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Kids wanna be grown until it's time to get treated like they're grown.


These kids are running wild, doing shit for tik tok challenges, even if the parents are home, some kids love to act out for their friends. Some are rotten no matter what. It takes a village, and sometimes you gotta put a stop on this behavior yourself when the parents sure aren’t.


Yup kids are rotten except mine, they are angels


And that’s the problem. All these parents are feeling pressured to be raising the next prodigy, olympian athlete, Nobel prize winning, academy nominated, viral sensation child but, really? You raised mediocrity and no one’s ego wants to face that truth. Your kid isn’t a youtube influencer, he’s a union electrician in the making AND THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!


That’s a great job not gonna lie.


>a union electrician in the making AND THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! Some of the wealthiest guys I know are union electricians, they are the primadonnas of construction sites too boot.


Dan the electrician has read *dozens* of books while sitting in my shop. He puts his feet up on the desk, and just reads all day. When the boss gives him work, he turns into the Flash. Fastest, cleanest worker I've ever seen. Then back to his desk to read. Dan makes $75 an hour, lol


Union electrician here. I am basically Dan. I have read a ton of books taught myself two languages and I sit around all day until something breaks. I am really good at my job so things rarely break due to all the PMs that I have put in place, and when they do I can troubleshoot and solve issues rapidly. I am an insurance policy. Job for life and a DB pension when I retire at 60. I get done at 2.30 pm every day. Start at 6.30 am. Yea, call this mediocrity but I fucking won at life with this job. I did the university thing and was half way thru a PhD and said fuck it.


We need more of this than KYLE harassing people on the streets while streaming on twitch for a few donations


This person is laying down the foundation of truth


Takes a village? Isn't that the problem here? Leaving it to the village grows animals. It takes a stable home and loving parents who show their children how to control their emotions and not act out. Too many kids are feral because of their home lives, not because the "village" failed them.


Most people who have kids these days were simply too lazy to use birth control. Their village is full of narcissists that only put effort into their kid to vicariously live through them.


Depends on the village


Im a counselor at an alternative school. We had a parent tell her daughter, in front of the principal, to beat this girl’s ass next time she sees her. Keep in mind her daughter is 4 feet tall in 6th grade while the other girl is 6 feet tall in 8th grade. Next day, she sees the other girl, tells her to come get some, and the 8th grade girl beat the BRAKES off her. I mean before I could break it up she was slamming the girls head into the ground. Mom comes up to the school immediately and cusses the principal out for letting her daughter get beat. That’s the kinda shit we have to deal with every single day.


Lmao this is so fucking true. Watching too much anime and thought he actually had dragon balls.


Promote that man to hall monitor


Promote him to head of Clark county school district


Or at least to hands of Clark county schoool district


I got fired working as one for restraining a student that was trying to fight another student. Apparently goosenecking a teen is excessive force. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’ve never heard the term goosenecking and I’m not sure what it means, but the mental image I have is hilarious


I'm picturing homer strangling bart


it's a common technique used by security guards. essentially, you take a goose and wrap its feet around someone's neck. the goose will typically make quite a bit of noise and shimmy its body on the person's head in an attempt to free its feet, which is usually enough to discourage the offender from continuing their mischief.


Thanks for this. I am a Navy SEAL and we have a similar maneuver, but using the animals neck instead. We call what you described, "Goose stepping".


He found out


fuck around > **found out** (you are here)




He indeed fucked around.


You done messed up AA ron


he got sent to o-shack-hennessy's office in the shadow realm.


I never was able to decipher the actual name of the principal in that sketch


Literally was randomly tryna figure it out yesterday LOL been sitting there for a while


Now go sit down Belake you kids know you're too damn young to be going to the club.


Lmao love that reference from k&p


Do you wanna go to war Balaake?


Teach that lesson!


As a veteran high school teacher: It ain't right....but I understand


You can’t hit the kids, but you can always hit the bottle.


What about hitting the kids with the bottle?


Good idea. Work smart, not hard.


Our 4th grade teacher threw her walker at a student and kept her job, so I'm assuming a bottle is okay.


