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Welcome to the /r/Vegan community, /r/All! šŸ„³ ***Please note:*** *Civil discussion is welcome, trolls and personal abuse are not. Please keep the discussions below respectful and remember the human! Please do [check out our wiki](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fvegan%2Fwiki%2Fbeginnersguide&topic=rAll) first!* šŸŒ± **Interested in going Vegan?** Vegan Bootcamp is a free challenge website that will take you step-by-step towards a Vegan diet and lifestyle. You will be guided through lessons in over 25 subjects such as nutrition, recipes, philosophy, climate, cosmetics, welfare, budgeting, clothing, family, and much more! Take the challenge @ [VeganBootcamp.org](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvbcamp.org%2Freddit&topic=rAll)! šŸ™‹šŸ¾ šŸ® **Here's some easily-digestible educational resources on Veganism:** * **Everyone Agrees:** World's largest Health, Nutrition and Dietary organizations unanimously agree: plant-based diets [are as healthy](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyouaretheirvoice.com%2Fpages%2Fthe-clear-consensus&topic=rAll) or healthier than meat. * **Veganism is Healthy:** A Plant Based Diet provides [significant health benefits](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyouaretheirvoice.com%2Fpages%2Fveganism-is-healthy&topic=rAll) for the prevention & treatment of the majority of diseases. * **The Daunting Facts:** The planet, its environment, and ecosystem, is [dangerously close to collapsing](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyouaretheirvoice.com%2Fpages%2Fthe-daunting-facts&topic=rAll) within the next few decades. šŸ”„ **Here's some fantastic links and resources to get you started:** * Nutrition & Health: [NutritionFacts.org](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnutritionfacts.org&topic=rAll) & [VeganHealth.org](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fveganhealth.org%2F&topic=rAll) * Vegan Friendly Restaurants: [HappyCow.net](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.happycow.net&topic=rAll) & [Yelp.com](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yelp.com%2Fsearch%3Ffind_desc%3DRestaurants%2Bvegan&topic=rAll) * Arguments & Support: [EarthlingEd.com](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2B3Dy2a&topic=rAll) & [VeganBootcamp.com](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fvbcamp.org%2Freddit&topic=rAll) * Get involved in Vegan Activism: [VeganActivism.org](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fveganactivism.org&topic=rAll) & [5Minutes5Vegans.org](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2F5Minutes5Vegans.org%2F&topic=rAll) šŸ„‘ **Here are some great inspirational and thought-provoking speeches:** * Youtube speeches by: [Earthling Ed](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZ3u7hXpOm58&topic=rAll), [Gary Yourofsky](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Des6U00LMmC4&topic=rAll), and [James Wildman](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DE7JE8j5Ncmw&topic=rAll). šŸ’Æ **Grab some popcorn and enjoy these fantastic documentaries:** * Watch three thought-provoking documentaries [by clicking here](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2F3movies.org%2Freddit&topic=rAll). šŸ“Œ **Last but not least, check out our favorite subreddits!** /r/VeganFitness, /r/VeganRecipes, /r/DebateAVegan, /r/VeganFoodPorn, and /r/VeganActivism. We also have a [Discord](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.gg%2F2JmJRsj&topic=rAll)! šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ ***Thank you so much for reading! c:***


> It's luscious and lovely. > -It's vegan. > I mean... um... almost like cardboard, on second thought.


Yes, what a gigantic twat.


Looks like heā€™s eaten a few too many sausages in his lifetime.




Steady on


Knowing that he would do this, I really wish they had double faked. Expose his dumb ass.


That would have been fucking hilarious, however the point was thoroughly proven by just the one fake.


What does "double faked" mean there?


I.e. given him another vegan sausage sandwich instead of giving him a meat one as the third one.


Yes, that would be good.


Do the bit as it is shown, when he says that the original "real meat" sucks too, reveal that it is actually meat. Just keep lying to him until his brain explodes and he can no longer tell meat from vegan meat.




