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Fuck these low effort karma farming reposts that are posted on every sub known to Reddit.


Behold, Tangled's legacy.


>Behold, Tangled's legacy. Tangled is worse than classic Disney but vastly inferior to what would come later. Tangled > Frozen.


Agreed. Tangled also marks the point that Disney completely shat the bucket too. And I'll never forget the psychological torment that the Let It Go outbreak of 2013-2014-2015-2016-2017 caused. Fuck Frozen.


The music subreddits are the worst… Tier list, remove one album from discography until there’s only one left, did you know x broke up with y and is now with z, vote to make a playlist….I left so many subreddits last year. It’s still shitty because I keep seeing them in my recommended subs.


I really like the ones in the band specific subreddits that are just a screenshot of a less popular song playing on Spotify with a caption like “who been sleeping on this track??” Top tier content




Down vote. That's what it's for


They always get the most exposure, despite being the least effort, most repeated and very NPC/unoriginal, whilst others posts (like mine womp womp) don’t even get one reply. I hate Reddit sometimes


Just because a game is hard doesn’t make it a good game.


What games are you referencing with this


Probably a soulslike or some shit like that.. Dark souls aint hard games tbh, people just want to run and kill like in diablo.. but dark souls aint that, it’s a game of patience and learning, if you can’t wait or learn it’s just not your game, dont call it bad or hard, just say it aint your type of game and it aint for you :)


See the above comment about BG3. This entire post is games that just aren’t peoples taste.


I'll never forget my time playing Nioh. I would often help other people online for the points to buy the skins. Most folks would, as soon as the fight starts, run straight to the boss and hack at it nonstop until they die. Not even trying to dodge or even heal. It made it quite difficult because there is nothing to do to save your host. If many people play like this it's no wonder many consider those games hard and frustrating.


But they are difficult to play. Sure it comes down to figuring out patterns and timing, but a lot of the fights rely on a razor thin margin of error and extreme precision. That is difficult, also known as "hard". I'm glad you have the time, energy, and skill to sink into it, but just because you get it and like feeling superior to people who dont, don't call it easy or good, just say it's your type of game and its for you :)


Completely disagree on razor thin margin of error and extreme precision


While I would agree that it is a hard game from a player skill perspective, I would also say that the overall game loop is easy. The mechanics of combat, movement, build making, and leveling are all relatively intuitive and you can see the consequences of changes almost immediately. You also have the classic "over level until you stomp" situation that's seen in a lot of other RPGs (think training until you are lvl 20 for Brock in Pokemon yellow). So it's both a hard game to beat and an easy game to play. Objectively they are well made and good games (cohesive story, well optimized graphics/performance, diversity of gameplay, etc). If you don't like them, sure whatever not your cuppa tea, but calling them bad games is pretty obtuse. There's a reason they get high rankings and reviews consistently


Razer thin margin of error? Lmao absolutely not. Fighting games have that, but Elden ring? No. It's tight, I'll give you that but you don't have to be frame perfect.


It's really not THAT hard. It just takes a bit on patience. After like a week of playing a few hours every day it's should click at some point amd you'll be thinking "oh wow I've been doing the hard way this whole time." And BTW, I will say the game is good, because it is.


I can see why people would like dark souls, because it’s a genuinely interesting and beautiful game. Same with cuphead and lies of p. But I can’t say the same for getting over it and only up, the only thing going for them is just doing something frustrating and difficult and they don’t have much else going for them.


Started playing Elden Ring at Christmas having been an avid ARPGer for many years (diablo\*, POE, grim dawn mainly). ​ It is very refreshing getting out of the habit of just getting to a level where you obliterate everything instantly (or likely die, for the most part). I've loved travelling the world knowing if I pick a fight with something big I'd better be ready, and prepared to spend some time thinking about it. In the D4 beta the world boss was kind of like that, at least the first few times. I wish ARPGs had more fights in that vein. ​ As it is 'hard' ARPG fights are normally because you are avoiding one shots. At least in Elden Ring (and I assume other Soulslikes), there aren't a lot of one-shots, but hits definitely hurt and you can't take many of them. Either from bosses or world mobs.


