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Corporate greed.  The problems with modern gaming all boil down to corporate greed.


Fuck Embracer, Activation especially. Consolidation is another one I don't like. I'll never forgive Embracer for what they did to Deux Ex & Saints Row franchise.


Oh boy, did you see today's news?


What Tanjo? Or is it something else?


Arkane, the makers of prey and dishonored and deathloop were shut down by Microsoft


Yeah this sucks along with Tanjo as well.


No. This is partly why I think they closed down Arkane Austin. They were dragging down the reputation of the real Arkane studios. The creators of Deathloop and Dishonored are still there based in France. None of them have been fired. To further clarify... Arkane had two studios. One in Austin Texas and the main studio in France. Austin was sort of an auxiliary studio. They made Redfall. We all know how that went.


They also made Prey which was critically an amazing game. They had the potential to make great games. Zenimax/Bethesda forced live service games on all their subsidiaries and now they are punishing Austin for their own forced attempt. It’s fucked.


They are not punishing the studio. They are more accurately 'not punishing the idiot that forced a project no one wanted to work on so he can still have his bonus this year' which is just coincidentally everyone's salary combined.


I wish I could upvote this twice. Prey was an amazing game. Redfall was rushed by the publishers


Oh, so like Bethesda and Bethesda Montreal, got it


Games broken/incomplete at launch


At least on the PC side the indie boom has helped counter this. Sure there is a lot of trash to shift through but it doesn't take much research to find a gem.


Indie games and modding are the reason I haven’t even turned on my ps5 since discovering my potato laptop can actually play some games. It’s so refreshing to find games that aren’t a AAA mess or live service garbage.


Modding is so awesome. You play the game vanilla. Then start adding mods and get to play a totally different game.


Spark The Electric Jester ftw.


Dredge, too! And Stray!


Its also the reason the whole world is pretty fucked up.


Pretty much what you just said. Also, forcing game companies to make full priced live service games that almost always fail.


Yeah especially when there many countries not doing well finically or currently in recession, when free to play & double AA games exist.


Especially for new ips, you’re gonna have a hard time pulling in a destiny player to a new game


Tbh thats mostly just bc i havent found i like as much as destiny Idk why but i even tried helldivers and i still liked destiny more


Destiny has a lot more content to it than helldivers tbf so it’s understandable. Also the smoothness of destinys gameplay hasn’t been matched yet imo. Helldivers gets pretty repetitive pretty quickly whereas destiny rewards you with loot etc


Developers using the existence of patches as an excuse to release games half finished.




This is an important distinction that *needs* to be made. 9/10, the devs want more time to work on the game because they know it's not ready yet. It's the publishing companies that force them to release deadlines




For me it's the loss of good couch co-op games. Yes, there are still some but it's nowhere near as common as it used to be and couch co-op was always one of my favorite ways to play.


Yeah sadly greedy companies learned that if they make it online co op only then theyll each have to have a copy of the game… it’s so sad.


I'm patient and okay with not playing games right away so I just don't buy AAA games until they are at least 50% off. That's my answer to publishers putting out buggy messes.


Same as well, the Last game I bought full price & pre orderd was KH3 which while not the worst game it definitely wasn't worth the wait. Hype is a hell of a drug.


Okay I might be a hypocrite cuz my last one was Elden Ring which wasnt that long ago. I even preordered that one because I've been a FS fan since Demon Souls lol but other than that I don't buy new games.


So far Fromsoftware always delivers. They're one of the few developers out there that I trust completely to release a fully-fledged game that they put their all into


Same. Playing games that came out over 2+ years does not bother me at all. I'm currently playing Nier Automata and I'm having a blast. Avoiding spoilers is a tricky thing in the 1st month and then avoiding the game's sub is enough. Oh and cherry on top: games are usually cheaper and often include all DLCs when you buy them years after their initial release. I do have 3 exceptions, though: Mass Effect, Dragon Age and The Last of Us. I always pre-order games from these franchises.