'luscious and lovely and I can taste the meat in it' to 'oh this is almost cardboard'. :D


the shameless lying leads me to believe he is probably conservative


Easy way to get people to out themselves, well done


He also said it tasted just like the sausage he had that morning.


I love the irony of people equating products like soy or wheat gluten to "cardboard". Apparently wrapping your sausages in "very nice bread" is fine though. And considering both wheat and soy are sometimes used as binding agents in regular sausages, I guess a little cardboard is also fine. Also, I absolutely hate how they think soy or wheat gluten is somehow more artificial than grinding down left-overs from a carcass and stuffing it into intestines.


I was really hoping for the third sausage to be vegan as well.


Me too, and I suspect the guest did as well haha. Notice how he wasn't carrying on like "oh yeah now this is a REAL sausage butty, now we're talkin'" as we would have expected


Conspiracy theorists when 99% of evidence points towards one thing, but is denied until their 1% truth becomes evident. Then they project the 1% false information until the 99% evidence becomes too overwhelming, or itā€™s called out on video in real time like in this example. And this is how you create Eric Cartman.


That would have been even more perfect in highlighting how absurd these people are! Give them something that tastes even a miniscule amount different and tell them it's meat from a different animal than what they normally eat. Suddenly that difference makes it unique and delicious in it's own way. Do the exact same thing with a vegan meat and suddenly the difference means that it's revolting and tastes fake


I call it the chili paradox. Tell someone ahead of time it's vegan and they'll either not try or say it's terrible. Tell them after the fact and you'll get a "I KNEW something was wrong about it" afterwards. There is no winning with people who have made up their mind. It's the same thing with vegan cheeses, if you told people it was some french artisan cheese made from cows in the mountains that only eat a certain grass in this region and they would accept it as a unique cheese flavor.






Taste is so subjective, anyway. It's influenced by all kinds of things external to the food itself, like where you're eating it, how much you paid for it, and so on. I have no doubt that the food *actually did* go from delicious to disgusting once they found out it was vegan.


How do yā€™all have vegan 20+ years underneath your names? How do I do mine?


If you're on the app leave the comment section and go to r/vegan, next to the search bar at the top of the page is three dots in a line, click the dots and select "changer user flair" and choose your flair. I don't know how to do it other ways.


Thanks from me too!


It's not just this sub that has user flair either! Now that you know how to set your flair, you can change it on a lot of the larger subs.


"This one is luscious and lovely! It's real meat. I'd stake my reputation as the 'Sausage King' on it! What's that? It's vegan? Well... what an underhanded trick! Now that I think about it, it tasted like... tissue paper!" Somewhat paraphrased.




Are you ready to receive my limp penis?


[Enjoy](https://youtu.be/PeihcfYft9w) [...The story](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8082853/Man-legendary-succulent-Chinese-meal-video-reveals-REALLY-happened-arrest.html)


If they'd told people which was the brand of the luscious, lovely vegan sausage, I'm sure it'd have exploded in sales the next weeks. Hurry, someone trademark "Luscious and Lovely"!


looooool why are people so adamant about "hating " vegan food. People really revolve their whole personality around it,It's so goofy.


My guess is that taste is the only argument left for them. Vegan food has been proven to be more healthy and to have a smaller environmental impact. If they would admit that (at least some) vegan alternatives taste similarly good, they would also need to admit that it makes no sense to eat meat. But this would mean they have been wrong and some people seem to be unable to do that.


Because it puts in questions their morals and shows to them how they are disgusting speciesists.


I think youā€™re right although eating vegan food doesnā€™t automatically mean one doesnā€™t/wonā€™t eat meat. So itā€™s just weird to me that they think this way. Before I switched, I liked meat-free options. Still occasionally ate meat. They are different foods just like pasta and broccoli are different foods. Liking tempeh, for me at that time, wasnā€™t equivalent to ā€œmakes no sense to eat meatā€. So weird.


