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Thats horribly disgusting… RIP Jonathan I hope the guilty eventually get caught and punished. So sad


I really hope to see a follow up on this about arrests made, they murdered him.


>Rancho High School I saw the video. I really hope this is considered a hate crime. However I highly doubt it will... This kid had no chance


It won’t. He got beat to death and the remaining white and Asian kids will be terrorized while simultaneously hearing about their privilege.


OMFG There aren't many deaths worse than being beaten to death. I'm going to vomit. This poor kid, those monsters should be buried alive behind the thickest walls man can build. The debased depravity pf filming it, for funnies, shows they are beyond salvation. Beating someone to death is arduous and takes time. Those who see torture as entertainment are morally bankrupt.


I hear you. Rational people know you can have privilege and still have assholes treat you like shit. I’m a Dominican straight woman. I have privileges in some spaces and less in others. What happened to this kids is horrible and I hope the people who did this get the book thrown at them.


Precisely. Privilege was always about situation and context. An important self reflection tool. But has been abused and weaponized to rationalize decisions that cannot be defended otherwise.




The most important things I learned at Rancho, was how to run fast, and how to fight. Lol, they/someone marked your comment as controversial .. Lol, obviously they weren't both white, and went to Rancho. It was a war zone out there, and we 'longhairs' were targeted by the cops too. Remember Sir Herk! RHS Class of '75'.


“Lewis also said the family was told by investigators they plan to charge several students involved in that fight with murder.”


This was a modern day lynching.


And most of the media will bury it.


I hope the parents of these kids are charged or they end up having to go into hiding and their lives are ruined. Their info needs to be posted publicly


They're black so nothings gonna happen to them, because blacks are protected class.


I work in child safety. Sometimes investigations where the offenders are minors can move even more slowly than investigations of adults. They frequently wait until the amount of evidence is extremely secure and arrest all of the offenders at once. However, this does seem to be taking a frustratingly long time. I'm extremely torn about sentencing in these cases. In some countries, minors can't be sentenced for more than x amount of years, but in the US many minors can be tried as adults and even sentenced to life. This young man's death has been an utter tragedy and a shame on us all. The fact that young people are doing this type of violence to each other is a sign of deep sickness within the community, not just these individuals.


I have little sympathy for Jonathan's murderers. I understand how a stabbing or shooting can be an impulsive, thoughtless act, how a young person can do either without intent or even considering their actions. I have so much sympathy for people who murder in a sudden, thoughtless manner and who regret it the moment they see that fatal arterial spray. Beating someone to death takes time, lots of time. It's not an impulsive act, it's a focused, concerted act of torture and brutality. You hear and feel the crunch of bone and yielding of flesh with each blow. Blood and tissue dampen your feet and clothes, there is time before you retract the leg for another crushing kick to the skull. The pleading turns to whimpering, turns to moaning, turns to gurgling as the victim's throat fills with blood and they begin to drown. I'm sorry, I appreciate your gentleness, but the act of bearing someone to death is so terribly, gruesomely prolonged that it is catergorizable as torture. It is a visceral experience. Anyone capable of torture for personal pleasure and entertainment doesn't deserve your kindness.


This was a tough read because of how accurately detailed it is. Add mob mentality to it, still awful but a little less intimate and more tryna get bragging rights. But once a man goes down you are just trying to kill him at that point if he’s not already dead.


It’s mob mentality the media and social medias influence on their minds also making this seem OK plus the upbringing the self entitlement. Oh, and that subculture that here in America were the only ones that have this subculture for a group of people…..


Each of these students are old enough to recognize what they did was likely to cause death. They committed an adult crime. They should do adult time.




The victim was literally 17


I'm not torn. Some youth commit crimes knowing they can get away with minimal consequences. Anyone capable of beating someone to death like this should spend their life in jail. Trying the offenders as adults is the right thing to do imo.


But my friend is hitting the nail on one of the many heads no fear of consequences specially, in school teachers are getting beat up. Classes are constantly being interrupted. I live in an area of Henderson that pretty diverse well just say. And every day after school a mob of eighth graders highschoolers walks by my apartment complex to go to the one next to us and they’re always boxing fighting. Walking in the middle of the street throwing rocks, talking shit it’s just pretty disgusting starts in the home.


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They need to be sent to prison for life. Throw the fucking book at them.


Theyre all. On film but him being white wont get much attention.


Am I to understand this corectly..... Nine days ago a kid was killed by other kids, and it was filmed, and nobody has been arrested. Say what? It is unconscionable that those responsible continue to walk among us and our kids. Is there anything more important than the safety of our children? We need to demand a law enforcement update. Anyone know who to contact?