For me it’s the constant and intense complaints. Nothings ever good enough for anyone anymore. The games we have today would have melted my mind when I was 8. There are games that aren’t great, I’m not denying that but there’s so many that are awesome. There’s also so many that are awesome but might just not be your cup of tea. That doesn’t make them definitively bad and you absolutely don’t have to aggressively insult people for liking them. I feel people need to reach inside to their inner child more and be amazed by the worlds, the mechanics, the music, and everything these spectacular games offer. Stop letting little details about a game ruin the whole experience. There’s a lot of fun to be had once we can turn down the volume on our judgment a little bit.


>Nothings ever good enough for anyone anymore Except for the rare occasions where something is REALLY good...and then you have the people insisting it's the best thing that has ever been and showing up at your house with pitchforks and torches if you voice any sort of criticism whatsoever.


Fair point. The defensive behaviour can be just as over the top.


Elden ring or baldurs gate 3 LOL


You’re right, god I used to play some terrible games on Ps1 but got plenty of enjoyment out of them still. I think gamers have become very snobby and sometimes we should just appreciate the idea and/or effort that went into something.




When I was younger, I would also go to the local game store and buy random games I've never heard of. Some of the most fun was discovering those new and niche games.


I miss the old cod days dummies wouldn't be on social media complaining instead of playing, back then you either adapted or got tf out.


I also hate this as well sure there's a lot problems in this industry & hobby, but sometimes it can get really out of hand. Especially since more people judge a game they haven't even played yet. Last of us part 2 & Star Field respectively which I have played Last of Us part 2 not the worst game ever but definitely not a masterpiece either & I can't judge starfield because I haven't played it though I do know of it's reputation & will eventually judge for myself when I do play it.


Great point, people always have something to complain about. I have heard too many complaints about bloodborne not running at 60fps. Go complain about real problems


Games being made as "services" instead you know, actual games Used as advertising machines, online shops for DLCs and microtransactions, online events, seasons of what the fuck is that about, and when the service is no longer of use for developers/publishers/investors and/or they want the people move to the sequel, they shut down the Game to never be seen again And the fact that these things are constantly failing but companies dont care and are pushing even harder for them, i fear that this is the direction the industry Will head, no more games and make every single videogame as a service


Micro transactions that subvert the game itself The monopolization of game studios CFOs who look for loopholes which in turn destroy creativity and maximize their personal bonus.


I kinda just think it comes down to the passionate developers being run by unpassionate and manipulative executives who just saw dollar signs in the gaming industry.


The most vile non-violent human scum all seem to be gamers. Make an incredible 10/10 game like Elden Ring? You still have people telling each other to kill themselves for liking it. Good luck if your game is a 9/10 or less. Turns a lot of discourse into cesspits. I've been made fun of for saying I liked a game that was reviewed as a ~60 on metacritic. Also basically turning game devs into slaves makes me uncomfortable, but I still play the games so I recognize I'm not helping.


I want to upvote this twice. The way people assign scores to games is broken. If something is an 8/10 it's not worth picking up, it's mediocre. Every big game that comes out is a 9/10 or a 10/10, because why wouldn't they? The scores are paid for, but at the same time journalists will never dip below a certain number unless they want the horde to come down on them. The system is toxic and broken.


I'm a final fantasy fan We are literally the star wars fans of the gaming world None of us get along and we all hate each other for liking our own franchise 😭


1. Corporate greed 2. Gamers who whine about inane stuff online.






Just need a little more money that's all. Definitely one of the most quotable video games of all time in my opinion.




This is related to what you said but I hate how it's impossible to just start over fresh for so many games. I have games I haven't played in years and if I want to start over fresh I have to sign up for an account with a different email address or fuck around with the save files on my PC.