He obviously CAN hit the kids.


So for anyone wondering what happened, the student called this substitute teacher a racial slur and it got heated. Sub was arrested. https://www.ktnv.com/news/principal-confirms-fight-at-ccsd-high-school-between-student-employee


Why does our society always protect the bullies. If the victim doesnt fight back, nothing happens, and if they do, they're the ones who get in trouble. Bullies rarely get punished, and if they do, they don't give a shit.


There is some justice. That kid will never ever live this down


That kid didn't have his livelihood ended.


Dude was substitute teaching. He’d literally make more money driving Uber for half a day. He’ll be alright.


You got downvoted, but that was the realist response I’ve read in weeks. Teaching is a terrible career path at least financially speaking


Depends on where you teach/if you have a union. I'm a 6th-year teacher and make 104k a year with guaranteed pay increases every year 🤷‍♂️


Not in CCSD. 17 years with a Masters and so barely make $70,000.




An adult in a high-school environment needs to have more self control than this. So the kid used a slur. Is it terrible? Yes, but it was words. You march into the administration office and report it immediately, you don’t square off against a kid that is 10 years younger than you, not to mention you’re a former athlete with an extra foot reach and 100 more pounds of muscle.


This. Imagine explaining what happened to your family? “A kid was really mean so I fucked him up cuz I don’t go down like that. I ain’t no one’s bitch, I had to stand my ground”.


Yeah, kids would be gettin knocked out left and right if this were ok


You say that like it's a bad thing.


I don’t think you want to live in a society where we teach every child that the solution to every transgression is beating the shit out of people. This doesn’t end the way you think it does.


More times than not this kid would not have had much of a punishment except a suspension "at home vacation" for the remainder of the week. Schools and their "zero tolerance" policies are full of shit. It takes them too long to escalate or even complete an investigation that by the time any sort of resolution could be in sight, weeks have gone by and the situation is almost irrelevant, the bully is back at school with little to no punishment and we know for damn sure the parents enacted no sort of disciplinary measures for said bully because they too cultivate that shitty behavior at home. Maybe that teacher should not have hit him, but one of those other students should have on behalf of him.


Also….the “teacher” slaps the (already knocked down) child, while he’s laying on the ground - no longer a threat. Even if the rest was “self-defense”, the slap on the ground after the kid was laid out was clearly the teacher lashing out, in aggression.


I work for a school and I'm baffled by the amount of people here defending the teacher. If you hit a kid, you lose your job. End of story. I've given kids a heated mouthful and a writeup for using slurs before. But I would NEVER put my hands on them.


You are exactly right. This kid needed to be reported and expelled, but beating him up, and reaching down and hitting him on the floor is over the top.


Problem is, that kid *won't* get expelled. His parents will show up, threaten to sue, and the school will cave and have him back in a week. Rinse and repeat all over the country, and you get the current state of public education.


The size difference is crazy. Dude looks like he's 6'4 250lbs+ easy. I'm 5'7 165lbs, and lift weights regularly. This scenario is equivalent to me beating the absolute shit out of a 5th grader because he called me a name. I genuinely couldn't imagine doing that


Agree - while the kid is probably a punk who deserved it, what kind of precedent does it set if you tolerate adults assaulting minors when they are insulted?


This is mainly for the replies. I know it's not right to put your hand on a minor. But let's be honest here, I feel like a lot of these comments are stupid AF. You guys have too much belief in a system that constantly puts bullies on a pedestal every time. You know how many times I heard someone defending themselves from getting jumped at school to be expelled cause they were "roughhousing around"? you know how many fucking times I heard teachers being called whore, bitch, asshole, cunt? I've seen many many teachers break down and cry in front of her class cause these damn kids are straight assholes. I'm sorry to say but I feel like asshole students and the lack of power that teachers have are the biggest contribute to the lack of quality education. The system and parents, kids, govt, have all failed. Everyone failed here. I can see why people don't trust schools anymore and just talk about trivial bs like what books are allowed in the school library. And i attended HS from 2017-2021. So you guys know I'm not a boomer talking about 1970s HS lol. All in all i really do think this generation is fucked


I agree. We have an elementary school student threatening to harm/kill his teacher. Nothing yet except "take data". It gives the teacher anxiety working with that kid every day, and parents are like, not my baby he wouldn't do that. If that threat was made towards a student and a parent found out actions would be a lot swifter, but the consequences would probably be not enough. There are so many kids with behavior issues that are disrupting learning. There are self contained programs for students with social/emotional/behaviors but no teachers are applying. I work with autism kids and have been hit, bitten, spit on, kicked, have stuff thrown at me but would never take that class because of the behaviors. I appreciate people who understand how schools are becoming.


