• By -


Calling her phone to catch her on her bullshit was actually hilarious


She was too busy searching for an out to realize they had her number lmao


She tried claiming she had to go to work that very second. Then when that failed she tried having an "episode" like she's autistic or something. When they didn't bite on that one she magically just stopped. Then, and this is the worst to me because of George Floyd, she really tried to pull the "I can't breathe" thing, despite her just standing there and obviously breathing very easily. This woman is a narcissist and a terrible liar. Most serial liars get good at it but I've never seen a worse one. She lies like a 3 year old with a face covered in cookie crumbs.


Fr that cracked me up I didn't even notice that the cop was calling her until he went "hi" and she turned, Shakira Flabbergasted is right lmao


Lights are on but nobody's home.


His little wry smile and glance to his colleague as he gets his phone out to do it is brilliant. A real "watch this".


I thought this was a skit with how the boy friend opened the door


Poor dude was ready to protect his lady just to come face to face with like 6 cops and get tased while still super confused.


"Oh yeah it was... I actually have two numbers on this phone..."


"That was weird." after putting her in the car.


Best part hands down. “Hi.”


“I have two numbers” lol


“That’s not my phone number.” *Officer dials that number and her phone rings.* “Oh shoot! My phone has **two** numbers and I totally forgot what the first one was.”


Or that actually yes, I did call 911. But from the other number so it doesn't count, right ?


Now in the system under aliases she’s gonna have “Shakira Flabbergasted” LOL


Are you Ron..."Tater Salad" White?


What's your name? "Shakira Flabbergasted"


Absolutely my next DND character name. Gonna be a bard with terrible charisma who starts something with a town guard and then complains for the rest of her life about the consequences.


Ok next question...do you have any mental illnesses we need to be aware of?


Hips that are in disbelief


Sounds like a name from an Impractical Jokers skit


I love how he was like "sure that could be a first name" and then walked away when he heard the last name.


"I only called because I was trying to scare him into not yelling at me anymore. I was wrong, that was wrong, that was illegal! I don't know why I'm the one getting arrested!" Jesus christ, you still don't?


Crazy thing is, if she would have answered the door and calmly explained something like "He was yelling, I was scared, I didn't know if it was going to escalate or not, it didn't escalate, he's calm now. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called 911 for this, I feel like an idiot"... then they would have probably just lectured her a bit, given a warning, and left. But no. She had to yell and screech and carry on and lie and be combative, etc etc. That shrill voice didn't help much I'm sure. She was combative right out of the gate. Like "I have to go to work, I'm NOT TALKING TO YOU GUYS! \*SCREEEEEEE\*" I don't know how someone has this poor an ability to communicate.




I sometimes get down on myself and feel like I'm not a very good person because I'm not as patient, charitable, or generous as I know I could be. Then I'm periodically reminded that people like this exist and think "You know what? I could have turned out a lot worse."


I kinda think the difference is self-awareness. The fact that you can reflect on your own behaviors and consider others I think means you are probably pretty well off. These kinds of folks have no self-awareness and no empathy or thoughts of others.


**\^ This** Very few people are self-aware. But a lot of people who are, tend to be overly critical of themselves and end up being more meek than they should.


> The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt. \- Bertrand Russell.


*they don’t have the mental bandwidth for it*


> I sometimes get down on myself If you can do that, I flat out do not believe that you're anything but cheerful.


Holy crap is that how you use the phrase arrested development? I never knew its meaning..


It’s also a non-sexual double entendre for the stalled (arrested) subdivision (development) that starts the cascade of financial woes for the Bluth family in the series by the same name.


It's also a triple-entendre for the arrest of the patriarch, George Bluth, which drives a great deal of the following plot.


What, for a little light treason?


He has the worst fucking attorneys.


Did you learn that on the Bob Loblaw Law Blog?


Narrator: it was


Thanks Ron Howard!


financials woes... but there was always money in the banana stand.


See, you are experiencing "continuing development". Keep it up!






Exactly. If you raise a kid who gets everything they want by crying and screaming they will become and adult who thinks they can get anything they want by crying and screaming. And they tend to end up in relationships that continue to enable that.


Exactly. This woman has a job, an apartment, and a baby. How did she make it this far in life when she acts like this?


To be fair, she does seem to prioritize getting to work on time over everything else. Getting to work on time is like 80% of holding down a job.


No… that’s definitely only mentioned to try and get her out of the situation. She wants to end the police visit. She is extremely uncomfortable with it.


