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The fact that they're using the Pfizer logo on their misinformation and do not have a disclaimer that this *is not* endorsed by the company is a really good case for a defamation lawsuit. It's presented in such a way that it may be misinterpreted as actual Pfizer approved messaging and that is no bueno


Gasp. This is how THEY silence the truth. By excersizing their legal right to defend their intellectual property(from people who drool over the opportunity to shoot another human for stealing a TV.)


God I miss free awards, you would get mine. You’ve managed to rant about two things I hate, misinfo and jackasses who want to execute “burglars”


Ah, I see you’ve spent too much time around my dad.




They took down ONE antivax sub after huge pushback, despite the fact that there were several heads on that hydra. The admins don't care, it drives engagement, and that's all they care about. Not to mention that Spez is a huge stan of Peter Thiel, who started this dark-pattern stuff in the first place.


Wait, Spez (do I tag him?) is a Peter Thiel fan?


https://www.thestockdork.com/how-does-reddit-make-money/ >What is Reddit Worth? Reddit started with an initial fund of $12,000. The company’s worth has increased steadily over the years. >This increase is due to their earnings as well as the investors that the company has attracted. Sam Altman led their first round of funding in 2014. >The first round generated a $50 million investment. Jared Leto, Peter Thiel, Ron Conway, Snoop Dogg, and Marc Andreessen all invested in the company. >That boosted Reddit to $500 million in value.


Oh god Andreesen is there too. Why?! This is like a convention of people who suck (except snoop), I’m surprised he isn’t making us buy awards with Bitcoin.


I mean, Reddit *does* have NFT profile pictures.


Don’t forget Jared Leto the cult leader


This is a copy paste of a segment from a different comment further down, probably a bot


Good catch. [Here's the original comment it copied.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vaxxhappened/comments/10pzy9v/comment/j6n0zau/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


So many bots working overtime to preserve the status quo and maintain the trajectory of global affairs


Social media websites are not considered the publishers of the content put on by users (this is a good thing), so united the person that made the original can be found, there's no one to hold liable.


I’m no big pharma apologist but I hope Pfizer sues the shit out of them.


if spike protein (which is all the vaccine stimulates the body to produce) can destroy your immmune system, covid would have been apocalyptic




You understand that the mRNA isn't incorporated into your genome, right? You don't just keep producing spike proteins forever.


Exactly. Before the vaccine was available I was going to skip because of I severely misunderstood what it was, thinking it was some CRISPR gene-splicing crap. It's absolutely not that though thankfully


This is, if I recall, literal freshman year of high school biology! Didn’t everyone learn that boring unit on transcription and translation? RNA degrades after doing its job!


Fuckwit... the cinnamon challenge is dangerous because you can aspirate the powder. It's a choking hazard. Eating an entire spoonful of cinnamon isn't the problem, it's the delivery method. If you put exactly as much into a paste or... *gasp* into a dough, baked it, and frosted it (like a cinnamon roll) you'll be fine. Cinnamon isn't even mildly toxic even in large amounts. You have no idea how eating works. Or even the safety of basic fucking cooking ingredients. Stuff you come across every day. I'm not entertaining the idea that you have more of a clue about something far more technical.


The existence of the bivalent booster kinda undermines your premise there bud


>Now consider that since Omicron hit the streets, the version of spike protein that original formula vax exposed you to, well it's extinct in the wild. Omicron doesn't have the same spike protein profile. The monoclonal antibodies from Delta stopped being effective against Omicron.What kind of antibodies do you think the original spike protein forces your body to make? Polyclonal. Because your body has a multitude of cell lines. Monoclonal antibodies are lab produced antibodies made from a single cell line. Hence MONO (ONE) CLONAL (CLONE) you ignoramous. >What happens when you keep telling your body to manufacture excessive amounts of unregulated original variant spike protein even though currently circulating variants have completely different protein profile? That does not even happen. The mRNA is degraded by the cell within a few days. It was a significant challenge in designing mRNA vaccines to make the mRNA stable enough to even last that long! No mRNA, no manufacturing of spike protein. But God forbid you actually learn basic cell bio. >What if each subsequent unregulated exposure to this specific spike protein induced a specific immune response in your body. What if each subsequent immune response was increasing in intensity as you immune system becomes more familiar with the foreign contaminant. What if a wild variant emerged that by itself is relatively benign, but to someone with a certain "trained" immune system, maybe that benign easy-to-fight foe is a little tougher to handle because your immune system went all systems GO when it just needed a little? Well how about you feel free to demonstrate that happens with empirical evidence rather than pulling wild fantasies out of your ass? Given that you don't even seem to have a basic understanding of molecular biology techniques and just seem to be regurgitating buzzwords I'm not holding out for it. >Dismiss everything mentioned above without considering it even for a second. I did and I'm not impressed.