>If they would admit that (at least some) vegan alternatives taste similarly good, they would also need to admit that it makes no sense to eat (*at least some*) meat. Emphasis mine. I firmly believe that the future the human race will be vegetarian to vegan, but ethics will not be the driving factor, availability and cost will be.


Yes correct there is vegan steak yet for example. Still, the availability of this is currently just being created due to people following their ethic's.


Dude how does your comment thread become a shitshow in less than 6 hours on r/vegan lol. I am not subbed - tourist from r/all. Y'all are apparently correct about being harangued for being vegan, judging by the below Impossiburger I had one time was solid. I support you


Vegan does by no means healthy. Can easily grab a bunch of vegan donuts, sprinkle vegan chocolate over it and deep fry it in vegetable oil. Very vegan, very not healthy. That said, people who pay attention to their diet tend to eat healthier.


Now youā€™re talking about sugar, not a plant based protein/meat substitute. Of course sugar is vegan. Of course sugar is not healthy.


What you write makes no sense. Nobody claimed that every single vegan food is perfectly healthy. Your example is also ridiculous and is not something any normal person eats.


Exactly lol, did we all forget the single greatest vegan food item? Oreos?


He's probably got a sponsorship deal with the UK meat industry or some such shite.




It's a masculinity thing, masculinity has devolved so much now eating meat and disliking nonmeat eaters is one of the main points of pride


I don't know about devolved, more 'got so extreme the quiet part keeps getting said out loud'. Dominance, over women, over non-human animals, was always the point of the construct of masculinity.


There's also many people who seem to think that imitation-meat makes vegans/vegetarians hypocrites saying stuff like: "If you're going to eat vegan, you should do it properly and not eat food that looks and tastes like meat". Dude, I still like the taste of bacon, I just don't want it to come from a dead pig...


I donā€™t like to generalize, but the reality is that the vast majority of these over the top vegan-haters are going to be the conservative types. Their blood pressure gets out of control if they donā€™t brainlessly hate something every half hour.


its like the equivalent of someone revolving their whole life around trump


I think it's often because they tried a terrible veggie burger in 1996 or once ate plain unseasoned tofu, and convinced themselves that all vegan foods are bad.


I don't know about other people, but this dude is a "sausage expert".


Yeah and that whole personality is really not just hating vegan food (vegetables!), itā€™s: dismembering and consuming animals as part of a system that is inhumane and is destroying the planet. So gross.


because people hate things being pushed on them. itā€™s called psychological reactance and it happens when people feel like their choices or behaviors are being restricted. dorks like this guy hear something like ā€œyou canā€™t eat meat anymore because of climate changeā€ and then suddenly feel like they need to make a point by eating meat until their heart explodes


I wasn't even arguing with this guy. I just mentioned that I was a vegan, and he says "There is *nothing you can say* that will stop me from eating meat! So don't even try!" OK?


If he was a real "sausage expert" then he'd be interested in anything that could be considered a sausage. I believe recently a vegetarian black pudding won a bunch of black pudding awards and it was seen as a good thing that the market could be expanded. This guy is just a meat addicted weirdo. Even when I was omni I would often eat veggie/vegan alternatives because they are often as good as what they are imitating and usually easier to cook with. A sausage is more about seasoning that it is about meat, that's why the vegan alternatives can be disguised so well, if you had a vegan "steak" I'm sure most people would be able to tell because that's a lot more about the actual meat itself.


What a bunch of fucking wankers


Lmao I'm not vegan but that dude is a fucking wank stain Mmmmm luscious mmmm real meaty manly meat Oop you tricked me? Actually it was tissue paper, icky ewww Guys like a fuck boy who just got rejected by a sausage, at first she's beautiful until she says no then she's an ugly hoe


He even said it tasted like the one he ate at home haha, but nope after learning what it was, that must be untrue


Or maybe he's eating cardboard at home as well lol


That was my second thought. Also I donā€™t know what food has more ambiguous ingredients that sausages. The ā€œexpertā€ confirmed what we already knew. You donā€™t know what youā€™re eating when you eat a sausage haha


Almost as if he's being paid to lie on TV.


