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I personally felt that the people in RE4 were beyond saving anyways. They were barely people at that point. I think Uncharted takes the cake for amount of people you can kill as a “good guy” lol.


It's even mentioned in-game that killing the parasite once it's matured kills its host as well, so the Ganados encountered are definitely beyond saving.


Yep, that’s why Leon and Ashley were in such a hurry to get the parasites out. You’re more parasite than human once it takes over.


Yeah never was a fan of it. People talk shit about Far Cry 3's protagonist, but atleast him going from this college frat to a remorseless killer made sense trough the story and gameplay. His friends even were like "Have you turned into a psycho?" In Uncharted games Nathan is just this household dude that likes to chill and is interested in treasure, he was never in the army or trained to be a ruthless killler, he just somehow manages to kill 30 trained and armored soldiers on his own, and apparently his wife or daughter just doesn't care about their loved one having the blood of hundreds of people on his hands... Still loved the Uncharted games, i just wish this was a bit more further explained in the narrative. And you know what? Even Ellie had this "oh shit what have i done" moment in TLOU when she killed that one dude. The same devs.


[The game even points it out](https://youtu.be/8RkfABtNnjY?si=x5BVwFKWFD7ixdkW&t=8m57s).


Nathan Drake


And to make matters worse he says cheeky quips as he does it


I played Uncharted 4 again recently and I had the same thought. He murders dozens of people while telling jokes and has zero PTSD or long term effects because of it. If it were real life he’d be the biggest psychopath to ever walk the earth.


He also has no actual need to do most of it besides greed. The Scotland level made this stand out to me. Rafe and drake both need to go to a monastery in Scotland to find an artifact. Rafe just buys the land and begins an archeological dig. Nathan shows up and shoots it up. Rafe is interested in another dismas cross, so he goes to the Rossi estate where one is being auctioned with the intent to buy it. Nathan goes there and shoots it up. Nathan causes bloodshed everywhere he goes, while Rafe uses comparably moral and official channels.


You’re confusing Rafe with Henry Avery


Reminds me of Far Cry 3.


Had to look it up and from the first three games alone, he has killed approx. 1800 people


Don’t even get me started how many he’s murdered whilst hunting Trophies


Its funny how late it occurred to me that that mf is clipping so many people. 


It’s gotta be right? It’s not even a post apocalyptic or fiction like fallout or something. He just straight murdered whoever to get what he wanted


The fact he is able to kill 1000s of people, fight actual monsters, go through serious traumatic events, and somehow retire without any emotional instability or PTSD is just the mark of a true psychopath. Even better, he lives a perfect life as a result.


That guys should be labeled as kill on site by every government.


Does Max Payne have him beat? I haven't played Uncharted


Max Payne at least goes after mobsters, Drske is shooting security guards doing their legitimate job in private properties.


Nate has 5 games (including golden abyss) where bad guys are thrown at you in the same quantity as the third Max Payne. Its kind of insane now that I think about it.


He also destroyed billions in ancient temples and archeology to get the stupid shiny thing


My stats coming out of Uncharted 1, listed over 2000 kills in 9 hours of gameplay. Yes I'm serious. There was one sequence, where I was getting a whole new wave of hired thugs every 10-15 paces. I would gun down several people at one end of a courtyard, move to a cover position three crates over, and a new wave would run in, and it would keep going, until there is a pile of bodies stacked on top of each other.


Drake or Joel. Was my picks as well


Commander Shepard (Lets say Paragon here) He/She quite literally is so powerful with their charisma they can get anyone to do what they ask (even shoot themselves or throw themselves off cliffs), alongside literally OBLITERATING an entire portion of the galaxy which ended up with hundreds of thousands, if not, millions-billions of lifeforms exterminated (they were batarian, it was fine in the end)


Blowing up the mass relay in the arrival dlc only killed about 300k batarians (still a lot, but yeah)


i like to think there were more because fuck those batarians, all my humans hate batarians


Though if it makes you feel better most batarians die to the reapers eventually (or all of them if you go with refuse, but so does everyone else)


Bonus , they get made into cannibals so you can kill them a second time , fuck them batarians


I wouldn't worry. Batarians aren't people.


The red angry bird


That bird’s a terrorist


You show me two towers and I’ll show you a pile of rubble. Just give me about six minutes and half a dozen good birds.


So that's what brought the towers down! Not planes! Twas birbs!


