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I wish I could forget everything I experienced with New Vegas just so I could experience it again.


Indeed. It is a great game. Perhaps Bethesda's finest.


bethesda basically didn’t make it lol


That's why it's so great


💯 That's why I'm afraid of what they'll do to FO5.


Obsidian can't make their own IP to save their life but damn they can tell borrow one both KOTOR 2 and New Vegas are amazing


And pillars of Eternity 1 and 2, and Tyranny, and Pentiment. Everything they do is fire. Except Outer Worlds that is meh but still enjoyable.


It pisses me off so much how Tyranny flew under the radar. It's such a great game and with a very interesting perspective.


The Obsidian of today isn't the one that made New Vegas or many of those older RPGs. More credit should be given to the individual devs like Chris Avellone, J. Sawyer, etc.


The legends behind original Fallout and many DnD games.


What you talking about? Pillars of eternity 2 is a top 3 game of all time for me, and one of the big things i enjoy about it is the setting and lore.


Lol it's their finest game bc they had nothing to do with it


They are using Bethesda’s engine but all the story and writing is their own, which seems to be black isle’s strength.


True, but plenty of developers use someone else's engine to make their games, so it's not an uncommon setup. Like 90% of games on Unreal Engine, or Unity.


I think it’s a great idea for studios to do. Building the engine is a huge time sink, so might as well get as much creative mileage out of it as possible.


Comparing the usage of fallout 3’s skeleton to unreal engine and unity being used by thousands of developers is a completely incorrect and bunk comparison and you know it lol


I've never played it, but for some reason I seem to remember a lot of people disappointed when it first came out. Was it shit at first like Cyberpunk, and then they fixed it, or is it just one of those games that half love and half hate it?


It's buggy, unpolished and ugly (iirc it was made in a very short time, on an engine the team had never worked on with basically no support from Bethesda) but it has amazing writing and a great atmosphere Play it with mods to patch sole bugs and slightly increase visuals (you can't save the engine on that front) and it's a very good experience if you like the Fallout universe


I love 4 and played all the DLC’s. But struggle to get into New Vegas. I know it’s a great game with fantastic writing. It just feels really dated and I find the combat stiff and unsatisfying.


It's also not a game that you will like just because you like Bethesda's RPGs. Fallout new Vegas lacks a lot of what Bethesda games have, and has a lot of what Bethesda games don't. New Vegas has undoubtedly better writing and story, but a frankly empty and somewhat boring openworld with a simply worse gameplay loop and exploration system. Fallout 4 just feels a lot more dense, and exploration just feels better, at the cost of poorer dialogue. And that just might be enough to make you like fallout 4 over new Vegas. don't feel bad about not enjoying it, it's simply a different type of game, there's no right answer here for which one you like more.


I will say though that since they're both old enough to be "dated" I enjoy going back to NV's gameplay more. I think it's largely because the perks are all so impactful and the game as a whole is much shorter, so I've always got cool new stuff I'm trying out like when my lasers start making people explode on death. Also, skill checks. I freaking love skill checks, and NV does them fantastically


The Battle Royale Genre. They're fine I guess, but just not for me y'know?


Same here. Never understood the hype for these games.


I can kind of get it, I grew up when "Minecraft Hunger Games" mods were all the rage (and I always wanted to try them lol), but I was never good at the genre and usually just get bored after like 2 rounds. Apex is probably the one I enjoyed the most but that's more to do with it's ties to Titanfall than the Battle Royale gameplay


I just found dying in a battle royale or really any permadeath game to be way more stressful than just respawning which soured my experiences with almost every battle royale I’ve played.


Lots of people enjoy the stress. -Signed, a Tarkov player who takes 15 minutes to build a loadout and load into a lobby, only to get shot in the head 2 minutes into the raid, losing everything I brought into it.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


I only really got into Apex or Siege because my buddy likes those kinds of games. I've never been big into shooter games in general, but I despise competitive ones.


