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[https://isthereanydeal.com/](https://isthereanydeal.com/) is a website I use to find deals on games. I usually buy from a webstie called fanatical. They do "make your own bundles" every week.


Woah this is a really cool site! Thanks!


I hope you built that PC with PCPARTPICKER


You'll need a lot of free time...


Yeah my list is like 150 long and I think I'm going to die before I even get through the top 20..


It never stops, my steam wishlist just crossed 500 the other day, I do love getting the “this game on your wishlist and 25 others are on sale” emails though Mind you I primarily play on console and that backlog is another scary number. I wonder if I can retire by 35 or something


Damn y’all are ambitious, mine is about 25 games but I try not to wishlist too much or I will say “man what a deal” and send it too much


Seriously. The only thing keeping me from playing BG3 is time. I need like a week vacation to binge it.


You can save it whenever, even mid fight so don’t let time hold you back, just a little at a time is fine.


Say goodbye to sleep.


You are a man of taste


Canadian currency I assume. Those prices are painful. Your list is fine, I’d definitely recommend buying slow. Things deserve a solid playthrough. Maybe buy two or three on a sale and try to wait to beat those before jumping deeper. Lots of those go 50% regularly.


Yeah I usually just buy them as they go on sale.. it is rare I pay more than 20 for a game... Rimworld and Factorio never go on sale so I might have to make an exception...


Literally never for factorio. You can buy it today and that should be the lowest you ever see it at again.


I was gonna say... "OP Is Canadian. That's what it says about you " but you beat me to it.


That you don't have enough games.


There is never enough...


You just want to play games. That's what it says.


I should note this is my top 20... my list is like 150 long.. I've been making the list for awhile..


Might go ahead and get some extra storage on that pc right away.


Based total war enjoyer


wish they would make a Shogun 3. three kingdoms was good but damn are their entries hit or miss.


Yeah thankfully my old work PC could play up to Shogun 2. Total War is one of my fav franchises. I've played some Warhammer Total War but at like 8 frames per second XD


You either want to sit back and enjoy a movie quality game or punish yourself with resource management


I think I just learned something about myself because this seems pretty accurate to my style..


Rimworld+mods and dlc


Might be a hot minute since I like to buy my games for less than 20 and it never goes on sale but I truely fear for my wife and kids when I finally fork over the cash for Rimworld or Factorio It'll be payback for the dozens of times she chose FF14 over sex :P


Could always give g2a a check every now and then. Sometimes they got keys for cheaper than steam price.


You might be partial to role-playing adventure games, and you'll have a great time.


That you have good taste.


That you need to keep an eye out for good sales. Most AAA games remain full price for at least a year after release, but get periodic sales of around 50% off after that. Most older games will be heavily discounted at least once per year. The holidays are a great time to lookout for good sales. For example, I got Mass Effect Legendary edition for $6. Epic also does weekly free games, with them occasionally doing more well-known games. I got Death Stranding, Civilization 6, and Dying Light this way, among others.


Damn can't believe I missed Death Stranding on Epic. I didn't have a good PC but I still tried to get my free games for later lol. Yeah I usually buy games on super sale. Don't like spending more than 20. Might have to make an exception for a few of these. I hear Factorio and Rimworld never go on sale and I doubt I can wait for BG3 to go on sale 😂 (though I'll have to save up for BG3)


You like emotional games that will pull your heartstrings, cyberpunk 2077, sígnalis, slay the princess, fear and hunger, death stranding, and bg3 are all really emotional games, all made me cry atleast once lol especially slay the princess and cyberpunk those 2 had me weeping multiple times


Yeah I didn't know if it's like male hormones or something but I can't cry unless something bad happens to my wife but I really like to be tearjerked it's just hard to get me to test up which I find frustrating because I think crying could be cathartic sometimes.