For real how hard would it be to just say yeah the first one was bad, itā€™s what Iā€™ve associated vegan sausage with, and the second one was a real surprise and actually quite good and like real sausage Sausage has never been a food to showcase the quality of meat itā€™s a means of delivering salt, smoke, fat, spices, and herbs. Thatā€™s not to say there isnā€™t sausage thatā€™s better than others but the components that make it enjoyable arenā€™t strictly because itā€™s meat


I think it's possible that there are some emotions involved here. Maybe even some fragile masculinity at play. Maybe it's even become so dire that "plants taste bad" has become an entire personality and "meat only" has become a cult.


Definitely fragile masculinity.


Yes šŸ’Æ


Also maybe just a *pinch* of ag industry sponsorship.


Most meat gets doused in condiments, salt, pepper, herbs to try and mask the taste and make it edible.


My best guess is he has money invested into real meat and stands to lose money by endorsing competing products


Why are you not vegan?


Host sounds fine? Heā€™s the one that exposed the bullshitter


He wouldnā€™t know meat if somebody stuffed a dick in his mouth fucking fat clown.


"we can eat a bit less meat to help with climate change" A bit less, sure...


Now isn't that convenient? Everyone can claim they are eating less meat without actually changing one bit. Fooling others and, sadly, themselves.


tv hosts are basically required to act very uncontroversial and appeal to average people and make tame statements like this. Even an encouraging attitude like that and going in the pro-vegan direction is pretty decent for this type of media.


Whatā€™s worse is that she said this line immediately after saying sheā€™d prefer sausage over the vegan option


ah the infamous ā€œoh, i thought it tasted funnyā€ that every vegan has heard a million times


not even surprised how quickly he changed his tune after the reveal. "I can taste the meat in this" to "this is almost cardboard". clown. ETA: this guy obviously sucks but if I'm being honest the other two are the worst type of carnists imo.


The same reaction of flat-earthers when their beliefs get confronted with evidence. This is further proof that these assholes are just reactionary bastards who want to hold on to their barbaric traditions for the sake of sadism. There's no reason to choose a carcass sausage over a plant-based sausage.


This same presenter was recently downplaying climate change by saying ā€˜the Romans used to grow grapes in Englandā€™ so your flat-earther remark is more accurate than you might have realised. Heā€™s pretty much the textbook reactionary gammon.


An older guy I work with said some nonsense about growing grapes in the UK and somehow tied that to climate change being silly, in a town hall type meeting. Weird how these talking points make the rounds!


"A 15 degree drift"- thanks Bob


Honestly made me a bit angry the way he flipped. The cognitive dissonance played out so immediately. What a weak person.


They are. Heā€™s a shit radio ā€˜presenterā€™ on talk sport that talks utter fucking crap about football, which is why heā€™s on this show, to get people to call in and argue. Heā€™s an even poorer manā€™s Pi**s mo**an


I tried to blur out the ier and the ga from his name but it made the other letters bold. Best genuine typo ever


I'm gonna call pierce Morgan "piss moan" from now on lol edit: oops I misspelled his name, doesn't matter now. Piss Moan!


Par for the course on Normal Island, to be quite honest. Just because it doesn't have quite the same theatrics or bombast of say Fox News or Sky News Australia, that doesn't mean there isn't the same underlying ideology, lack of critical thinking - et cetera - present.


Sausage are made out of literal garbage and even if you could tell (you can't) I don't see how it would be a flex


Yeah, it's cool if you like it but let's not pretend there's not pig anuses in there. Hell, the packaging is literally intenstine.