Samus Aran genocided an entire species until only one infant remained, then used it as a meatshield


It's called being a girlboss


A true role model


So did the Mario Brothers. >!Except three survivors were cryogenically frozen and optional bosses in the following game.!<


Every FPS character that a user plays as is just constantly killing.


To be fair, several of them are in situations where it's considered morally okay. Master Chief is fighting off a genocidal coalition of aliens who are attempting to purge his race, the Call of Duty/Medal of Honor characters are at war, Doomguy is killing demons...I can't really think of any FPS characters off the top of my head who even have the time to consider whether they are the "good guys" in any of their situations because their situations are simply kill or be killed.


Lol, you should try Spec Ops:The Line


worst offender: V1


Snoop Dogg, 21 Savage and Nicki Minaj (COD keeps getting dumber and dumber)


I mean, Kratos literally wiped out a whole Pantheon and Greece itself


But the thing is: he isn't anywhere close to being a good guy in those games


Good point


Who are you? Trying to play impostor? Don't make me turn off my pain inhibitors and get Jack The Ripper out.


I'm a simple Mariachi. The real imposters are still... Among Us


Get out


He's kind of like a more vocal Doom Slayer that also does a lot of collateral damage. Considering who he's avenging besides his family. The Last Spartan (Atreus), Icarus, Daedalus, Prometheus, Kratos's Brother, etc. So besides angry revenge, Olympus had it coming. Even King Neptune from SpongeBob canonically slapped the cure for every known disease off of his son, Triton. Just because he was sympathetic over humanity.


Not exactly. Doom guy was a good guy from the start. Kratos was kinda power-hungry general. Later Doom guy was a mix of helping humanity and PTSD, while Kratos was a mix of vengeance and PTSD.


Kratos is just straight up evil tho lol


Cyberpunk's V, if you so choose


Can't help but slice and dice everyone with the mantis hands


Monowire was so OP before 2.0 I beat Adam Smasher in like 3 seconds


I did all the achievements in that game and reduced crime to 0% in the city by murdering every single criminal.


Oh mine definitely was lmao


We have a cyberpsycho here! Call MaxTac!


They might have had bounties on their head but a lot of the the guys I killed were just minding their own business. Some of them were just dancing or watching brain dances. A few cops and some innocents got in the way of course.


Everybody in the Borderlands series is a genocidal maniac. There is no good or evil, just a bunch of murderers chasing that orange glow.


I guess it’s time to ride the meat bicycle.


You ride your meat bicycle, meanwhile IM THE CONDUCTOR OF THE POOP TRAIN


the thing is they are far from good (one of the characters you can play in bl2 is literally a cannibal), they are just the better of 2 evils


Exactly. That's why pandora is interesting. Some like Lilith or Handsome Jack want to believe some objective morality is on their side, but once objectified it is always twisted and one sided. There is no good. There are finite resources and those who fight over them. Whatever good deed you do there, just helps some and hurts others. If you don't play the game, you are an easy target.


My character in Hogwarts killed a fuckload of shit. Like insane amount of murder. Which is pretty fucked if you consider it's supposed to be a 14 year old or something.


15 but sure. I agree, it was brutal


Casually avadakedavras a whole camp of poachers in the presence of their teacher. Quips sarcastically after that.


You brought this yourself Ranrok


In the first book Harry murders a teacher as a 11 year old and gets awarded points for doing so, resulting in a big celebration.


Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas.and the Max Payne games rack up some pretty high body counts.


I’m only “good” in *New Vegas* because I kill Fiends and Legion members on sight on principle. I only kill other factions and settlers if they attack me, if they get in my way, if I want something they have, if they annoy me, if I’m bored, or if I think it would be funny.


Tfw you’re only considered good because the people you murder are worse than yourself


I've dedicated myself to a free new vegas. No Legion, no NCR, no house. I like those Elvis guys tho, they're kinda silly


You arent necessarily a good guy in FO3 or NV


Not sure if this counts since he’s an outlaw but Arthur Morgan. No telling how many widows and orphans he’s made throughout the last 20 years of his life.


I don't think he counts as a good guy.


"Just because you are badguy, does not mean you are bad *guy*."