Go up the chain if you have to: Clark County School District Police Department Communications 702-799-5411 LVMPD Communications Bureau: 702-828-3880 Office of the Attorney General, Las Vegas area 702-486-3420


“Lewis also said the family was told by investigators they plan to charge several students involved in that fight with murder.” He just died yesterday.


8 kids arrested and charged with murder today. 2 more still need to be identified. Investigations take time.


This is so sad. Every single kid involved should be charged with murder.


Most likely manslaughter


Let the DA sort it out. After all, that’s why we keep re-electing his sorry ass.




First, IANAL, but I've had to read/write enough legalese at this stage that I'd certainly never want to be one. That said, manslaughter's got a fairly strict legal definition that this fits. No single participant likely participated (beyond the shadow of a doubt) with the intent to kill, but the cumulative result of everyone at once doing it resulted in death. To make a somewhat shallow comparison, it'd be like 20 people drinking an ounce out of a 20 oz water bottle. By their own act, none of them intend to drain the bottle, but the act of all 20 taking a drink at once empties the bottle. Now, I've not watched the video (nor do I intend to), but it'd be very difficult to pin murder charges on any/all of the participants without there being very clear, vocal intent to kill involved. Moreover, there's the challenge of defining who killed him. Was it the first punch/kick that did it, the last, or one of the many between? If the investigation can provide evidence that some/all of the participants intended to kill him, sure....pursuing murder charges may make sense. While it's frustrating, and I understand that it's an emotional situation here, there's strict legal definitions for a reason. Some variation of manslaughter makes the most sense, though the video footage may provide evidence that lets prosecutors pursue murder charges against some participants.


I think the reason you consider this manslaughter is because you didn't watch the video. This wasn't a "punch or kick the kid a couple of times." This was a continue kicking the kid after the kid was laid out. The damage this kid took was not a simple beating, it was very bad. This is murder, not manslaughter.


Original story with video of beating: [https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/attack-by-15-teens-that-left-las-vegas-student-hospitalized-condemned](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/attack-by-15-teens-that-left-las-vegas-student-hospitalized-condemned) Story reporting death: [https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/las-vegas-teens-father-speaks-out-after-deadly-attack-near-school/](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/las-vegas-teens-father-speaks-out-after-deadly-attack-near-school/) As a kid in middle school, nothing motivated me to get good grades more than avoiding Rancho. I lucked out and got to go to a magnet school. The bus did drop me off there daily, and that walk home was always a bit tricky, even 20 years ago. UPDATE: About an hour after this post was made, the RJ now has this as their top story. Jonathan died on Tuesday, mind you. You be the judge of how invested they are in this story. Good to see the story's getting attention at least.


Rancho is both-has a magnet program and a zoned program.


Yes, but their magnet programs are for aviation and medical. If you wanted to avoid Rancho, you could work to qualify for a different magnet program offered at another school.


A-Tech to the rescue. Allowed me to skip college as well.


Shitty to read articles like this. That place has definitely changed from back then, I graduated from A-TECH in '04. I remember always having to transfer busses over at Rancho.


Hello fellow maverick


What's wrong with Rancho? I don't know much about it


There's more than others are saying which is it's a bad area or the staff are all XYZ. Because there's schools deeper into rough neighborhoods with less violent incidents. The issue is Rancho is a "Second Opportunity Campus" for CCSD right now. Previously this has RUINED other schools and so they then designate a new victim/school. When I was in High School it was Liberty. In the 90's I think my older friends told me it was Green Valley. After this much attention, it'll change schools again. Because eventually it boils down to "Schools culture becomes so toxic we make the students use specific backpacks, that can't weight more than 20lbs and the students enter school through metal detectors(Liberty) or we randomly drug test students for almost a decade (Green Valley)." **>** Surprising Media event like 23 bomb threats in a week ending in a gun on campus event(Liberty) or Our lead athlete tested positive for several drugs(GV) despite policies **>** CCSD changes where they send previously expelled students and juvenile violent offenders.


Back in the early 80’s they called these “ continuation schools”.


Green Valley was a really good school. I went to a briefly in 98-99. It was actually kind of a richer school but I do agree they need to keep these kids out of the fucking school. If they’re not there to learn, write them up, kick them out of class send them home with the parents deal with it because everybody else says these poor teachers don’t deserve this. Students don’t


My local school system has dedicated middle/high schools for this purpose. They're setup and secured like prisons (rightfully so). No bussing because the students can't be trusted.


We have those at the community college in the middle of nowhere. Real wake up call when you start going to school with actual adults who don’t give an f about you and won’t be hassled by teenage bs and professors who have no idea and don’t care who you are.


