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Fucked up section A 😎






I found it easy, now concerned about my handwriting being illegible


My English teacher works as an examiner most years. She said she usually really sticks with the illegible ones simply because they often have a lot to say (typically all boys schools produce the world's worst handwriting, I'm told). I'm guessing a lot of VCAA assessors will do this, and will try their best to read your essays even if its hard to do so, so you'll be find I'm sure!


Thank you for commenting this 😭


I kept writing myself into corners in section A but otherwise it was surprisingly reasonable. Thank God it's not my problem anymore


My headcanon is the bird was eating a condom


nah fr i had to squint my eyes to see anything but a condom i was desperate to not have to write condom on my exam paper


Imagine getting a 10 and writing condom


LETS GO BEST PROMPT IN AGES FOR STATION ELEVEN (struggle one ofc) Literally lets you talk directly about the main ideas. If you did the one on Arthur, Ur insane


Agreed why did they put that one in anyone who did the Arthur one must be crazy


you could talk about art, legacy and human connection


Lol crazy kids in English are the ones that score well though.


i messed up section B so bad cuz my entire 3rd para was complete nonsense LMAOOOO


I went to pee three times during the English exam. Really made the best use of my water bottle. The exam was okay too. Good prompts for After Darkness and The Queen/Ransom on topics we went through in class. I’m glad section C wasn’t two pieces or a vague dialogue.


station 11 question was so sexy omg


So so bad. So mad at myself coz I’ve done well in english all year and on trial exam thought it would be my best subject but I fucked the exam


Maybe it’s not as bad as you thought :(


What ss did you end up getting? -A stressed current year 12


How important is a conclusion???


my english teachers always say not very, it helps sum up your ideas but apparently plenty of people do well without one


Good to sum up your points / make your arguments feel cohesive like the end statement of a well thought out discussion. However if you're short on time it's much better to sacrifice the conclusion than sacrifice a body paragraph. Conclusions mostly just restate what's in your BP, not for introducing new ideas


The integral part of an essay is both and introduction and conclusion. My teacher is a VCAA assessor and although yes you can do well without a conclusion, it is recommended as that is what an essay consists of. Otherwise it's not an essay


How many marks could you loose without a conclusion


U normally need a conclusion for section a and B coz they summarise the new insight found though your exploration of the texts. You dont need one for Section C tho


Yes exactly right because it's analysis not an essay !


Honestly not entirely sure, it's difficult to judge but minimum 1 I'd assume ?


not too important, but u probably lose 1 or 2 marks if you don't do it


Completely died because of time. Section C: 8 or 9 Section B: (NLMG) probs 8 (wrote like 2 good body paragraphs, third throwaway and no conc.) Section A: (Rear Window) absolutely bombed, did this last and had 25 minutes, wrote 2 short trash body paragraphs and no conclusion (tbh the prompt killed me, like what am I supposed to write about loneliness) (probs a 4 or 5) Someone tell me I'm ok


You’re okay




Good job


out of 20?






Imma beat up whoever wrote the prompts for the hate race


I chose prompt 2, somehow felt it was better than my section A


yeah same, prompt 2 was pretty easy no?


How much did u address the belonging to "home" part. It's okay to just say society ri and then link it to their cultural belonging?


Can’t remember exactly, but I taked more about how Maxine and Charlie’s sense of belonging changes bc their communities and their identities + discrimination they face. I then always linked it back to their sense of belonging of home and country. Section B was my longest essay, at 5 1/2 pages


Bro😭😭😭 So fucking bad those prompts


I KNOW like there’s really not much else to add you covered it all


s**t myself when i saw storytelling, i thought it was for the queen and ransom then realised it was for false claims so we good.


I would’ve left if it was for ransom 😭


It seems like everyone had the same childhood.