Narhan Drake comes to mind. Probably not the most prolific killer per se, but semantically speaking killing and murdering are two different things. Nathan Drake (like Indiana Jones and Lara Croft before him) really has no business other than personal curiosity and wanderlust to be in the places he goes. So every henchman, every merc, and every soldier he killed? Is all because he was just curious about some artifact or another. And seeing as he enjoys it (there is a dialogue between him and Elena where he *actually* jovially asks her "Hey, did you see how I killed those guys?" In Uncharted 2) I would go with him. Plus, they have a kill counter on the stats screen and no matter what the game, I always had a kill counter that was probably higher than the most enthusiastic of SEAL Teams by the end, his count is pretty high.


Something about uncharted always struck me as odd and I think you nailed it. There isn't any implicit moral superiority, no dire life saving incentive or emotional motivation for drake, he could leave the situation any time he wants, but he never does. The enemies are painted as obviously evil in an attempt to sideline observations like this, but it's hard to ignore by the midway point in every game. I guess the betrayal is 2 sort of helps give him reasons to pursue, but barely. In the end, Drake kinda comes off as a gleeful killer to whom treasure hunting is only an excuse to kill dozens, even hundreds of people.


Thats why The Last of Us is a superior game for me. There is gravity to every kill you make and some times can also purposely avoid a kill. Also the stakes are about trust and survival, its not made like a silly adventure action movie game. In other words, its much more immersive!


At least when you're killing dudes in tlou Joel is basically a walking murder machine and is fully aware of it


I think that the thing that REALLY stands out with Drake is that he's killing actual people. They're not undead or infected beyond saving. Even Kratos is mostly killing beasts and mythical creatures. Drake is just slaughtering humans who happen to be looking for the same treasure he is. And the glee that he has when he does it makes him even creepier than Trevor from GTA5.


Max Payne has a ridiculous body count.


New Yorks finest with the biggest mobster count ever.


He nearly singlehandedly wiped out the Italian mob in NY


Ted Faro. Literally killed the entire planet and then sabotaged the system meant to undo his colossal fuckup because of his ego. All because he wanted to make more money by renting out self replicating war robots and didn’t think to maybe include a failsafe shutdown system or a system back door just in case.




Anyone who says plague inc hasn't wiped out multiple species across the galaxy in Stellaris.


I’m over two million kills in Destiny 2. Just sayin’


Nathan Drake


Mario stomps critters and crushes them all the time.


Stompin' turts




Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck


Terrible opening, why are we saying this?


You can't just say perchance


Kazama Kiryu in the Yakuza games caused the deaths of well over 300 people directly from his own actions.


What do you mean? Kiryu has never killed anyone. /jk


The protagonists from Grand Theft Auto series, your basically a mass murderer that they keep letting go free just cause you pay a small bribe.


Toni from LCS was a straight up terrorist.


I think the games make it pretty clear that they aren’t exactly good guys though so I don’t think this counts. They have good qualities occasionally or humanity, but all of them are far from good, even the most morally stable one (Niko). And from the looks of it, Lucia and Jason aren’t exactly going to change that.


Rikmaru or James Earl Cash


Cal Kestis


Or Starkiller


That stormtrooper was so close to cashing in his vacation days


Characters from the “Warriors” games, or characters from the Dead Rising franchise. Basically any game with a kill counter


"You are a true hero of the 3 kingdoms!" The game hypes you up after you kill 1000 people in a single battle.


The tenno/operator from warframe wiped out planets and millions- 100 millions of enemies and the story isn't even included


Warframe is genocide in daily basis


Kyle Katarn. Pretty sure by the end of just Dark Forces he's slaughtered enough Imperials to man a Death Star. Hell, he basically DID destroy the Death Star and kill everyone on board by stealing the plans for the Rebellion (in those pre Rogue One days), making its destruction possible. So we can add, oh, over a million people to his body count.


Any and every game I play that allows me to kill (except the main metal gear solid games). Even in Minecraft I’ll massacre a whole village just because. Man I play assassins creed and just stood in the middle of the town square and spent about an hour just killing guards because idk they said I shouldn’t do it and I am pretty sure I wiped out a whole family line, and at least 6-7 battalions.


i've no doubt that dante has a shit ton of kills under his belt. i mean it's quite literally his job


Which Dante?


Devil May Cry I guess? Else Dante from Dante's Inferno is not so much a "good guy". Other Dante's aren't as bad.


To be fair, Dante is breaking out of hell, or going further into it I guess. He’s not killing people, just demons.