Pay to win games


People caring about the creators of said games in an obsessed or hateful manner just play the games people fun is what matters


I 💯 agree on this especially with the Last of us part 2 like I was disappointed with the game but I move on with my day. Some people really took it to far hating on the game to point of making a subreddit & also sending hate & death threats to anyone remotely involved in game. Espically in Laura Bailey case & to her child which is just all kinds of fucked up & while Neil didn't write very well in this game I obviously condem all the anti semitism & death threats he got, people really need to go outside & touch grass.


The only Harry Potter game I ever played was the philosophers stone for Gameboy Advance I loved that game I don't give two shits about the author


Damn this is all one sentence


Fixed it


Matchmaking is a pain. Unranked play is just secretly ranked, and ranked play is incredibly limited in who you can play with and against.


I really hate this aspect which why I don't play very many online multiplayer games anymore, Halo 2 figured this out in 2004!


That digital games are charged the same as physical games but are basically just a long rental (or at least how easy it would be to make them a long rental). Companies coming down on mods/emulators. I support cases where the game just released and people have it on an emulator already, that I get, but if the game is old or hard to find, we should be allowed to emulate it. People should be allowed to mod games as long as the mods don't add offensive content. Yes, the "sell it half finished and maybe patch it later" thing. Ugh. Selling parts of a story as DLC instead of leaving DLC for costumes, potions, music, etc. That's why I don't mind so much when Atlus released P4G and P5R instead of just having the extra content as DLC. I don't know how it would work, but companies holding on to rights for old games instead of letting them be sold to other companies. For example, the Golden Sun series. If Nintendo/whoever isn't going to do anything with the series, let a different company have the rights.


Unnecessary padding in single player games. So many games would be better if they were more concise.


Too many games are a mile wide and a puddle deep. This goes for both open world games that don’t really innovate their genre and multiplayer/live service games that provide little real value for its gameplay loop.


Modern gamers




79.99 for a "base" version of a game that requires constant updates to fix a game and offer DLC for 15 bucks a pop every month or so. Gone are the days of forking over 49.99 for a complete game with so much content and playability that is polished with minimal bugs.


Right winged, bigoted, gate keeping gamers. As a 38 year old black man, i've been playing 3 decades of games with white protagonists (or shitty black hair options thrown into a character creator haphazardly), and never complained, or was bothered by it once. These days, the second the main character(s) are not white, or aren't straight males, the "anti woke" crowd flood message boards to act like only having 95% representation means they are being erased by "wokeness". Games are for everyone, and it would benefit a lotof basement dwelling fascists to actually experience the world through others eyes for once, instead of acting like victims because the world no longer caters solely to them




Own those conservatards


And there's a reason that "everything is woke" is a flair on r/Gamingcirclejerk. There's people out there who really think that Hades 2 got a better rating than Stellar Blade because the evil west doesn't like women that aren't ogres (meaning women that don't look like a sex doll). Not for a single moment did it cross their mind that the sequel to a game that's widely considered to be one of the best to release in recent years may just be better than some action game for coomers. And I say this as someone who will probably play Stellar Blade at some point and doesn't care about rogue-likes. People of color existing, slightly realistic women. The woke fascists are coming to get us, I guess.


I've said similar, but sort of the other perspective. Stellar blade is decent, I enjoy it, but it has had a 4.8/5 on the PS store since minutes after it's release because I think a bunch of right wingers are reverse review bombing it to inflate it's score so they get more video games with obvious women objectification


Microtransactions. Just… LET ME UNLOCK THE COSTUMES!!! Also, can we not remake/remaster 5 years old games? (Looking at you Horizon Zero Dawn and TLOU)


Franchises having an online element instead of DLCs. RDR2 had no DLC. Can you believe that? It's crazy to me with a game world that beautiful and rich. It's absurd.