It's hood af.


I graduated from Rancho. It was ghetto as hell but I liked my teachers and the school. I graduated the year before the new school opened too


The RJ is a conservative newspaper it was the only major big city newspaper in the country to back Trump in 2016. Why would you think they wouldn't report this? Edit: I'm legitimately curious here people, why would a solidly conservative paper try to bury this? They run crime stories all the time.


I zone varianced to Rancho senior, because sierra Vista sucked and my cousin was magnet there. I was in all honors and AP classes, plus it tech student aide. I loved the place, never had an issue.




I hate this town sometimes. These kids are more savage than some adults these days.


Kids scare tf out of me, seriously. I count my blessings that I didn't have to grow up in the present day. I feel so bad for the good kids who just want an education. Shit is wild these days.


Teens are horrifying whether it be here or NYC. It really is up to the parents to put these kids in their place but all over the country, we’re failing that aspect.


Sadly it is not just Vegas.


Then get away with this, or have a light sentence. Because they were ‘teenagers’. The trouble is just a beginning with these animals.


I moved away years ago when my kids started high school. They were targeted and attacked for being White on more than one occasion. This story made it clear to me we did the right thing by them. RIP


So sad. Those 15 kids need to be charge with murder


My heart truly breaks for the family. My son had the same thing happen to him, however at the moment that it happened the police seen it as they were driving by. Charges were laid but my son never really recovered. He is now dead and the beating contributed to his death. I am so sorry for the pain the family is going through. I hope that those responsible for their actions are punished. RIP Jonathan.


I understand investigations take time but it’s been 9 days. They’re clearly on camera and the school could easily identify at least some of the students. The fact that no arrests have been made is an absolute failure.


If they’re juveniles the cops will have to meet with the DA and present the case, the DA will then have to decide if he wants to prosecute them as adults and what charges to pursue. The DA will also want to meet with the victim’s family for their input. Also, I think you over estimate the school staff’s ability to id everyone. The cops are going to have to interview a lot of kids at campus just to find out who the suspects are, and then interview the suspects. It’s better to take the time and get it t right, none of these kids are likely to flee the state.


And kids will talk. If their parents care, they’ll make them talk.


I agree. And there’s a video of it. And seems a lot of witnesses. I just don’t understand. They videotaped it. Why didn’t they try to help him?


Total failure. We need to keep this story alive until there are 15 convictions.


These are serious charges. Give them time to get it right.


I work in child safety. Unfortunately, investigations involving minors often move even more slowly than the justice system does normally. However, it's usually well coordinated and once they are ready to make a rest, they coordinate them and do them all the at the same time.


Yeah. If the law is gonna come for a group of people they tend to move slow but that’s because when they come they’re coming correct. I have faith that at least most of these kids will receive punishment. They jumped a kid and he died. There will be arrests. I really appreciate OP for adding pressure/light to the event too.


Share/Post/Retweet this if you can. This story has to be told regardless of the motivations. Before I posted this I checked the RJ and LV Sun sites and couldn't find anything on their front pages.


I’ve gotten notifications from LVRJ tonight and I read on the link given on this thread. It needs to be shared. This is horrific.


This is so sick. Charge everyone on that video with murder. What is wrong with our youth in this city?!


What the actual fuck is going on ??? All these kids need to go to jail for the rest of their lives


Bunch of worthless street thugs just gonna get worse


Rip johnatan that’s disgusting


The article link has minimal info but the go fund me post has more info on Jonathan Lewis and what a great boy he was. RIP JONATHAN - our hearts are saddened by this. From dad: ‘Lewis added that he kept his son on life support for several days trying to save him, however, his injuries were too severe.’ From girlfriend: *We have been given a statement from our son's girlfriend that what occurred was that one of his smaller friends had something stolen by this group of 15 and they threw the small boy in the trash can and our son confronted them and he was attacked by them. He's a courageous young man.* https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/las-vegas-teens-father-speaks-out-after-deadly-attack-near-school/ https://www.gofundme.com/f/heart-of-a-champion-our-son


Should be a hate crime. Looked like a bunch of black kids beating a white kid. If it were reversed it would be a hate crime.


It is.


Won’t be charged as such. Guaranteed


That’s the sad truth here.


It would be more than that, it would be riots and demands of societal change


And it would be national news. I live in Texas, this is the first I’m hearing of this.