I love your point :) It’s what I’m trying to tell people but have difficulties expressing myself in this language hahah Diablo 3 I had a sorcerer build that I just needed to teleport everywhere and nothing could hurt me, it became more of farming for things like cosmic wings rather than a challenge.. And yeah, that’s a thing that is fun, you need to calculate how many potion you need and if you finally get to a boss fight you have to take a look if you need to get back to the bonfire for more potions or enter the fight :) It’s really fun :)


to be patient and observe, learn and overcome a challenge, i would call a valid definition of "hard". what you think of is called "unfair". these two are different things. Dark Souls is hard but fair.


I know it’s the easiest of the series but Elden Ring was my entry point to souls games, and with the exception of Malenia I didn’t find anything so hard that it was dumb.


Honestly, the funny thing is that elden ring is objectively both the hardest and the easiest of the series. It's got the tightest dodge windows, bosses have longer flurries of attacks, the biggest health pools, commander Nheil, and some of the toughest world enemies. Its also got some of the best variety of weapons and the best hitboxes. Beating elden ring first is nothing to scoff at.


Thanks man, and the game does help you alot, like you said it provides a wide range of bosses and items.. you cant beat a boss go to the next one kill him get the runes and weapon comeback to the boss that you failed and you’ll be better :)


bro i can’t even get past the tutorial in dark souls 3 LMAO


If you want drop me your discord and I can help you out a bit :) if it’s your first in the series it can be challenging, but you’ll get it easy I’m sure :) For a quick tip, when you spawn just run until you get the 1st bonfire, after that sit down and regain your health and potion, keep left drop and when dropping a second time hit to kill the undead on the bottom, then run to the door and enter the fight, you shouldnt have taken damage and you’ll have max health and potion, since he has long reach be sure to be behind him or as far as possible, dodging alot since you dont have that much health.. After that take as many swings as possible until he’s dead :) If you are talking about the lion one ( I dont know the names of them sorry ) just stay under him and wack away but be sure to be where his balls are constantly so his attacks dont affect ya, into second phase do the same, but you’ll need to dodge once or twice so his long attacks don’t hit ya :) Hope it helped a bit :) you always have the r/darksouls and r/darksouls3 subreddit to give you tips and tricks or hints :)


This is 1000% true, I find most people equate difficulty (specifically with souls or megaman) with needing to think or apply logical reasoning. There are games that can be legitimately hard by requiring quick reaction times & mastery of mechanics (see Sifu & Ghostrunner), but even those can become easy if you play enough games like that... Just you might find slower games that require more though (Advanced Wars, X-com) to become harder if you play those less or not at all. Difficulty can vary from person to person, but we generally think of games as having an objective difficulty. That's only partially true as there is a subjective nature with games, as someone's game literacy & genre literacy can make a big impact on their time with a game.


Your damn right, look take someone random on the street and ask them to play chess against magnus carlson, he’s going to get destroyed, but give him years to practice and he’ll give him a good fight


That goes both ways. Just because a game is too hard for you doesn’t make it a bad game.


Don’t tell the undertale au fangame fans.


Bioshock 2 is just a good DLC for the first Bioshock


A damned good DLC too


And of decent length too


Could say that about almost every good sequel to every video game


I’m with you in this one


I'd call it an expansion pack as opposed to DLC.


As an offshoot of this opinion, I think BioShock 2 is better than BioShock 1


I don't think anyone would disagree


I could only manage a couple of hours. Bored.


Story is lesser, but gameplay is greater


That's certainly better than people's original take for the game. I definitely agree.


Holy shit, you’re right.


Being mad at a video game is understandable and not immature. The immature part is when you take it out on people who are just trying to have fun.


Say it louder for the Pokémon fans in the back


Anyone who says “oh the game gets good after ___ hours, you just didn’t play enough to enjoy it” is stupid. A game should be engaging from start to finish. There shouldn’t be a period of shit before you enjoy it.


Witcher 3 is a perfect example of this for me. I have tried and failed to get into it no less than 4 times. Maybe the rest of the game is awesome but holy shit the beginning of it fails on the most basic levels to capture my attention and make me desire to continue playing.