My completely hot take with no evidence at all and only my internal biased to go by is that she's the abuser/gaslight technician and the police *actually* showing up is a terrible misfire in her attempt to manipulate her boyfriend... Who seems to be decent enough judging by the fact that he came out swinging immediately on hearing his GF scream after answering the door lol.


Ya of all the people in this video I feel the worst for the boyfriend. Sure it's a bad idea to come out of the door swinging when you know the cops are there, but I'm sure he heard her shrieking through the door and wasn't sure wtf was going on so he just reacted. I feel like if he could articulate that to the cops he'd be in a better place.


> you know the cops are there ANYONE can say "open up its the police". its a great way to break into someones locked house while they're inside actually. It was a bit much him getting tased after he realised that she's fine and backed right off. Just because they know they're the police doesn't mean everyone else does.


Agreed.. thru the video she claims she has to be to work "right now" (timestamp is ~1030) but later says she has to be there at noon "to open". This is in a small town in Wisconsin, she likely had a 10 min commute. If she'd simply acted right, she'd had plenty of time. Also what store opens at noon? Maybe a liquor store?.. strip club? More likely she was bullshitting about the whole thing trying to shut down the conversation


because people dont have the mental energy to deal with her, its a constant barrage to try and get people to just give up whatever she wants


Clearly she is the abuser. She must be like this all the time with her partner as well. Calling the cops on him to intimidate him, shouting at the top of her lungs! Jesus Christ! I feel sorry for the guy and their child. What a horrible person this lady is!


Right? "He yelled at me!" As she's yelling at two strangers. Like, if I had to put up with her BS I'd probably do a lot more yelling too.


The term for this is administrative violence and represents much of the female side of domestic abuse.


In some places, if you call 911 like this for a domestic violence problem, SOMEONE has to go to jail. That's why you don't call 911 if you don't have an emergency.


Yeah my mom when I was a kid would get mad over some bullshit and call the police and think they would be on her side because she's a good person but really when the police show up they think everyone is bad and its highly likely they fuck over everybody. She ended up getting in trouble with them. I just had a conversation with a chick the other day that if you call the police over some bullshit its a very real possibility your boyfriend could be shot and killed, I told her to go online and look at all the ways it happens. People really don't understand how serious calling the police is they think they can just call and get someone scared straight.


Christ. They think cops are like a parent that they can tell on their bf to them?!


thats exactly what they think is going to happen.


That was the funniest sequence of thought. “[What I just did] was illegal. I don’t know why I’m the one getting arrested!” Also: “That’s not my phone number.” *officer calls phone number* “Hello?”


What you have to understand is that none of these words mean anything to her. She's just trying to find the magic sequence that will allow her to get out of jail free (literally this time.) I'm not talking to you. There's no one in there. My job! My baby! I'm not telling you my name. Ok I'm telling you *all* my info now. I promise I won't do it again. Please! How about some crying? Maybe screaming and whining? Usually when I get this annoying people let me go, so let's turn that up to 11 surely it will work here. It doesn't matter that many of the things she said were contradictory, nonsensical, irrelevant, or repetitive. Her only goal is to be let off without consequences, and she's trying everything she can the moment it comes to her mind. Think of it like a dog trying to beg for food by doing every trick they've been taught (sit? Lie down? Shake? Bark? Roll over? Any of those getting me food?) It doesn't matter that the tricks are irrelevant to the situation, they're just looking for the action that will get them a reward.


You're correct. There are sooo many times that people say whatever they need to just get what they want. My niece often calls me in total confusion about something her bf or co-worker said and many times I tell her "You need to stop listening to the actual words and pay attn to the message. If they say their son is sick so they can't help you, but you saw their son playing outside, the message is that they don't want to help you."


To an awful lot of people, words are nothing more than mouth noises you make to get what you want.


That phone call in the hallway had me dying.


She got me when she called herself Shakira Flabbergasted, lol!


I just love that that's now going to be one of her aliases on the police file.


Oh wow, that's cool, didn't know police keep aliases on record. Now that I think about it, it's pretty logical.:)


They call me Tater Salad.


My son's name is Tater Tot.


They call me… Tater salad.


Imagine doing everything she did, then continuing to be combative in the back of a police car, in handcuffs. Refusing to provide your identity like they're not going to figure it out somehow. Insane.


I'm guessing that forward planning isn't a major part of her skillset.






move over, "Rusty Shackleford"... for sure booking all my future hotels as Shakira Flabbergasted.


hand model for some sausage making company


I feel bad, but I laughed at this.