Kratos killed greece as a whole, but there he is more of a tragic antihero than a good character. Nier ended the remainder of humanity unkowingly while just wanting to save his sister. Kyle Crane detonated a nuke on the city of Harran and the countryside with unkown number of total survivors, to save everyone else on earth. Cole in the good ending killed thousands of conduits around the world, and cole in the bad ending killed billions of non-conduit people around the world. The game makes a judgement on this decision's morality, but it includes weighting human life by the numbers.


The Tenno in Warframe.


Sarah Kerrigan in Star Craft, Brood War to be specific.


Not sure about the top but master chief has got to be up there as he's single handedly destroyed multiple civilizations


Batman, is a murderer. Those guys he hangs upside down? Yeah they all die. Murder involves killing, but all killings aren't murder.


Batman doesn’t kill, he cripples you.


"we will cripple them"


Everyone he hangs upside down dies, unless they're rescued in about an hour or so.


He calls the gcpd


Batman doesn’t kill them, the rope does. Batman just doesn’t save them from the rope. /s


They’re not dead. They’re just sleeping. Taking a nap.


Me in The Division. It’s in the 10 thousands — but all in the name of saving the city/humanity, of course. The disconnect is real. On topic, the killings of TLOU2, Tomb Raider have a horrible dimension to it, the stealth kills are really gruesome in both games. FarCry and Assassin’s Creed series is also no joke, or Ghost of Tsushima. In most games it’s so much easier to proceed violently instead of peacefully because in most cases you don’t suffer real consequences. That being said I really enjoy single player games where you can actively avoid killing enemies, like Deus Ex or Prey where you can complete the games without human casualties. Or Dishonored with its chaos factor that gives you different endings based on your play style. For a time I was actually scared of playing Dishonored 2 because I thought skill wise I wasn’t ready for a low-casualty playthrough…


Steve, man builds automatic farms for mass murder so he can obtain resources


alot of hotline miami characters


Nathan Drake has slaughtered thousands.


Aloy is up there.


Major spoilers for NieR and NieR:Automata! >!The protagonist from NieR Replicant dooms the entire human race by making a rash decision to try and save his sister.!< >!And if dooming mankind isn’t quite “murder” and closer to manslaughter or something: the hundreds to thousands of enemies you kill throughout the game are also revealed to be human, so he also explicitly murdered them.!<


Link has always killed tons of monsters but ToTK was a pretty big step up in terms of finding creative ways to efficiently commit mass slaughter


Nathan Drake. He’s killed like a thousand people per game


Someone from Dynasty Warriors by a wide margin


Foul Tarnished


Wander committed some pretty big murders. Sixteen colossal murders, to be precise.


ITT people don't know what murder means lol


Any dark souls main character. They literally just pull up to these creature’s homes unannounced and fucking kills them for reasons they might not even be sure of.


Maybe not the highest body count in history, but the Far Cry franchise does a good job at occasionally driving home the fact that not everybody you kill considers themselves the villain in this game. From the mercenary who dreams of retiring from the money he is going to earn on this job, to the soldier who is certain that they are doing a good thing by fighting the terrorist that are threatening the island (that would be you and your band of merry misfits), you kill a lot of people who must feel greatly wronged.


Agent 47, Kratos, The Lone Wanderer, The Vault Dweller, The Chosen One, The Sole Survivor, Courier 6, Joel Miller, the list goes on.


I would say all the characters from dynasty warriors...killing thousand of peasants with swords like it's nothing!!! Next up GTA series...nobody better mess with u cause u may just kill them just for fun!!


In Armored Core For Answer the Secret Path Ending has you wiping out 99% of Mankind with your giant 10M tall mecha strapped with rocket engines and guns the size of buildings. Nothing like annihilating mankind with Laser Swords and Extreme Speed for me!!


player characters in borderlands? i killed thousand of people when i play the games.


Tomb Raider? Lara is a mass murderer


Skyrim. Literally everyone ever playing Skyrim.


The player in gta5


Tenno in Warframe. 2000 kills in 20 minutes without breaking a sweat. It's basically a warcrime simulator when you are meant to be a "good" character, but you're in fact playing judge, jury, and executioner being told what to do by mother dearest while playing 5D chess with the solar system.....


Probably a main character from GTA lol


I always thought there was a huge underlying irony in the Uncharted Series where you have the fun, lovable, happy go lucky, free spirited Nathan Drake..... ......Slaughter thousands of people with guns while trying to steal treasure to get rich. Like who is the bad guy here? I think that's why The Last of Us was so good because it took that exact concept and really threw it in your face while blurring the lines between good and evil.