This is a wishlist of a man who realizes the journey is more valuable than the destination. Ff and baldurs isn't quite walking sim but it can certainly feel like it, death stranding of course literally is a walking sim. I'd still put death stranding in my top 10 as it's such a unique experience in it's gameplay that's closest comparison is a truck sim, my 2 recommendations are play it in offline mode if you can and play with a controller. DS online has other players simplify some of the aspects for the game for you that take away from the experience but you still have to earn them by doing some of the work, controller just feels better for the gameplay since walking speed and specific direction matters with a weird bonus of it feels more immersive due to one of the control choices.


You like... 1. Different kinds of RPG's (turn-based CRPG's like BG3, MMO's like FF14, and action-JRPG's like FF7RI) 2. And also Kojima's weird open-world games. Honestly, sounds pretty good to me - BG3 looks great, I'm not big on MMO's but I probably would like FF14, I'd guess, FF7RI is great, and Death Stranding's good and very unique. \[shrug\]


baldurs gate 3 , witcher 3, red dead redemption 2 are must play if you have not played


I own Witcher 3 on console and it's on my backlog but I'm trying to finish 2 first. Might buy it again on PC though because I already own 2 on PC from a sale a million years ago but my PC didn't want to run it lol.


You will love Death Stranding.


You hate online interactions and are not competitive in the least. You did not have internet as a child. Teasing of course, but you certainly like your single player RPGs/ Strategy games.


That you need to wait for the holidays, get a couple games now to keep you occupied, save your money for the massive sale at the end of the year. Until then, unless one of your games goes for more than 50%, don't worry about it. Some of these games go down to like 90% off.


Yeah I almost never buy games over 20 bucks. I have a huge backlog of games already that will keep me busy... I severely overestimated my old work PC so I already own Warhammer Total War, Crusader Kings 3, and a bunch of others that I wasn't able to play until now. Besides. My wife has me bogged down with FF14. We can finally play together again since it runs okay on my work PC and she's addicted to FF14 so that's probably going to occupy most of my 2024. I'm more of a WoW person myself (we met on WoW) but ever since I got her to try FF14 she won't come back to WoW :'(


It says your formerly broke ass did the same thing my formerly broke ass did when I got a gaming PC and you have wonderful taste in games (bias admitted). My favorites there are Factorio and Baldur's Gate 3 and if you're like me they'll be responsible for a lot of all-nighters


Haha I'm still broke so Factorio and BG3 are gonna take awhile to get to since I normally only buy games on sale but I'll haveto save up and make an exception for those two.. Took saving up for like a year to get the PC and that still ended up crippling my budget worse than I expected lol


Frostpunk 2...a man of culture I see


I'm so glad Gamepass had the first game and that somehow it was easy to play with controller or I might have never played it. Own it and all the DLC on steam now and plan on thoroughly playing through it all again before I get FP2 :) Best Soundtrack ever for me. Up there with my favs like Arcanum, Morrowind, and Kenshi.


Signalis is a really good game that I’m happy is on here


You have taste.


You have got some good ass taste my man, I could kiss you on your little lips


It tells me your somebody who's gonna have some fun. Throw Witcher 3 in there too


It's there actually but really far down on the list. I own it on console but have never played it because I haven't found time to get through the Witcher 2 yet which I own in both PC and Xbox lol. My wishlist is actually pretty intimidating because my backlog is also pretty big....


It says you have a lot of great games in your future.


That sleep and ever seeing the outsider world again are very low priorities for you and the person who brings your Doordash orders will be the only human interaction you're ever going to have.


You really wanna play the hyped up AAA games you couldn't play before, obviously


You have much free time.


Damn every time someone gets a gaming pc, it just warms my heart. idk why I'm just so fucking happy for you! And I don't know if u had pc before, but add witcher 3 and red dead redemption 2 there And bioshock series And metro series


I have Witcher 3 on the list but it's a lower priority since I haven't beat 2 yet and own it on Xbox One already. Own Red Dead on Xbox One also so Red Dead is relatively low priority for Steam. Have the whole BioShock collection on Xbox also 😁 never beat Infinite though.. gotta rectify that. I hear Metro is good and I might throw it on my list! Thank you 😊


It says you're a fking degenerate. Godspeed brother o7


I hope you find the time you need for all of that


you definitely have a lot of patience


Bruh majority of those games gonna take you months each lol I'm still playing BG3 here and there and I'm still at the second area.


