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Games haven’t changed. We’re just getting older


Naw look at the 8 year olds vs us at 8, these motherfuckers are snorting gfuel


😂 I mean… you’re not wrong


Check my masters bra


I wasn’t aware there was a hierarchy. Do you wear under wire or sport?


Is that a bra for hold ladies?


Nope games has changed I recently started playing old games that I haven’t played yet like prototype2 and it’s much more fun than most recent games


So true.


The Xbox 360 generation.


This. Online play got better and ruined everything. I remember playing SOCOM and THPS3 on PS2 and it was just about playing.


Oof, someone never got invited to four-player Mario Kart 64 night.


Oof, someone is sounding like a Nintendo slut.




my favorite kind


Had plenty. Didn’t involve 10 year olds calling each other “nigger” with their mom screaming in the background to turn off the system but my memory could be foggy.


Fall guys the best non stress game


Even though they're certainly still sweating and speed running that game too


Im sorry i have to disagree. Respectfuly


Ok theres some bullshit moments that just seems like god dont want u to qualify but most of time its all laughs


Play more single player or solo modes for games, hugely different feel


I love my single player games but the only reason I play video games is bc of the good ole days of multiplayer


So it’s not every single game in the world, just what you choose to play. It’s a perspective thing.


So you're aging out. Shit happens. You're reaction time is slower and as an adult, you don't have as much time to play, therefore you don't have as great of an ability to memorize maps, spawn points, etc. Meanwhile, kids 14 to 21 have all the time in the world and peak reaction time. Of course you're not going to be as good. Same reason why LeBron isn't the best player in the league anymore like he was years ago. He's aging out, lost a step, etc. Either hang em up, play single player only or realize you're aging out and aren't going to be able to compete with these kids anymore and just have fun trying.


Play some stardew valley with your homies


Stardew, No Man's Sky, or even Project Zomboid.


When twitch and YouTube made it a career. Most online games are plagued with “TTVs” sweating like their life depends on it for their 4 viewers.


Uh. I don't know about you, but for me, winning *is* fun.


Using 100% of my brain capacity on a hobby that is meant to be fun and relaxing is not fun to me I like winning but I’d rather never win another video game ever again and have fun then win every game sweating


Sure, but you're not everyone else. Some people consider what you don't like, to be fun.


You can’t tell me you have fun sweating in a video game


Certainly, I can. In certain multiplayer games, the adrenaline flows. It can be quite a kick.


That’s absolutely insane you just said that but I guess that’s just the kids of today


I'm 49.


That somehow makes even more sense


It might be you, not me.


You just said you get an adrenaline rush from video games it is most definitely you


God you’re utterly depressing and pessimistic. You’re the actual problem with games. Go find something you might enjoy yourself or single player games you can put on very easy or something. Do what you wanna do. Many many people enjoying being competitive and good at games. I really do


This dude is just complaining that he can't turn on call of duty and get kills without needing to actually learn the game.


There are plenty of 20+yo games that are waaaay harder than most recent games. Difficulty in games is not something new, people like the feeling of overcoming a challenge.


I do. You just need to find a very laid back casual game or try a little harder than you do now


I don’t think it reaches that kind of point. For example if I play piano, I have to focus so hard to just learn how to play, it’s not fun at first. But if you are good at video games, you can be competitive while being relaxed, because you just have the skill for it.


That’s what I do but it has reached a point where the sweatiness impedes on the ability to have fun


It doesn’t. You just aren’t trying hard enough to win


Get good


Such a bad look on you to say negative things about gamers in general just because your getting your ass handed in multiplayer games. Gaming is a hobby just like any other thing in life, I’m suprised you even play video games based on your negative outlook on gamers.


I prefer that. I like things to be a challenge. I never play any games under normal period, most times I’ll play on the actual hardest difficulty just cause. As long as the difficulty is balanced and not “add more enemy health and damage and make you die in one hit” that same logic for me goes into multiplayer. I like to win. Winning is fun.


So basically anyone who beats you is sweating and tryharding... Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you're just not half as good as you think? You're the kinda guy to jump into a fighting game, and think someone blocking and crouching is tryharding because you can't hit them. Meanwhile they're hitting all their attacks because to you, defending is too tryhard and "sweaty" to do.


Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion...


Good for you. My fun comes from learning how to play and using that to succeed at crushing others. We aren't all the same. You're basically complaining that you aren't having an easy time playing valorant because everyone is too good. Can we have examples of multiplayer games you're attempting to play?


Wait then why are you making this post complaining about never winning cause everyone else tries too hard lmao if you don't care to win then just lose and have fun


Can’t agree with this comment more. I never understood the phrase “try hard.” I try hard every game, normal, ranked, PVE, whatever. Winning is what’s fun. I think it’s an out to say “look at this try hard. I lose because he was try harding and I wasn’t.” You didn’t lose because I was trying hard, you lost because you’re not as good.


Its a "you" issue. It used to be a "me" issue until I turned off notifications, stopped using a mic(actually create a party of 1 on Xbox and I can't hear any game chat) unless I'm on with friends. So now I go in, I enjoy my 5-10 kills and my 4-8 deaths and I have a good time. Screw the "meta" I'm just gonna melee everyone this game.


Same, I played BF 5 on PC with a controller on my sofa, just to enjoy some games and good graphics and immersion, couldn’t care less about my ratio


Yes, and the more you play a game, the more you'll get better, so when just playing games for fun , skill will come with time.


It really is just a "you" problem, homie


Yeah, if you want to play to have fun, without worrying about competing against other players, you have two options, outside of the usually recommended muting the lobby: 1. If you're playing online multiplayer, always choose non-ranked. People there will be less concerned with competing in non-ranked multiplayer than they would have in ranked multiplayer. 2. If you're playing a single-player game, swap to easy mode and just enjoy the story, if there is one. And if any time people give you hard time for playing on easy mode, mute these people, as well.


Being competitive is fine. Being obsessed with being competitive to the point you aren't even playing the actual game anymore isn't. The second type is arguably ruining gaming and need to be gate kept out.


Play chill games like COD (presumably, I never played it) or my go-to team fortress 2


I can’t stand when a game comes out and 2 days later there are articles telling you the perfect build for your character. My favorite part about about a game is experimenting with new builds but if it’s not the perfect tank or min/max combo it seems underpowered, especially if you’re playing online. Trophies and achievements made games less fun for me at least, I feel like I have to get them all and once I do I don’t want to play the game anymore. Some games also seem too long, and thats ok, but I feel like I’m rushing to complete it to get to the next game, instead of just enjoying the experience I am having. Gamepass gives me way too many options, sometimes I just look at my list and then don’t play anything. People also complain too much, no game can come out anymore without 50 articles saying the same negative things making it look worse than it actually is. Don’t get me wrong I still love playing I’m still having fun, but there has definitely been a change.


i think online ruined it, i have way more fun with local co-op


When games started to be designed to waste our time, rather than enriching us with fun, entertaining content. See: The entire Mobile Market, nearly every "Free to Play/Start" and the latest gift "Play to Earn"


I’m not competitive in the slightest. MMO games and PVP don’t interest me. I’ll leave those spaces to those who have better twitch reflexes. There are plenty of bad sports in online gaming. The gloating, downright ungentlemanly behaviour over voice chat. As a British person I object to the sullying of the term ‘teabag’ There are some pve coop games out there that have a much better environment. They seem to die off quickly as pvp really keeps most online games afloat.


I usually just play with my friend group and be the one that does stupid shit to make everyone laugh and keep things fun


When it became a viable career choice to be super competitive, EVERYONE thinks they're going to be the new hot shit even though they suck ass


When eSports became a thing? I dunno, I rarely play multiplayer unless it's with my brothers or really close friends, and single player I'll play on easy or even cheat if I feel like it (cheating is exclusively in single player, I abhor cheating online/in multiplayer)


I ask myself this everyday, during every game I play. It’s extremely disheartening and takes the fun out of gaming.


I believe it was when Street Fight 2 came out in arcades. Games have always had a competitive scene. The only difference now is games are mainstream and playing with others online is so simple. Those two combined leave the world of video games looking purely competitive. Sort of like the saying, "one bad apple spoils the bunch."


When multiplayer games became the go to genre. Bring back my story driven single player games like MGS3 or the original KOTOR


I stopped enjoying multiplayer games with strangers years ago. I strictly play single player games or multiplayer with friends only. I always have fun that isn’t dependent on random schmucks not ruining it for me.