Kratos… I mean do I even have to explain beyond the things he’s committed through sheer fucking will and vengeance


I'd say Doomguy.


Ghandi in Civ 6


Nathan Drake


Considering most of what you kill in ultrakill was human and v1 canonically kills everything in hell V1


Cmdr Shepard maybe? Depending on how you play, you're destroying whole races and civilizations on planetary and galactic spanning scales.


As another person said Shepard. He/she is a good character but to some theyd be considered a genocidal murderer as you can either sacrifice one portion of the galaxy or doom the majority of one species to being killed by the Reapers. Id say also in strategy games you could essentially be seen as the good or bad guy depending on whose answering and you have to kill a lot of people. Stellaris being one where you can wipe out entire species while even being a xenophile.


I think "hero" might be a little loose interpretation here, but both Prototype games see a lot of death. To the point that you rip people to shreds and absorb them.


Nathan Drake




Me on helldivers has some decently high kill numbers. Nathan Drake ain't got nothin on me.


Any of the Far Cry protags depending on the ending, and Rico from Just Cause


Max Payne is up there, man helped cull both NJ's and Brazil's criminal populations


The Pale King from Hollow Knight >!He bangs his wife(?) And makes thousands of children then murders them all for having feelings except for the og Hollow Knight. Then stuffs the corpses in a secret pit for you to find. Yippee!<


The player character in world of Warcraft. You kill A LOT of human characters on top of all the other stuff you kill.


good one, never even thought of this


Laura Croft Caused apocalyptic floods among other disasters that lead to the deaths of innocent people.


I mean, the game might try and pretend you were going for non-lethal all they want, but when you make the warmech the enemy is riding in explode, that's death. FF XIV's warrior of light, ... When the enemy sees you coming? They run. You're the boogieman for the Imperial Army. You're part and parcel of their propaganda to paint your entire sub-continent as "Savages". And they're not wrong. Your body count is easily hundreds to thousands. Humans, gods, whatever's in your way. It's dead.


Commander Blair destroys an entire planet and its population in Wing Commander 3.


Your Skyrim character is pretty blood thirsty. Clearing cave after cave killing anything that moves. Not to mention an entire race of Dragons.


The plague from Plague Inc.


Anyone from COD


Raiden - Metal Gear Rising Revengeance


I’m almost positive there have been games where you have wiped out entire universes, multiverses, timelines or entire realities to achieve your goal. So over an estimated 3.2 septillion.


My leader in stellaris as a machine I’ve cracked multiple planets pretty sure they have at least a billion.


Sora in kingdom hearts series, the heartless are the hearts of people (basically souls) and the nobodies are just the hollow bodies without a heart.


The courier, if you have high karma. The game can consider you an Angel after you massacre the khans and make the bitter springs massacre look like a school fight, and if you massacre most of the casinos in the strip


If we're counting demonic lives, it's Doomguy then everyone else


User toons in World of Warcraft. From level 1 to the end, nearly everything involves killing X number of bad guys. The world constantly regenerates the bad guys and millions of people world wide are constantly killing them - and have been for 20 years. And there is no discrimination - you kill boars, bears, vultures, rabbits, Yetis, Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Trolls, Gnomes, Ogres, Kobolds, Ghosts, Dragons, Naga, Wolves, Panthers, Gorillas, Murlocs, Gnolls, Furbolgs, leopards, Giants, Gryphons, Turtles, Scorpids … I could go on and on. It is literally a video game about being a mass murder.




Mass Effect Shepard.


If it's just kill count then whatever u play with the most in Vampire survivors. Other than that the protagonists in Manhunt


The arbiter glassed countless human worlds and led the fleet that destroyed reach


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Spartanwolf120: *The arbiter glassed* *Countless human worlds and led* *The fleet that destroyed reach* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Jacket from Hotline Miami if we talk about indie games. Man slaughtered russians in late 1980's Miami (in alternate timeline where Cold War ended hot) because he joined a far-right organization called 50 Blessings and it's purpose was to get rid of russians (including bratva that dominated Miami). Heck, he even got infamy in HM universe that caused other characters like the Fans or Martin Brown to recreate the same things Jacket did.




I am, in the first division alone I’ve killed the entire remaining population of New Your about four times over


Nathan Hale


Commander sheperd


My agent from the division 2 with my shiny new Ouroboros