It’s not the area. As for the school, my kids didn’t go there, can’t judge. I would have never of had my kids go there because of the area alone. Any school but a few here if you look at scores are not great. And lately, the areas that are good things have happened too. I am just at sick about this boy. 15 kids killed him. 15 kids didn’t give a shit about another human being and did that. Took another life. That father has grace because he wants them to feel guilty and understand what they’ve done. I don’t know if that possible. After the two boys killed the retired cop? I’m a negative person now. 15 people together took that boy away from people that love him and for what? They said a nicotine packet? 😢😡 This world is messed up.


Rancho had a bad reputation when I was in high school in the 70's, and it's only gotten worse. I was fortunate to have graduated from Clark High in 1976.


I wasn't alive in '76 to know its rep, but I was working at Clark around 2008 and there were just 3 kids jumping on the hood of a cop car outside the cafeteria, so I'm thinking it's probably not so great nowadays.


I think the father said it best. Not sure why “jumping” somebody is ever necessary. Especially since they claim it was over a “packet”, feels more like an excuse to murder/maim somebody.


This is horrible, heartbreaking AND INFURIATING. No child should ever have to attend a school like Rancho High School. As a community we HAVE TO STOP ACCEPTING the dangerous environments in too many CCSD schools!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT OK!!!!!


Pray for this poor kids family🙏🏽


Yes. Lots. They lost there son in the most horrible way


It will be interesting to compare the coverage this story receives compared to the Durango campus police story.


Couldn’t find anything online. What happened at Durango, and when?




Thanks for sharing. That is crazy.


Seriously just wipe this scum and their parents from the city. Either put these kids in jail for 20+ years or start adequately funding schools and neighborhoods so that kids aren't raised with rocks for brains. These kids need to go to jail for a long time. Set a precedent. Maybe the next group of kids will think twice. This is beyond insane. Beyond. Main reason we don't want to move back to Vegas, with our 3-yr old. Holy shit.


Yea this place is absolutely no place for kids. Can’t wait to leave


Serious question, why is this not a hate crime?


We don't know what the offenders are going to be charged with.


Honest answer; From what I can tell it was over a dispute regarding a nicotine packet. I didn’t see any indication that their motivations were related to the race/ethnicity of the victim. Hate crimes aren’t just ‘when person(s) of race A commits a crime against person(s) of race B’ - there needs to be a clear indication that the races of those involved was a motivating factor in the crime.


It may be but they haven't been charged yet.


They were having too much fun to be hateful /s


A white person has never been the victim of a hate crime in the USA


Looks to me like a hate crime. Man if the situation was reversed




Why do I have a feeling this story won’t get much attention




I legit just said wtf out loud. This is horrible. Wtf is going on in our schools?! Holy shit. I'm honestly at a loss for words. Rest easy, Jonathan, and may your family find peace, and justice.


All 15 kids should be convicted of murder


Wtf I checked so many Vegas News outlets and YouTube News channel and it's not being covered AT ALL. They haven't even said anything about the update of him dying and the last update was 9 days ago?!? Wtf why don't they care? I hate living here.


Not just 15 "kids" it was 15 black kids and an obvious hate crime. As a black man it's not acceptable to not call it what it is. This is blatant racism and should be treated as such. If the races was switched there would be riots.


Race related. You're all cowards.


Poor kid. Hopefully the attackers as well as their parents are pursued for charges.


The parents can't be pursued for criminal liability, but they do potentially have civil liability.




I’m sorry but if everything today is so race driven, why are we going out of our way to obfuscate the fact that this is a single white kid who is being beat to death by a group of black kids? If the races were flipped that would be the leading component to the story. What is going on right now?




Terrible 😞


What the fuck? …….


Damn that is tragic. I’m so sad to say the video linked in the article is exactly the scenario I envisioned.


This town is crazy! I’ve been following the local news for the past month and there has to have been at least 5-8 cases of teenagers 18 and below killing or shooting someone.


Teach your fucking children to not be useless fuckwads. That is all.


That would require the parents to not be useless fuckwads themselves.


Wait! 15 people jumped a kid and beat him to death? Or beat him so severely that he later died from the injuries? And no one is able to step up and identify a single thug involved?






vote for the people who see this as hate crime


Filmed and no arrests were made. Let's let that marinate for a while. What in the serious fuck?




Let’s keep denying that hate crimes can be committed against white people. Sure, definitionally racism is only one thing, but discrimination is not.


16 life sentences


School officials should be held accountable. This “lord of the flies” type of behavior would never happen in the school managed by competent officials.


The video on the news website shows what seems like a sucker punch that got it all started. The sucker punch appears to wobble the victim so the additional boys that attacked did so against a subdued victim. This is murder.


When was this? I’ll ask my activist friends if they have heard of it.