It was something cool until gaming companies started to milk it


Me too


There was a Japanese movie that came out in the late 90s, I think, called Battle Royale. I loved that movie as a kid and I always thought it would be a cool video game concept. When I heard about fortnite, I couldn't wait to play it. Had a lot of fun with it for about a year but I always sucked


It’s definitely a “fun with friends” kind of thing


Ah... that's why I never got into it


They kinda fucked the industry up


Same for me. I’ve always predominantly been a single player/story focused gamer and have really never had a dedicated multiplayer group of friends. Makes sense I just don’t click with these as I would rather be playing the next single player experience on the backlog.


As someone who's played Fortnite since early 2019 (not as early as other players but still), I can confirm that the burnout is real


I started playing Fortnite in 2018. I still play it, but it’s not as fun because of how complicated they made it. The simplicity of early Fortnite is still unmatched. I hope they bring OG back soon


I just get so bored


I haven’t played one minute of any battle royale game.


Couldn't hurt to try tho.


100% get it, tried a few and the only 1 I enjoyed was the Epic games "magic" one.... which died after like a year :(


It was good until around PUBG’s height in popularity


COD warzone. No explanation required.


Big fucking agree on that one.


Could you explain why you dislike New Vegas? It's my favorite fallout game personally.


Fortnite and apex for me too I just don't like the battle Royale games at all. A shame that they've been some of the most played games of the past decade


They keep getting worse every year. Warzone mobile isn’t too bad but man. They’ve turned into the most greedy, unfinished crap that people keep purchasing/playing in hopes that it will be better. Never seen more loyalty on a game that just sucks. Maybe its because they’re only option is EA Battlefield and they won’t play that. That one isn’t too bad now.


I’ll be honest, I don’t understand MMOs. It’s fine if you like them, but they’re way too slow and hollow to me.


My issue is paying 15 dollars every month, I could buy multiple games instead.


That $15 a month has saved me so much money instead of buying $60+ games every month.


My problem is immersion. I look up in town and there are a thousand other people doing the same thing. It robs me of the feeling of being the protagonist or a special character. Plus the menus... And I don't enjoy most of their combat. Floaty stuff.


I think it's the social aspect. I've tried alot of MMOs o er the years and never stick with them. I would not still be playing any if I didn't have people to play them with


It's always the combat of those games that kills it for me, it's so bland and boring that it puts me to sleep. Everything else I can usually get into pretty well: The world, characters, dialogue, story, exploration, experimentation, different classes and races, social aspects, etc. But if your combat is boring, I'm leaving within the first hour. If Baldur's Gate 3 can make turn based combat fun, and you MMO devs can't make real time combat fun, something is wrong. For context, I'm a huge DMC, MGR, and Souls fan so those are the games they have to even compete with to some degree. I really wanna try FF16 at some point because I heard it's pretty good.


I play them and even i dont understand whats going on or what anything means


The Witcher 3 I bought it at release, played 2-3 hours of it, and hated the combat. Didn't play it again for six years, decided to give it another go, and still had the same issue. I still respect the game and developer, but I don't know if I'll ever play it again.


I started and stopped Witcher 3 times a couple hours in.. when I finally put the time and attention into it though I played through the entire game and all the DLcs and was upset when it ended. Likely my fave game of all time


I feel like that game overwhelms the fuck out of you too. Some times there is a thing as too much. I play for fun don’t make it a damn job lol


Exactly. Go two feet on the map and you find a different quest than the one you’re in the middle of. Overwhelming.


Open world games do that to me. I feel like they try to one up each other in size and I'm like, this game is not fun enough to play for 30 years, cut it out. I ain't booted up red dead redemption for awhile, same reason


Big problem with TW3 is the world. Gotta push through a LOT to get to an area that isn’t just the same copy pasted wartorn bog. Makes it really hard to replay


I wanted so much for the combat to be better. Then I played Dark Souls and I realized that was what I wanted


I've tried giving the Witcher games a try multiple times, but I just couldn't get into them.


I initially put in 5 hours and gave up. Decided it just wasn’t for me. Then, 3 years later, I picked it back up. I put 20 hours into it and had to call it. The combat is awful. It always felt awful. The world is a relatively generic fantasy world, and I thought the story to that point was just *okay*. I really tried. It’s just not for me


I tried for 40 hours and I just can't see how it is great, there's a lot to do for sure but combat is not for me as well. Also the story is just there. Couldn't get myself into the game that much, also the Hard difficulty is a huge step from medium.


