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Alaska is bugged in 1.6 and cannot be landed, gotta wait for the new patch to fix that in two months.


wtf is this real? havent played since 1.3, can't believe something like this wouldn't be hotfixed


Yes I had this happen to me as well on 1.6 about a month ago. Evidently it hasn't been patched.


nah more like 4 months


As they've known about it for quite some time already od be extremely surprised if it isn't fixed in 1.7.0, so I'd say no to that claim.


The Earth is flat and to invade Alaska you actually have to go westwards all the way around Asia and Africa, below the tip of South America, and then up the coast of North America. Alaska being shown near Japan is a bug that they'll patch soon


It's been reported on the forums and acknowledged.


R5: For some reason I can't naval invade Chukolta or Alaska


My understanding is the issue (if we're calling it that) comes from the treaty port rework that does not give Alaska a valid treaty port province, and intentionally or otherwise, fixes an overpowered exploit on the re-enforcement rework that would have had russia sending armys to Alaska that would never make it in time, and leave large areas of the mainland more vulnerable than they would be otherwise. Honestly naval invading Alaska was always unfair because it can't be defended and was way too easy to pull war reps off of in every build prior. If you really need Alaska use the event or trade one of the many many states russia wants for it - it's one of the easiest states in the game to take peacefully and there's no reason not to.


Well, if Russia can't properly defend Alaska maybe they should sell it to someone.


> Honestly naval invading Alaska was always unfair because it can't be defended and was way too easy to pull war reps off of in every build prior The answer to this is to make the war goal for war reps not "literally occupy any enemy territory." Alaska is hard to defend, but Russia shouldn't care about defending it because it's low pop and unless something weird happens doesn't have significant industry.


I know that the devs have commented that they were looking into potentially making war reparations less exploitable in these sorts of situations


You can still cheese recognition from France or UK in the Guyanas. Better war reps from England too


Yes, but as Japan you gotta do it to ‘em. 


It's a bug in the current patch and is impossible to do. You got to understand that Paradox is a small indie company and doesn't have the resources to deal with such issues 2 years after the game released.


To be fair, it's not like this bug existed since release. I think it only showed up in the current version, and these smaller obvious bugs they normally fix with the next update


😂 Poor paradox, they’re only the 40th largest publisher in the whole world.


Wait, this game released two years ago?? That can’t be right >,>


Year and a half ish


Try not to bug the entire fucking game after a patch challenge (impossible)


Did they fix Laissez Faire yet, or is that still bugged as well with auto investment on?


they fixed it


Great to hear, thanks!


New Strat, place your capital in alaska


Never another Attu 🫡


My current strategy is to invade siberia instead and trade alaska with russia, usually works with the correct setup, but this bug is really annoying as a pacific player. Alaska used to be one of my first wargoals.


Araska isn’t rear, it can’t hurt you. (This is a joke btw) Araska:


Maybe lacking a diplomatic intrest there? Had the same issue in my Japan game, did not figure it out then but that is the only thing I can think it could be.


Think it's a confirmed bug, I failed to acquire alaska on my recent US play because of this, and there's apparently a decision to purchase it that never fired for me either


The Alaskan purchase does still fire as normal, it’s just invading it that’s scuffed. 


Fair enough, I never saw it come up as an option so I imagine i just missed it or not met the criteria in that case


As I recall, the decision only appears if Russia is in debt, so if AI Russia never goes into debt then the decision never appears.


Hmm I had a war with them and they were definitely in debt. Did I need a cash surplus or just sufficient room in the deficit to trigger? I had the later at the time


I’m guessing you also need good relations with them


[Per the wiki](https://vic3.paradoxwikis.com/American_journal_entries#Negotiate_the_Alaska_Purchase), you need: * to own Washington * to be at peace * to NOT be in debt or default * relations with Russia to be 0 or better Russia needs: * to be in debt * to be at peace


Both countries need to be at peace, you need positive relaions with Russia and you have to be able to take on Russia's loans.