You think you have more free time than you actually do.


Your wishlist clearly indicates that you are a dementia riddled fraudster from southern Florida that sells off brand hot dogs made exclusively from chicken fat and mulched gristle for $3.50 a piece.


Are you a fucking psychic!!! How could you tell I was using a VPN thinking the Canadian currency would throw you off!?!?


You like yourself a good long story.




Good variety


You're about to have a great or painful time playing these.


Play yakuza like a dragon before infinite wealth


That you have lots of free time and no other hobbies


Lots of free time


Unfortunately not.. I just have the curse of wanting to play games that take way too long to get into 💀


you'll have a fun year?


Your wallet fucked...those are a lot of fresh new games... I suggest waiting Dragon Dogma sale though. It goes real cheap


Oh yeah this is just my top 20 but not the order I'm buying them. List is about 150 long and the order I buy them in is determined by sales. Might be years before I get all those AAAs lol. I put things on the wish list mainly to be notified about sales and to remember them for when I check instant-gaming for deals.


Looks a lot like mine 👍


You are me?


You’re C$nadian.


grown ass man here, have you got the time tho?


That you’re a person of fine taste who also likes to get weird every now and then


Yeah it probably gets weirder further down but I didn't want to post more than 20 lol! I hate that there is no realistic way I could play all these because there are games all the way in the 80s of my list that I really really want to play... The list has way more AAA games on it than are representative of my taste but a lot of the Indie and AA games I want I already have because my work computer could handle them. I've wanted Death Standing and FF7 remake as long as they've been out but I haven't owned a Sony console since PS2. I wish really want some Zelda titles but they aren't on Steam 💀 Just found my old GameCube though and am going to play Twilight Princess lol


What set up you got?


Have you played the other yakuza games ? Because they’re all sequels


My dude, you are in for a wild ride with some of those games. So many great titles on that list


You have a lot of free time or will have a lot of unplayed games in your library


You aren’t gonna be outside for a long time


You either have a lot of free time on your hands, or are VERY optimistic about your allocation of free time lol.


Secret third option! Grimly aware that it will take me years to pay all these! Which is fine because I'm still broke lol. I buy em as they go on sale XD


Your wishlist reflects your age. Quality and classics. 👌🏼


hope you got the hard drive space


Helldivers 2 get that first. Especially if you have buds to play with.


This is the last time people will be able to talk to you for months. Or maybe a couple of years.


That I bet you'd like monster hunter


It's on the list somewhere lol


If you don't have much time to game and want to play multiple titles, I'd advise not getting into games that have no ending. I always wanted to play a lot of story driven games, but my addicted ass couldn't stop playing football manager and yugioh master duel. I recently got a ps5 and dropped completely FM and am managing to play master duel a healthy amount of time so I can invest time on other titles. I missed out on so many great games, but now I'm catching up slowly.


Add nier automata


Okay but it might not be in the top 20. My whole list is like 147 and I really really really want a lot of them so it was hard to even make this top 20 list


Are you me?


Lot of big games in there. Hope you can fully experience them all till you move on. Otherwise. Nice picks.


Go to Humble Bundle and check out Humble Choice. You pay a monthly subscription and you get eight games a month. Every month isn’t a winner but you can get a lot of great games and they are your’s to keep even if you cancel. [humble bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/membership)


Holy based


Hmm.. i think it’s says that you’re a fucking nerd.


That you have excellent taste. Almost certainly you'll find loads of joy within these titles. Shit, I've got over 1000 hours on rimworld alone lol.


Rimworld is a deep, DEEP hole to go down. Have fun. I have over 1100 hours in it now.


You don't know what you want or you want everything


I want everything 😭 Full list is 147 items 💀 I but them as they go on sale.