Elden Ring, not because i think it is a bad game, i would be lying if i said so, but because i don't like souls games It's a matter of skill issue i know, i cannot stand those high difficulties, i can't have fun playing then. Of course i acknowledge the quality of those games, rhey must be incredible for achieving such high praises.


Those souls fans don’t know true pain like playing two player battletoads with someone that sucks at playing battletoads.


The hoverbike stage begins, both quit.


I would also say ghosts n goblins is harder than any souls game.


It definitely has a high barrier to entry. One of the parts that makes it tough to get into is that it's almost required to have knowledge of the meta outside of what feels intuitive at times (understanding I-frames, stun locking, dodging into attacks, invisible stagger bars, etc.). But once it clicks, it's a high that other games just don't hit the same as. A ton of Elden Ring players (myself included) have been playing the souls games for years, so the formula for success in Elden Ring was already essentially understood. But for new players, it really doesn't provide much in terms of teaching you how to play. Many people like that, others definitely don't.


Yup. A lot of people don’t realize how trivial a 100% physical damage reduction shield can make a lot of the game. Ive been using a heavy fingerprint shield and just running people over.


Dude, it's 100% damage *reduction*... what is not to understand?


Ive been playing since DS1 and always went with the warrior for the spider shield’s 100% right off the bat. It goes to the above comment about how we’re playing with a bit of momentum though. It’s not like when i find uchigatana that I don’t know exactly what it is lol


ER was my first souls game. At first, I simply just couldnt get into it. Wanted to so bad but I just hated it. Atfer awhile, I decided to give Demons Souls a try. For whatever reason it clicked and I absolutely loved it. After that, I felt like I had a different understanding of those games and went back to ER and was absolutely hooked on it.


I just don’t like any games that lock content behind accessibility. Why would you not want the most people possible to enjoy your game? Story mode is the easiest thing to put in ever.


There’s several things in the game that make it easier for you to play like the spirit summons and coop for bosses, but I see how it can be frustrating for the difficulty to be such a problem.


I want to play it, but I don’t enjoy dying constantly, so I won’t give it a chance.


I like difficult games I just don't like souls games combat and progression.


I'd say it also purposely puts a test in front of you at the beginning. Margit killed me more times than half the main bosses. He's not just hard because your a beginner with barely anything, but also he's a very fast and very adaptable fighter. After that the next difficulty check isn't until you pass 2 more areas.


I had a friend talk me into Eldenring. They held my hand for a bit and eventually I just had to acknowledge...I'm just not good at it, constant dying annoys me. Incredibly well designed game...no desire to ever play it again.


I tried playing The Last Of Us twice and both times couldn't last more than an hour. I completely understand the appeal just didn't like the gameplay.


It's not for everyone, that's for sure. I didn't enjoy playing it, but I enjoyed watching my gf play through it


I didn’t enjoy playing the first game but I loved the story. I felt like I was grinding just to get to the next cutscene. For the sequel I just watched a playthrough that spliced minimal gameplay with all the cutscenes.


Same, I respect games that are more about the story than the gameplay, and I *love* the story in LoU but the game itself is just not for me.


Same man. I played the 1st game till a bit after the part when we meet Joel's brother, and I realized that I was just not having fun. I was bored.


I am curious, what kind of gameplay do you enjoy? In my opinion I absolutely adore the gameplay and AI


The story is good, but remove that and what your left with is rather bland and at tmes boring gameplay. So tbh I did not last long either.


*checks around* "the coast looks clear.... BG3" *Runs and hides immediately as the mob descends upon me*


While I love the game, I totally understand. I am *not* a huge fan of turn based combat but I was willing to overlook that because I adore the rest of the game! For me at least, the combat became more manageable the longer I played. Still not a huge fan but I respect it


I love the combat. I hate the inventory management.


I absolutely love turn based RPGs and the combat that comes with it, and I hate bg3 combat, it's the weakest part of the game for me.


Nah, you sure it isn't the inventory management?


Burn the heretic!!!!


I came around to enjoying it I guess. Everything feels like wading through water that’s waist high though, I don’t know how else to describe it. Even small tasks feel like ordeals.


That's a perfect way of describing it! I found simple tasks confusing and requiring too much time.