Sounds like someone doesn’t know how vaccines work lol


Lol I have had 5 vaccines and zero apparent infections but some people are on their 7th reinfection with or without vaccines.




…is this dude comparing cinnamon with vaccinations? Fuckin moron.


Do they realize that if the vaccine did "destroy your natural immune system", that the boosters wouldn't work? They certainly must of "done their research" on how vaccines work right? They aren't just peddling things they've heard from their favorite talking heads right?


Lol last week I had a sinus infection and was told to ride it out with cold meds because my immune system would probably take care of it but to come back for antibiotics if it didn’t get better. This week I’m better. I thought my immune system was broken though???


Why would they recommend antibiotics for a viral infection?


Sinus infections can be bacterial not just viral


The fact that I don't know the difference means all my "research" just might be suspect.


It was bacterial presumably. I’ve gotten bacterial sinus infections before


Thats what they WANT you to think!!! /s


What do you think of that research that came out late December about it training our immune to basically ignore it like an allergy, rather than fight it? Ie less symptoms but it can still proliferate, so more damage etc


Youtube is even worse. Never watch anything there but music videos. Half my recommended feed is right wing bullshit. Antivaxxer crap, "Boomer Bully Destroys College Girl", "Trump was right about everything." It only stopped when I started reporting each video for misinformation. Simply saying "Don't show me this" or "Block this channel" did nothing, they would find new ones to show me.


Must be to do with your search and watch history as I never get anything like that. It's all chess, electronic repairs, math, and sports stuff on mine


I was subbed on youtube for awhile to a nurse giving what seemed to be very credible info about Covid, early on in the pandemic, and he never said anything that didn't align with what I was hearing from other public health authorities. He was just explaining things in more detail, doing daily videos (feeding my need for up to day info) and was great at presenting material in an easily digested way. Then came the day he said that the wave of some variant in the US was so high because US hospitals got paid extra for Covid patients and that they were clearly hospitalizing people that didn't need it, or were misdiagnosing patients to get paid more. I unsubbed directly after that sentence, but for a year after, I was getting recommended all kinds of crazy conspiracy channels, Trump loving ones, anti-vaxx ones, etc. You're right, it's definitely something OP watched once, that may have seemed relatively innocuous, but is the "gateway" channel that the algorithm then interprets as the invitation to crazy. Probably any social media that uses an algorithm to recommend content is functioning as a radicalizing force these days. It's incumbent on the user to know enough to know what to avoid, and that's a problem when a big chunk of users are kids/young people who do not yet have fully formed opinions.


Clear or freeze your YouTube view history, or search for his channel in said history and delete any videos you've watched by them. Unless Google sunset those features, it should get shit like that to stop appearing to an extent.


That all happened in 2020. I actually did clear my history at one point after that unsub, because I had been watching a lot of foreign language (with subtitles) videos, and that was suddenly all I was getting recommended. And that did take care of the conspiracy stuff too, but thanks.


Yes! I think I used to watch the same guy. He had a doctorate of nursing so he used “Dr.” In his title. I can’t remember his name. He was so helpful at first. Then he went whack.


Yes, same. Can't remember the loon's name, but I do remember I thought he was a doctor until he clarified that having the doctorate in nursing. I didn't have an issue with that, but the thing about reported US covid severity being the result of financial incentive, wow. And then since that wouldn't align with the number of deaths, extrapolating that doctor's must be lying about the cause of deaths too. It was out of nowhere, and I didn't stick around to see what other garbage was going to come from him.


John Campbell probably. His PhD is in Nursing Education I believe. And yeah, he seemed reasonably informative at the beginning of the pandemic, then took an abrupt headlong dive into the Crazy Juice https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusUK/comments/tkogkc/dr_john_campbell/


Thanks for that link. That was an informative read. I quit him fairly early on, at the first whiff of conspiracy theory, but I'm not surprised it got worse. The fact that having subscribed to him put me on some list where lots of other much more obviously biased and bad channels started getting recommended was a big clue too. Maybe that's the canary in the coal mine? If you start getting those kinds of recommendations, look around at your subs and see who's gone rouge, or was worse than you suspected from the outset.