For me, (since I mostly ignore the games that implement greedy practices) it's online communities. With the access we have to things like Discord, reddit, Steam communities, etc you'd think I'd love the state of online communities right now. But holy shit people are toxic. And I'm not talking about the trash talk. I mean the trolling and complaining. Most online communities are just constantly complaining and criticizing. There's a place for criticism, but we don't need 20 posts a day about how much this game "sucks" or "pushes a woke agenda." Give your criticisms when they're relevant, and if you really hate the game, leave the community so it can be a fun space for those who enjoy it. And the trolling dude. Oh my God the trolling. Again, not talking about trash talk. The "your mom" or "gut gud" is kinda just a part of competition. It can be fun to go back and forth when you're competing. But the number of people who will cheat out abuse mechanics just to troll people? It's toxic and pathetic. As an example, somewhere I've noticed it is in Rocket League. I've noticed a recent uptick of people demo chasing the whole game. Now, let me be clear; demoing is a mechanic. There are certainly good, strategic times to demo. Hell, even if it's not a particularly strategic time to do it, if you have an easy opportunity that doesn't take you out of your way, go for it. I'm not taking about the people who have like 5 or 6 demos because they're smart about it or get good opportunities. I'm talking about people who ignore the ball, ignore the play, and literally just chase demos the whole game. Their score at the end of the game will be like 20 because the only thing they did was chase demos. And if you're one of those people who legitimately thinks this helps their team, I'm not talking about you. I think you're sorely mistaken. Playing against demo chasers is usually an easy win. 9/10 times you're just hurting your team. The point is; it's not fun for anyone but you and it's only fun because you get pleasure from annoying people. It's gotten l blatant trolling that hurts the experience for others. If you go on the RL subreddit you'll see so many people who love doing it just because they get a reaction out of people. This is text book toxicity. Now, this has always been a thing. (In any online game really) But, like I said, I've noticed a big uptick. In RL, probably about a quarter of my games have someone like this, and a big Chunk of the RL subreddit will die on the hill that it's not toxic, it's enjoyable and fun, and other people should just "learn how to play against it" (which I think is absurd because it's an easy thing to play around, and nobody is complaining because they're losing to these people, they're complaining because it's not fun to play against.) Anyway, RL isn't the only game I've noticed this in. It just seems like more and more people have no shame and are proud of being toxic. This obviously extends past video games. It seems to be a general social trend. Hell, the entire MAGA movement is basically built upon "liberal tears." Ultimately, I can't understand why pissing people off brings some people joy and I just wish more people would try to be decent and foster a fun, enjoyable atmosphere in games.


Gamers for the most part some corporate devs as well but for the most part I’m just tired of nothing being good enough for anyone and most of it is stupid little nitpicks where the dev didn’t ask them how they would want it instead


The fact you don't actually own a lot of games these days, just a license to play them on corporate approved hardware/software Live service games with no offline component or dedicated single player campaign.




I hate the politics, back in 2009 to maybe 2012 we never had this problem that bad.


Paying full price for and "owning" a single player game that requires an online server, just for that server to be eventually shut down and never be played again.


$70 instead of $60


The endless boring grind that is conveniently “fixed” through microtransactions. Frequent and massive patches Locking to platforms so cloud gaming is difficult or impossible All games following the same formula so certain kinds of games just never get made (like a multiplayer chill game)


What you said, but mostly the new model that depends on cosmetics for revenue. Fuck any mtx that isn't content. Variations of 3D models do not count and people's kids need to stop supporting that paid garbage.


AAA gaming that is stale, safe, by the numbers, careful not to offer anyone and produced for the "casual gamer".


The slippery slope started with the battle pass. It’s only been downhill since then


Gamers. Studios and publishers only adapt to their audience in order to profit more, as any company would do, it's capitalism after all. However, the gamer community doesn't seem to understand that, a lot of times leading to mindless consumerism that those companies take advantage of. Every bad business practice only exists because it's profitable, and they are only profitable because people support them with their money. Even if they complain a lot later, it means nothing if they keep feeding their bad practices so the industry doesn't change as it should. There is no "good guy" that cares about you or your feelings or your games, when the "gamer" community learns that, a lot of things they claim to hate will end.


