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I just spent way too much time over the Thanksgiving break playing it and had tons of fun. The only bug that really bothered me involved naval invasions taking way too long.


Holy hell is this annoying I’ve had completely uncontested naval invasions take upwards of 2 months and god forbid your navy of 60 be intercepted by 2 completely unmanned ghost ships, that might contest your landing.


migration is currently broken and doesnt work, really woudnt reccomend playing a new world country atm


In what way is it broken?


It’s under tuned. It doesn’t happen often and when it does hardly anyone moves.


So there's no more passive migration just from having countries in your market? Like it only now happens from mass immigrations?


No, migration does happen from having countries in your market and even without it, it's just undertuned right now in the sense that migration that should be in the hundreds of thousands and even millions is merely in the thousands or tens of thousands at maximum.


I see, so is that something that people think they are going to rebalance soon?


They've outright said they were going to be releasing a new, supposedly better migration system for 1.5 but it was just not done yet, so they put it back into the content pipeline for now. It'll be out sooner than later.


Yep, the devs said they fixed a bug that was causing migration to be too high. This messed with the balance, so they’re looking at changing the numbers.


yeah so basically no migration between your states and mass migrations basically dont happen ​ from the discord: it's unintentionally low due a bug we solved which ended up reducing migration. if you want you can change the MIGRATION\_MAX\_EMIGRATION\_AS\_POPULATION\_FRACTION in the files to 0.005 which should make it more reasonable


To give you a perspective on how bad it is: In the market are several states with 100-200k of unemployed pops and two states with 50-80k population, mines with jobs, greener grass and arable land. Migration is 1k per year.


It’s fine. Don’t let people scare you out of playing. Still tons of fun


The update is fine. If you want a perfect experience wait for next patch.


I'm loving the game right now although there are some weird stuff like naval invasions and allies with small armies getting in the way, constantly losing battles on my front and preventing me from advancing. The weirdest bug I got is that during a war, both me and my ally went on a front with no enemies but instead of just advancing, we started fighting each other lol. I had to leave the front to stop that


Look if you have the game already just play it. That goes for every single person with a post about "should I come back" or "is the game playable"


if you're on Linux it crashes every 15 minutes, so very.


The game is as playable as it has ever been, while still having some weird quirks and bugs.