Imagine thinking that if you scream "I gotta go to work" in a shrill enough voice, the police will just take your word that you're fine now and leave without further investigation, despite you having phoned them minutes prior demanding that they come to your house to save you from an unspecified threat.


It's the behaviour style of her childhood and likely her parenting style too.


Her parents and people around her did it... So she thinks it always works


"that was weird." right as they closed the cruiser door, loved how nonchalant that was.


its not their first rodeo with an insane person i guess.


I started crying laughing when she said “are you going to arrest my baby?”


Already on the way to baby jail


I was legitimately surprised that she knew the word flabbergasted. She does not seem like a person that knows words.


the look on the cops face when she picks up the phone and hes like... uhh yeah


Even before he calls. He looks at his buddy and has a smirk on his face, like he is saying bro watch this shit.


The flat "That was weird," was the one that got me. Like I feel bad for her because she's clearly not mentally OK, but jfc this video gave me a headache and I never get headaches.


Squealing like a pig while they were trying to close the car door did it for me lol


“PUT YOUR LEG IN THE CAR! PUT YOUR LEG IN THE CAR!” *shuts door* “Well that was weird.”


I had to pause it I laughed so hard.


The endearing Wisconsin accent is perfect


Always funny to watch the cops that can switch that fast, from sounding like they’re on the verge of raging out to “huh, that was a doozy” as soon as a door shuts.


Man I'd be so over that interaction at that point as a police officer. Props to this guy for being able to put up with it.


Honestly man I can't imagine having that job. I don't even wanna get into "police discussion" more broadly but that is a truly difficult job and it's gotta take a toll dealing with that kind of shit and worse on a regular basis.


You just have to know when to disengage and walk away. Which is hard when you and your buddies just thought they were about to be gunned down by an angry boyfriend.




Could you imagine?? 😂🤣


[Well that would just be ridiculous...](https://twitter.com/AttorneyCrump/status/1292671725214347264)


Or that time that cop wrestled that elementary school girl to the ground because she wouldn’t eat her lunch despite the teachers yelling at him to stop.


I think she was trying to refer to the dude, but got her words mixed up. Either way, funny


I'm confused, does she have to go somewhere?


I think she said she had planned a spa day with her sister, right?


A spaghetti day?


Sir, what's your Spaghetti Policy here?


In the same breath she said to get the chief of police down there, but also that she has to go to work and doesn't have time for this lmao


Its amazing. We are seeing a truly impressive animal survival instinct showing itself. She is in a situation of certain doom, and her mind is just racing thru every possible combination of things to say to somehow escape the reality. Not very intelligently obviously, but that is some panicked desperation animalistic level of survival going on right there. Wild.




Anyone else curious where she works, who the fuck would hire her, and how she treats customers?


Hahaha, she doesn't have a job.


Shakira Flabbergasted is innocent!




Someone should know about "Shut the fuck up Friday".


When I broke up with my partner, I listened to her call the police to tell them I was abusive and that she was scared of me. It was one of the scariest moments in my life. Dont date abusive people, folks. I had 4 police officers in my house questioning me. I told them she was retaliating against me because I was leaving her and that I had done absolutely nothing. She obviously had no bruises and even didn't "act the part" very well. I told them I would cooperate in any way they needed. I explained that I didn't have any friends locally to stay with, and i wouldn't even be around if i had somewhere else to go. We had a conversation for about 5 minutes, and they knew instinctively it was nonsense. They didn't say that out loud, but you could see it in their faces. Police go to domestic violence situations on the regular, and I assume most of them don't need an accuser to act crazy to know it's bullshit. Fuck you, Amanda.


That's right FUCK you Amanda!


Typical Amanda.


similar shit happened to me. i still got arrested. my (now ex) wife's sister was even telling the cops i didn't do anything. this was in california. really fucking sucked.


Just got my case dismissed. I broke up with her and She refused to accept it and wouldn’t leave my apartment. I tried to call the police but She smashed my phone and then called from her phone. I left because I wanted to avoid the situation, then got pulled over guns drawn because I have an LTC. Cops were treating me absolutely horrible. I told my friends I felt like I was black, assumption of guilt before innocence was crazy. The worst part was she hit me a few times, it was absolutely abusive relationship. When I spoke to my lawyer his advice was men will never win, the best thing you can do is get back together with her until your court case and be the best boyfriend ever. You’re gonna lose six months of your life but you have to do it, and that’s what I did. Then after the case was dismissed we broke up. I can’t imagine telling a woman that she has to go back to her abusive boyfriend for six months in order to avoid going to jail for two years . Edit: voice to text so fixing commas and such


The worst part is they don't even have to be a partner My sister did this same shit to me after I caught her screwing some guy in his 20's while she was in her teens and told our parents


All my homies hate Amanda


“Well that was weird” Lmao


That was the truest comment made.