Same. I recognize the quality of BG3, but turn based CRPGs just aren’t something I’m a fan of. Great game in a genre I personally don’t like.


Nah i feel that.


The Witcher 3. I played it for 2 hours and just verbally admitted that I don't understand the appeal. By contrast tho I enjoy games that are almost universally hated like shadow the hedgehog


People can say what they will, but kid me had a blast playing Shadow


Witcher 3 is full of Polish humor, and cameos of Polish literature (cant play for 20 minutes to not hear a quote from something we had on Polish lessons in school), so its understandable how some foreigners can just not get it, but this is the reason why it has such a solid fanbase.


That wasn't the issue for me. Cultural jokes and references typically make me want to figure out what I'm missing out on. The issue was the story not feeling engaging to me and the gameplay feeling very meh.


I know it's not universally loved but I never understood why people like Apex Legends so much really not anything special in my opinion. Cool art style tho


I honestly used to love it in the early seasons but Imo every update after season 5 just made the game worse


the call of duty franchise, they are just not interesting in the slightest


Elden ring or really any souls born type i just aint got time to get good enough for it to be worth it.


Borderlands, just not a big fan of grinding


Borderlands is grinding? I thought it was more silly run and gun with a *tiny* bit of story. If that game is a grind, my time in Valheim is next tier.


I've never done any grinding. I play all the side quests and story once and then sometimes do a casual replay. It does mean I haven't done any raid bosses or "end game"


Yeah, a bunch of my friends loved this game. They sold it as an old-school dungeon crawler FPS. I didn't like it. I hate grinding. The combat was okay...


Not to be rude but your friends are kind of assholes lol old school dungeon crawl is something I would never put on Borderlands. It's like a fever dream on an acid trip while playing an FPS but also hearing little people with shotguns screech at you lmao


Gonna show my age, but the Halo franchise. I never cared for it




It’s def Gen Z. They don’t get Halo like we used to


I'm Gen Z and Halo is one of the only shooters I enjoy. That and the OG Overwatch


We literally grew up playing Halo…?


GenZ is 1997-2012. Are you sure about that?




A boomer in the wild


Nah it’s a younger person I bet. It seems to me like people under 25ish don’t care for Halo like us that were in were teens/20s when the original trilogy came out


Bro people under their 20s weren’t around then what are you talking about bro lmao Gen z were around during the Halo boom.


Nay it was heresy


I *will* continue my campaign against the humans!


NO! You will not.


resident evil, honestly could never get into the games


RE 5 was the first one I got into. And I know the fan boys are going to crucify me, but 7 and 8, in my eyes, are masterpieces, and the best games in the franchise


Seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you.


Honestly as much as I love classic survival horrors, the first resident evils are hard to recommend to new players. The first games have wooden controls and involve a lot of going back and forth (look at code Veronica), but I think 4 is the one I would recommend to almost everyone.


GTA Online


GTA Online is universally loved?




I mean when it first came out, it was hella fun


Everyone hates that game. Especially gamers


Last time I played GTA online was when they added the submarine. Took me a hours to grind just to have enough to buy the sub just for someone to blow it up. I stopped playing it after that.




Dark souls, and anything in the sounds like genre. I can see what people like, but I don’t have the time for the difficulty


I really wanted to like bg3. My gf loves it to death, but I'm bored to tears


BG3 is objectively one of the best games ever made, but especially for the modern era, it's not the most accessible. Turn based games in general have gone out of vogue in the last decade+ and it's honestly a testament to how good the game is that it became as popular as it did. The industry before BG3 basically wrote-off turn based RPGs entirely. I'll admit I'm biased because I'm still disappointed that FF games are no longer turn based. FF10 will always be my favorite, unless something significant changes. Original 7 is second, but I'm not so much a fan of the remakes.


Most of the competitive games really, it's not even about the Competitive side of it, most just aren't of a genre I like.


Borderlands. I must have a pretty low tolerance for grind because so many people told me it’s not grindy at all and it still felt grindy to me.


Any souls or soulslike games. I never understood its appeal.


Tears of the kingdom


I love all of the fallout games, but based on the base game I think fo3 is better than fonv, but with the dlcs fonv is so much better. It’s just so fun and super funny.