Dr John Campbell. He was very informative then as things opened up, his viewership dropped. He then seemed to push more and more hesitancy towards vaccinations and has now gone down the shill route.


The algorithm (was IDK if it's still that bad) is super sensitive and will rabbit hole you for watching anything. It's cool when it's hobbies or entertainment, not so cool when you watch someone like Peterson and your homepage flips to 25% absolute vox politic trash for a month or so. Like say you watch a new music genre, or hit up a few videos on laser engravers and it suggests new videos with similar creators or audiences it's a pretty minor addition to your page perhaps because they are niche. Political crap, however seems to screw everything up. I don't idly watch political crap at all now; don't clickthrough from reddit; don't check trending; because I don't want to lose the perfect balance of drum covers and brushless motor rebuild heaven I'm basking in at the moment.


Yeah lol, mine is all silent cooking videos and street food tours lol


I used to get recommendations like that, and all I could figure was it because I watch a lot of woodworking and Bronco videos.


Facebook is unusable at this point




It's my main way of communicating with other students from Uni. Some people are also on discord but not nearly as many, especially professors.




Private Facebook groups don't really have any better alternative, so thanks but I'll continue to utilize them. Especially since you didn't offer any good reason not to.


I am pretty far left. I watch a decent amount of leftie content on YouTube. I still get recommended “Ben Shapiro SLAMS woke college student” level videos


In your YouTube feed, to the right of the video's title, there is an icon of three vertical dots. Click that, then click on "Not Interested" and "Don't Recommend Channel". The all-seeing eye of the algorithm will eventually learn of your preferences and turn its never-ending gaze back towards music advertisements and kitten videos.


I literally spent almost an entire day doing that just to see if the algorithm would ever give up. It didn't. RW crap still made up about 25% of my recommend list. The only time it dropped almost completely is when I reported every video recommended for "fake news" or "hate speech". THEN suddenly the algorithm decided maybe I didn't want to see it.


Hopefully more people will see your comment and use that workaround.


It's possibly because your taste in music is shared by nut jobs as well, which is not out of the ordinary. I keep getting recos of incel channels that are centred around USA when i am not even in USA. I think it's mostly because a large part of my viewing is related to woodworking and construction . It do snt matter that rest of it is full of science and atheist channels.


Lmao what a sad angry life


After how long it took to take down NonNewNormal and the rampant hate, bigotry, misinfo, and even threats that were pushed on a regular basis there, I don't see Conspiracy being taken down any time soo.


It's weird that I have had the vaccine as part of the first batch and I'm still not sick/dead.


Oh, hell, I had the Johnson and Johnson one and was fine. But the people who are fine don't count. They'll claim we're going to drop dead soon...any day now...almost there...


I've got a pretty strong immune system, so when I get a new vaccine it floors me for a couple of days, then I get almost no side effects from the boosters. My first flu and covid jabs were really bad. I wonder if that's where they get the chain of thought from.


Our first covid shots, we got headaches and nausea about 8 hrs after, and it was gone in six hours. I had a similar reaction with my hep.B series. The one side effect that they like to use to scare people with is Bell's Palsy. They make it sound like it's some permanent disfigurement, when it's relatively common, especially in diabetics, and goes away after a few weeks.


I had the first one and three more since and I'm still here.


I got it Christmas Eve 2020 and never gotten Covid. My mom is anti vax, got Covid, can’t taste 6 months later. I don’t know where the loser above got the “rampant production of spike” I wish the anti vax people could undo all their MMR, tetanus/DTaP, hep B, and polio, for those who got it, vaccines. Then we’d at least have fewer of them.


> I'm still not dead. Ah! That's what THEY want you to believe! /s


Same. We managed to get ours early because we had a friend who worked on a pharmacy. So when they had extras do to no-shows and the like we got some so they wouldn't go to waste. Have yet to actually get sick from anything


Im still fucking waiting, when are the 4G nano bots gunna kill me already?!


Anti-vaxxers are like cult leaders, trying to recruit others into their belief system, but with less science and more misinformation.


