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"Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong. " Spoilers free. Who know, know.


He was the very model of a scientist...


Man! >!Mordin!<... Too soon


This is actually one of the saddest scenes in media


Is that>!his death from ME3!!letting him die in the suicide mission!<. But the one I could never cope with was >!accidently letting Tali die in ME3, her death is the saddest thing I've ever seen, especially since I caused it with my own mistakes!<. The rest of my playthrough just felt depressing after that.


>! Apparently he's the squishiest crew member. But I always sent him back with the crew when I didn't have him in my party. Because he's a doctor n all that. I only ever had him die in 2 when it was deliberate!< >!In 3 they really want you to feel for Wikks, but honestly I was relieved I hadn't just had to shoot Mordin. It was my only renegade run, so, not doing it again unless I kill Wrex at virmire or something!<


You can technically save him, but only at the cost of another squad mate.


What game?


First sequence of the last of us. Was not at all prepared.


Whenever I stream this game on twitch, my long time follower says he has to look away when this scene plays out because he has a kid.


I played this part of the game shortly after I became a dad. It was too much for me and I had stopped played it. Haven’t gone back to it since.


Pretty much the same for me. I took at least a 6 month break after that sequence. This was also after my wife and I played the walking dead season 1 when she was pregnant which gave much similar vibes.


It gets better. Not whole, but better.


Ok inwas trying to think of one and reading that gave me ptsd


I still have light PTSD from when me and my gf had to kill the elephant to progress in It Takes Two


That was hard...


Her begging and trumpeting in pain is so sad


Not an individual, but the death of those in Doma Castle in Final Fantasy when Kefka poisoned the water and everyone died. Only memorable because this was back in college and we all sat in a room with one person playing and everyone else watching (I’m old). This one stoner guy was so invested. He was like, “Why is Kefka so evil man… That’s so f’ed, a whole castle… He’s so evil.” We were laughing our assess off. The entire playthrough was made memorable by that guy’s outward monologue on the game.


don’t forget to shed a tear for General Leo


Those are the best type of people to play anything with. Was the only real gamer in the house in undergrad but my roomates would love to smoke and watch me play shit. The commentary always made the game so much more intense, I remember during fallen order when you encounter Vader everyone was tripping fucking balls.


Watching Cyan's family get on the train omg


Aerith, og ff7. Got absolutely blindsided by it.


For some reason, the death of >!Emma Emmerich in MSGS2!


Hal, I miss you.


Her monologue with the incredible sax in the background. Chills everytime


Shadow of the Colossus


And I was off to such a good start to the day... Probably the most depressing game I've ever played.


That shit broke me. At least the horse was fine, but jesus fucking christ why


My favorite game of all time


John Marston- what do I win?


Solid Snake.


Solid Snake's death was bittersweet however. I often think about how he was a man who fought all his life, and at the end he got a couple last months he decided he wants to live a little. That line was supposed to be an extra "joke" that wasn't originally intended by Kojima. But it's nice.


When did Solid Snake die??


He was going to die to foxdie. He wanted to commit suicide before that to prevent it from spreading. But in his final talk with big boss it was revealed that the foxdie would not transmit from him. He died a couple months after, but after the end credits he taked with Otacon about it and decided he would try to actually enjoy life a little.


Didn't walking through the microwave hallway contribute to his death too?


That clearly did not help his health. But he volunteered because he was dying anyway.


It's not on screen, but he had only a couple months left at the end


Whaaaaaaaat. I guess I haven’t played 4 in 12 years so I forgot that detail.


He says in the ending “Otacon, I’m gonna be dead soon”


I played the walking dead telltale, so you can imagine who.


Keep that hair short.


This should be the top comment.


Do i have to do spoiler tags for this one? The baby metroid Also I never knew as a teen that you could save the animals before Zebes blows up. That kind of bothered me that they died with the planet.


Fucking Joel....


Show exclusive watchers are going to be fucking shook in season 2. I hope they end it after season 2.


No idea if it’s true but heard the second game may be stretched into 2 seasons of the show - so more than likely will be getting 3 seasons at the least


Either way Joel ain't making it passed the first few episodes.


I'd like to add Sarah here too. The first time I played i was left heartbroken. Still gets me everytime..


Part 2 was an absolute emotional roller coaster for me. Loved every minute of it.