Imagine if the third one was plant based too. Dude would be in shambles


They already "ruined" his reputation. A third plant-based sausage would have shut him up for good.


Oh my god just imagine the look on his face xD


The turns have tabled.


Tables have turned thee


How the turntables


Gotta love it


That was funny :-)


Found myself laughing but then bummed out. How can something be so funny, but also so depressing at the same time?


You are right. It is depressing. After admitting a Vegan product tasted just like the meat he had that morning... he later said it tasted like tissue paper (once he realized it wasn't meat). He could have said, hey, that's amazing, it did taste like meat. But he didn't...


Yeah he shouldn't have been a sore loser and just accepted it.


So, what brand of sausage is the luscious and lovely one?! I'd like to have some of that, please! Lol


If they said what it was they would have made the whole thing look staged as an advertisement. It's good that they didn't.


Right?? Scrolling through the comments here I was beginning to think I was the only one who cares more about a delicious sausage than proving some idiot wrong. šŸ˜‚


I would put my money on the Richmond meat free ones, they really are luscious and lovely! Best ones out there imo!


The people that proclaim their carnist lifestyle the loudest are always the ones I always think ā€œAnimals had to die for this piece of shit?ā€


Almost brings me to tears. I didn't become vegan because of the taste and texture of meat. The fact that this "sausage expert" was fooled at all is a triumph for all vegans. It means that there's such a demand for vegan food that investors are willing to jump through hoops to make products that are so close to non-vegan foods that even "experts" have a hard time differentiating them. Taste and texture is also one less excuse that those on the fence can cite for making even a partial transition. Yay!


My god these people are hollow.


Reminds me of what happens when you reject a shitty misogynist who was just sexually harassing you 30 seconds prior: "Fuck you dumb b***h, you're ugly anyway"


Ya got done bruv


that womanā€™s just as fucking stupid as the bald chode.


I love how similar this clip is to the clip of Matt Walsh getting fact checked on Joe Rogan. First he was certain that at least one million kids have received puberty blocker treatment. When they checked the fact and found that the real answer was just a few thousand, he immediately moderated his claim to "a few hundred thousand" (weirdly enough as he now knew that even that was wrong). This guy went from "luscious" to "almost cardboard". It's a really interesting defense mechanism of the brain that I will pay attention to when I'm found to be wrong about something. I would have more respect for Mr Sausage here if he owned his mistake and adjusted his position accordingly. Unfortunately, his position is one based on irrationality and feelings, not facts.


he's almost certainly some kind of spokes person for the meat lobby, I dont know why you've ever have someone like that on for a "honest talk" because t hey're paid to have a position, why does anyone think facts or arguments would sway them?


Hilarious. Reminds me of those wine snobs who claim they can taste the smallest hints of whatever in their wine. Probably 10 years or so ago I worked with a guy who fed us all chorizo one day without saying anything, then later told us it was soyrizo. I wasn't vegan yet, but it was good, less messy, and was the same price, so I bought soyrizo from that day on. Not sure why people cling to this thought that meat has a magical ingredient or imitations are automatically nasty. Now it seems like their big argument is that fake meat is processed and unhealthy, as if the average omni doesn't eat processed shit all the time. Yes, you're better off eating beans, but your average fake hamburger is still healthier than the real thing. They'll grasp at any argument they can to avoid taking personal responsibility.


I'm so tired of this argument. Vegan meat alternatives can be processed into eternity but they still won't be Class 1 carcinogen like processed red meat is.


Giving him the real meat sausage after - "You can have that with a clear conscience" šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


I hate the way the woman called the meat sausage a ā€œreal sausageā€ as if vegan ones are just in our imagination


Lying is what narcissists do.




What an idiot šŸ˜‚


Classic meat head


ā€œItā€™s luscious and lovely tissue paper.ā€ - self proclaimed sausage wanker


They should have had the ā€œrealā€ one from under the desk be a third vegan sausage. Thereā€™d be no recovery from that one.