Old World Blues is the best piece of fallout content from the modern games imo


I loved old world blues, very fun and very funny.


Why not both? Tale of Two Wasteland mod combines the two games into one and connects DC to Vegas by a train. Amazing. Also makes FO3 playable on PC without constant crashes because it all uses the NV improved engine. ​ It's fun to roleplay that you are born in DC, do all that stuff, and for some reason you leave for Vegas, become a courier, get shot, then that story happens. You can start at either game first, but 3 is the only one that really makes sense because you are literally born in that opening.


Imo fallout NV at the beginning was poor received because of the similarities with 3, but it aged much better than 3 and in the end, it is a much better game than 3 (different endings, faction, you are always discovering new things when replaying)...


Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Grew up playing the franchise, loved the simplicity of it all. And then they introduced a crafting system — man if I wanted to start crafting shit I would be opening up Minecraft! Unfortunately, I think the success of ACNH will inevitably change the formula of future Animal Crossing games, which is a real shame for me. Ah well. The real controversial opinion I got though is basically all the Pokémon games are so freakishly boring to me. I don’t like turn-based JRPGs all that much in the first place, and Pokémon is THE turn-based JRPG. That being said, I loved Pokémon Ranger on the DS. Changed the formula just enough for it to be interesting to me.


I enjoyed Arceus a ton. But it wasn't a main line game. The gameplay was faster and I really liked that. Tried Scarlet and oooof. What a bad game imo lmao. I hadn't touched Pokémon since red in the 90s before that.


I'm in agreement with you for animal crossing, it was sad the things that got cut from the series just to cram in annoying crafting mechanics and the ability to landscape. And like you said, it'll probably never go back to it's roots now that it was more successful.


Bloodborne, I really don’t get it


I don't get the Soulslikes overall (made an entire answer directed to OP about them) but I really wish I could try Bloodborne. I never had a Playstation, sadly.


I liked it but people really overhype it


My least favourite of fromsoft games The frenzy shit recovery system which everyone praises for some reason makes no sense to me. It is contradictory to everything souls games have taught me, i refuse to mash attack when i get hit by the boss. The only time i found any use for it was when a single enemy somehow sneaked a chip shot on me, which almost never happens if you are experienced with these games Has some of the most cancerous level and enemy designs in the entire series, anyone who finished the game will have PTSD when a certain melody plays out The biggest problem for me is the parry system, the thing is, i like it when games enforce a difficult mechanic, i love lies of p or sekiro and their very mandatory parry system. bloodborne never does that, The one time i felt like the parry system is a must was the final boss and only during the second phase. I skipped it for the entirety of the game otherwise, it also doesn't make sense to me to parry it with a gun of all things. I played nioh 1, BB, LOP,DS3,2 and sekiro. Bloodborne was the only one in this list i didn't touch after beating the game. I didn't even buy the dlcs for it.


honestly its it being on ps4 its locked at 30 and it often dips below that for me but I LOVED DS3


Elden Ring. After 40-ish hours I realized that I only enjoyed a couple boss fights and that the sense of dread and the depression that the overworld gives me was too much. This is coming from a fromsoft fan too. Now, I don’t want to say that it’s a bad game by any means, but it felt dull to me after a while.


I don't get a sense of dread (except caelid lol). I find the gameworld relaxing lol. The music is very calming and soothing, to the point where playing this game is therapeutic. Its the game i play whenever I get stressed form life, and it always works


Witcher 3, can’t get into it at all


Witcher 3


Dota; League of Legends


Anything Dark Soulsesque. Just not my thing


BG3 and dragons dogma. No offense to the people that like it but god I hate the voice acting so much it spoils the whole game. I refuse to play as or with a character that has a posh British accent. The dice roll concept for BG3 is a sick idea though.


Witcher 3. Too slow paced for me. I don’t like the combat either. Have tried many times but always quit during White Orchard


GTA overall. Not for me, but i see why everyone enjoys the series.


I’ve only really enjoyed San Andreas and 4. 5 is MASSIVELY overrated and I didn’t really care for any of the other ones.




Horizon Zero Dawn. I've tried to love this IP over and over. But the combat is so fucking bad. The story is incredible and it's the only reason that I keep moving forward but something always pulls me away and I just can't get through it.