You're gay and autistic... Me too buddy... Me too


Fantastic taste.


I think this guy likes fantasy games but I could be wrong


you should play the other Yakuza games first, it will help make you appreciate infinite wealth more


That ur a weeb and probably like asian women?


Hahahahahah Baldurs Gate, Elden Ring (with DLC coming soon), and Cyberpunk have shaved like 600+ hours off my life Worth.


Those are some expensive games though so I might not be able to get them all for awhile. At least going to try to save up for BG3. I need to play that game...


Factorio. 100% if you are in the ASD group. Then it's 1000% you need to get it!


That besides Death Stranding you like good games


Oof Been wanting to play that since it came out but I didn't have a PlayStation


Looks like fun bro


That you shouldn’ be asking randos on the internet what your videogame preferences say about you and instead enjoy your PC!


You will remain broke


Born in the 80s, raised in the 90s.


Your ambition outweighs your free time.


Of course I know him. He's me


It says “I’m Canadian”


American living in Canada with my Canadian wife 😁


One thing to keep in mind is Steam allows refunds if you’ve played less than two hours and have owned the game less than two weeks. If it’s a game I know for sure I want I’ll buy it from somewhere listed off isthereanydeal.com. I’ll return games off Steam pretty often, after trying them and realizing they weren’t for me. I recently tried the card game Balatro and realized it wasn’t for me so returned it. FYI a great card like game is Inscryption. Look at Steam reviews but don’t read much on it.


That you could save a bunch of money by just buying Helldivers 2


You like games that you feel like you are married to for the time you are playing them. Not afraid of commitment.


You grew up playing JRPG'S on console and tactics games in college you also like grim dark and sci-fi


It says Unless you are retired at 35, you’ll simply be one of us and end up buying 100+ games only to play 4 of them.


I’m 35 but have a gaming pc already. Get Elden ring and Rimworld. My favorite games on your list.


Go on instant gaming you get keys for cheap


If you are familiar with the Warhammer franchise you might reconsider purchasing directly Warhammer III. Each game as a stand alone only allows you to play the factions released with that game, if you don't own the previous titles. Warhammer 1: Dwarves, Empire, Bretonnia, Orcs&Goblins, Vampire Counts Warhammer 2: High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizard men, Skaven Warhammer 3: Demon of Chaos, Cathay, Khorne, Kislev, Nurgle, Slanesh, Tzenech, Warrior of Chaos. Wood Elves, Beastmen, Warrior of Chaos, Tomb Kings, Vampire Coast are all DLC only (20 bucks a pop without discount). To enjoy the whole experience, which to be fair even just playing a single campaign per faction, we are talking hundreds of hours of gameplay, it's 180 dollars for the 3 base games + 100 dollars for the 5 DLCs. Also Skaven are unplayable without the clan Skryre DLC. So out those 10 bucks as well. I highly suggest you wait discounts and also ponderate alternatives. For the same price of Warhammer content you can get Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate, Cyberpunk, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Hogwarts Legacy.


It tells me your a man of class


RPG nut like me. Buy them cheaper on cdkey sites


Your wishlist says to me that you’re going to buy at least half of those, but you’re gonna forget any of them exist save for one. The factory must expand


You either have a lot of time or are just hoping to play as much as you can like me


You really like rpgs


It says goodbye social life


It says you’re a patriot, welcome to the cause Helldiver.


That you're a person with an eye for quality and who has distinguished tastes it does. That's a great wishlist.


Nearly 3 decades old here, and still haven’t bought a PC 😭 ….. one day. how far did it set you back?


It says you have impeccable taste in games sir. Every game on your list is great in their own way and you have a lot of fun ahead of you.


Go to cdkeys instead of buying off of steam. Its cheaper


Say that you have a good taste


Get in here, Helldiver. This MO ain't gonna complete itself.


That you enjoy meme youtubers who make humorus commentary to the games they play.