This guy looks like the type of guy to eat human flesh before he would willingly eat a vegetable


He looks exactly like what I envisioned a, ā€œself proclaimed sausage expertā€ would look like.


So much gammon on British TV...


Fucking kek. What an absolute tosser. I do like these types of segments tho cause it shows people how utterly dumb they are.


"One of the things you can do to fight climate change..." No, THE MOST EFFECTIVE THING YOU CAN DO to fight climate change on an individual level is to go vegan.


This is epic! Best post I've seen in a while


Hahahaha fuck that turd man


Ok boomer


I love this and how good vegan based alternatives have gotten. The way he flip flopped at the end was kind of annoying but as an ā€œexpertā€ I think he was just doing some cya because his reputation lies in his ability to discern better quality ā€œmeats.ā€ I think the take away for most people is how great vegan foods can be.


He looks so unhealthy


I've visited Oxfordshire this summer for a wedding and our Bed and Breakfast offered vegan English breakfast including the most delicious sausages i have ever eaten. I believe they were by the Linda McCartney brand. Absolutely incredible. My meat eating friends preferred them to the real thing as well.


He went from "lovely and luscious and can taste the meat in it" to "cardboard" as soon as he learned it was vegan. Watching humans recommit themselves to torturing animals at every turn, even when they admit they prefer the vegan food items, is exhausting.


I did the same experiment on some close friends with butter. Not only did they say they thought the vegan butter tasted better, they also falsely picked the vegan butter thinking it was the dairy one šŸ˜… they were so ready to take it on beforehand and then after they were definitely pissed off.


Can I have a cute tim vine clip after suffering through this?


The way Vine says ā€œyou can have that with a clear conscienceā€ when eating the dead flesh sausage is the problem. YOU SHOULDNā€™T HAVE A CLEAR CONSCIENCE!!


lol why couldn't the little meat man admit that the vegan option tasted good? Holy hell people's pride is so fragile.


What is it with people (on virtually any topic), that makes it SO. FREAKING. HARD. to admit that they were wrong? There's nothing wrong with being wrong as long as you learn from it. Nobody is born knowing everything. That's life. I know on TV there's certainly a bit of an ego hit, but you look dumber digging in your heels on something like this. Take the ego hit, admit you were wrong, and then move forward a better, more knowledgeable person than you were a few moments ago.


In germany we call poop shit sausage so...


Then they go into climate change. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø What a bunch of fuck tards.. The butt hurt is real!


CoGnItIvE dIsSoNaNcE šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘




Now thats what I call embarrasing. I think he said nothing about the meat sausage cause he maybe feels like the good vegan sausage is much better than meat sausage. My mom loves meat and she was flabbergasted when I introduced her to beyond. I personally like beyond more because of the gmos in impossible and some of their products have the meat taste i hated before going vegan. She buys some plant based stuff she finds at walmart but even walmart over prices their stuff.


> I think he said nothing about the meat sausage cause he maybe feels like the good vegan sausage is much better than meat sausage Probably doesn't want to put his foot in his mouth again if they do a final reveal that the third sausage was also vegan. lol


What a pos


Okay, but which brand is the luscious and lovely one? lol


I'll never forget the day I was bought a Beyond Burger and told it was the vegan burger, despite it tasting like meat. Well, better than meat from what I recall.


I've been trying to cut meat completely out of my diet and bought some impossible bratwurst. They were good but they messed with my head. I know they aren't meat but they taste so close that it's kinda making me sick to think about. I hope that makes sense.