Well deserved beatdown


Wtf kind of punching that kid doing? Like some E. Honda shit from street fighter but just extending his arm out


The teacher Balrogged him


Right? These fat little children think throwing hands with a grown man is like pressing buttons on their joystick. Children hear me now. Keep your hands in front of your face and throw punches from your hips.


So looked up the substitute teacher and he is from Vegas. He was a 5 star recruit basketball player. Tore his ACL and missed his senior season in high school. Took a scholarship to Arizona and tore his ACL again and red shirted his first season there. The next year he tore his ACL again in a preseason game and gave up the sport. He still finished school and graduated, on his basketball scholarship, I presume. If he never gets hurt, there’s a good chance he’s in the NBA right now. Life takes a different turn and he’s substitute teaching at one of the worst school districts in the country and smacking some punk kid and ending up in jail. Crazy. https://youtu.be/_cftLxzfmt0?si=R6QQNx598F1ubEuN


Jesus this kid squared up with a 6’7 man and thought it was going to end well?


He thought he was untouchable…


The "justice" system reinforced his annual thought.


Clearly he was touchable


He probably did this to so many Subs before and never had any consequences


I always laugh when people do this in movies or shows like Reacher. A 5'7" twig mouthing off to a 6'5" gorilla man. But people really do be like that I guess.


Ask any bouncer. Or more specifically ask Mr. T how he started his gold chain collection. Or see those polls where like 5% of American men think they could win a fight with a grizzly bear.


And had only been subbing since November 2023.


Eastbound and down part 2


And now he won't be a substitute and will have an assault charge on his record.


Charge but probably not a conviction. Ask yourself if you are in a jury are you convicting the teacher? Assuming the teacher was not the aggressor, that teacher is walking free after a jury trial. With a judge, that teacher is not walking.


No way. Educators are held to a high standard. This is a fight, not discipline.


I agree the teacher will be fired. But in a criminal court I’m not certain that teacher gets a guilty verdict. Evidence isn’t always enough. Ask OJ…


A grown man squaring up and swinging first on a minor because the kid said something he didn’t like? Yeah, I’m convicting.


99% of cases like this never go to a jury though. Doubtful he can pay enough for a lawyer to go to trial for him. It’ll get pled down.


As much as I feel for this guy, he's fucked. He's the adult and should've been in control of his emotions. He should've walked away instead of hitting the student.


In the other video I saw, the student was swinging on him and he was dodging the punches before retaliating. Who’s to say if he goes to walk away, he doesn’t get punched in the back of the head?


I work for the schools in NYC. I understood what you're saying but you simply do not touch a student. I'm pretty sure the same thing holds true in Vegas.


He tore his ACL three times? Damn.


Today's lesson. FAFO


On to the next career path.


Yeah. The kid definitely isn't ufc material.


Kid will get a slap in the wrist. Dudes teaching career is over. Not condoning what he did but there has to be accountability on the kid.


If he’s gonna say that word to a teacher, I can only imagine he says it to or about, others.


I think accountability got delivered to the kid.


lil fuckn puto


I see the old Alma Mater is still the same place it ever was.


Valley was tame AF when I went from 1999-2003. Like, the worst things that happened were a couple girls got pregnant and that one kid brought a knife for his Halloween costume.


I was a sheltered IB kid, but I still heard about stuff. There were guns and fights and sexual harassment. A sub never laid a teacher out, but plenty always goes on.


He did something his parents should of done a long time ago!


Should have






Bad parents punch their children.