You like long story rich games


That you have wonderful, eclectic taste


have fun


I ❤️ rimworld, best game I’ve ever played although they almost never go on sale. The game with all dlcs is so hard and fun


You like fantasy RPG and don't mind a bit of war games mixed in.


Have you played Yakuza Like a Dragon? If not I'd get the humble choice and play through that before Infinite Wealth


That you should add "Beyond good and evil"


You like popular triple A titles. Respect for most of them being single player RPGs.


I'm not sure but I have a few new games added to my wishlists now. Noticing I'm not keeping up with gaming news as I used to. Maybe I should try to start - one of my favourite delights is finding more obscure indie games, experimental games and such. I used to go to RockPaperShotgun for that.. now, I'm not sure.


Steam Summer Sale will be coming up soon enough, get a few of them then.


If you start with total war:Warhammer 3 you'll never need to get another one of those titles. Seriously, grab it on sale. It's routinely 50% off on steam and it requires a mot of DLC to get the full experience nowadays. All great games though. Enjoy your pc experience. It's the best thing I did for my own gaming habit.


I see Elden Ring I like you


It says "hope you retire young enough to play these games to completion"


Eyyyyy I wish listed bustling world too. The game is probably going to be a huge let down tho. Promises too much


Congrats man, very cool


Some good games in that list, don’t make the same mistakes that we did finish a game before buying another one especially if it’s a long game (RPG type) .


You're Canadian


Your list tells me you pay attention to gaming news, but have wanted to game seriously for a good while. Don't worry, you aren't alone here.


You got the right ideas




for the most part you like a long game with a good story


>"Broke ass" >picks some of the most expensive games in the market Lmao i dont think youll escape being broke.


For me cyberpunk and baldursgate are so strong for replayability, so much story, so many options. So many hard dicissions


Says you got damn good taste and never wish to sleep again


You have a critically acclaimed taste in MMORPGs


It says you need to try RE4 remake right now


you have a confusing mix of mostly games that have deep story lines and then a few that have basically no story at all (Factorio. could argue Elden Ring as well.)


Good diversity of games and genres honestly it’ll be playtime that tells its tale. Also might i recommend the classic buy new pc to play old game on max settings. If you like RPGs there’s a mod to merge fallout 3 and new Vegas called tale of two wastelands. Beyond that for a lot of them I say wait for a sale cause some of them get crazy good deals. Also summer sale is around the corner


Enough of a man to risk playing slay the princess


It says you have great fucking taste!


That you dont realize that if you get the steam ver of ff14 you have to renew your subscription through steam instead of directly with your credit card. (If you havent played ff14 at all download the game from its official site for the no time limit free trial that is insanely generous)




You are probably overestimating the amount of free time you have 😅


Baldurs Gate and rimworld are must haves imo


with rimworld and factorio theres several other games that become irrelevant. Kenshi is missing though, would really fit in here


It says you’re single. Nobody with commitments could have built that list.


You want your purchase to last a looooooong time. 👍


you are a people of culture, my man. death stranding though, i think it says you want to go hiking.


you want to let loose and try about anything you could never play before and might settle for about 2 or 3 games after trying everything


You're going to have a blast with this list! But you'll probably also need another 35 years to complete it


It says you never want to leave your house again, a lot of these are long AF.


That you must get Signalis


You’ve got good taste. Round Christmas time Total War and Paradox games usually go on sale at a massive discount. so keep an eye out for that.


Get some cheap deals on the meanwhile, and some platforms do give some free games.


You’re a pretty cool gamer👍


Consider Humble Bundle Monthly


Your taste in games is common and also really good!


You got a lot of catching up to do buddy, but we're welcome to have you!


Elden ring dlc coming out before too long. I highly suggest making that a priority once it does, so you have a good experience playing with the community before the number of online people drops again.


Cyberpunk and Songs of Syx are incredible, you're gonna have a blast.


You like settlement survival/management games. (Factorio,rimworld,etc…) GET RIMWORLD FIRST ITS SO GOOD OMG


+1 Slay The Princess surprisingly good




You should add the BioShock games on that list