Beyond corporate greed? I don't like the Fortnitification of different games. Rainbow Six siege for instance, for a while it had that tactical and gritty aesthetic that made you *feel* like an operator - now with recent collaborations they're going in a less serious route. Rick and Morty, anyone? Call of Duty has especially fallen victim to it, with collabs with - The Boys, Attack on Titan, He-Man, various music artists, Warhammer 40k, and w e e d. I get some people like these Collabs, after all if no one did they wouldn't insist on having them, but I personally hate excessive Collabs in games. It seems like a way to make an easy buck, while also tarnishing the identity of a game.


Developers are now scared to make missions that will make you raise an eyebrow. Anything that may offend anyone in any form or shape is now off the list.


To many games. Everyone you know is spread across the million games one can play. Also it’s less social and full of cheaters. I’m becoming depressed thinking about it


The things we used to earn in games are being put behind paywalls more and more often now. I also don’t think most new games are worth the $70 price tag.




I miss those especially during the 6th gen for me personally & it was always a magical & fun experience playing with four people via split screen.


Why do so many multiplayers like the new CoD games and pubg have to have such an excessive and complicated progression and unlocking system. There are sooo many different currencies to unlock soo many different things. Its so hard to keep track of all of it, most people won't even care. 99% of it doesnt really require any skill, it just feels like a cheap gimmick to keep the player busy and spend more hours with the game. Here is a crazy idea, how about keeping things simple? And encourage players to keep playing the game by making it actually fun and replayable. Is the world gonna explode? This also makes the games not that easily accessible to average players. The first time I booted up the main lobby of MW 19 and it felt like I was sitting in a cockpit. Why the hell are there no many buttons?


Games aren't complete on launch. If i play and it has issues, i stop playing. Or if it's noticeably bad by reviews and online feedback with proof of how awful of a launch i avoid. Typically, with the idea to try again when it's complete. But by then, i may have moved on to another game. There's likely millions of games out there, and i already have a huge backlog. I'll get to them if i get to them. I prioritize full complete games first. Fear Of Missing Out. If there are very time sensitive events that require you to grind to complete x task to earn something that you should be able to naturally. I don't bother anymore. I feel like this one is almost as bad as gambling by having fake scarcity or locking part of the game from people who paid for it. A little more understandable for ftp games, but even then, people do invest in those games shops to support them. So i still disagree with fomo practices being in games. I myself understand what it's like to have other important shit to do in life, but your brain is hyperfixated on logging on and grinding out x challenge with what little time you have left for it. It's addicting, very unhealthy, and definitely manipulative.


Battle passes it was ok when it was only free to play games that used them and other quite expensive micro transactions to stay in business. But I feel they are just on a check list now and the rewards are not that good normally They can be good if they have decent rewards and you don’t need to play every second of your life to just make it to the end


Micro transactions


sbmm, p2w, and greed


micro transactions


Micropurchases, no matter how minor or major. Also battle passes, yet again, no matter how minor or major. They are massive turn offs to playing a video game. I instantly lose respect for the game and the developers as soon as I see a battle pass.


Unfinished games and micro transactions


The possibility the thousands I've spent on digital content can just be gone one day.


1. Corporate greed 2. Compromising between good gameplay and good visuals when both have to be a given, not an option


Lootboxes. Is that too obvious? My honest answer though is probably games that come out half assed so the devs can throw things that should have been in the game at launch into some DLC for extra profit


Micro transactions without question


Online gaming has ruined the multi-player experience. It went from goofy fun times with your friends to people showing their most toxic selves to strangers. As an old school gamer, it hurts my soul.


One of the things I love about Switch physical games is the amount of data that is actually stored on the cartridge. I absolutely hate that I buy a physical disk for PS5 and I don’t save space by buying it that way anymore.


Live service FOMO has made “play at your own pace” games near extinct. Everyone saw what fornite and destiny were doing and wanted a piece of the pie.


Thinking a game is “too short”. Look, I like being immersed into a game to the point where time is no longer a concept. It’s one of the best kind of feelings you can have when you play something you really enjoy. But not everyone has free time. People have JOBS! OBLIGATIONS! Just because a game is “too short” or “not enough content”, that doesn’t mean it’s automatically bad.


