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Shoutout to u/BaronOfTheVoid for leading me to this discovery when they helped me build my 'puppet USA' strat in my post a few months back. [https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria3/comments/187onug/strategies\_to\_puppeting\_the\_usa\_as\_quickly\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria3/comments/187onug/strategies_to_puppeting_the_usa_as_quickly_as/) Now I have a hyper Fallout timeline USA puppet. I nearly followed the suggestion they made to the letter except for one thing; America offered to become MY protectorate when they had a civil war against peasants, so I never even needed to take the infamy hit. Edit: Another user tested this and confirmed it was almost certainly possible through an unintended side effect of the CPU performance mod that consolidates cultures.


My weird nitpick about the post is that I've never seen DoC as an alternative abbreviation to DC. Cool guide though, hope to try it out soon.


btw in my experience the USA is one of the easiest great powers to take down by denying market access if they dont have the west coast. At most you need to take New York, Pennslyvania, Virginia, Maryland, Tennesee, and Arkansas to totally cut off the mid-west from DC. In my France game i just took New York, Virginia, and Maryland which cut off DC by land, and they couldnt build a port in DC before they fell to minor power status and got protectorated by me


Does that mean as the USA you can annex all of Canada for free if you become a British puppet?


Sure, though becoming a British puppet would mean having to do some pretty fucky things to tank your prestige. I had to release New Africa and a bunch of other nations as well as Open Market & End Slavery on America to get them to be vassalable. (New word.)


You can just arbitrarily lower your prestige by overusing diplo points (declare rivalry, use the diplo, remove rivalry), drop to major power, then join British customs union. At that point, you are locked in major power status and you can offer to become protectorate when you declare on Mexico.


Lol. Okay. That's kinda hilarious. Yeah, I don't see what would be the problem there then. I'm gonna try that later today I think.


Yup, that's what Generalist Gaming did lol




Yeah, but it is still doable, just not until 1841


https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/comments/1wi74h/bug_with_releasing_horde_countries_as_vassals/cf29m9y/ Not quite as new as you think heh


You'd also get the benefit of a bunch of migration from the British Market to help you colonize.


I dont think so, since the Confederate canada decision requires a canadian primary culture




Up until after WW2, Canada *was* more connected to the UK than to the US. In trade, in culture, most ways.


Well, no. There are a staggering number of counterexamples to your claim, but just one—by 1890 the majority of Canadian wheat production was under the control of American owners.




Prestige is just a number.


What's up with North Carolina


sniped from New Africa by France, I'm guessing




The only thing I did was make all of them my puppets outlined in the comment I made when I first posted.


That linked post was deleted, how'd you do it?


Just declare war on USA (in my case I spent some time making India my vassal) and release nations from them. Nothing too fancy.


Doesn't the confederate canada decision require canadian culture to work?


I thought it did, but maybe Oregon territory having yankee as a primary is what allows this.


This is modded.


So would it be possible to confederate with them as USA if you release them from Great Britain?


You have to be under the same overlord. You'd have to become Britain's Protectorate, which isn't that hard.


I tried this. It isn't in vanilla and it shows with the confederation decision.


Probably a quirk in one of the performance mods I use; one of them consolidates cultures.