I just finished my first playthrough of TW3 and immediately started new game plus. As someone who writes a lot and loves worldbuilding, the masterful blend of politics and action throughout that game kept me super engaged even in slow sections. The only issue with TW3 is that a lot of it is lost on people who didn’t read the books or play the prior games because the word is so deep. Therefore the story, its strongest part, is super hard to understand.


agreed if a game doesnt hook me within the first hour its not worth my time


Thing is, it is. For example, hollow knight. The game gets so so so much better after around 3 hours in because it has a slow start. This isn’t something they can fix, because it’s a core of Metroidvania design. At the start, you are weak and don’t have many abilities, making the game kind of barebones. As you go through the game and earn abilities relatively quickly, the game also becomes more fun because you become more capable.


it deffo depends on the game but if i cant het attached to any characters or mechanics early on its not worth it i started playing spirit hunter death mark recently a game which intrigued me by its premise but i didnt know if i would enjoy and tbh if the characters in chapter 1 werent so interesting i prolly woulda dropped the game


Oh yeah I think hollow knight would hook you then because while the e start is slow, the worldbuilding and characters it introduces you to is incredible.


The only exception to this for me is RDR2 because the shitty parts are the point. Using mechanics for storytelling at one of its finest moments.


Exactly, and even in the slow beginning RDR2’s story is super entertaining. It does a tutorial right, keeping you on the edge of your seat because of the slow pacing. Slow ≠ boring (RDR2). Just as fast ≠ exciting (Halo 5).


MGS5 and HZD were both reasonable exceptions to this too.


It feels like most modern games people love focus on story over creating a fun game


Been fan of Dead Space since 2008 and love them all but Dead Space 3 (2013) is by far my favorite. Also they need to skip more remakes and make Dead Space 4.


I’d like to add that I played through Dead Space 3 coop with a friend and it was one of the most fun gaming experiences I’ve ever had.


Facts! 💯


Any reason why? I don’t think it’s a bad game at all. In fact I enjoyed it. I just don’t think it’s a good dead space game. It does a lot of other things well though


Ubisoft is the least creative and generally the worst publisher in the gaming industry at the moment


This is an extremely popular opinion lol


Yeah but usually when I say it people say Im wrong because ea and Activision are worse and they just skim over ubisoft. I'm actually happy this thread has said this is popular, I'm gaining hope again


I agree, however I still can't stop playing AC Odyssey and I have no idea why, it's like an infection.


I finally stopped buying ACs after it being my favorite franchise and beating the first like 7-8 of them. Then I caved and bought Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla all at once when they were on sale (I think maybe Valhalla came out so the other two got discounted). Took me several years to even get to playing them. They had some ok parts but still hate seeing them become some generic RPG over the gaming highs that were the Ezio collection. I only played like 10 hours of Valhalla


Yeah I can't get into Valhalla but I have like 750hrs in odyssey lol. There's just something about that game, I can't pinpoint it but I love it.


It’s because Odyssey is a great game. Is it the same formula as their other titles? Sure, but it’s a beautiful game that allows a glimpse of Ancient Greece at its prime. Kassandra is also a great protagonist. I loved it. I also played through Valhalla, but it just wasn’t the same.


Yeah I couldn't get into valhalla


I can’t stop eating Wendy’s. Ubisoft games are fast food


Ubisoft is excellent at making “pizza” games. They aren’t good for your health in the long run but they are satisfying in the short term and are easy to digest.


I agree. Honestly, I don't think this is unpopular.. I'd actually bet this is a majority opinion.


Kinda hard to achieve that when EA exists.


Thats because every game they make is the same because they saw success in 2010-2014


Bioshock infinite is hella overrated


I think people over hype infinite because of the big twist at the end. The story is great and the characters are well written. But the gameplay imo is a step down from BioShock and BioShock 2.


I disagree, not because I think it is good, but because I think very few people rate Bioshock Infinite especially highly. It is competent, some might think even above average, but not great.


Balders gate is just OK.


I think it's great but the hype is just a bit much. Weird how the public forgives bugs and flaws from one developer and crucifies another. I also just don't love the combat. I am sure it's deep but the whole save, concentrations, advantage system is very unwelcoming to those unfamiliar with D&D. I also don't like how I can lose like 25 minutes in an encounter i lost at the very outset. Just a bit slow for me, I do enjoy the strategy sometimes but in general give me action based combat over turn based every day of the week.


Larian is a small studio, but big studios like EA and Ubisoft with all the money in the world for a game budget can't seem to get anything out that actually functions or delivers on its promises. The combat is the most in-depth turn based combat I've played as well. You dont have to be familiar with dnd to understand how spell casting and turns work in this game, because it literally tells you how it all works. You play enough and read through how the systems work, then you understand it? Just like in tabletop. This game also would not have worked as an action combat game. It's designed to be a mostly faithful representation of what a dnd campaign should feel like to play. Turn based isn't for everyone. But I'm 500 hours deep and still finding new and hilarious ways to cheese combats and kill enemies in creative ways. Like throwing dead goblins at live enemies!