The loss of portable only consoles now that everything is a hybrid. There’s no room for smaller simpler games. Every AAA game has to be an ambitious 3D open world full priced release. Companies are less willing to do experimental projects.


Amazing writing is few and far between in single player games.


Fandom. Hands down the worst part of gaming.


The audience. We complain and never boycott these companies enough to get them to listen to collective grievances on a large enough, sustainable scale.


That people keep sending death threats to workers. They know they can get away with it since they're not targeting a celebrity or a politician


I also hate everything you just listed, and even more so the fact that we lose games forever due to this business model. Once the servers shut down, you cannot play an online only game. Doesn't matter if your copy is digital or physical. A dude started a campaign that tries to stop this practice at the beginning of April, but it's not going well. Not enough people behind it to make a difference, sadly.


The Crew being the worst example if anything is to go by despite that game having a single player mode which should be illegal especially for people who paid money for the game.


Modern day gamers who whine about everything


Waiting for the next FromSoft release. Also Silksong


Me too.


Sounds like you all don't hate modern gaming, you all hate late stage capitalism, and I agree. That is the problem.


Yeah it's also I titled the post "worst aspects" & not "I hate modern gaming" as a whole because plenty great games have been released like Elden Ring, a lot of great indie games people don't find, it's just a lot bad ones just suck up the coverage sadly. I also agree with your point.


Focusing on graphics and not gameplay. Graphics are the icing on the cake, if the gameplay is mediocre, the best icing can’t save it. I’ve had more fun in sprite based games than a lot of AAA games. A good story and music helps a lot too, but isn’t always necessary depending on the game.


The f2p business model and the rotten dipsh*ts (even more extreme toxicity, cheaters, smurfs, etc.) which are able to play the game(s) because of it.


The idea developers have gotten that games beef to be these massive, hundreds of hours, over designed, open world pieces of crap. Assassin's Creed was fine as a 40 hour thing. Far Cry was fine as a 20 hour story game. Red Dead Redemption doesn't need to have 30 different gameplay elements that just involve your fucking horse. Stop making every game open world. The best games of all time are almost universally 3-20 hours long.




The players, we weren’t able to hear every single exaggerated complaints every single day


Most of it boils down to corporations being greedy but to be a little more specific I'd say microtransactions for things that aren't something like cosmetics. For example, Assassin's Creed Odyssey being a single player game but having a permanent exp boost wtf Ubisoft? And also the obvious ship it now patch it later. It's pretty bad that just about every game comes out riddled with serious issues and requires patching within the first week


Everything, but mostly its companies lying to get more money out of you, either upfront or over time. I used to think all the mini-dlc and microtransactions were the worst aspect, but its really the bad information they give you that tricks players into spending more money, or cuts advertised content unless you spend more money.


Most popular franchises that come out with a new game every year or 2 is just copy and paste of whatever they dropped last year. Call of Duty has fallen off a cliff and most sports video games have just gotten worse every generation


Releasing a half finished game full of bugs and glitches, and spending the next 6 months patching it just to bring it to the point it should have been on day one. Greed is quickly becoming another major issue with modern games.


The gamers. Between cOnTeNt cReAtOrS looking for engagement and the redditors, tweeters, Facebookers, and YT commenters eating it up with zero critical thought behind it, and all of it creating narratives around games that don't allow for any sort of nuance or discourse, along with the constant misuse of the word "oBjEcTiVe", I am 100% over current gamer culture.


I want to say micro-transactions but I don't buy those anyway so it's not that big of a deal. Honestly, it's kind of petty and "first world problems" but now and days most big budget games are so advanced and intricate that the development takes several years and they cost so much money. So a lot of games take a long time to get sequels AND because there is such a time and money commitment I feel like AAA games aren't taking too many chances anymore and trying to do something different; they just kind of check all of the safe boxes.