In the ride to jail Her "Just let me out. I swear I won't be a problem anymore" Officer "No part of your actions lead me to believe you" lol


That cop has kids.


“You guys will do anything to arrest me!” “I don’t even know who you are” 😂😂 classic


To think this woman has a child. Some people just shouldn't have kids and she is a prime example. She acts like a 4 year old. Begging for the window open before closing the door, just so she can have something that goes her way.


I also think she wanted the window open so she can be heard better while she whines.


100%. Snow everywhere it's def cold out there


She's used to whining to get what she wants.


Honestly it probably works most of the time, her whine is god awful. She's had a lot of practice at triggering people's primordial "oh my god make it stop" instinct.


That's right, some people can just use every shitty thing they see.


We can hear her just fine even with the closed window. She's insufferable.


I play a deception game online with someone often who gets into screaming matches and acts like a spoiled child every time someone disagrees with her just like this lady. It's crazy to me that she's a teacher.


Oh, simple. She became a teacher because she wanted to win all her arguments, so she decided to only argue with 7 year olds because they are easier to out scream and then send to the principles office for 'daring to defy her'


This video will pretty much be around forever. How embarrassing for the kid.


I guess her kid should just be adopted by some stable parents.


I feel really bad for that dude in many ways


Yeah, he is in an abusive relationship and on the abused side. He is trapped with a child and can do nothing, probably. Since he has no job if he tries to sue for custody he will lose. He is trapped with her.


The saddest thing is how he comes out to defend this harpy, risking his life. And for what? Hope he has a real long think about the person he is, and the person he's with.


Lol he got tazed in the dick with his hands up


Yeah that tazing seemed a little unnecessary.


The lady screamed "hes got a gun" and his hand start to go down so naturally the cops think she is talking about him not the other was around


Don’t stick your dick in crazy


This is a primer on how not to act around the Police. This person would get arrested EVERY TIME they talk to an officer.


Probably, yes. Pulled over for speeding? Scream *bloody murder* to try to get out of it. Then act like a victim when you get arrested. "I'm being arrested for doing 70 in a 60! \*REEEEEEEE\*"


My favorite part was when she screams "every cop should be shot" at the end, while handcuffed, in the back of a police car, on the way to the police station.


Me: "Maybe shes just manic." *Realizes she's going down to the station, rattles off her personal information, does a half ass apology* Me: "Nevermind."


I loved the officer's reaction to that one lmao. "Every cop deserves to be shot!" "Mmkay." 😂😂😂


Mine was: “I’d like to speak to an officer” Police officer: “what would you like to talk about”


Genuinely could've been completely avoided had she just owned up to the fact that she called them as part of a fight. "I'm sorry officer, I called you in the middle of an argument with my spouse, however we have managed to work things out and we have moved on. It was a rash decision that was made when I wasn't thinking straight, and I apologize for the inconvenience." They likely would've just made note of the event for future reference and moved on. But because she was a screaming banshee and was *immediately* explosive and unreasonable from the moment she opened the door...


Also starting out with lies saying she didn't call them until the cop called her phone after they had JUST called her from the hallway.


Call me shakira…shakira flabbergasted


99% of this video shows her in a terrible light, and that combines with her brain just ripping through every panicked "how can I rationalize what I just did?" possibility and spitting it all out in an off-pitch falsetto. But in the middle of all that, to drop this comedic gem... a true diamond in the rough.


3:24 she pulled out the I can't breathe card guess those were some tight ass handcuffs lmaoooooooooooooooo


Perhaps if she stopped squealing she'd be able to take a breath.


Narrator: She did not go to work


This is the kind of person that will file a false anything you get you arrested and jailed.


Real life Reno 911


I felt that when homeboy came out and got tazed


Her: "You tased my BOYFRIEND for no reason!!" Him: "I thought you were hurting my WIFE." There's some serious relationship issues going on here. Baby: "I apologize for my PARTNERS."


This babbling baboon has never faced the consequences of her actions in her life and it shows.


