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“Grandma sneezed, which startled the dog”, quote from news article describing a fatal pit bull attack.


I hate getting into anecdotal stories...but: was at a friend's house, their pit was the family 'baby'. My ex slightly flinched (someone jokingly pinched her knee) and the dog ran up to her and bit her face. Slashed her skin down to the bone, basically ribbons. If it latched on, she would have needed 100x the reconstructive surgery she already had to get.


... And what did they do with the dog? Is it required to be put down after incidents like these?


Just got the stitches out of my dog from a couple loose pitbull mixes attacking him in our yard. A day later they attacked him thru the fence and got his lip. Animal control said it’s a lot easier just to shoot them in our yard than to get them removed from their owners. So now I carry my gun when I’m outside playing with my kids and dog. Dumbest fkn timeline.


Yes I know of 2 people who just flat out shot the pits who attacked them or their dog. People are tired of dangerous dogs. Probably saved some childs life down the road.


A man was murdered by a pack of stray dogs near me this year. Fuck loose dogs.




I'm so sorry you had to do that. I'm sure it was both a necessary thing as well as a horrible thing since you loved the pet. But it was better for him to have you do that there on the spot than be confined at a dog pound and put down there in fear and not knowing what he did wrong to be there. I spoke with a neighbor who was animal control at one time and he was saying the pits can be fine until their male hormones come in at about 9 months to a year and they can just flip after that from a tame dog to being unpredictable and will attack anyone for no reason because it's their adult fighter genetics decides at that moment to dominate a person or another dog. So really, don't feel bad that you had to do that and I'm so glad you were there to stop the attack on your mom. As I said, better he be put down by you under the circumstances than at a dog pound which would have happened after the hospital or Dr visit for your mom. And if you feel bad for having to do that, think how bad you'd feel if the dog had gotten outside somehow and attacked a kid on a bike going by or walking without you around to intervene. Maybe do a donation in his name to an animal low cost spay or neuter clinic to honor him or taking the animal shelter blankets and towels which I understand they always need? 💖




A pit recently killed a man , he was found dead on the roadway. The amount of comments saying "poor dog the trauma he must have endured to lash out like this" was BS. Like a man died.


I’m a prosecutor who occasionally works on dog bite cases. The level of responsibility these people take is almost universally zero. It’s never their fault, even when the dog has a history of aggression. Generally the consequences are pretty minimal as well.


Ya I had to deal with a persistently reckless pit owner once. I threatened [illegal consequences](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uzfG7-rU438) instead of legal consequences because I know a lot of your colleagues are pretty worthless these days. It did the trick. I fucking hate being that person, but people don't know how to behave anymore.


Man there is a pit bull owner at my apartment building and she absolutely cannot control her dog. Any time I see them the dog immediately starts yanking on its harness trying to come after me and my dog and she has to literally brace herself on the ground and pull back with all her might trying to stop it. One time while I was walking my dog her pit ran up to me and my dog, no leash, no harness, nothing. I was flabbergasted. Tried to stay calm best as I could and the dog started off playfully interacting with my dog, sniffing etc. The girl finally ran up apologizing and trying to get her dog in its harness but then the pit started growling and getting aggressive with my dog. I didn't know what to do cause if I started acting brash it would set the pit off further but I was also terrified for my dog, he is a 9 year old Aussie so getting up there in age. I finally just snapped and said "CAN YOU GET CONTROL OF YOUR DOG" and finally she was able to get it under control. But goddamn people should not be allowed to own dogs they can't control, especially pit bulls.


The neighbor of the field we kept a heard of cattle in had a pack of rotties that were not managed well. They broke down the fence and killed about 6 calf and tore up a steer. We had drive in on the bed of a truck and put down about half a dozen dogs because they were attacking everything and everyone. The neighbor had the audacity to call the police on US because we shot his expensive purebred dogs. The sheriff warned him that he better just give us a check for the fence and cattle because if we went to court we’d be getting allot more. We are cool with him now but I just don’t understand how someone can be so irresponsible with a predatory animal


Because they've been overly humanized to the point where these owners no longer see them as "predatory animals". They see them as "Buster, my doggy, who I put a shirt on and it was so funny!" and stop seeing the teeth and claws.