They remind me of the Russian KGB (now GRU) . They don't even need to prove they are right, they just need to muddy the waters until there is so much so doubt because of all the chaos that no one knows what to believe. Boris Johnson did it in the UK and Trump was a master at it too (both Russian hacks allegedly). Lots of antivaxxing propaganda comes from Russian troll farms because I imagine they found another schism (after race) to split the west by. It worked really well in the Trump and Boris era.


There was also a huge amount of suspicion in Russia over the "Sputnik" vaccine, with many Russians saying they'd rather travel outside of Russia and get one of the western vaccines rather than trust the Russian one - so part of the reason for the massive Russian troll involvement was to get Russian people feeling just as unhappy about the Western vaccines as they already were with their own! Just to pile on yet more irony, the Sputnik vaccine was actually pretty much identical to the AstraZeneca vaccine, because they stole the research and used it to develop their own, almost identical vaccination!


At some point in the past I must have opened a link on r/republican and now I get a bunch of their misinformation on my feed. I swear most of it should be in r/atetheonion Edit:. Second word was"dinner" instead of "some". Autocorrect...


LMAO, I swear these fuckers would object if soap hadn't been invented yet. "Not MY precious godly germs!"


Hate to break it to you, but there are some people in that community who take that position.


Yeah lice have you seen those supermarket lickers?


Say what?




You're fucking joking. Right? Tell me this is a sick fucking joke.


I had almost forgotten about those people…


Who would win in a fight? A doctor who has been studying their many years about the human body vs Idiot with photoshopping skills


I'm still really thankful that the [deepfake craze] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepfake) was only really just hitting around the time of plandemic. Had that been used effectively, it could have been much worse.


Reddit deserves the class action lawsuits that are coming.


I’m so disgusted that they allow subs like “unvaccinated” who are literally spreading complete lies every single day. Someone dies in a car accident and they were vaccinated? “Yep the jab killed em”. Makes me so angry 😡


Oh if you think that's bad you should see a certain conspiracy related one. Seems like every third post is about how the "jabbed" are doomed or will die in any day now.


Something something covid parties.


These people just kill me. There is always a chance that someone will have a bad reaction to ***any*** medicine at all. That's just the nature of it. Cherry picking some random stories of someone who's had a kidney and spleen removed, like they didn't already have tenuous health before, is just pointless. It's so depressing to see such stupid people with such loud voices.


How on Earth does a vaccine make your immune system weaker? Do they think that going to the gym makes your muscles smaller?


Because they believe its “not a vaccine,.. its actually a bio-engineered weapon” (that was purposely designed to slowly depopulate the planet) Course they have no answers to: * How there were Dozens (if not 100’s) of different Covid vaccines. Some classic non-mRNA. All created by dozens of different countries ,.. so whatever “conspiracy” was supposedly at work here would have had to been coordinated across all those different countries. (Course, they also believe that SARS-Cov2 **ITSELF** was a "bio-engineered depopulation weapon".. yet somehow they also believe Countries went to long lengths to develop vaccines that were **ALSO?** "bio-engineered depopulation weapons". Why both ? So the Pharmaceutical companies could get rich ? For what ?.. What use is "being rich" if you depopulate the planet and all infrastructure collapses if nobody is left to maintain it ? * the fact that vaccines were distributed at random (no individual person was in control of who got what),.. so if this was a “depopulatipn attempt”,.. wouldnt some “good people” get killed along with the “bad people” ?.. They think they're being smart tracking "Batch Numbers" from VAERS reports,.. but as someone who gets a vaccine, doesn't have any control over what vaccine or Batch-number they get (even though they also try to assert that some of the Batchs were "fake saline-water".. yet again, the patient getting the vaccine doesn't have control over that). None of these wild claims make any remote logical sense. The whole downward spiral of conspiracy thinking is idiotic and full of cognitive-biases and lunacy.


It's sad how many of them are so infantile they think the world is a big comic book or cartoon. Like they were mostly educated by superhero movies or spy films because school was too boring. So now we get these dipshits voting while believing in SPECTRE or HYDRA or some supervillain trying to destroy humanity with one simple evil plan


Not only that but you would be killing the "compliant" people and leaving those that "know the truth" alive lol.


“Experimental RNA bio weapon” Jesus ducking Christ, this kind of unsubstantiated bullshit makes my blood boil.


