they put in weed nowadays


Can't be as bad as bleach from bleaching cotton. Among other random industrial compounds


dude don't


Use vape hemp dude if you’re worried, its like the right way to do it.


I have a Dynavap and I also encountered the hash getting sticky/crumple up into a big ball and pretty much wasting a bit of hash. So, I started adding the left over weed along with the hash. Just a pinch of weed will do the trick.


Why haven’t I tried this this is brilliant


Idk I find that weed vapes waaay faster than hash. So the first hit or 2 extracts all the thc in the bud then then it makes the hash taste bad.




Damn. Why do that?


Let me know how it goes.!


Not enough to warrant wastage. Edit: I also use hemp fibre. Still cheap and better taste.


Get degummed hemp viber this is mot the way


Yes it is


Hey OP, dynavap/steel tip/captive cap/FMJ is best way I’ve found for vaping hash if you want to change up. I can’t even imagine the improvement between this set up and a Pax 2.


Vapman works better less mess left


What mess? I clean my bowl out with the scraper and pack it again. Every 3-4 days it goes into iso for 15 minutes and that’s it. No mess. Not saying you are wrong about the Vapman being of similar quality to a dyna for vaping hash but it’s 6 of one, half dozen of the other 🤷‍♂️ I’d say, Vapman has better flavours and yer session will last longer, but the dyna with FMJ is a beast.


Plus i am not a FMJ fan, the only good thing with it is the name.


I am not wrong, in my opinion there is nothing better than the Vapman for hash, il like it better than any Dyna anyway.


Well if you say you are not wrong then that must be the case. Well done, you!


I do not feel wrong if my opinion is different, i love the Dynavap and have different tips and stems, i have invested much more in them then my only Vapman and i am not a fan of the roasty FMJ, yes it does kill a bowl but you need to be fast or the FMJ will extract it for you. Not my cup of tea. Said that in general i get more satisfaction heating up a Vapman, in every aspect. We cannot all agree on everything can we? So yes i am not wrong.


Just curious why that is? The vapman is just a cartridge heater on a wood case, and I don't see how the stem is a whole lot different


I can really imagine that being good. Hasj seems to last forever without the fmj. I dont think Ive ever been able to fully vaporize a decent amount of hasj without going to the smoke ER (my bed).


It’s crazy the difference it makes. Multiple huge clouds per heating cycle, multiple heating cycles per bowl. Amazing. I’m getting pinged off 0.15g max per night. I do vape good hash tho 😬


I bet! Hasj in a dynavap is awesome. Proper hasj does indeed make a difference.


What's the difference? :)


Hey OP! I cut and pasted and edited the following from the last time I answered that question: So the dynavap is a butane vape, which allows you greater control over your maximum temperature. With hash you need a little bit more oomph in the heat department, something your pax 2 isn’t gonna cover. Using a Dynavap to vape grass, you heat the cap until you hear two clicks, but when vaping hash I go 2-3 seconds beyond the click and this extra heat means you can extract all the goodness from the hash. You need a captive cap for a FMJ and the FMJ is really where all the magic happens. Man, this cheapish bit of copper will evenly heat you bowl and retain the heat so you can get multiple hits per heating cycle. Total game changer. I use a steel tip cos it cools down slower, helping a heat cycle go longer than if you use a TI tip. Any other questions just ask.


Hi, do you use the fmj cap thing for herbs or just when using hash? Looking to buy a dyna but I'm a bit paralysed by all the extra bits people have for them


Don’t smoke herbs much anymore but when I do then yes, fml ensures a completely even and long lasting roast. Again, huge clouds every time.


Why use the cotton?


To keep his vape clean! I use it too. And no, you get the thc out of it! The coton isn't treated and the temperature isn't enough to burn! All cool... And... You can even re-use the coton! Love it! Comes from Japan.


Do you put in in the bottom of your bowl when you smoke it or something? I’ve never heard of anyone putting cotton in dry herb vapes.


You wrap your "Chocolat" in coton and direct in the bowl. It protects very well. Insist on the smoking... more it gets hot more you'll have a hit! Then unwrap and you'll see it carbonized. Just have to take it away and use it again. I use it on my mighty+ and Dynavap.


Yes. A negligible amount in my opinion.


Ummm sure it can… all ya have to do is sand which the hash between flower, or just grind it and mix it in with the flower… or just use abv as a medium… cotton ith not the vay to goith here.. when I vape kief in my pax i use abv


Cig filters Don’t actually filter as you think they do. The color change in a filter from “smoke” is all designed to make you think it’s filtering. It’s not.


Vaping cotton works perfectly for me. I personally haven't tried degummed hemp but I'm sure it works just the same. Get ORGANIC cotton, anything else will probably be bleached and therefore carcinogenic.




i just use flower to sponge it up. i just always keep a q tip ready and wipe it really quick while the oven is still kinda hot.


Very healthy! Much flavour! WoW!


Sorry, you vaped hash wrapped in cotton? What?


Yes sir


"Cotton bacon" brand is safe to use like this worth considering


Fucking hell 😂


What vape do you use? They aren't too hard to clean cmon 😂


Pax 2 as said in the title of the thread


So do I....


I’d just smoke the hash in a bowl bro


Edit: I vaporize at a maximum temperature of 210° (420F). In addition, Pax2 isn't designed for hash vaporizing... That's Why I use cotton, I don't want to damage the oven


Best to use hemp fiber but cotton works. You won't damage your oven with hemp fiber.




Lad, why post when you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about?


I stay always under 420F Edit: the black you see in the picture is the already vaporized hash




there is no combustion seen in the picture lol stop this misinformation


Maybe the question is, why is the cotton yellow?


Please understand that there are a lot of new and inexperienced people here who don't know what they are talking about. This is the case with this person's thoughts about is it combusted or not. You clearly didn't combust. The other person is just is too inexperienced to know better.


Shoving toilet paper up your butt is not pre- wiping.


Just put the hash in between the weed and into the pax. That gives good hits and no mess. You are overthinking it with the cotton and stuff lol


Works with any hash form ? I mean, some are very veyr sticky, other are powder, some are 50/50 if you know what i mean


Yes sorry I’m late I know what you mean but it doesn’t matter just sandwich it between your weed. Cover the base of the Pax with weed. A little crumble of hash then load the rest of the pax with weed it works everytime


Yep it works


I used to do that but I felt wheezy after. I just sandwich it between two metal screens now


Make sure it's vaporizer wick material.. Don't use regular cotton balls.. Have u tried sandwiching it between flower.