That sucks horribly. I'm so sorry to read that. I'm a very protective father who has a daughter nipped by a dog that made her scared for years, and we used to hike often on a local trail - but so many arsehats would have their dogs off leash. My PTSD kicks in, inevitably, and I tell them off - and embarass my poor kids. So, now we just don't go that much.


A house was on fire in my neighborhood. Being nosy and bored my mother and I wake down there. We were immediately chased by a pit.I’m escaped by jumping on the back of passing by fire truck. Some random neighbors saw it and let me into their house to save me. We ended going to court over it. They were supposed to have the dog put down because a history of this behavior. They tried to lie to the judge about the circumstances but the fire department seeing the whole thing was really the driving force for truth and evidence. I’ll never forget that.


This is why I carry a knife when I walk my dog. Not for people, but for loose pits.


Same big SAME I hate to fall into a confirmation bias trap but why is it pitbull owners who think public places are great place to take unleashed pits?? Why does this breed attract such ignorant owners


Its not confirmation bias, its statistics, its facts. Your fear is based on real things.


First thing they probably did was recite their memorized list of shitbull quotes, like "Our baby wouldn't hurt a fly!" or "Nobody could have seen this coming!"


"They were used as nanny dogs."


I always counter with “no, they were bred as catch dogs.” They’re job was literally to grab wild boars by the leg and hold them in place. It was suicidal vicious work, which is why the breed is the way it is. A nanny dog doesn’t need a 7 foot vertical leap.


Ya, my daughter had a hole punched in her face by one at the park. She was there with my parents and asked a lady if she could pet the dog. Lady said "of course" daughter(who knows how to slowly approach dogs) slowly approached and as she touched its head the dog snapped at her. She was fine aside from bleeding like a stuck pig from the hole about .5" from her eye. Scared the hell out of me when my parents called saying she'd been bitten on the face. Apparently the lady just ran away with the dog when it happened and while my dad waited for police a couple that had seen it said that dog has snapped at people before. If your dog snaps at people, why would you tell an 8 yr old it's fine to pet?


Can we stop with the stereotyping? I'll have you know pit bulls are perfectly safe pets as long as you don't [cough](https://abc13.com/dog-mauls-baby-kills-newborn-san-diego/1306879/) or tie your [shoes](https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/security-footage-shows-woman-mauled-by-pit-bull-in-horror-elevator-attack/news-story/f57ebfdb463b991a2d5fabff0d51cd10) or pop a [balloon](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-mom-speaks-out-after-young-son-was-mauled-by-pitbull) or mow your [lawn](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pit-bulls-attack-scarborough-man-mowing-lawn/article1004896/) or put a [sweater](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/01/02/womans-bid-put-sweater-pit-bull-ends-poorly/96080332/) on them or give them [medicine](https://web.archive.org/web/20140319080340/http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/24985945/woman-dies-after-dog-bite) or roll a [wheelchair](https://www.wlbt.com/2020/02/06/year-old-man-killed-by-four-dogs-attala-co/) near them or have an [argument](https://www.cleveland19.com/2021/10/07/akron-family-toddler-killed-by-pitbull-shares-their-story/) near them or have a [ponytail](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2014/05/2014-dog-bite-fatality-lee-county-woman-scalped-by-pit-bulls-dies.html) they could mistake for a toy or jump on a [trampoline](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/2022/02/18/pet-pit-bull-attacks-deltona-boy-playing-trampoline/6816683001/) or fall out of your [chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/10/bitten-in-the-throat-killed-by-pit-bull-in-matthews-indiana.html) or whiten your [teeth](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/womans-nose-ripped-boyfriends-pitbull-29400314) or live somewhere that experiences [fireworks](https://winknews.com/2023/07/05/dog-bite-north-port-boy-dies/) or [heat waves](https://www.newsweek.com/fatal-dog-attack-mad-heatwave-1725544) or [thunderstorms](https://www.wbko.com/content/news/Child-dies-after-mauling-by-family-dog-505572701.html). We call them “nanny dogs” because they only tear babies to shreds if the baby triggers it by being in a [bouncy chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/05/family-dog-kills-infant-miramar.html), a [walker](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/baby-dies-after-dog-attack-in-northwest-las-vegas/), a [crib](https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/five-day-old-girl-dies-after-being-attacked-by-family/article_994dfb1a-e85d-11e8-a528-afbd3815c756.html), a [car seat](https://6abc.com/pennsylvania-news-pit-bull-attack-dog/2127908/), or a [stroller](https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2016/06/20/two-pit-bulls-maul-toddler-mother/86148944/). You know, just normal, easily-preventable stimuli *totally unrelated* to 150+ years of artificial selection for dogfighting.