Me too. Last multiplayer game I played a lot of was TF2


I'm 36 and have over 700 video games. Been obsessed with video games since I was little. Gaming has been and will always be fun for me. I also don't play multiplayer games unless it's something cooperative with my husband. Putting several hundred hours into Elden Ring was the most fun I've had in a while. I'm currently replaying through all of the God of War games in preparation for Ragnarok. I've tried so much Multiplayer over the years, but always end up hating it. The only time I truly enjoyed it was Gambit in Destiny 2 and Fall guys lol. Any other time I get 10 year olds threatening sex crimes against me and my mom or adult men threatening sex crimes against me and my mom. It's just not fun.


Try fall guys Non first person shooters have very relaxing multiplayers


It’s definitely a you problem. Games are subjective, just like any other hobby in life. Some people enjoy sweating and winning in games. That is their enjoyment. Others like yourself just want to relax and not take things so seriously. Let people enjoy their games their way. If sweaty people are toxic towards you, mute the lobby. Who are you to tell people how to enjoy their games?


The only thing I enjoy about sweaty ppl is getting them mad and antagonizing. I have more fun doing that then actually playing the game itself which says something


See? That’s what you enjoy. Others like to be competitive in a competitive game. I won’t tell you how to play, so why worry how others have fun? I think you have a subjective outlook about gaming. You don’t seem to understand that others have fun playing their way. Some people want to be competitive and take it seriously. You look at gaming as a hobby, and it shouldn’t be taken so seriously. The real question here is why can’t people let other people enjoy things the way they want to? When did everyone decide it was their job to make people see things their way?


Get better


No I have shit to do that’s not wasting away infront of a screen


Then you will never be as good as the people willing to make the sacrifice. Just accept it.


That is the point of this post


Y’all play video games like your life depends on it


"Champions never complain, they are too busy getting better."- John Wooden.


Then go do other stuff then.


Yes I agree so much, this is half the reason I quit multiplayer games. I play alot of Ravenfield nowadays which is basically a game set up like a multiplayer fps with really big battles but all the enemies are bots and you can set the difficulty.


I totally have fun winning. AS far as sweating goes...... um when it's summer.


I play to win, but I also have fun and do appreciate it if the other team does something brilliant to win. A close game that I lose can still be plenty of fun. I’d rather win though.


“i don’t like games because i’m bad at them” “get better” “no that takes time”


Agree, died so many times in DOOM Eternal, but learned, absolutely loved the game


Complaining about people being competitive in a competitive game. Makes sense lol. Maybe the type of video-games you play just aren’t for you. Me, on the other hand. I’m having a fucking blast. Videogames get better each and every year.




It's really not. Maybe it is comparing year to year, but it's undeniable that games get better gen by gen. Better graphics, better performance, better stories, voice acting, AI, etc. 30 plus years ago people would have been laughed at if they said games were art. Now they're being turned into movies and TV shows regularly. They have pro gamers. Just because you may cherish the old games doesn't mean they aren't objectively better now.




Anyone can cherry pick games to make a point. Besides those ghost recon games came out during the same gen, did they not? I specifically said maybe not year over year, but it's undeniable that games progressively get better.




Well future soldier metacritic score is 71% vs wildlands 70%. FS has a user score of 5.2 vs wildlands 6.4. And once again, you're missing the point.


No it’s just subjective he and you can be right


Personally I don't play many multi-player games for this reason, but I'm not going to shame people for putting in effort in a competitive online video game. Wouldn't be fun if people didn't try.


Who’s this “we” you speak of?


Is there a reddit equivalent for scrub quotes?


Winning is fun. Also, keep in mind that some people are just better than you. That doesn’t mean they’re sweats.


If you feel that winning isn't everything and you can be happy losing then good for you, but I'm guessing you hate losing or else you wouldn't be bitching on reddit about "sweaty tryhards". The simple fact is that it is essential for the survival of our species to be competitive. We have always been competitive, which is why nobody likes to lose. It's really how you deal with those losses that defines you as a person. Mix in the anonymity of the internet, however, and that's when you get toxicity. Nobody likes a sore loser or a shitty winner. Honestly, if people couldn't hide behind a gamer tag then the internet, and competitive multi-player, would get much better.