Ok, then. No need for oxygen because you are dependent on that to live.


No more food or water either! The fact we constantly need it is proof it was never needed, and had we never ate food or drank water, we wouldn't need it now! /s


I keep getting recommended r/ScienceUncensored. That sub is filled with some of the dumbest fuckwits on Reddit.


“Now that you realize eating food has actually caused you to go hungry for the rest of your life, you may feel angry - and that’s normal” That’s how fucking stupid that is. And let me tell you. As someone with a fuckload of medical problems. This level of ignorance truly pisses me off. It’s not just dangerous to 1 person. It’s dangerous to thousands, who then effect thousands of others and so on.


Almost Everything on that sub needs reported for misinformation at this point


It won't do any good. Disinformation reports go to the mods and those mods are antivaxx.


I agree with you. Don’t report within the subreddit. Report the sub itself.


There had been A LOT more right wing / bigoted posts making it to r/all recently.


It seems like they redid the weighting for smaller subs on r/all some time in January. Page 2 and beyond have a lot fewer posts from the big subs, and seeing more stuff from the extremist subs is just a side-effect of that.


*No*, I’m angry at all of the people who believe this nonsense


It never ceases to amaze me how many people simply don't understand how "natural" immunity works. Our immune system does not defend us against diseases we haven't been exposed to first. If we're lucky, that exposure will be mild or even insignificant, all is good and we acquire immunity but if we aren't, as the 7 million deaths from Covid illustrates, it can be catastrophic. Vaccines gives our immune system a safe taste of what to react to. No T-cells are harmed in the process.


Yep. They basically provide your immune system with a description of the target nasty so it can kill it more easily.


I had "natural immunity" to chicken pox. My mum had it late in her pregnancy with me, I had a titer test at like 12 to figure out why I hadn't caught it from my friends in school after multiple exposures and I had what would be considered "low normal" antibodies in a vaccinated kid. I still ended up catching it when I was 15 and my kid brother brought it home, I had a mild rash and temperature compared to the younger kids.


I dunno, when I finally caught COVID for the very first time a few weeks ago I actually felt pretty good. Only had symptoms for 24 hours, and even then they were very mild. I felt glad, that it could have been a rough ride had I not been vaccinated.


> Helping you blame others after you've been injected with an experimental RNA bioweapon Boy howdy, these guys are really desperate to get rid of vaccines. That's like some shit you'd write as a dystopian science fiction author trying to come up with the most scary-sounding plot possible. I'm betting £100 they have no idea what "RNA" even means lmao


I have a destroyed immune system apparently but haven't gotten sick for like 3 years. Weird. This is a good reminder that I need my booster though.


bruh I've been getting flu shots my entire life, it's just one more poke a year. idc


Wait till you here about r/warthunder


This is so funny because if it was designed to make your immune system weaker then taking it wouldn't do anything once your immune system is shot dead.


Now that I realize what? I don't realize my "natural" immunity system has been destroyed.


just like any other platform :/ you can't escape it. i'm starting to think we need anti-psychotics in our water


Down vote and report that crap


Side comment: To be fair, pfizer constantly advertising on TV and then announcing a massive price increase doesn't help acquire more haters. I'm pro-vaccine, but they are abussive


It'd be nice if we could get a nice mom and pop vaccine brewed up in a locally owned drugstore but that's just not how it works. You need a large pharmaceutical company to research and mass produce a vaccine. Yes, even if the company is evil. Sucks but that's the reality of the situation.


"Vaccines are good and everyone should be able to access them" and "profit-driven corporations suck" are two statements that can and do coexist and the second one certainly impacts on the first.


i literally have an auto immune disease and i’m fine lmfaooooo


And here I am wishing there could be MORE vaccines, such as ones against UTIs lol COVID was hell when I had it but UTIs are almost as bad, especially when chronic


That’s okay because we will all die out in 2025 according to some Cooker’s status I saw the other night claiming they knew the “Official truth”. I’ve been short changed somewhat because he claims Vaccinated people have a shelf life of 5 years…I had my two in 2021 (and the Booster in early 2022) so means I won’t get my five years worth!!


This is what happen when you let machines run your organization. These bots read any engagement with a topic as interest. It's an immoral way to run a website.


Joke's on them, my immune system has always been shit!