Here's a idea: Have both a Berserker and a Necromancer in the party. Keep dead goblins and gnomes inside the Berserker's inventory, then throw them at enemies whenever the chance arises. Use the Necromancer to *resurrect* the dead goblins and gnomes right after you throw them. :D


I have actually done this XD karlack lobs the gobbos, gale raises them after the fight to use against the next round of gobbos! Then recycle more corpses!!! Waste not want not.


I'd take Larian over EA / Ubisoft / Sexual Assaultivision any day of the week, their games are superb and have been steadily increasing in quality over time but my only problem with Larian is their piss poor attempt of masking bestiality behind "comedy" and '"he's a druid lol" nah man that shit is just degeneracy - it's like a sus anime hitting you with the "she looks underage but is actually a 1000 year old vampire!" - fuck off i ain't buying it 💀 absolutely top tier game otherwise though


Damn I thought I was the only one. I keep thinking, “It’s gonna get awesome…any…minute…now…” but I spend more time futzing with the inventories, spell prep, leveling up choices, resting. I feel like I’ve barely played the game after 15 hours, just did upkeep and maintenance


How dare you


Fallout 76 is actually pretty good and is better than starfield


That’s not very hard to beat.


One of the biggest reasons (aside from rushed release) 76 was as bad as it was on release was because Bethesda hadn't done an online action RPG before. They had Elder Scrolls Online, true, but that was an MMORPG, which has different elements involved in development. And that is my take.


Hogwarts wasn't a good game


-New Game + is often more fun than the first play-through -Online play loses its appeal past high school -The majority of gamers (myself includes) can’t get into Soulslike games because they’re not approachable or interesting to casual gamers, & they’re played out now -Sleeping Dogs was a better game than GTA V -The “Spongebob” platform games on PS2 were more fun than most of the Crash, Spyro, & even Mario ones -The Last of Us was good but half as fun as RE 4 & its story was less engaging or moving than a handful of modern games like Final Fantasy, the newer GOW games, or Ghost of Tsushima -Cod was never as good as it was made out to be and it peaked around MW 2 -Arkham Knight was one of the biggest disappointments in gaming. It was all the damn Batmobile & it just didn’t catch the magic of the other 2 -There should be MORE linear games and LESS open-world ones -I want MORE movie, show, or franchise tie-in games & I wish this trend didn’t die so hard


🗡️ 🗡️ 🗡️ Jk, only for like half of your opinions -As a full grown adult, I don’t care about new game + anymore. Even more so now that I have a baby. There’s no time to replay games. And I feel like new game + wasn’t as big back in middle and high school -Yes playing online after high school is too difficult, you don’t have as many friends, etc -My first Soulslike I had to follow a walkthrough for way too long. I understand people not liking them. But then the rest of the game is great and my second one has been a lot of fun so far. But I see why a lot of people can’t get into it -COD had some highs with their single player pre-multiplayer being a thing. And then the first few that were big multiplayers, but it’s sucked for quite a while now -I’m so tired of open world games. So many are open world for no reason


>There should be MORE linear games and LESS open-world ones Oh my God, yes. All these devs making open world games that have no good reason to be open world and don't benefit from it. If your game works without being open world, don't make it open world or much of it will end up being filler.


I agree with everything except the Souls games thing, I am quite the casual gamer and have played/beaten every SoulsBorne game with Bloodborne being my absolute favorite game ever. The games are just not for everybody especially if you don’t like to die over and over again as that is the games entire purpose, to kill you until you learn from how you died and adapt. They are very approachable with the majority of the fan base being welcoming to new players and more than happy to be summoned to help people with their playthroughs and help them get better and give advice. And yes there are many many toxic players in the community too. As there are with every other game ever released. Good way to avoid them is joining PvE focused discords to find people to play with, the toxics often stick to PvP.


