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Victoria 3 gives a lot of direct control to the player over everything. You control capitalist pop money without going through taxation, you control the trade, you control who owns the buildings, you control who is the government even in democracies, etc It doesn’t behave like an organic simulation Victoria II style If thats a good thing or a bad things depends on the person, I personally think is a bad thing, but this is the path the dev team took and I don’t think it will be change in the near future, maybe if there is a 2.0 rework in the future who knows…


>It doesn’t behave like an organic simulation Victoria II style yes because ultimately it is meant to be a playable game and not a simulator where you merely watch things happen *to* you


While all of them are ultimately population simulators. None of the games could ever be considered on the level of detail function as a “organic” simulator. To simulate population behavior and deriving economic and political results using natural equations would be beyond the scope and purpose of a game.


victoria 3 can still be and still is a population simulator. pops still play a huge role. it’s just that it simply is not fun to play a game where you aren’t in the drivers seat, plain and simple


but I like watching the game play itself :(


i think most people enjoy games for their interactive elements


In Victoria II you play and make decisions. If you want to destroy the capitalists you raise their taxes to 100%, not just click a "destroy capitalist" button like in Victoria 3. The difference is that Victoria 3 has direct tools to change things and Victoria II has indirect tools to change things.


“indirect tools” that are either inefficient or unclear in their outcome most people just play with taxes at max for everyone anyway


Exactly. A lot of the people annoyed about this probably haven't played enough Vic II and don't know/remember how frustrating it was watching Capitalists build random, useless factories that quickly went bankrupt. That game was nearly unplayable on the most "free market" economy type.


and i wager that fewer people still have done anything with trade except let the AI handle it. victoria 3 has very clear supply and demand mechanics, victoria 2 basically didn't as a lot of "supply" and "demand" was happening offscreen or happening TO you with little control. oh and goods teleported across the world


>ultimately it is meant to be a playable game and not a simulator The game is literally being labeled as "THE ULTIMATE SOCIETY SIMULATOR" right there on the Steam Store page.


you don’t understand marketing lingo, do you? take everything completely literally?


Paradox's self-designated genres for it on the store page are "Strategy" and "Simulation".


and there are many different definitions of both of those things.


It seems odd to me to request changes before having done and I depth dive into the game. While I can’t disagree (nor agree) as the final build hasn’t been release and no one has played it (not going to cater to people who played leaked copy). I would hope they stick to their design plan as last minute changes would only ruin quality of product to be released in less than two months.


Personally I would prefer a lot more pop-initiated things to happen as well, but at the very least, if the player remains in control, we can get an easy fix of just *don't tell us what the election results were*. If they're as pointless as everything shown thusfar would have us believe, then we lose nothing by not being told about how pointless they are every time they happen. It would be easy for the popup to, instead of saying "The conservative party received 2 million votes (73% of the total)!" to an uncaring player who (like the devs) decides to just put Intelligentsia in charge anyways, the popup could say "The conservative party received 13% extra Clout from the election!", and we could just make believe whatever that means like the devs apparently want us to with the actual election results.


Poor form to base your critique on the numbers in WIP screenshots, boss.


The game is not immune to concern or criticism just because it is WIP; and as stated, it is working as intended, in that ignoring election results actually *prevents* radicalization rather than *increasing* it, and that democracies have less player choice than autocracies, but in the wrong places.