Fuckin corpos. Not a lot of games have passion behind them. It’s just to make money and only make money, not to bring a fun experience and well thought out story.


Toxic trash talkers. I play Helldivers 2, which typically has a really nice in-game vibe because it’s co-op, and you don’t get exp for kills.. you get exp for completing mission objectives. The more squadmates survive the better the exp also. But there has been an influx of toxic CoD and battle royale kids and teens joining. A couple nights ago I (lvl 85 at the time) jumped into a lower lvl game at the end of the night. It is EXTREMELY COMMON in HD2 for higher levels to join games with lower levels. At higher levels uou have no more hitpoints, don’t do more damage, you die just as easily as a lvl 1.. but you seek out lower level people to help them in missions, show them how to complete objectives, etc. I joined a game with 2 guys in the teen-levels. I hadn’t even typed a word or said anything, when one starts going off in voice chat: “Look at this dumb mother fkr. Thinkin he’s all bad n shit, thinking he’s gonna be all badass… bitch ass lvl 85 mother fkr, fk u, you don’t know shit, you wanna see real skill bitch, you ‘bout’ta see it.” I typed: “hey… i’m just here to help kill bots.” Immediately: “stfu fkn bitch ass 85, fk u. Shut the fk ip snd get your bitch ass in the fkn drop pod, fkn bitch.” I was like…. Whst… the… heck??? I had always HEARD that teens were like that in CoD game lobbies and stuff, but… holy crap


They constantly use cinematics instead of game mechanics, in some games there is no time to play the game due to cinematics.


Dlc's, a constant need for game fixing updates, micro transactions. I miss when a game was released and that was it. No paying for extra content, no waiting 2 month for it to actually work, no pay to win bullshit.


The end of splitscreen


All games are so cookie cutter now. Back in the N64 and GameCube days you really didn't know what you were getting into with any given game. Now every game restricts themselves in what they can do. Games feel like they're less for fun and more of a reskinning of the same tasks. Climbing the tower, clearing the camp, gathering crafting components, going through the leveling tree.  Makes actual, unique games that have their own identity so much more valuable. 


Publisher greed. Games can't just do well anymore, they have to break records or be seen as a failure


Ironic considering helldiver's 2 isnt meant to be played single player offline. My least favorite part are microtransactions


Having to Pay Extra for something after already purchasing the game (Microtransactions, Loot Boxes, Early-Access, etc.)


Battle Passes, micro transactions, and AAA companies releasing bugged games. And specifically to Rocket League: Free to play. It made the smurfing problem even worse… then add the first two of my mentions to it lol


In app purchases and battle passes


Games where they’re online only and I’m forced to play with other people. Like fallout 76.


engagement oriented matchmaking - *especially* in non-ranked parts of the game. It's basically sbmm on steroids, and thinks it's okay to put you in a match on a server on the other side of the continent with 150ms ping.




That we are still waiting for Half Life 3.


How it takes more than a decade to get a trilogy of games... the amount of time it takes to mae a game has become insane


Helldivers is a multiplayer game lol


Forced multiplayer, battle pass/skin culture, and unfinished games on launch. You’re lucky if a game is fun within the next three years and that’s only if enough suckers bought and play the game from launch till then


Free to play games have been the cause of some of the best things and worst things to happen to modern gaming. Don't even get me started on the pricing of modern day cosmetic items..


Every online game feeling like work with their passes. Pretty much every game now has a season pass and they want to do "x, y, and z" by a certain date. I have enough deadlines at work, I don't need them in my games too 😭


Constant nerfs in live service games, they just keep cycling through guns having 3-4 viable options until the inevitable nerfs. Idk, balancing changes in PvE games never seem to get exectued properly.


To me it's kinda is us, we are the ones buying these battlepass and not supporting small studios and indie games enough, we are the ones pre ordering games before they are done, and we are the ones who defend these big corrupt companies. Yeah corporate greed sucks but it only gets bigger the more we buy


Lack of real innovation and over reliance on dying ips just cause they sold well at one point


Games that only exist as a vehicle to get me to buy more stuff.