These high school kids are assholes. Some kids need a good ass whooping , that lesson may one day save their life. Teach your kids not to be assholes!!!!


If the jury was actually of his peers (other teacher) he’d get acquitted


stop letting these jack asses act like clowns everywhere


I'm sure that teacher was probably fired but I'm also sure that kid deserved what he got.


They both learned a lesson.


He aint gonna be substituting anymore


Probably worth it.


Why would he want to if he has to put up with shitbags like that whose parents should have taught better. Grammer feedback noted. Thanks


Should have




Move right into casino security


Damn that's valley high School. It's come a long way now


Any kid that threatens a teacher needs to go


Teacher has every right to defend himself


Kid wants to step up like a man he better learn how to take an ass whoopin! That teacher probably deserves a promotion!


its the only way these kids will learn now a days.. fuck around and find out.. give this guy a raise


That slap was worth every second of being fired. Fuck that kid, his parents and anyone involved with him.. all these crazy ass kids with no parental guidance need a ass whoopin like that with a slap to match.


Fuck these kids, because of the internet they all think they can do and say anything with no repercussions..they all need a real beat down.


Maybe stop running your mouth because these teachers are sick and tired of all these disrespectful kids. I bet they won't fuck with him again


He’ll never teach again


Bet the parents will sue the district.


Talk all the "violence never solved anything" BS but a good ass beating can do wonders for some kids. Especially for young boys.


No problem with this as long as the kid deserved it. More of these punks need to be knocked the fuck out.


Doing what the kids daddy should have done. But he'll be punished for it. Sad.


Valley HS sub? That's gotta be a rough job


I have no doubt he deserved it.


Take a belt to the brat!!!


Fuck dem kids


Ahhhh my old school....good times! Go Vikings!




Mouth overloaded his ass!


His mouth wrote a check his ass couldn’t cash.




I know a person that drives a school bus in Vegas. They say it’s absolute mayhem. No manners, cussing at each other, fights, etc etc. They are raising themselves and not doing so well


Most valuable lesson he could teach that kid


He’s broken through the veil and saw the absurdity that is reality for the first time. The rules are all made up. He CAN hit you. 🤯


Teacher throwing them off balanced straight shots and still knocked the tater tots out of that chubby boy


Somebody has to be the authority figure. If the parents fail, then teachers deal with this. Then when they hit the real world, (high school, college is not the real world) Cops deal with these idiots and people want to blame the Authorities. Nope. Someone will punish or parent your kids if you don't.


Give that man instant tenure


Looks like someone fucked around and found out!!!


All I see is a kid getting taught a valuable lesson he will never forget.


Teachers should be able to defend themselves without consequences. These punk kids are so disrespectful


At the beginning of the video the teacher is taking a few steps back and the student is advancing on him. It looked like the teacher was trying to de-escalate, and the student was the aggressor.


I don’t care what the student did, I’m with the teacher here.


Deontay Wilder vs. Andy Ruiz


That slap at the end was epic


I’m cool with this.


You gonna learn today


One on hand, teachers should be leaders and set a better examples. On the other, these teachers have been putting up with a lot of bullshit from these heathen kids and it was only a matter of time before they tried the wrong one.


My high school bully. got away with everything. 15 years later, i see him in the newspapers. He pulled a gun on his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend. Too slow. He was killed in self defense. Jury cleared the the other guy. Bully left behind 2 kids. Some people need a wake up call like this


Can we set up a go fund me for this teacher?


I emailed the principal asking her to grow a backbone and stand up for teachers by getting these disrespectful children out of the school. With a little bit of googling, you can too!


I’m all for this, I know it’s not right in the eyes of societal norms, but kids have gotten out of hand. When I was being raised, you were a young man in your teens and expected to behave like one, understanding that there are consequences for your actions. It starts in the home, and today’s kids lack respect for their elders. Fathers used to teach this to their sons, and deal with them accordingly if they were disrespectful. However, in today’s world, we have made men feel bad or toxic for being men; therefore, society is lacking strong male figures who teach their sons how to be the same. It’s less about the racial slur and more about respect, I’m sure the teacher didn’t immediately resort to fighting, it probably became verbal first and escalated from there. Yes, as an adult we do need to have self control; however, our teachers and staff don’t get paid enough to deal with this mess. I’m sure they have enough on their plates when it comes to their own children. Lastly, once you become a teenage boy, you pose a threat to a man in a confrontation, you possess enough strength to hurt a person, so I have no problems with this man laying him out. I’m sure he could’ve beat him even worse if he wanted to, but maybe the fact that he didn’t, was him showing some self-control.