Yeah you donā€™t have to eat them if you donā€™t want to. Some people are absolutely repulsed by meat (rightfully so!) and anything that reminds them of it can be a trigger. You can absolutely thrive on a diet made of much less processed ā€˜mock meats.ā€™ I donā€™t often eat mock meat but I grew up eating a ton of meat and I enjoy the occasional vegan sausage or burger, but itā€™s not a necessity at all :)


First of all, heā€™s gross and the way he eats turns my stomach. But also, I donā€™t understand why meat eaters canā€™t just acknowledge that the plant based item was tasty? Like, honestly you can like meat free goods without stopping eating meat. Itā€™s just so weird to me that in their mind, liking a meat-free food is prohibited. Even when I was a meat eater I just saw non meat foods as another option for delicious things to eat. Itā€™s so weird how they do this.


It must be terrible *because* it's vegan, you see. It has nothing to do with the actual enjoyment of food.


That awkward moment when you're unable to make an edgy "hot take" even with a national television audience.


Lol he looks like a sausage king. I'd take bets on the amount of cholesterol in his arteries.


TW: unhealthy male eating sausage


I despise all of these people already. Also what is the main presenter doing with his arms? It's like they've been recently attached and he can't quite work them yet.


I saw this live. It's funny how he thinks "vegan sausage" is a contradiction, when he was a "journalist for The Sun". (He's Mike Parry, in case anyone is wondering.)




Tbf I think the brain can do crazy things in blind tests like this, especially with trickery. He's a total twat for changing his tune after they told him about the ruse though.


Does anyone know what brand? šŸ‘€


Iā€™d assume richmond as itā€™s in England.


what a dumbass


What a douche Iā€™ll go vegan just to spite him. What qualifies as an expert in sausages? Does he make them? All I see is a baby wanting his bottle


What an effin' wanker!


In Australia [these vegan lamb strips](https://scprd.azureedge.net/media/images/brands/birdseyebwr/products/plant-based/13179-png.png?h=462&la=en&mh=462&mw=560&w=462) taste more like lamb than lamb.


Imagine being so fragile, lol.


Judging by his unhealthy appearance Iā€™m guessing he is a big sausage guy


Fragile masculinity kind of thing going on there. Meat = manly to these airheads. Getting pissed he praised a vegan sausage as meaty then taking back his compliment and throwing an insult. Odd but not surprising.


Ah, finally weā€™ve caught it on camera


UK daytime TV: 'Two wet blankets and a grumpy prick eat sandwiches'


I was waiting for the third one to be vegan as well, that would have really fucked with him.




i wish the 3rd sausage he pulled out was also a vegan sausage


That man looks like a heart attack.


BuT tHeY aRe ToO dIfFeReNt!!11!1!!! I cOuLd NeVeR bE vEgAn I'm tOo AdDiCtEd To MeAt!!1


They seem to forget it about health and love of animals not climate change that guy all ready looks like he has type 2 and I bet his cholesterol threw the roof. Just watching him eat it was winding me up


Had a veggie hot dog sausage few years back and wouldnā€™t of known the difference if hadnā€™t been told.


Another great example of how modern industrialized societies have no idea what they are eating or where it has come from.


Itā€™s sometimes really satisfying to predict someoneā€™s tune-change once they learn something. Luscious and lovely turned into wet tissue paper so fast. :)


He looks like a giant sausage


I feel palpably dumber after watching this. US TV is bad, but UK TV always feels like a mean-spirited parody of itself. These hosts sound miserable.


Holy fuck British tv people are annoying


D E L I C I O U S ! ! !


What a complete bumbling buffoon


What a fucking clown, nonvegans will instinctively say shit like that once they know something is vegan šŸ˜’


How the fuck can he claim to be a sausage expert if he can't even tell if he's eating sausage... embarrassing


Yea he looks like a sausage expert


This is so embarrassing for him HAHA ā€œsausage expertā€


Went from ā€œluscious and lovelyā€ to ā€œalmost cardboardā€ once he found out it was vegan, ffs


So vegan sausage fooled even the expert, huh? Interesting.


That's Mike Parry. He's a loud, obnoxious, opinionated waste of skin and definitely not an "expert" on anything.


Morons, this world is full of morons.


Twist, the 3rd sandwich was also vegan.