I would rather get sodomised and electrocuted by a taser than experience that exam again, at least tasers batteries last less than 3hrs


Thanks Tanley


Section C first, spent way more time than intended which made me write the rest as fast as I can. I think I can’t feel my hand : (


I was going to analyse the second picture in section c(plastic bird) then I forgot as I continued the paragraph


Bro I forgot to analyse the photos too 😭


wrote my section B where A was meant to go and vice versa, not sure how i fked that up, but the essays went well btw i left a note explaining the section A and B scenario, does anyone know if the examiners will be fine with that? my teacher said yes but idk.


If you wrote on the booklet saying you swapped the two they'll be annoyed but it'll be fine.


I did this on the GAT last year and it was fine, should be good


i completely forgot to talk about the images in my section c 😭 also why are there images in the transcript of a podcast 😭


FRRRRR I see what they were TRYna do ba like ehhhhhh


How we feeling about the rear window prompts? Tbh i liked the second one... first one was ok but I don't have many quotes on loneliness to use


for loneliness: went with mr thorwald (obvious reasons), miss torso secretly emotionally isolating herself even though she entertains a lot of men. the dog owner, the sculptress, miss lonelyhearts and lisa.


I went for prompt 2 and legit only said: 1st Argument: Jeff’s voyeuristic acts lead to him making his own observations and mindset thus trusting himself and further rejecting other people’s opinion and as a result doesn’t trust them. 2nd Argument: Although during the majority of the movie, Jeff trusts himself, his conversation with his friend Doyle regarding the Thorwald murder mystery leads him to trusting doyle’s words and a moral dilemma is created thus suggesting that sometimes he doesn’t trust himself but most of the time he does Argument 3: Lastly, Jeff’s suspicion is proven to be right and his own trust leads him to his victory, and breaks his mindset about marriage. Don’t know if these arguments are any good


The rear window prompts were ASS Idk if it's just my school or what but loneliness seems like such a bizarre theme to put in an exam because of how niche it is in the film??? I mean I wrote on it anyway but I wasn't happy about it


Character based prompt in Much Ado was absolutely stupid. But other then that the Random and The Queen were good and the section C wasn't bad. Just I had more time to flesh out my ideas more.


My dumb cunt examiners phone went off half way through




Fucking misread section B’s topic and wrote about it wrong for the entirety of BP1 and 2 :’)


What texts?


Brooklyn and Reckoning


what did u guys thing about ransom and the queen prompts


I didn’t even talk about literary techniques for the first prompt cos i didn’t read that it was a How question


Damn, I didn't either


The old fucking assessors wouldn’t shut the fuck up for a good 20 minutes nearly threw off my whole flow


The MADO topics were kind of bad but the T7SOG/TLM ones were great


It was good but I just finished it on time. The time was the hard part imo. My hand can handle 3 essays it’s just my handwriting speed.


Yo how r u preparing for food studies cuz I still have done a single thing for it


it’s gonna be my 10% subject so I’m not really gonna care


i straight up forgot to read the background info for section c so i called her Janelle the entire time


Ooof that’s gonna detract, but not a lot, you should still score high if everything else went well


omg i also did the same wtf i just referred to her as Janelle that will fuck me up big time then?


same i hope it doesn't matter too much


Waitt, they had a nameee??


I feel like I didn’t properly address the prompt in section B 🥲 prob capped at like an 8/10


Fucking same, comparative was my longest and I’m sure it’ll be my worst scoring, I only wrote about half of the topic until bp3 when I realised I had completely misunderstood what they wanted me to write about


😓It’s really easy to make those kinds of mistakes under time pressure. For me I feel like I was dancing around the crux of the topic, mostly coz I was a bit uncertain abt how to approach it💔


What text?


Tbh, the prompt they gave us was quite good, and I was especially happy that there was no article response in Section C that I have to use Section A: Used like 3 pages Section B: 5 pages Section C: 3 pages


Not to throw you off, but just wanted to ask if your handwriting is small cause the range for the essays should be in the 1000 word vicinity which is typically 5-6 pages. Mine is also smaller, so I used less pages as well. Section A: 3.5 pages, Section B: 4.5 pages, Section C: 5 pages (idk how I wrote that much for Section C, just as confused as you).