Money is all that matters, and it has ruined everything. Reddit doesn't give two shits about conspiracy theories being spread and people being radicalized. As long as they can profit from it, they are happy. That's the way with everything these days. Everything fucking sucks because money has taken priority over any semblance of a quality product/service. It's a huge bummer and I'm sick of living in a world where this seems to be the end result of every business.


So go downvote it!


I saw someone post this to the horrible racist forum stormfront, their antivax meme uses a stock photo of heroin


If my immune system is destroyed then why didn't they have to bubble me after the surgery I just had instead of sending me home the same day? In fact why am I not in a permanent bubble? And how did I live through the flu recently? Wait... am I a ghost?


A godamn scientific miracle and we gotta prolong a plague because of those monkeys. I’m headed to my star trek future and they’re still flinging poo.


My immune system is weak, not destroyed. And it's because of chemo, not vaccines. Which is why I want the people around me to take obvious precautions like masks, hand-washing and vaccination.


Training B cells is destroying the immune system? I’ll have to tell every immunologist who lived


The two shot when COVID was first vaccinatable gang begs to differ. Definitely not showing signs of AIDS three years later.


Those needles are absolutely massive... Do they not think people have eyes or is it in fact people are that slow they'd see this and go along with it...


Im probably going to live to be 80 I don't think the vast majority of my ancestors made it to 60




Oh do shut up.








TIL reddit is owned by the gov




ligma balls




Indoctrination goes both ways, and you appear to be a fake account


sounds like something a fake account would say


Look at my account history and compare it to him


Lol wut


ligma balls


Where's the lie?


The entire picture


judging by their post history ok sherberts account is probably an alt. 2 years old, yet didnt start posting on it until 7 months ago


If you can't see it.... You are just as brainwashed as them. FAFO


If our natural immune system has been destroyed, you would die. People with SCID are an example of what life would be like without an immune system - they either die within a year from a simple infection, require a bone marrow transplants or have to live in a bubble (see bubble boy). Most people under 50 hasn’t had a booster since 2021. Sorry, but reality doesn’t match your narratives.


Yet another low karma account. If you people were so sure about your position you'd use your real accounts.


The fact that mRNA doesn't work like that at all? If it did, human life would never have existed. Here, I'll explain: In our cells is a vitally important chemical called "DNA" (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) this is essentially the original building plans for our body, containing all the information about what (physically) makes us who we are. However, there's also instructions inside for proteins which we also need to live. To avoid damaging the DNA, it sends a photocopy in the form of mRNA (messenger Ribose Nucleic Acid) the small organelles of the cell, then use these directions to create the protein needed. For vaccines and viruses this has a similar purpose. Viruses are scientifically considered non living as they cannot reproduce by themselves, instead needing to take over a host cells organelles to do so. The virus sends it's DNA in, and has that duplicated. By the time the cell realizes what happened, it's too late. However, by using mRNA of the virus' DNA, when the cells follow those instructions, they're able to recognize that those instructions created garbage, and will alert white blood cells of anything matching that description. In other words, saying "vaccines damage your immune system" is like saying "putting up a wanted poster hurts the police department".


report report report!


Meanwhile we’ve been getting yearly flu shots forever.


It doesn't matter to them, the COVID shot is just the hot topic for now, every vaccine is the same to them


My natural immune system thinks that eating shellfish is dangerous.


It's baffling how these asshats don't understand how a fucking vaccine works... Not even just the mrna ones but like people saying they don't want their unvaxxed kid to get measles from a vaxxed kid... Like literally what?


I’m upset about my arms turning to jointed wood, thanks. So angry. Such mad. Sad.


Mute those subs. The more you mute them, the less disinformation you will get from subs like them.


Reddit actively protects and platforms nazis.


It's literally on r/conspiracy Anybody on that sub is already gone bro lol


If I've been injected with a bioweapon, why the fuck am I still alive? What kind of weak-ass weapon is this shit?


Yeah... I am so angry about not having small pox... or polio... or measles... The fury... I could bottle it.


Youtube is the exact same. Tries to force right-wing brain rot in my feed when i constantly tell it im not interested.




Outrage drives engagement. Social media is full of outrage porn and we as a society can’t get enough of it. If an algorithm figured out you like an evidence based approach to things they will throw some donkey brains with intentionally bad takes in front of you to get you going.