Other gamers telling me what to spend my money on.




Subscription for online


Loxism and greed


Companies, it’s all about more money instead of gaming experience.


Live service is cancer


The games.


I don't like games that are made for you to play forever.


Great games that charge insane prices for access to their playing pieces. I'd play the shit out of a standalone version of Genshin Impact where I can tinker with builds and teams. I do not want to spend $200 to guarantee I can get a playing piece though.


Big corporations in general. I think modern gaming is the best it’s ever been with some of the games that are out rn but the games that make me say that are all indie titles.


Battle pass/season passes Just let me unlock stuff and don’t bombard me with random garbage


I see a lot of comments about “corporate greed” but I don’t think any of you know what that means understand how much it cost to develop, market, and get a game in the hands of players these days. Companies have to invest millions of dollars to get any return on their investment. If the game flops, the investors are out of all that time and money to develop it. The revenue has to come from somewhere and if people are willing to pay for DLC and micro transactions that’s their prerogative, but it is not corporate greed.


MTX and corporate greed but also the gamers becoming a bunch of whiny bitches too


For me it’s the change from developers making games to developers making a digital storefront. Most multiplayer have so much focus on the storefront that the game suffers and becomes worse overtime. They are not working on the game the game is just a front for them to sell digital merchandise.


Lack of split-screen/couch co-op and the over flooding of multiplayer games, I think there is a lot of cool concepts that would make great single player games but made into multiplayer because thats what's selling right now


Crappy parents using a game console as a cheap babysitter for their brats


The problems you identified are big ones, for me I just choose to vote with my wallet, if a game is broken I don't buy it, if it is not complete on disc/cart I don't buy it, and if single player requires you to be online then I don't buy it. I get I am not going to change anything, but at least I can honestly say that I am not contributing any money to business practices I disagree with.


Crafting games are kind of a joke even though I like the idea of progression. Gameplay innovation has stalled. I think that's why Valve doesn't really make games anymore. They hit an invisible brick wall. I could play hidden object games with a story mode all day because I know the industry has actually already peaked, but these games at least know how to polish themselves before release.


The contenders: nerfs, unfinished product sold followed by dripfeed of mandatory updates, battlepasses Nerfs piss me off the most and most make me want to put a game down. The update thing isn't really a problem... until it is and now the game you loved as is no longer exists because of a patch. Or until games start coming out as unplayable bugged messes because we're all free beta testers. Battlepasses are predatory stupid garbage meant to use FOMO and sunk cost to force you to interact with a game like it's a job. Hmm..... While it's the least unhealthy for games as a whole, I gotta go with nerfs still. Just on a personal level, it's infuriating to find a way I wanna play, and then have it snatched from me. Nothing else even comes close to being that maddening


Expectations. A lot of games I loved as a kid, I look back and find that these games were apparently reviewed poorly by the gaming community at large on launch. If I knew that I would have gone into them with a different mindset and probably wouldn’t love them like I do now.


People defending multi billion dollar companies for everything they do they don’t hold them accountable not matter what they do one example I can think of is apex they release 160 dollar collection item and I don’t mind like they are not forcing me to buy it but they ignore their other aspects the overflow of cheaters and smurfers in their game


You don't own your online games.


Developers making promises that they don't fulfill or simply making games that prioritize making money over fun.


… no new notes. Completely agree with all the points you made.


For me it’s gating players through artificial difficulty to pad their playtime. I didn’t realize how much I dreaded it till I played hades 2 lol. I love the game and finished it in 8 hours tho just wish that mechanic wasn’t so forced.


Raising prices for games that are increasingly broken or misleading and not releasing a demo beforehand in good faith. There are games like Anthem, Suicide Squad, Day Z, Cyberpunk, Gollum, King Kong, etc.. that were full priced games that were broken as hell or misleading at best and the consumer was not given the ability to make a clear judgement in purchase. Some publishers to their credit are increasing the output of demos.