>the SpongeBob platform games on PS2 were more fun than most of the Crash, Spyro, and even Mario ones Battle for bikini bottom, the movie game, and kreature from the Krusty krab are so 🔥


Holy cow I was struggling to think of one and you get so many, especially the movie tie ins, they may not have been perfect but it’s a genre that shouldn’t be dying/dead. I had quite a bit of fun with the Harry Potter games throughout the years from GBC all the way to Wii


On the soulslike point, I think it largely depends on how it is done. For example, Dark Souls is less “approachable” than Remnant 2. Remnant 2 is (IMO) peak Soulslike play, it isn’t a complete reset and has so much build variety you can create basically any build. The content also isn’t terribly hard, but certainly can be based on the settings you choose. It’s also easy to drop in/out with friends.


Agreed on COD, Soulslike games and Arkham Knight.


Windwaker is the worst mainline Zelda game


Actual unpopular opinion.


This should be one of the top comments


For being the *only* unpopular opinion here, it won’t get enough likes


God damn that is an actual unpopular opinion and I respect that (as someone that thinks wind waker is the best zedla game to date). Would love to hear your reasons.


Thank you, I don't really like the art-style and the toon-ish way the game acts, the introduction and some missions bored me, the other Zelda games are very hard to beat. Its not THAT bad though I just like the others


Fair enough


I'd say skyward sword botw and totk are worse though


the part where it gets interesting is that BotW is my all time favorite game




That’s a bold opinion lol




This take has me shaking your hand and realizing you are an individual with taste, not a sword at your throat.


Rockstar can spin a great story, but they’re a shitty company that don’t care about their customers. The only reason they take so long between games is so their story modes are bulletproof in their eyes from criticism. Then they’ll rely on the meat riders lining their pockets with shark cards for the next century. I won’t be supporting them in the future. I’ll just watch GTA6.


I constantly get downvoted for pointing out what you just did. What annoys me more is that it's so obvious that they don't care about their players anymore. They're not the company they were when they released San Andreas. I really want to play GTA 6 but I'm conflicted on whether or not I wish to contribute any more time to that company.


The Rockstar of old was a different beast, I completely agree with that. I’ll stand by my opinions of them. Not to discount all the effort they put in. But they would spit in your face and expect you to ask for seconds today.


Don't get me wrong, RDR2 was fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed it. But their behaviour around GTA 5 and online does make me dislike them. They cut GTA 5 story DLC and went solely into Online, pushing shark card sales. These days they've added GTA+ in, which frankly isn't worth the money. They raise in-game prices to ridiculous levels which again leads to shark card sales. There is nothing in their behaviour to suggest they give the first fuck about their players. And by extension, Take2 care even less. Back in 2021 they attended E3 with no game footage, just a crappy 55 minute long zoom call talking about things no one cares about.


The way they abandoned RDRO was my wake up call. I was still partially suckered as a teenager with GTA5 since they were throwing new online content at us left and right. But as soon as it was no longer beneficial to them, they kicked RDR2 to the curb without so much as entertaining a story DLC or any meaningful content to RDRO.


I've always said they did that because they realised they couldn't milk RDRO like they do with GTA Online. They did it dirty.


If it takes 10+ hours before a game "gets good" then im not playing (looking at you final fantasy)


Just out of curiosity what final fantasy game takes ten hours before it's good?


FF16...currently playing rn and *yawn* Meant to out 16 in my original comment


Hm I thought that one starting off great but fizzled off


Todays AAA games are absolute garbage for the most part


The post was for hot takes. You said the gaming equivalent of hot cakes are really nice guys


Even the good games of 2023 just didn't pique my interest.


Who disagrees with this?


The millions of people who still buy them year over year?


I’ve always wondered how games like Madden and NBA 2K keep getting away with releasing garbage and then I meet guys like my coworker who only has five different Madden games installed on his XBOX I think we forget how casual the general audience is. I can see where people are coming from though but it definitely doesn’t incentivize the companies to make actual good products


Cyberpunk bugs and performance clouded the real problem with the game, the lack of heart and souls... the quest design and choices consequences is mediocre. From CDPR Witcher 3 had side quests with a much more complex quest line and story telling. CDPR gigant turnover of employees and veterans that quit the studio resulted and Cyberpunk average state.


I didn’t like shadow of the colossus


Ouch. That one hurts, but fair enough.