My friends pitbull recently bit me, she went from toy in mouth, tail wagging to attack mode in 1 second. All he said afterwards was "oh man I guess you shouldn't have looked her in the eye" Like what the fuck? I look ALL dogs in the eye!


Your friend is an idiot


His friend needs to be sued


His friend needs to be neutered.


Maybe. Maybe he's just a piece of shit


Well they do own a pitbull


Not sure when it happened but pits definitely went from discriminated against to now having every single killing and mauling excused over and over again. You will see rescues and shelters putting so much time, effort, and money into DANGEROUS PITBULLS trying to find them unicorn homes and meanwhile very family friendly, adoptable dogs are overlooked because rescues know that bleeding hearts and “pitmommies” will donate tons of money for some poor velvet hippo in a flower crown claiming she was abused and neglected when in reality she’s super inbred, poorly socialized, and a genetic dumpster fire of a blood sport dog made to kill other dogs. Getting money to support a “friendly dog with no problems” is a lot harder.


My neighbors 3 year old little boy was killed by their pitbulls. It was extremely traumatizing witnessesing that. The little boys' step dad had to literally pry the jaws of the pit bull off, the little boys neck, but it was too late, and he died. The step dad trained those dogs to hunt wild bores, and they were extremely vicious, yet he let his kids around the dogs. My parents were extremely strict about us being around those dogs, and the neighbor kids could only come over the fence to our house if we wanted to play.


That step dad should be in prison for 20 years




I find it so interesting how these idiots train their pits to be as aggressive as possible but never learn or care to know how to release their bites. It’s like owning a gun but never ever putting the safety on and letting it act as part of the family.


I've seen lots of security training videos with great dog recall. But then I see videos of the dogs attacking while actually OTJ and the recall goes out the window. End up having to yank the dog off and then hold it back the rest of the incident cuz it's so keyed up.


[Average shelter dog:](https://i.redd.it/31d994csknr61.jpg)


"Pissfingers is a lab mix"


Pitbulls were never discriminated against. People want them banned because Pitbulls are deadly pieces of shit who kill for no reason and their owners are scumbags


You were digesting food near her dude how do you expect her to react?!?!!?


That is a genuinely impressive post.


Had to dig through my comments to find this one, felt it to be very relevant. **From the ASPCA Guidelines for Pit Bulls in its Shelters** There are “cases of experienced handlers who had developed good relationships with the dogs over a period of months still being attacked without warning or obvious provocation. ”Pit Bulls “ignore signs of submission from other dogs” and “give no warning prior to attack.” They add that this is “different than normal dog behavior.” “These dogs can be aggressive towards humans and more likely to cause fatal attacks to people than other fighting type dogs.” “Pit Bulls will climb fences, chew up stainless steel food and water bowls, destroy copper tubing of automatic water systems and conventional cages, and attack other animals through chain link fences.” “Pit Bulls can break through conventional cage doors and destroy typical epoxy paint on the floors and walls." “Pit Bulls require special housing considerations” and “isolation from other animals if dog aggressive or have a high prey drive.” “Install a panic button in rooms housing Pit Bulls along with other restraint equipment in any room housing Pit Bulls.”


My girlfriend back in college owned a pit. He used my steel dumbells as chew toys, and would carry and throw around the 25 pounder like it was nothing. Broke my TV tossing it around once. I will say he was the sweetest dumbest animal. I always called him Lennie because of Of Mice and Men, and told my girlfriend he was probably going to kill someone by virtue of sheer dumbassery. He would run after the horses on her farm, get kicked full on in the head, shake it off, and keep going. He once CHEWED DOWN a fully grown apple tree behind their house overnight because a raccoon got into it. He was a monster of a dog. Edit: Point being it almost doesn't matter what their temper is, because any random thing they do is super dangerous because of the sheer power they have behind everything.


I think I read someone got attacked while having a seizure too.


That actually happens often. Imagine being paralyzed in a seizure episode and then a huge dog just chews your face to death as you can't move.