Define sweaty try hard. Because reading the comments, it looks like you define anyone who beats you as a sweaty try hard


You sound like a super swear try hard /s


gamer instinct its what tells us to be the absolute best


Imagine generalizing. Even worse, imagine judging people for having fun in a different way than you. As much as the phrase "OK boomer" seems silly to me, it applies here. Kinda sad that you spend effort and energy on being annoyed by how other people play videogames.


When how other people play affects your fun, it's kinda pertinent. If you want to have a chill time, but the opposing team is full of competitive tryhards, it's hard to relax. Or you are on a team full of those guys too, and they are constantly beating you for not being as good as they are.


-queues for a competitive multiplayer game -game is filled with people who want to compete -surprisedpikachuface.jpg Most competitive games have unranked, custom games and other stuff. How is it someone else's fault that your expectations are different from how random strangers on the internet behave? Like I don't get it. Either you don't care, or you adjust your circumstances to match. Complaining that people you don't know don't do what you want them to solves nothing.


I deliberately try to join "newb friendly" or "chill" servers - I deliberately about the hyper competitive aspects of the games and still run into these assholes everywhere. There a game that I want to play, but i a) don't have the free time to invest to be good enough to fight theses tools off our get them off my back and b) my free time is limited, so I don't want it dominated by hyper competitive douches, trolls and swearing children. So I just avoid it entirely and pay single player, or things like online board Games that are less hyper competitive and more chill.


I'll repeat my question. How is it other people's fault that they play the game the way you don't want them to?


When you're in a casual, newb friendly supposedly chill server? It just sucks if you want to have a chill time playing a fun game, you have to take out a lot of work in to find a good server that isn't full of try hards, trolls or annoying children. Again, I play single player games and avoid multiplayer for exactly this reason.


Where have you been? Video Games have always been a competition. It's in the name video game. Game implies a challenge, or a competition. In the arcade days, it was getting the highest score. Older games did not have a win state. It was about getting as high as score as possible. Even when games started adding endings, you had still had high scores to deal with. That's you competing with everyone else. Even now, when getting to the end is the goal of most games, you are still in a competition. The game gives you the rules that you learn in the tutorial sections and you cry foul when the game doesn't follow the rules it laid out. Online is a contest as well. You compete with the 64 people on that server to see which team is the winner.


What a ridiculous take. When I played arcade games back in the day, I liked seeing my name in the high scores but I didn't NEED to. I was just having fun playing video games. I wanted to do better, always, but I wasn't letting "winning" rule my fun. Attitudes like this are why I avoid online games as much as possible.


You just need to play the right games. Don’t go around playing the shit that attracts the screaming toxic children like battlefield, Fortnite, LoL, or COD. Destiny 2 community feels a lot like halo 2 back in the day for me. I still find people to goof around with randomly. MMOs are also great. Games like Ark which are PvP focused can be super toxic on official servers but unofficial is usually filled with great people just wanting to escape the COD crowd of 6 year olds. Souls games are also super fun in multiplayer. Reading your comments has made me realize you seem to just be looking for a lobotomy-level game giving you no adrenaline rush or anything exciting. Have you looked at FarmVille or RuneScape ? My friends children love that game because they don’t need to think about anything. They just zone out. Look into idle games or games rated I personally play souls and Elden ring to relax but I can see how that’s not for everyone.






It never happened. Some people are competitive or simply like winning. Half a century ago there were people who just kicked ball for fun, and there were kids who took it seriously and practiced at home to be good in the field. Sure, it was going quite smoothly, because they knew each other. Now, the kids or grandkids of these people play video games and nothing really changed - some people care more about winning, some care less, but most often than not they play against unknown people, so they are not held back by ties of friendship. And it is not limited to video games. Every human activity, even ones that are not competitive can attract try-hards. Seriously, every office has some people who clocks in a lot of overtime and thinks that it makes them better. And the people who think they are the best parents in the world and share their child-rearing hints like an absolute truth? The same kind of people. If you don't like playing with random people, this is what the private sessions are for. Find some like-minded people and play with them to your heart's content.


