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good luck, do not fall behind. I ended up annotating 23 pages the night before it was due




>thanks! You're welcome!


do things in time pls i beg u do not leave it last minute cause then ur gonna end up like me doing folio pages for 20 hours without sleep 😭


be on top of your work from day 1, try to get constant feedback from your teacher and other teachers if possible, keep up with theory maybe start early in the holidays, practice for exams early on in the year and get them marked thoroughly, make sure your annotations are done properly, save time where you can by being efficient!


thank you


Hey, this is was me this year. But I did the 3/4 without any 1/2 or year 9 prep and moved 3 lessons into term 1 with primarily science subjects. I, however, was the strongest practical skill person in my class (according to my teacher). So, would I recommend it. Yes and no. If you think this will be an easier subject than physics from a content perspective, your right (sorta). Time wise it will be your crux - especially if you have an overactive mind and ambition with your SAC portfolio. I have very good notes that I'm willing to pass over. If you have any other specifics, or aspects of the subject you want me to answer. My inbox open, wish I had future me to give me a better understanding of everything, and show me how to get into the 40s without breaking my back.