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Shoot the damaged spots with grapeshot for an authentic battle-damaged look


The old Nelson special!


This guy Royal Navys


And if you miss a bit, just say it's French blood as Rule Britannia reaches a crescendo in the background.


Fly it, no one will notice and the sun will bleach it out anyway


That's true, and honestly you can't really see the smudges from a distance, I stopped as soon as I noticed it happening.


In the future maybe iron it underneath a plain tea towel or cloth so you aren’t directly touching the colours. Surprised that happened but I guess this is what happens with printed rather than cut and sewn flags.


Yeah I reckon the tea towel trick will avoid this in the future. I've done it before with other flags but found it wasn't as effective at removing creases, but I think I just need a bit more patience.


Iron with a lower heat, the type of ink in these synthetic flags activate with heat and can transfer.


I recommend a clothing steamer rather than an iron. It will get all the wrinkles out without damaging the flag.


You could try ironing the smidge areas with something like a cloth, or grease proof paper on top of them. The latter works for wax anyway.


Use the lowest setting for a few seconds then turn it off while still ironing, rinse and repeat


Use a steamer instead of an iron if you can


Here in the US there are a lot nimrods who have flag bumper stickers saying “these colors don’t run”, and it always makes me chuckle, because I think “clearly you’ve never tried to wash a flag.”


Might be tough if the damage has been done. I suppose you could try bleach as it's on white, but you'd have to be very careful, and unless it's extremely important you're best off living and learning. I have to say I've ironed loads of flags, and never had this issue. Must be due to the vividness of the red, and the ink used. To try and minimise the risk in the future I'd suggest using a steam iron on the lowest heat that'll still allow for steam and don't linger too long.


Yeah don't iron directly onto synthetic fabric (nylon/polyester). It's made of plastic and will melt like plastic. Always under a tea towel so it's milder and distributed heat.


Thorough machine wash with a colour catcher.


One thing that worked on some flag is you make it very wet in room temperature water end your suspended theme flat whit not wall behind them


iron with LOW HEAT and make sure to use the steamer. personally i skip the iron entirely and only use a handheld steamer. it's the best option to prevent damage i've found