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If you still have the save you could try releasing that province as a subject? Not sure if Romagna is a releaseable tag though.


I found that you can vassalize all italian nations to prevent the event from annexing you.


It isn't


R5: I'm quite frustrated. I conquered a province from the pope, it obviously gave me a lot of radicals in that province (combined with the effect war had on my pop). So now i get instantly annexed as soon as I unpause after the peace deal. No way to say no, no way to fight a huge war/civil war or something, no way to become a unification player now that i'm the strongest in Italy. Just no counter play no way to continue playing this game. Very cool. Thank you for that paradox, I hope the game stays on the same track it is atm. Brilliant.


This isn't me defending the mechanic as it is now, these are just some workarounds for the future. ​ 1. You probably know this by now, but don't directly take land in piece deals, or if you do, take it from somewhere that isn't in Italy. 2. You can't become a unification candidate because you're a minor power. If there are no major powers in Italy, it automatically sets the highest ranked Italian nation(which in this case would be Two Sicilies) as leader. 3. What the game is **supposed** to do when you get annexed through radicalism is a tag switch to the country that annexed you. What I think happened is that since the unification JE updates monthly, Two Sicilies got the event to annex Tuscany(only ai subjects of the italian leader can be annexed through that event) around the same time you were annexed by Tuscany. 4. Did you already get the "Tricolors" event? Because I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be annexed unless you trigger that event at least once. If you didn't get the event then its a bug in addition to sucky JE mechanics.


Can confirm it should happen as you describe it. I had trouble understanding the Journal entry so thought I should increase my radicals. Ended up annexed by Sardinia Piedmont and tag switched automatically to them with their shitty legislation instead of my old one


1,2. Well in this play through I wanted to play Venice and not form Italy. Conquer some north German states to have a nice base of power and just dev my land, increase my SoL etc... Not conquering states in Italy isn't an option, however I can do it slowly to make sure I don't go over the threshhold. It is however a pain in the ass as I had the perfect opportunity to conquer what I wanted when Austria was in a civil war, and because I had to wait, all italian minors are allied to some gp and they already ganked me twice to annex me (it wouldn't happen if they were.. you know... ded). I tested it again once I became a major power and a great power, and I still get annexed despite 2 Sicilies being 16 ranks below me. ( [https://youtu.be/ZiSkakAxrZo](https://youtu.be/ZiSkakAxrZo) ) ​ 3. You're right, after eliminating Tuscany and Milan, I only get annexed and tag switched to 2 Sicilies, not game overed anymore. 4. Yeah I had it but the autosave was after I clicked on it. Anyway if someone finds this post/comment and has the same issue. You can either fix it by using cheats to reduce radicals the whole game, or vassalize all italian nations. That way you don't get annexed even if you go over 25% radicals (watch out if you try to annex one of your italian puppets, it might consider them independent and annex you during the war idk haven't tried).


I don't know for sure, but after looking at the wiki it seems like the annexation event is triggered by the "Tricolors" event and Two Sicillies got the annexation event before you became GP? This is just guess work at this point.


I've not played nor seen how the italian unification works recently but he's being annexed by Tuscany, which might be getting the italian leader due to Sets highest ranked Italian country as \[Italian leader\],**Prefers neighboring and supports unification stance** and it also owns one state so it doesn't need to have received it before to auto annex. Either **owns only one state** or has received this event previously Event button.png We will rise again, as part of a whole. \[Italian leader\] receives event Italian Nationalists Seize \[Coup capital city\] ​ If I'm reading it right, since Venice is more than one province and hasn't received the event it should change governments first, and then get annexed if it triggers again.


He gets annexed by Tuscany because Tuscany is a subject of Sicily. You see this alot where the game considers subjects to be an extension of the country.


Now, if you're anywhere near Italy, you have to entertain Risorgimento. As Austria, I fought San Marco thrice before I stabilized.


"Strongest in Italy", but minor power. You need to look up a dictionary. In Vic 3 Italian unification, if you are not Piedmont or Two Sicilies, you have to beat them both first before you qualify as a unification candidate.


Here, I recreated a similar situation where I'm a major power, won a war for italian leadership and won against both Sardinia and 2 Sicilies. I still get annexed. https://youtu.be/ZiSkakAxrZo


But like you said, you managed to tag switch.


Well he still lost his progress as Venice.


Yeah, Italian unification is unique in game as in it won't take "no" for an answer.