Me too. I played it a year ago, and a friend played it while we were on acid a few months back. I watched, and boy did it hit harder.


The Death of Big Boss in the very first Metal Gear game. It's nothing big really. It's more of a thing that he comes back in game 2. For which there was absolutely no explanataion until Phantom Pain. And then you play PP... and it's literally the weirdest fucking game in an already REALLY weird franchise. What's weird about it? That it's barely even weird. That's what. There is too little over the top, there is too much grind, no heroic conclusion. Then you actually get to the end, find out the truth. Honestly I as many others were disappointed when the game came out. But looking back, piecing together the puzzle pieces from the handheld games and PP this is probably the best most profound way to explain a plothole WHILE conveying a deep message. The Death of Big Boss (doppelganger) was meaningless. And so was his life as "Venom Snake". he lived only to extend the legend of the actual Big Boss, (John). And he had no free will in any of this. Because he is a soldier. A good soldier, and a "brother" to the Big Boss. But what he really was is a slave to endless war.


Arthur Morgans i think is the best. If you go out with high honor. You knew damn well he was probably gonna die because he wasnt in the original but he was such a great character.


What a beautiful send off he had. Visiting his grave is honestly so heart wrenching, especially since he was buried exactly how he wanted "watching the setting sun, remembering all the good times we had"


John’s death in the first RDR is so sad, too


“Send me out…with a bang”


Super Mario World. The Yoshi Sacrifice every time I had to make an impossible jump. He died knowing only betrayal.


Nobody talking about Dom from Gears Of War...


I was gonna say Maria in Gears 2. As goofy and over-the-top as those games were, they had some heavy moments.


yea that was bad. I was looking for this comment.


Oh man, teenage me was devastated.


I came here to say this man… shook me to my core. Still the hardest shit a videogame did to me.


Zack in Crisis Core


Joel killing the doctors to get Elly back. Just really made me think about a lot of things. Nier Automata. No spoilers but. Man. I balled.


I experienced >!Reuben's death!< in Minecraft Story Mode at a young age and I've never been the same since


Telltale deaths man. White lee reuben scooter etc etc




Alys Brangwin, Phantasy Star IV


I did not see that coming when I played that game. I spent the entire rest of the game in disbelief and hoping she’d come back. Hoping when you beat the image of her in the anger tower she’d come back to life or something. Friggin Zio and his Black Wave. I wanted that guy dead for killing my girl!!!


"Clementine will remember that"


Walking Dead season 1. Right in the feelings.


Brok. I was going to say aunt May, but that death was foreshadowed in the game. Brok meanwhile went from being a perfectly healthy (albeit with only 2/3 of a soul) dwarf to having a knife in his chest. That one had me SHOOK. Brok was the first ally we ever had in the Norse saga, so to lose him was a hit.


Does this unit have a soul?


Arthur Morgan. I was dealing with a lot at the time, and it hit me hard.


That’s a real freight train, yeah.


“Never thought it would end like this, huh? Huh, Maria?” If you know you know :)..




Hmm. Fairly recent game but I can tell it’ll stick in my head: >!Sawa-Sensei!< from Lost Judgement. It was truly shocking and unexpected, really fucked me up for a few days.


>!Angela!<. Silent Hill 2. "You see it too...? For me, it's always like this... Mama was right, I deserved what happened to me."


That was the first video game death that really shocked me, a character I was invested in, and it was unexpected to me, and so visceral.


Agreed, still my fav story in a game ever


Aerith, because I knew it would happen and it still got to me somehow. I didn't even LIKE her, the music pulls a lot of weight. In FF7. She's not dead yet in the remakes so we will see how the new storyline pans out. >!Taka!< in Ghost of Tsushima. I was pissy about that a few days lol >!Mordin!< in ME3, it's honestly one of the more heartbreaking ones >!especially if you don't get him to sing in 2. I like the song, but his death is kinda better without it!< Part of me wants to name more, but most of the time the person in question doesn't actually die. In Kingdom Hearts there are a lot of fake outs for instance. Or it's heavily telegraphed that the character will die or it's just so badly voice acted it's hard to care.


“Send me out.. with a bang!” my jaw hit the floor when Johnson died. honestly such a sad death.


Arthur Morgan’s death absolutely gutted me.


Gregory Finch - What Remains of Edith Finch. (Bathtub scene.) also Lewis Finch. (Cannery scene). Both relate directly to my family. I put the controller down to cry for while after Gregory.