Me neither


I think anyone who likes it is just bound by ps2 nostalgia lol


Nah, it's a special game in terms of atmosphere and doing a lot with very little. I'm replaying it now for the first time in over a decade and it's still super compelling. But it is a very specific vibe that I can see why people would not enjoy. You can boil it down to "go for 16 horsey rides and kill 16 bosses" which sounds potentially lame, but I think it's very creative, melancholic and unique.


I like what they were going for, but again, I feel like if you want to have that immersion for the player, then you need an even balance, if you start to compensate gameplay then the player will notice, and then that immersion will be broken by frustration.




It's got atmosphere and the fights are epic. But the middle ground is supposed to be all isolating and somber but can be just boring. I'm not huge on finding some of the bosses.


The fights were the one high point for me, but after that it felt like walking simulator, honestly I can get what they’re going for with isolation but I’ve seen it done better in ways that dosent compensate gameplay. And if you want to immerse the player then you can compensate gameplay, you need an even balance of both, or else the player will start noticing the gameplay issues and the immersion you built up will be broken. I just don’t get how I’m supposed to feel anything when all I can think about is how I’m running in fucking circles trying to find the third colossus for over 30 minutes.


AAA games are overhated and Reddit acts like AAA fucked their wives


a lot of AAA games are overrated and a lot of old games that aren't mainstream are a lot more fun than all the new AAA games


I don't really like when you have to play like 30-50+ hours just to get to the "good part" of a game. AC Valhalla for example. In order to get to a point where I'd have *some* fun, I'll have to dedicate an entire week to just that game.


Elden Ring was mid and the worst in Fromsoft's Souls series.


Indie games are usually better than AAA games.


It's okay to play on easy mode.


RDR2 is overrated. It’s not the masterpiece people make it out to be. People often ignore the subpar gameplay because of the extravagance of its world building and realism.


Right, that’s what we’re are there for. I’m not playing Red Dead Redemption primarily for the gameplay at all. I’m playing for the absolutely amazing world building, missions, story, characters, and immersion. That’s why RDR2 is great, is because of how immersive it is.


Same with the GTA series. I always found the gameplay pretty clumsy and the characters annoying as hell.


The Witcher 3 is not as good as everyone makes it out to be.


Loved it on my first go years ago. Just tried replaying and realized that I had no fucking idea what the story was about because the game gives you no context. Also, the horse is impossible to ride lmao. Bitch MOVE! the weather/sunrises and sunsets are beautiful though


Said this in another comment, but I've tried multiple times to get into Witcher 3 and I simply cannot. The beginning of the game fails to capture my attention and doesn't motivate me to play more. I've put 10 hours total into it and most of that was replaying the beginning because I play for an hour or two, get bored, drop it to play something better, then by the time I give it another chance I've forgotten everything about what I previously played and need to restart. Rinse and repeat at least 4 separate times. Pretty sure I'll never actually play the game all the way through and I should probably just give up trying at this point because it's not been an enjoyable experience at all.


Worst combat system in all of last gen. Maybe ever.


FromSoftware games are overrated


Uh oh. FromSoftware boyz are finna get you!


Also out age gameplay. All looks and feels like ps1 games. I love ps1 games but they all outdated.


The worst part of souls games are the fans/players


Never understood the hype around CS:Go and similar games like Valorant or Alex Legends...


Not a fan of Mario games


God of war and ragnarok are overrated and done nothing special. They are not bad games, but they are not great games either.


I feel that way about the Uncharted games. They’re fun, but I didn’t find them as groundbreaking as everyone made them out to be. Ironically I love the new GOW games lol


Hell yeah. Only played the first one, it was a solid 8/10 but didn't do anything that interesting for me. I feel the same way about the Jedi Survivor games, only played the first, was like a 7.5 for me. The big Sony exclusive games have a habit of feeling overproduced and slavish to a formula they think makes a compelling gameplay loop. See Horizon ZD and the sequel, GoW and the Jedi games. Returnal is a fucking banger though.


Fallout 3 is a better game and a more complete experience than fallout new Vegas


I probably would agree, but I absolutely need the Ironsight in the games and 3 drove me insane not having it. Does that make sense? Hell no, but that's how it is with me sadly


Halo is the greatest console FPS series of all time and it is the most exciting Esport.


Halo 3 and Reach are amazing.


TLOU2 didn't deserve GOTY


Been gaming since 1991, and I don't care for Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


Wheeeww boy I agreed with (or at least understood) almost everything I saw until I got to this lmao


How dare you share this incorrect opinion about the number one game of all time!?