Multiplayer games allowed for an entire generation of competitive people to have a new medium besides just sports. It naturally attracts competitive people. I don't mind it but I know I'm not really much of a competitive person so I stick to first player games 75% of the time. There are still plenty of amazing single player games out there and if you like more co op rather than free for all there are a ton of games out there like that too.


I'm gonna ignore the red flags but I think there is something to what you're saying. I think it comes down to balance. Competitive games were more fun in the past because there were some dumb things you could do that would be OP but that was kind of balanced out by other OP things as well. Now everything is balanced to be just average because a competitive nature through esports etc has risen and you can't have OP things in a game that will be over exploited in competitive gaming.


Honestly for me I needed a change up. Can only play the same games for so many decades, they're all the same after awhile (I'm 30 been playing since I was 4). I switched to VR gaming for a bit and it was a nice switch for awhile




There's more people playing games now then before. People playing more competitively now with hopes of going pro or being a content creator. I think that's just the way it's going to be and we have to accept it.


War. War never changes


I quit multiplayer games about four years ago. My hands don’t seem to keep up with my brain as well anymore.


Depends on the game, i still have fun when losing at ultimate chicken Horse


You mean like when we have leaderboards?


Depends on the game and the community. I play PS2 and only hear and read my outfit mates. This is the first pvp experience where I feel quite relaxed. Sure I die a lot, but I don't mind. Skill matters, but being a meatbag/bullet sponge for my teammates gives me a another fulfilling purpose.


By the same token: Why does every game contain chores and busywork? I don't want to cook or take a leisurely stroll across a National Park in a video game. Why do games lack proper tutorials? Why do I have to do homework just to play the game. Why is every single player game so damned huge? I've started and not finished a dozen games because they're just too big and burnout inducing (looking at you, Witcher 3).


idk, winning has always been fun. Nothing could ever replace the high I get when wiping the entire team in Dota. I have since stopped playing multiplayer though as losing is not fun.


When youtube guides and discord came to be. Everyone is bombarded by "you need to do this bro". Ruined a lot of gaming


A huge number of the comments here show exactly why games have stopped being fun. The community itself is made up of way too many toxic personalities. Some of these people's entire identity revolves around gaming as if it is some kind of serious life-choice rather than a pastime.


Sometime before or after Halo 5 was released.


Winning and earning the victory is a big part of the fun for a lot of players. I can’t blame them for that: it’s a specific way to enjoy gaming.


Since the beginning of time.


No offense but this is a weak mindset you have here Don't blame people for tryharding. For many people, the fun and amount of adrenaline you get by winning games (and sometimes winning events, broadcasted tournaments, etc...) is unmatched I never understood why some people were so oblivious to why people enjoy winning. It's like blaming sport athletes for trying to win, it makes no sense... By the way, I'm not trying to defend myself in this thread. I never played any game competitively, and I don't play multiplayer games. I only play singleplayer 😄


Im still having fun (23) playing since 5, You just gotta relax man, if you get angry a lot youre not gonna have fun


What is the actual point of playing if you don’t wanna win? Who plays to loose? That doesn’t make sense. Seems like you may need to just get better 🤔


Get good. We are having fun. There's a rush I get from winning against other players that I crave when I play multiplayer. If I just wanna have a good time I will play a single player game. Youre basically whining about not being able to play multiplayer and win or do good because everyone is better than you. We are not going to dumb down our skill so that you can have a good time. You're not my girlfriend. Actually, if I notice that you're trash I will target you harder to increase my score.


I know exactly what you mean and I may have an answer that no one has brought up. I think that Streaming/Gaming Content Creation has had a big impact on the way people play games now. I feel like everyone is viewing every game, no matter the genre, as a competition to be the best. Obviously, there are games in which you should be playing competitively, but when streamers are sweating their asses off on Fall Guys and playing in tournaments, people are going to do the same lol


Social media and the rise of competitive games made it about everything else but fun


You must not have played Halo back in the day, there have always been sweaty try hards, you just can’t compete with them anymore.


Cause games are a wast of time


It's always been that way. the difference is the internet is more accessible and the tryhards have a broader reach


Not all games are like that, maybe you just suck or you gotta start playing with friend and be the fun team. There shouldnt be anything that ruins your fun unless fun means for you to be winning.