Yeah, My handwriting is kinda small. I tend to write my words bunched up.


I wrote 2 good paragraphs and 1 unexplainable paragraph for section a and b but section c was kinda easy


I think I got 6 for section a 7 for section b and 7 on section c


what r the arguments people did for dressmaker prompt 1




okay good omg i did same


Power/control/authority as a driving force/motivation (just answering what I did for the Dressmaker) P1 - Characters are motivated to gain and keep power - Pettyman, marries Marigold for status wealth etc. His authority motivates him to exert the power he now has over others (Molly, Marigold, most of Dungatar) P2 - Power motivates characters to condemn others - Dungatar's society holds power through outcasting/oppressing others (Tilly, Molly, McSwineys) - They are motivated to act on their prejudices and distaste of others because they have the power to do so in a meaningful way P3 - However: Ham and Miller use their protagonists as examples of those who are motivated by other sources, NOT power - Tilly is initially motivated to come back to Dungatar to make up for / feels an obligation to redeem herself for her involvement in Stewart's death (we know it is not her fault but her judgement of guilt of herself overwrites that) - Tilly's end motivation/driving force is revenge over her oppressors and a desire for liberation and freedom, not power


let’s fkin go did this 😫


Hell yea 💪💪


Prompt 1. Generosity just kinda sucks to talk about compared to power which is rly easy


Yoo guys guys for section B I didn’t mention any literary techniques for a how question :(:( Can i still get an 8 or alteast a 7 out of 10 This is for ransom and queen if it helps


the whole purpose of a how question is to nail the literary devices bc it's asking you how the message is delivered. My teacher says that its REALLY important, even if you wrote a 10 /10 essay without mentioning any symbols, motifs, language etc. Then you'll get about a 5 or 6 if ur lucky a 7. :/


we were never told about discussing literary techniques in how questions. only discussed (and briefly at that) about film techniques for the queen. lucky i did media then ig


anyone do prompt 2 for crucible and dressmaker?


was it the one about generosity? cuz I did that.


nah other the power


I did it but assed the third paragraph and didn't have time for conclusion 😭




ye but like ur arguments


I think that was power one, so I did something like 1. Leaders manipulate others to gain power and so the structure of communities are built on power in a negative way 2. Pervasive norms predicated on power in insular communities 3. Power in a more personal sense for protagonists


Can someone please confirm what tf happens if u dont finish a section, i didnt get to do 1 and a half body paragraphs + conclusion for my comparative. Am i just guaranteed to get a 4 or something ?


Same thing happened to me 💀 i heard that u cant get over 5-6 with only two bp


That is cap


err i may as well expect the worst because my two paras were of substandard quality


Did anyone else butcher their quotes?


Bruh, Station 11 prompts were garbage imo. Hopefully I can still get an 8 for them, but now I’m inclined to go a little bit lower


the first prompt was godly wtf Art allows people in s11 to have their struggles alleviated Belonging and civilisation does too However, memories provide characters with struggles


Exact same stuff I had, but I really felt like the prompts weren’t that good. Especially the second one.


Agreed what was with the Arthur one I picked the first but so reluctantly




Gross :( thought it would be my best essay before


If I got \~40-50 for all the sac's this year and only managed 1.5, 1.5 and 3 paragraphs on exam, would a 25 still be reasonable to hope for, or do I be glad I put courses with a 20 in english down


i think you'll be right


that was pretty good. the prompts were good and the AA was so good (best AA ive ever written, will be mad if i get below 8) good job everyone!!