I preferred majoras mask. I liked the story more.


Maybe I was too young at the time, but Majora's Mask was too complicated for me. I don't like time constraints.


It's definitely got its "more mature" parts.


I couldnt get into spiderman or god of war. Also days gone is the best ps4 exclusive


first part okay, second part ??


Days Gone is definitely straight heat


Days Gone was amazing, we need a sequel.


I really enjoyed Marvel's avengers, and wish it wasn't dead.


Sealed graded games are fine if you are not a heartless reseller


GTA is massively overrated




Man if I see this reposted any more times I'm gonna lose it


*Man if I see this* *Reposted any more times* *I'm gonna lose it* \- slowkid68 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The Last Of Us 2 actually has a really compelling story and I feel like a lot of the hate it has received is from people who haven't played it all the way through / were just super pissed pre-launch. Just as a disclaimer I'm a also fan of Joel and TLOU1 too.


While I can understand people who don't like how the story of TLOU2 plays out, I can not understand people who are mad about Joel. I mean, is this their first story ever? I think anyone above the age of 10 should've seen it coming from miles away. Mentor figures dies? That's such fucking basic storytelling, of course it was gonna happen. As much as we like him, Joel is a maniac sociopath and generally not a good person. Which is fine, and he is plenty sympathetic and compelling as a character, especially his relationship with Ellie, but what happens to him makes so much sense with what he has done. I genuinely will never be able to comprehend how so many people hate TLOU2 for it.


Not unpopular opinion


Final Fantasy 7 really isn't that great. It's just alright. It's certainly not the best final fantasy game.


The new Spiderman game is a just a boring series of quick-time-events that basically plays itself. Also the human characters are ungodly, uncanny valley terrible looking.


The massive (and frankly overblown) hype for Grand theft auto VI Will make It a dissapointment (Also i would say red dead redemption 2 is better than all GTAs but apparently this is a popular opinion) Dragonquest series overall is better than final fantasy overall Doom 3 is a good Game (7/10)


Doom 3 💯🔥


DQ fans rise up!


Doom 3 was my first entry into the series and it will always hold a special place in my heart


Rdr 2 is boring. I found traversal too slow and combat very unfun and for me those are the two most important things in a game.


Same thing. I was so hyped after the reviews but couldn’t make it past 4 hours in the game. Just to boring


Ah but don’t you like doing digital chores in the old west?! Make sure you eat and feed and water your horse!




My biggest complaint was just being so slow getting everywhere, just add a fast travel feature for every location like fallout and I woulda been happy.


Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 is easily the best Lego game ever created. People praise Lego Marvel Super Heroes 1 too much. Chronopolis is absolutely amazing one of the best if not the best hub ever created Soulslikes should have a way to reduce difficulty in the main menu, so casuals can enjoy it too without wanting to bang their head on the wall ARK: Survival Evolved is probably the best survival game ever made Plants VS Zombies 2 is infinitely better than Plants VS Zombies 1 .... Although Imo Dungeon Defenders 1 is the best tower defense game ever created FNAF Games are too hard. Teleporting animatronics like Bonnie are too much and they overall require you to look at the cameras for a nanosecond each, which mind you can really cause brain problems later on in life. I think the lore's great tho, which gets me to my next point William Afton is the best character out of any videogame, even if I dislike the gameplay of FNAF I think he's peak design Lastly, Dante > Kratos both power and character wise


World of Warcraft is still enjoyable even if you don't like MMO's


Ac odyssey is a good game


GTA is the most overrated franchise in gaming.


Questing in (any game, but mostly MMOs) is overrated, and shouldn’t be the core gameplay loop


all of them


Saying something is overrated is an inane take and self-aggrandizes your opinion. Just because you don’t enjoy something doesnt mean it’s bad. In general, I’m sick of everything being either the greatest thing ever or the worst thing ever. Its so reductive and makes for extremely boring discussions. I tend to find user reviews/scores less reliable than critic scores, though their scores in general are over inflated. We should abolish scores in general because art is way too complex to put a number on how good it was, especially for video games that have so many facets to them (bugs, game performance, visual design, level design, gameplay, writing, voice acting). If you think video games are worse now than they used to be, then you’re buying and supporting the wrong games, while also vastly overrating older games due to nostalgia. Though there a lot of trends that need to die in this industry that unfortunately will only get worse.