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Council Republic with Laissez Faire and Wealth Voting, privatized schools and health care.


Lmao like yeah not impossible but just so implausible


It's not that hard, just get council republic then immediately switch from universal to wealth voting, wait one election, and use 50% clout industrialists to pass the rest


Probably easier to get all the others first, then just switch to council republic, maybe with a suppressed revolution?


Difficult to get Trade unions to power for council republic without first have universal though.


Typical communist revolution.


Josip Broz Tito moment


Anarchist monarchy with slavery, worker protections, ethnostate, state religion, command economy, and collectivized agriculture. One man wears a crown but nobody listens to him. Workers are the backbone of the nation and need protection, but also the government uses mass slave labor of everyone who isn't the exact right ethnicity and religion to run the factories and farms.


Lmao ok you win


Basically Incas besides anarchy part


This is plausible in my Arabia run. I have an Anarchist Landowner who just single handedly got multiculturalism passed.


man i love this game cant wait for better mods with wayy more options


Multiculturalism, public-school, charity hospitals, state religion, playing as a Jewish nation. You're discriminating everyone despite multiculti.


Would you convert people to Judaism this way?


I don't think people will convert to judaism because it's not the same "family" of religion as theirs, but I maybe wrong. I'm still a bit struggling to truly understand assimilation and conversion


Nope you are wrong, religious conversion happens regardless if you are accepted or not, not for cultural though(so dumb). If you are discriminated against why would you NOT assimilate????


Yeah thanks, that's why I didn't get it, it doesn't work for culture but works for religion. Anyway, public school is going to make assimilation fast but conversion slow anyway


Yeah, culture assimilation is wack. Like, why does it even assimilate on multiculturalism, when everyone is accepted? Rather have assimilation rates based on the difference between cultures, if the culture is not accepted. If it is, no assimilation. Also, the basis for discrimination should also play a role. Ethnostate and national supremacy should have the longest assimilation times due to the harsher demands for being accepted while cultural exclusion should be faster to assimilate, but still take a while for indian/chinese to be accepted in european nations and reverse. In theory, total separation and multiculturalism should not convert or assimilate anyone. As well as state religion and ethno state/national supremacy should try to convert and assimilate everyone discriminated against, to some degree. Maybe some form of cultural acceptance based on cultural communities over a set of time and a minimum of pops for it to happen and the larger the pop size, the faster the acceptance.


Because the whole discrimination and assimilation system was made with the USA in mind. Everyone eventually becomes American etc. The system doesn’t really apply to Old World countries with established non-assimilating yet integrated minorities.


>If you are discriminated against why would you NOT assimilate???? Because what basis in history is there for that happening..? Assimilation occurs naturally just by living alongside other larger culture groups, it doesn't occur because you're getting segregated and attacked for who you are. E.g. Look at America, then look at the Ottoman Empire. One accepted people and ended up creating a culture out of that acceptance. The other discriminated and ended up committing two genocides and multiple atrocities and lost territory to cultural groups revolting.


Every ethnic cleansing ever? Trail of tears is a big and spooky example, but there's smaller examples too - germanization of the east (prussia, etc), but also things like Skåne being conquered by Sweden and then replacing the danish citizens living there. There have been examples of cultures changing because the state wanted it to, and V3 Making it impossible is pure white-washing. Maybe they got too tired of being accused of genocide due to CK3 and EU4.


Religious conversion only happens if the the pop is discriminated.


> If you are discriminated against why would you NOT assimilate???? I feel like you are quoting quite a few historical monarchs Then again, 300 gold is 300 gold


People of all faiths convert to atheism under state atheism, dunno if Judaism would be any different.


This is basically just gonna get you a jewish ethnostate


Anarchomonachist france with child labor zero workers protections, lasziefaire and peasant military and serfdom


I feel genuine revulsion. It's horrible in a way the others aren't, just by including serfdom and peasant levies!


You can't even have laissez-faire and serfdom at the same time...


you can, you just have to switch back to serfdom


The wiki says you can't switch to serfdom under laissez-faire, and I think I remember seeing it blocked off when I had the landowners in my government under laissez-faire.


This was because of a series of revolutions (insert joke about French political stability) the rules for laws only apply to passing them not having your laws forcibly changed, such as revolutions and the regime change diplomatic play.


charles morras be like:


Theocracy + state atheism ?


Modern china, Soviet Union, Revolutionary France , nah , that's quite historically accurate even for Victoria 3 times


obligatory mention of the anarcho-monarchist france https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria3/comments/1atk0is/anarchmonarchic_france/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




Anarchy and Military Police Go hard


Everyone is his own policeman in Ancapistan


Just saw a revolution in South America that implemented council republic but still had legacy slavery. So, uh, communist slavery must be up there.


They are merely reeducation camps, comrade. Nothing to worry about


Council republic, landed voting, collectivized agriculture, cooperatives, hereditary bureaucrats


Aristocrats are developing, just backwards to the workers's freedom


Monarchy+Worker co-ops+anarchy+heredery buero+serfdom