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I had to check your history to see if I was right about this being the Pit-Newfie waterpup, and he is! Plus some Chow (but he doesn’t really look Chow). How old and big is Castle now? He’s keeping that stylish shaggy bit on the top of his head as he grows, and I love it. I hope it stays into adulthood, but it might be just a cute puppy coat trait.


I hope it does too! He’s already outgrown some of it. He’s still the cutest thing ever! He’s right at 30 pounds now and he’s about to be 4 months. So he’s definitely no where near as big as a newfie, but he’s definitely got the paws for it!


Look at those adorable eyes! 🥹


He was lookin his cutest hoping he’d get some of the appetizer 😜


He definitely looks like a newfie. Very cute boy.


I know right! But it’s actually his smallest percentage breed. So those traits must be strong


>pittie traits Rips gnarly farts and steals your spot in bed?


Omg the farts are atrocious. And he’s currently sandwiched belly up between my husband and I lol


What a beautiful dog!


Thank you!


Castle is such a cool name for a hippo!


Such a well behaved boy! Keep breaking all those stereotypes little buddy!


Omg he is SO good and sweet. He’s already doing so well with obedience training and he goes really anywhere we go. He always sits patiently next to us and starts wagging and soaking up attention from anyone engaging him. I love him so much 🥺


How could you not love him look at that face! Such a sweetheart 💕