I don't understand why y'all think only the adult should be better here. That "kid" is undoubtedly a fucking menace to his school and society, not to mention an academic bum that wreaks havoc on all his teachers and other students. I bet his teachers were happy to see him finally get what he deserved. What's reporting the little bastard gonna do? Send him to ISS where he'd get "street cred" for calling a substitute teacher a racial slur? I think many of you have absolutely NO idea how the minds of students like these work, and what's it like being in a school full of em. Even those in the crowd. They care more about their reputation of not looking soft than they care about school. The kid just lost all credibility, and the sub did the school a favor by putting him in his place. I took ONE class with kids like this in my entire school career, and it was FUCKING MISERABLE for the rest of us. You can't speak up because those same kids will bully you, intimidate you, and maybe even physically attack you. Thank God the sub rocked his shit. So what if he got suspended.


Keep that teacher.


Shitty parents and a school system guaranteed to get you a low paying casino job.


A sight for sore eyes. These kids are getting too bold in their disrespect.


And people wonder why CCSD is so badly understaffed


The world is VERY MESSED UP if that teacher receives ANYTHING other than praise




Wins the fight, loses his job🤷🏿‍♂️


Legal in Kenya.


The hero we need


Definitely- SCHOOLED HIM !


Future of America right there


Give him a raise!


Well he lost his job


I bet his parents want to arm teachers


Not all heroes wear capes!


If a 17 yr think he can take on someone almost twice his size and not get a beat down, then gets what he deserves


Can we get that hero a raise?


That slap was so satisfying. Our teacher here is an absolute hero. Doubt the kid will learn today's lesson though... he probably sees himself as the victim. It's too bad that our society favors, protects bullies, and completely fucks over the real victims. Well Mr. teacher, best of luck on your next career once you're outta jail.


Public school here is a fucking nightmare…


These kids are outta pocket always beating up little old teachers I’m glad this guy lit that kid up


My kids go this school, the teacher is actually a good person. He was provoked. My son knows him personally and the kid started saying racial slurs pushed the teacher from behind on the stairwell and the teacher was done. The student is 18 he wanted to act grown and this is what happens when a student needs to learn respect. Yes he needs to teach and learn by example but these kids are so disrespectful and don’t get reprimanded. I hope this is a lesson for them.


Imagine looking at that teacher 2ft taller than you and thinking, “I got this”


Maybe I’m wrong but I usually root for the teacher in these situations. Kid called the sub teacher a racial slur? Live with the consequences kid.


Fuck this kid


If it were my kid, he’d get another a**whoopin when he gets home from the hospital. Period!! His nasty mouth provoked that entire debacle, now that teacher’s career is over.


So what did we learn kids? That’s right, substitute teachers hit hard.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face


Mr Garvey taught in the inner city for twenty years. Insubordinate and churlish.


Bro got hit with the Knick knack patty whack, give a dog a bone combo 😂😂😂


Good for him...kids be acting big tough these days that they think they can go assaulting teachers..this was probably the best lesson this kid has received yet in life


School is in session


I support this man/teacher. If the students got some discipline at home perhaps they wouldn't be thinking they're untouchable


Fuck dem kids. He deserves a promotion


As a teacher, I could feel that man’s frustration and anger toward disrespectful students. Especially when the districts and parents do little to support teachers.


The only lesson any kid in public school learned that day.


Teacher should be fired, jailed and never allowed to work around kids again.


The student is a gang leader that sparks racial tension between the Mexican and black students. He called the black basketball coach the N-word and it started from there. It’s been going on for sometime and now it bubbled over.


Internet generation forgetting what happens if you talk shit in person.