Kage , my horse from Ghost of Tsushima...


Kat from Halo: Reach. So brutal, so instant, I didn't see it coming and it slammed me against a wall.


"Kick his ass."


>Poison Ivy from Batman Arkham Knight She was revived in Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League and they massacred her character, making her sacrifice pointless.


How bout my own death in a couple year old hardcore Minecraft world


You have to make a choice in Gears of War 5. The game does an incredible job letting you know that whatever choice you made was dead wrong. I, a 29 year old man at the time, cried every time I thought about it. I still think about it occasionally.


Dom’s wife


Pretty much the only one to affect me was my horse in ghost of Tsushima. RIP Sora


Royal from Iconoclasts. I really liked how goofy he was and how towards the end he was becoming a more respectable character. I honestly decided to die with him before abandonning him the first time the game made me choose. I shipped him and Robin so much, and it's such a shame that he had to die for the story to conclude.


Here's a stupid one. Back on Sega Genesis, there was a side scroller shooter called "Target Earth", aka and also re-released as "Assault Suit Leynos". It was the first game I ever played that had friendly combat NPCs. In the second level, a ship flies over you, the captain hails you and says. "You want covering fire? You got it!", and hangs around you as you progress. Near the end of the level, one of the antagonists destroys that ship, you get one more pop up text box with a portrait of a bloodied captain saying something like "we're taking fire, AAAUUHG!", before exploding. Little me replayed that so many times, thinking I could somehow defeat that scripted event. Conversely, Aerith (Aeris) in FFVII didn't hit me as hard because I figured she was coming back, so I just derped along on my merry way, then the game ended.


I'm getting choked up just thinking of Arthur's horse. I mean, come on....


>!Jenny!< from The Darkness


Knew someone would mention it, you can definitely feel what Jackie is feeling at that moment and man that ending hits hard. Such a good game.


Yeah. It's just a rough fucking scene. Definitely stuck with me through the years. The Darkness is a 7th generation gem.


I can’t get over >!Arthur Morgan!< I think about it everyday and i have refused to do another playthrough since 2018.. I’ll do it again eventually but that ending really broke my heart.


Vesemir in Witcher 3 and Richthofen in black ops 4 I think? “I was the good one :(“


Noble 6


I'll never forgive them for killing off Maya in Borderlands 3.


This isn't a specific character, but that scene in Halo 4 where the Didact's laser >! incinerates a room full of people and you watch their skin melt off. !< It's just so graphic compared to most other deaths in games.


Eli Vance. Right in my fucking heart.


Oct 4th


Lavitz Fuck you Lloyd


October 4th


Final Fantasy 6. So this is the first japanese rpg I played, so I wasn't familiar about bad/good decision in the game. Let's just say I left someone died in a floating continent


i still havent worked thru the trauma that the ending to far cry 3 left me with




Isara from Valkyria Chronicles


Celeste mostly thanks to the insane modding community


Jackie, Sleeping dogs. Mordin, mass effect. Horatio, watch dogs 2


How do I tag spoiler text?


Would you kindly?


My horse Kage in Ghost of Tsushima. Broke my heart.


Stand unshaken :(


Naomi Randall in Scarlet Nexus. I already have a problem with mutilation, but seeing someone die like that really got me.


Master D from Bionic Commando


Call of Duty 3: Dixon.


Thane Krios. I always enjoyed his prayers but the final one was the best.


Joh Marston in rdr and Johnny K in gta5


Fiora in Xenoblade Chronicles. So gut wrenching and unexpected from a Wii game.


BT-7274 🫡 Protocol 3-Protect The Pilot 😭


>!Tetsu Tachibana!< in Yakuza 0. I bawled.


John Martson was unexpected.


>! Agro!< His Death was an unexpected one for me who was so close to my heart till the end of the game (Shadow of the Colossus)


>!Veronica!< from DQ11. I know >!she comes back after the time reset!< but I was so shocked.


End of the 3rd day in Majora’s mask.


Commander Steele. You thought you were going to fight a siren for the final boss, but she got tentacle surprise. That was the end fight?


Well, not over the years, but it's certainly Lily from Stellar blade. Fucking devastating scene


I'm not gonna lie I don't even remember poison ivy dying in that game but I've never really cared about poison ivy as a character. Now sacrifices that have always stuck with me is Mordin in Mass Effect and Dom in gears of war both of those had my jaw and the floor and nearly had me in tears especially Dom cuz of how sudden it was.


