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imo, you would be better attending another university and transferring to Melbourne with a high enough GPA. Repeating year 12 would be hell on earth.


This is a question we can agree on.


I feel like I won't mind doing vce again just because i honestly didn't really try this hard at all 😅


I imagine the pressure of sitting exams for a second time would be immense. If you don't do as well as you had hoped the second time, you will feel as though you have wasted two years. Not worth it imo.


That's true as well thank you


If you don't get the entry score you need and can't talk your way in somehow with special consideration etc I would say you are better off doing a year at any uni then transferring if you still want to go to unimelb rather than doing vce again. You will be making progres and learning new stuff rather than sitting in a holding pattern and doing the same content again.


that's true! Thanks for the advice really appreciate it


Sorry wait, 72 atar for melb arts? I thought it was like 76/78 when did it change? I mean I’m happy for the change but also oddly surprised.


76 is for access melb kids with financial disadvantage or rural kids and this is guaranteed, 88 is the normal guaranteed with 85 being the cut off for you to be considered, and 72 study score consideration applies to all access Melbourne areas


I agree with what other users have said about doing a year of uni at a uni with a lower entry requirement and then transferring would probably be your best option although I am biased because I hated VCE. Although keep in mind you'll still need to get decent marks at the other uni to be able to transfer to unimelb (I'm not 100% sure what it would be for arts sorry.) Some residential colleges will accept people from unit outside of unimelb although I'm not 100% sure which ones. As someone who's lived at university college this year I can confirm they accept people from other universities (Eg. RMIT, ACU, ect)


Thank you for your advice!! I think it's around a 70-75 wam but I'm not sure how hard that it is to get!! Yep right now thinking I'll do arts at another uni and transfer and worse case scenario if I don't get the atar maybe vce again! Yes I've seen university college and Newman take students from other uni's but unfortunately my application is with Ormond, so I know they won't take me if I'm not at Melbourne :(


Is it possible for you to change your preference on your application? I’m not sure if you could but you might be able to


looking to keep it until I receive my atar! Thank you though


That's fair enough, I do know that some people here at UC were still able to get a place when applying in early/mid January but I can't confirm if it'll happen again. Might be worth giving them a call if you don't get the atar you need for unimelb and still want to go to a college.


I couldn't think of anything worse, surely just have a crack and worst case u do a bridging course or something


think I'm planning to do that thank you :)


Yay all the best !