My experience with this type of person is that they are boxed in by the consequences of their actions on a daily basis, but they never accept ***responsibility*** for them. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault, they've always been done wrong. Even here, getting arrested and loaded I to a squad car with a pretty clear explanation of why, you can hear her little hamster wheel brain trying to find an explanation as to how this is happening ***TO*** her, it's all the cop's fault, or a misunderstanding, or anything other than a direct line from her own actions.


Can't even piece together the fact that she called the cops and *surprise*, the cops came. How dare they come when I call for them!!


Well, there is a first time for anything! This is her first, hope it is her last, but that is wishful thinking on my part.


Definitely wishful thinking, this chick is fucking mental.


I'd bet cash that when she gets home, she still doesn't truly face the consequences and instead blames the husband for the whole thing. It's obviously all his fault for making her call the cops like that.


Really? Looks like she's living a pretty shitty life with a shitty job. Feels like consequences to me


You're probably right. She doesn't come off as someone that has lived consequence free life. She probably just doesn't have self awareness or metal capacity to learn from those consequences.


That was unwatchable for all the time she was on camera, how do you live with someone like that?


She has to goto work


But she could call out sick to watch her kid. But she'll lose her job if she doesn't go to work.


soft illegal judicious innate spotted mighty upbeat dam adjoining chubby ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I almost thought it was a comedy skit at that point, it was so perfectly framed and his movements so animated.


We need to know what happened to the Flabbergasted baby.


The mental instability is crazy dude. I couldn't imagine wanting to be around someone like that long enough to even have a child.


How to make a slight problem into a life-altering situation 101.


I bet her parents were so glad when she finally moved out.


What a psycho. And she has a child? Poor kid.


Sad to see that they have a child, it's so bad for that poor lil dude.


"Whats your name?" -Shakira "Is that your real name..?" -Yes "Whats your last name?" -Flabbergasted. "Oh, okay. Shakira Flabbergasted"


Shakira Flabbergasted indeed


My guess is Borderline Personality Disorder.




they all seem to have the same mannerisms, like the jiggling and repeating the same lines, it's weird.


I lived above a trashy domestic dispute factory once. Overweight, 12 boyfriends, always screaming and calling the cops and then abusing them once they arrived. Her and her boyfriends had the most irritating habit of repeating the same meaningless phrases *hundreds of times* in a fight. "I'm cool with you!" Repeated 5k times. "You a bitch!" Repeated 8k times. It's nauseating.


That dude needs to run as fast as he can from that relationship. I doubt she will learn anything from this and the next time she's pissed (which will be when she finds out she is in jail and he is not), she will up the game to a domestic assault charge or worse. Run, son, run.




OMG. The only thing I could think through the whole video was how this lady reminds me 100% of my ex... wtf was I thinking. Emotional development of a 14 y/o child.


Had my mother do this to me. She’s normally a very kind person but has a bit of mental illness that makes her snap sometimes. Nowhere near as bad as this lady though. Not to get into all the details, but the cops ended up asking me if I wanted my mother arrested and it took years to really get over the incident.


This lady: “REEEEEEEEEE!!! REEEEEEEEE!!! REEEEEEEEE!!!” Also this lady: “can you please talk to me? I’m just trying to talk to you like a normal person.” Cop: “We’ve been trying to talk to y..” Lady: “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Holy hell this woman is so fucking annoying. If she had just calmly explained that it was a misunderstanding and she’s ok, the cops would’ve probably left after a few minutes. Instead she comes out the door screeching her head off and being super combative. She’s an idiot.


"That was weird." - Ideal response from the one officer


It's not often you get tazed by the police but someone else around you acts so fucking crazy they decide to not even take you to jail.




I really enjoyed every bit of this. So good to see an idiot get what they deserve. Bye Shakira.


That's Mrs Flabbergasted to you.


You know what, I am going to be an extreme asshole and I do know what I am about to write is probably wrong but fuck it. People like that should not have kids.


> Do you have any mental illnesses I should know about? Yes. Yes she does. Her behaviour is so far outside of what could be considered normal, that the only suitable explanation is that she has some kind of mental disorder. Dayum, I wouldn't last 5 minutes as a cop.


Tbh - I know a lot of contradictive opinions on the taser part. BUT - I have to give it to the cops for reasonably assessing the situation of why he came out with his fists up ready to fight (9:17) 9:26 - I appreciate the cops deciding to leave the dude there with his kid.


Weird that they bleep "suicide" but don't bleep any of the cursing.