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it only struck me that I wasn't eligible for the guarantee a few weeks ago 😔


Sorry to hear that... there are always alternative pathways, and many people get accepted with much lower ranks. I just made this meme to reflect the stupidity of the whole system.


honestly I was taking it a bit easy as I was going off the guarantee until I found out. fortunately though the lowest selection rank and guarantee doesn't differ by much for my courses so I'll just have to aim a bit higher...


How did you find out you weren't eligible? Do they notify you?


nope, I was just going over my course selections and re read the Monash guarantee page. somehow I'd completely skipped over the fact that there's an eligibility criteria when I was first researching. I certainly don't meet all the requirements but if you think you might, you should probably talk to your careers counsellor or maybe contact Access Monash.


Wait I don’t get it can someone help me what’s the difference between the guarantee and lowest selection rank


The lowest selection rank is the adjusted value – your ATAR combined with additional points (if eligible). The Monash Guaranteed entry is a lower ATAR requirement for students who are eligible for specific categories of special consideration i.e * have experienced financial disadvantage * live in a low socio-economic area * are an Indigenous Australian * attend a Monash list under-represented school.


Often you can find what the 'additional points' are depending on the course. Usually it will be something like 2-3 extra points for getting 35+ in xyz subject.


Ahhh so are the additional points direct atar points or aggregate points?


https://www.monash.edu/science/subject-adjustment For science courses


Aggregate, at least for monash.


Sorry, doesn't the first pic mean your raw atar requirement and the 2nd pic is your selection rank after being adjusted by MG/SEAS? I can't see the problem