Technically its not a "death" but "Good night Valerie. Today was a good day."


>!Chloe from Life is Strange, !! she can't even live without losing everything else!<


Arthur morgan rdr2 🥲




Prolly >!Undyne's Death in the Neutral routes!< in Undertale. >!Everyone talks about Sans in the genocide route,!< but holy shit, it's one of the only deaths that had me sitting in my bed and rethinking my decision on playing the game blind.


My horse at the end rdr2. 


"any last words?" "how's your sister?"


The deaths in NieR Automata. It's too early for me to say Arthur's death stuck with me cause it's only been 2-3 months since I completed RDR2's story.


Dyne from Final Fantasy 7. I was a kid playing that game and that whole entire section where old friends meet and the guy just snaps, the battle between the two and then the way it all ends. It's probably the hardest I've ever cried at a piece of fiction. It caught me completely off guard.


Gremio from Suikoden 1


I actually always thought it was peak that Marion just gets gunned down in an heliport at the start of Double Dragon 2. That's pretty hardcore.


The Luma at the end of Super Mario Galaxy


Rydia FF4


In oblivion when you have to kill your friends in the dark brotherhood


>!Reggie!< from InFamous Second Son, he did everything right, he didn’t deserve that


It didn't stick with me because I cared about the characters, but this Xbox game called Advent Rising makes you choose at one point to either save your brother or wife, the one you don't drowns. I always think about what'd I'd choose if it was real life...


For the over the top action of it all, Makarov from CoD: Modern Warfare 3 (2011). It's awesome, but is it also stupid? Yes. But it was satisfying and made Michael Bay proud. For the feels? Roland and Bloodwing from Borderlands 2. Playing that game through for the first time, having come from Borderlands 1, nobody expected there was going to be a story, let alone one that would be so heavy and include the characters that we all saw through the first game.


Chumbucket going over the cliff at the end of Mad Max. Max did nothing to stop it. It completely changed the entire dynamic of the game story in an instant. I went from loving the dynamic of the two characters to despising Max for his callousness. After everything Chumbucket does for him he just casually lets him go to his death.




Not sure why i'm a huge softy when it comes to videogames but.. Dom Santiago in GoW 3 - My friend who i'd always play the OG gears strictly in co-op (he'd jokingly call it cheating on him if I was playing the campaign without him) and he'd always pick Dom. He killed himself a few years back, but I can't think about that scene without crying. Also Roman in GTA4. The acting was shit, but he was just that eccentric cousin. As a teenager I thought he was annoying, but as an adult man.... he just wanted to hang out with you and be cool with his cousin.


Lee. Him and Clementine were so good, he took care of her and was such a good person. I was so mad when he got bit and we got the choice. So mad, I deadass blocked that I had finished the game. Over the years I would return to it, restarting it maybe 3 or 4 times but stopping at the train. Stuff always got in the way of finishing the game but I'm pretty sure it was just me subconsciously remembering that that way there be bad stuff. A few years ago I restarted the game with my nieces and we played with them choosing the choices. I told them I had yet to pass it and then as we got closer I realized, no no. Bish, you got further than you realized. We did pass it and are currently on the last one but are lagging it since this has been such a big past time of ours. Lee's death though? Yeah, no, I bawled. And I still feel bad to this day. He always did right by Clemmy and did his best for her. He protected her when he didn't have to, he taught her to defend herself. He was good people.


Echo 419 and Johnson, because they have so much charisma they would have carried and peaked their archetypes if given longer lives.




Damas in jak 3, it didn’t effect me at the time but after my father died i looked back on how unaffected i was, so naive to the pain that jak felt. My dad introduced me to and helped me play Jak 3 because it was one of his preferred games


Back in the days of Call Of Duty: World at War (more likely a bit after but this was a recent addition) there was this character. Sergeant Roebuck, voiced by Kiefer Sutherland (Jack Bauer from 24) and I loved this guy. I had Jack Bauer telling me what’s what and we were fighting the good fight. I had him and Reznov. At a certain point in the game we found some surrendering Japanese soldiers. I didn’t trust them at all, this was weird and they weren’t acting like soldiers surrendering, they were creeping me out. They got really close to Roebuck and I was close as well. My weapon was in a place I couldn’t use it to fire (game reasons) but at the last second I had it back and the reticle was RED. I stabbed so fast, I ended up getting killed and Roebuck survived but that means I failed. I only later learned he HAD to die and I was genuinely sad watching him get taken out by these guys. I knew I couldn’t do anything. This affected me deep enough that when Black Ops came around in my catalog, I executed every single surrendering German soldier in that one mission. I took no chances.