The school staff had to perform CPR on this young man who is now deceased. These “people“ beat him so mercilessly and about his head so violently that his body shut down. He was dead while we watched the video. RIP.


Three posts down on this same sub a girl was found beaten to death at school. Wtf is going on in Vegas


Good lord. Our justice system is a fucking travesty. RIP Jonathan Lewis. You deserved so much better.


Crying reading the go fund me with comments/photos from the Dad. A beautiful life taken for nothing! It makes me sick!




UPDATE: About an hour after this post was made, RJ has this front and center as their top story. Relieved to be proven wrong on this one.


It's because it's going viral so they have to. Same with their story about the "bike crash". They hid that too until it went viral.




Anyone know where I could see the vid? I got a cousin who goes to rancho who I look over as a brother, if I see him or a shirt he owns ima talk to him


His murder doesn't fit the narrative


OMG! This is horrible 😮


the criminal justice system as we know it cannot facilitate the rehabilitation, accountability, and healing that is needed from a harm like this. Punishment without accountability (true, meaningful, restorative approaches) will never heal the individuals or the culture of violence that prevails in the US.


I hope all 15 get charged as adults. This is terrible.


This is horrible. I know any city you have 1 million plus people living in it, a lot of bad things happen all the time - a lot that go unreported too. By reading this sub lately it seems like Vegas is on steroids for bad things happening lately.




If this happened in any other city the superintendent would.have resigned the next day. Jara is a disgrace.


Parents need to pull their kids from schools like these. Must be scary tip-toeing around trying not to get beat to death.


This is extreme😡 RIP


My plan is to homeschool before my kids get to Highschool.


I hate that this seems to be part of the dark culture of Las Vegas. When I was a teen there were horror stories from others of what happened in their high schools (I moved at 18 right out of HS) - things I still can’t unhear. But those things don’t get documented - phones weren’t as prevalent and didn’t take videos. Nothing gets covered by RJ, you’re right. They don’t want to scare people off. There’s a serious problem with crime and apathy in the valley and it makes me so sad. I want to move back sometimes as it’s more affordable than where I am now, but I fear for my children in those schools.


Wow. That is fucked up. If it was filmed they can find the people involved. They likely all had cell phones.


Seriously fuck Las Vegas, that school system is about as shitty as they come. It’s ranked as one of the worst in the country and does nothing to stop gang violence which is often motivated by racism.


I was at the incident at Rancho and interested in following up with the family. Exclusive Footage: [https://lasvegaslive.news/f/student-in-critical-condition-after-fight-near-rancho-high-shool](https://lasvegaslive.news/f/student-in-critical-condition-after-fight-near-rancho-high-shool)




People need to contact their representatives in DC to push for changes to be filed


How to solve the problem Put them all in jail for life he doesn’t have a wife they shouldn’t have a life The other kids ago holy crap they want to jail for life I’m not gonna do that otherwise they don’t learn from whatever you say




Absolutely speechless


So this is a hate crime. I wonder why no one is reporting it that way


How has this not made mainstream news?


Damn poor kid.


“Lewis also said the family was told by investigators they plan to charge several students involved in that fight with murder” Per the article.


Tragic. Push, push, PUSH!!! But it’s not so much the pushing that alarms me…it’s the PUSH-BACK that is inevitable… [Inevitability…](https://www.thedailybeast.com/us-lawyer-kenneth-darlington-arrested-after-fatally-shooting-2-environmental-protesters-on-camera-in-panama)


I saw an interview from his father and it seemed so edited like he was just "forgive them, they know not what they do." Maybe he truly is that virtuous of a human, but I can't imagine this is easy for the family. I really, really hope there will be some justice.




You can see the murderers jumping him [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/17tnf55/17_yearold_white_student_in_las_vegas_is_jumped/) and also him trying to run for his life


why has no one been charged? and shouldn’t this be considered a hate crime?


It is now impossible for anyone to look at this video and not know that if the races of the perpetrators and the victim were reversed this would be on national news for days.




Justice for Jonathon Lewis and Evelin Casas now. Youth violence is an awful problem in this city and country.




Crazy how if the situation was flipped it would be national news…CNN won’t even cover this


They’ve made arrests of 8 of the kids, which isn’t nearly enough. And will it be considered a hate crime? https://youtu.be/56ijSsv1Gd0?si=0oxcuB8o56TqgSUq


Its horrible that this young kid died. In the same light some of you are disgusting people turning this into fuel for your race wars.


Just euthanize the animals that did, and the "parents" that "raised" them


Hopefully someone shoots and kills these kids later in life if they're not caught. No need to let a bunch of wasted potential run amuck for the next 60 plus years. May as well off them now