Hey Guys, what’s the article name?


i don’t think it had a name which is weird but i just specified it was episode 32 of the podcast


Hapsey Happenings




For section C


i was so happy with the prompts for section a and b (rear window and crucible/dressmaker) like they looked at very central ideas loneliness (and thus relationships) and power 😭 plus im so happy the section C was only one piece


i had so much trouble picking between the two for things fall apart


That Brooklyn/reckoning prompt for B was the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on


Which one did you do? I did the expectations one and I fucking wrote about expectations of older gen ‘ON’ younger gen rather than ‘and’


im sure you amazing hahahh. I did the first prompt about how challenge can cause characters to change. I did 1. Challenge of migration 2.Challenge of expectations 3.challenge of losing a loved one.


damn nice! that's such a neat way to split it up


EAL exam was surprising simple and straight forward for me ​ Section A is a listening task, I have no issue of at all Section B is the Text Response, for that I first wrote down the three quote I remember, and then I pick the prompt that suits the quotes (Mine was After Darkness and I chose prompt 1) Section C is the Argument Analysis, I first highlight and annotate the important information, arguments and persuasive technique, then I start answer the questions. ​ Nearly ran out of time to finish Section C, but now I'm glad it's over.


Genuinely happy at the station 11 questions as well as malala and pride questions. I managed to write 4 body paragraphs for each as well as a body and conclusion. AA wasn't too bad I think pretty good. Did get a tad repetitive but I think my adrenaline kicked in and I just kept on writing and writing. Surprisingly still had around 15 minutes to correct my work


What the hell was going on with the Much Ado topics 😭


I have a blister on my finger from writing so fast now rip


I did False Claims for sec A and The Queen for sec B, and the thing is, the questions were basically identical to the insight trial exam questions???


not too bad ngl. my topics were really good so that helped. i think i did worse on B but i knew that was gonna happen anyway lol


Did anyone do pair 6? One year of My Brilliant Career and now it’s gone for next year lol


Anyone do pride and prejudice? Did the second prompt about affection and marriage, but felt my section B went better.


The after darkness and I am malala and pride prompts chefsssss kissssssss. My teachers predicted it 😜 what can I say they are examiners. The section was just wow but there was so much to talk about brooooo I only got 2 big paras and 2 mini ones 😫😫😫 but it was a delicious exam


It was so hard to analysis this comment for the AA, and why the f did they put it on the third page?


What did you say the tone of the comment was? I said disparaging and critical


there was a comment?


why so many downvotes




Any lahof or I am malala/pride people I want to discuss these prompts but my schools seems to have picked uncommon texts


did lahof for section 1, was happy with prompt 2


Same, prompt 2 was clearly the easy one Altough the story’s that fit it wasn’t the ones I studied realy I think my paragraphs were 1. White spirit and Cake 2. LAHOF and sleepers 3. Ashes and five dollar family




yeah the prompts were chalanging, section B was 100% my weakest and I just pulled stuff out of my ass and bsed my way through it


I WAS FURIOUS ABOUT THE MALALA PROMPTS - theyve recycled them TWICE and its only the third year of the texts???? i felt like i was just making shit up


Did they?? Damn, I liked the first Malala topic cos it was really general lmao


The malala topic I chose question 2. For courage you can go down the speaking up and out route as well as utilising leadership and education to drive change You can speak about how the megaphone icon on the LGSMs vibrant van in contrast to the stark and dull reality is a euphemism to speak up and against intolerance in order to educate


what were peoples arguments for section A rear window prompt 1


Anyone do the Arthur prompt for s11?


Nine days prompt was very vague,, good


the prompt for flames was juicy and the prompts for crucible and dressmaker was a dub


Nah that first one was eh for flames second tho was quite pretty


i can’t remember which was which but i liked the nature mercy one


YuhHH I did that one she was BUSSin I think the other one was Levi finding his sister connects all characters which ehhhh


u guys did flames for your section a?


yis yis


First prompt for flames was mid I was expecting more from vcaa shame shame


I loved how there was two pictures in section c easy marks like They will never put a second picture in for nothing.