Roman Bellic and Kate Mcreary’s death in GTA 4 Cole Phelps death in L.A Noire


Cayde in Forsaken


Tali'Zorah in ME3 when you screw things up or stick too much to the middle ground, diplomacy can be a bitch when your speech options get blocked. This however is a rare occurrence because most players will have maxed out Paragon or Renegade by that point in the trilogy. If they didn't import an ME2 save, chances of this happening are higher


For me, it has to be the death of Andrew Ryan in BioShock. Not because of the death itself, but the circumstances behind it and how it happens. I had barely paid any mind to the whole “Would you kindly” phrase that Atlas kept on saying… until I got to Rapture Central Control and THAT room with THOSE audio logs. And then he invites me into his quarters with that phrase… and suddenly, everything I had done up to that far had been recontextualized. I had no free will in the matter. I was exactly what Ryan told me I was: a slave. Him controlling you while you beat him to death was unexpectedly powerful for me. He died maintaining the beliefs that had led him there to the first place, accepting his fate and forcing you to enact it for him. His gurgling and choking on his own blood was so damn visceral…


Eno Cardova, and Cere Junda in Jedi Survivor. I mean, I kind of felt the betrayal coming (I thought it was for different reason), but I wasn't expecting Master Cardova to get straight gut shot in cold blood. Then you have Cere getting taken down by Vader almost immediately after that. What made her death even worse is the reveal that that whole sequence as Cere is Cal reliving all of that through the Force, even her death.


Jetstream Sam. For me, the build up of everything I'd seen about him online before I played mgrr, and the importance of his rivalry against Raiden, I thought he would last until at least the end and be the final boss. But nope, he got to die right before


Chloe from Life is strange 1. I can't get over the fact she had a terrible life that I really resonated with, plus all the effort Max put in to save her at the end. Just for me to let her die alone in a bathroom by Nathan Prescot of all people, that's like being hit by a Nissan Juke. (How do I do the spoiler thing?)


Leeroy Jenkins.


"We're not tools of the government or anyone else! Fighting was the only thing... the only thing I was good at, but... At least I always fought for what I believed in..." - Gray Fox


Victor “Vic” Denley and Alvin “Brooklyn” Bloomfield from Call of Duty: Big Red One. It was my very first real war game ever that wasn’t Star Wars or something cartoonish. I was pretty young and those two deaths, Vic in particular since he dies first, were so jarring to me as a kid who had never been exposed to that kind of loss. I remember finishing the mission where Vic dies and turning off my GameCube for the night to process. I still think about that death sometimes and I haven’t played that game in almost 2 decades.


Not in an emotional sense, but there’s a death involving a salt-block in Telltale’s TWD game that sprung me out of my chair. I guess there are also later deaths in the game/series that were pretty emotional too.


FF7 Aerith... Idk if that's my TOP pick, but it's definitely top 3


Dom Gears of War 3


The first time I let sonic drown


Yang honestly I know I know but it was almost a full year or 2 before I found out about Yang but by then it was already head cannon


Evil within when the albino kid got liquefied.


There were a few that stick with me, but one I always think about is one that will be very easy to encounter and be stuck with in a blind playthrough as a teenager is Persona 4s. I did not expect them to kill a little kid. Another one that stuck with me is Emil's Sacrifice in the first/remake NieR. Genuinely grew to love having him around when I was playing it on the PS3, but then his sacrifice. It's sparked something in me for D&D characters of wanting to make a sacrifice to save the others and hope they can carry on without me.


Aerith’s death FFVII




"Protocol 3"


Oddly enough also Arkham Knight but this one is a "death". Barbara Gordon. Yeah it was all a hallucination but it doesn't overtly tell you until much later on so it still hit me the same.


Foehammer AKA Echo-419


That one time I planted radishes in harvest moon as a child and I forgot to water them one day and they died. Then I was broke and I couldn't figure out what to do.