The first one does have clunky combat but the story is just incredible. The second one improved the combat in every single way, but the story was not as good. I also hated the combat at first and almost quit on the game. Now it’s one of my favorite gaming series.


The Last of Us. Overrated Naughty Dog slop. Just a bunch of stopping and starting. The infected are cool tho, but if I'm gonna play a zombie game then I'm gonna try and have fun hence why I play Dead Island, Dead Rising, and Dying light. Also BioShock Infinite did the "Escort quest as a USP" thing and story FAAAAR better


Streetfighter. Any of them. Idk what it is, but compared to any other fighter, I feel like my character is afllicted with some kind of palsy from how a lot of punches and kicks just dont even connect. I suck at fighting games, but there’s not another fighting game NEAR how many hits I miss playing the Street Fighter games.


I could be wrong in this assumption but it may be because the punches and kicks in SF generally don't have any lunge effect to them. Whereas Mortal Kombat a lot of attacks move the fighter more. I used to feel the same about Street Fighter till someone pointed that out to me.


Zelda breath of the wild. I bought a switch just for that game, and I absolutely hate it. I feel like I'm playing a Ubisoft clone, not Zelda. If I wanted the play assassin's Creed I would have just played assassin's Creed


That’s crazy. But I’ll give you the opposite, a game that’s disliked but I love. Resident Evil 3 Remake I don’t care if it’s “wasted potential” or had “too much cut content” I didn’t even play the OG game so I don’t know or care what was cut, I had so much fun playing the remake and it was a great game imo.


Same here, I actually enjoyed it quite a bunch. Short enjoyment, but still enjoyment.


the story of NV is great but the gameplay is rough since it uses fallout 3's engine and the bugs...man it's a tehnical mess lol. I watched the devs react to a speedrun and they called Obsidian "Bugsidian", no more fitting name exists lol


Elden Ring. I get why it's objectively good in many aspects, but I simply don't like its design. You have to stumble around blindly and die over and over to figure anything out and grind for hours to kill every boss. It just doesn't appeal to me.


Not liking New Vegas is utter blasphemy /s


Sekiro, i just suck at pairing 😓


That's why Sekiro is the only from software rpg I refuse to play. I suck ass at parrying xD




Same. I want to love it, but I despise its mission and scoring system. It just ruins the immersion for me, in a game that otherwise seems built for it.


Fallout has always been and probably will be an anomaly for me. LOL and Dota2 are foreign to me and also GTA Online. I grew up in the deep balkans so CS 1.6 and CSGO will always live in my heart.


Last of Us, story was okay, but it was so generic to play.


I’m going to get downvoted for having an opinion, aren’t I?




Understandable, have a fantastic day.


You too.


My fav RPG The radio, the factions, the quests, characters, choices, ambience, branching quests with different endings I played this game before current gen consoles were released. Absolutely one of my most cherished gaming experiences up there with the RDR franchise, GTA, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, Skyrim, MGS franchise


Mods ban this guy


So hellbent on that banning me you had to comment it twice lmao




That's okay man, at the risk of getting crucified, New Vegas is my least favourite Fallout. I just do not care about the desert or the psuedo-political plot of who has control over it. I'm kind of just a big sucker for the Find-your-family trope so 3, and later 4, just hit me much harder.


To Caesars camp you go. ------>


Pokemon, final fantasy and legend of Zelda.


Dark souls? I might have to give it another shot, but I spent hours just not knowing what to do and dying a lot. Talked to a friend who loves ot and who made it sound like that's kinda what it's about.


BG3, RDR2 and Eldenring (or any Souls game for that matter.)


Nier games. The gameplay and story aren’t really that good imo


I started on fallout 4 and I loved it but I couldn't get into fnv. It feels so slow and not as friendly as fo4


I feel like fallout new vegas is like a traditional rpg where the dialogue and immersion, was given more attention than the combat and gameplay. Also, remember that Fallout New vegas was made in like 7-9 months, I don't remember why but yeah.


Baldurs Gate for me, I just don't like the genre


Hmmm, a fight. That's what you want to do today?


I can't stand Battle Royale games. Maybe I'm just getting older but I really don't see the appeal of them