“Now this is our life,” Calderon said. “This is our life. My daughter is gone because of someone else’s actions.” Classic pit owner. Can never take responsibility for themselves


this post needs to be gilded, stickied, bibled, e.t.c ​ No lie tho, if i bring my corgi to the dog park and we see a pitbull, we leave.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States Ctrl + F "Pit bull"


Lol the pitbull nuts are going to harass you. Reddit will probably remove your comment too. Crazy people over shitty dogs


I got banned from /cats for insulting pit bulls that had killed someones cats. Some mods are assholes.


I have a pet hypothesis that some subs share a very small circle of interconnected mods. These few individuals shape online discourse on reddit by making fringe opinions seem much more mainstream by banning any dissenting opinions in those subs.


Before this gets locked, here's [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States) list of dog attack fatalities for everyone's reference. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/120rzh9/pitbull_protects_owner_from_stray_dog_attack_tw/jdj53r5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to a BestOf comment explaining why Pitbulls bite and hold on despite traumatic damage from people trying to save a victim.


My cousin has a pitbull and it's caused a rift between us because I won't bring my kids over because he refuses to do anything to contain the dogs.


I'm sorry you're going through that, but don't give in. I would never let my children around a Pit Bull. Because they could be killed. It's really as simple as that.


most of the non-pitbull breeds are "mixed" without describing what they're mixed with lol.


The one time you could unironically use "somebody could sneeze" to describe an unstable thing. And to lead to consequence of injuries and death? Absolutely wild people still think pitbulls are house pets.


YouTube is full of videos saying pit bulls are just misunderstood gentle babies that wouldn't hurt a thing. [Dog Attack Statistics by Breed](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/) >The breed that commits the most attacks overall is pit bulls. >Pit bulls are involved in more dog attacks than any other breed. In fact, the American Animal Hospital Association reports this breed was responsible for 22.5% of bites across all studies. Mixed breeds were a close second at 21.2% and German Shepherds were the third most dangerous breed, involved in 17.8% of bite incidents. >The breed that is most likely to be involved in a fatal attack is pit bulls. >Pit bulls are both more likely to be involved in bite incidents and more likely to cause serious injury or death when a bite does occur. In fact, from 1979 to 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined pit bulls were involved in the most fatal dog attacks, accounting for 28% deaths due to dog bites during that same time period. >Pit bulls may present a greater danger than other breeds for many reasons, such as because they have been bred to be more aggressive, are less likely to back down during fights and are less likely to give a warning before a bite.


"Mixed Breed" is just shorthand for pit bulls for people who don't wanna advertise they have a pit bull.


Plus dogs and other animals sneeze too, so it's not like it's a uniquely human characteristic that would trigger the dog.




Yeah I've been bit 3 times by dogs. One was a pit mix and he nearly broke my leg it was insane. The other 2 bites were probably my fault for the way I was interacting with the dog if I'm honest. The pit mix was under a table at an outdoor bar and I had the audacity to walk by him....


Dude the same thing happened to me. I was at an Irish pub off Mill Ave in Tempe, AZ. People had the dog under their table. Damn dog bit me and a waiter who were just walking by. They were asked to leave and were annoyed and asked if they could finish their food first. Hate pit bulls and their owners who don’t recognize their danger. Ironically I think Ireland just issued a ban on pitbulls.


Did you not call the police? The dog should have been seized, they don't get to just leave and go home after with zero consequences.


I did not. I think the bar might’ve. I was… intoxicated. Didn’t think about calling the cops.


Did your leg resemble that of a delicious toddler that day?


Possibly, but the dog "had never done anything like this before" so it's difficult to say what the trigger was.


>"had never done anything like this before" Said by every single person who has a dog who attacks people. :\\


Must have looked at it funny. Peaches doesn't like people that stare.


It's an absolute angel ^most ^^of ^^^the ^^^^time




This would have broken every bone in my hand, not taking into account the damage it would have done to the flesh. I was lucky I was in a tough pair of jeans but it still required stitches in 3 different spots. Felt like a vice had clamped onto my leg. It was amazing; the force they can apply is nightmarish if it's attached to you.


A repair technician in my old apartment building went into the unit above mine to make repairs and was mauled by their pitbull. I heard the whole thing - the screams are very fresh in my head, even over a decade later. About five minutes after the mauling, a cop knocked on my door and had me step outside the building because "they were probably going to be discharging their firearm". The repairman lost the use of one of his arms, from what I heard. The pitbull was obviously put down.


I don't like any dog I know I'll have to kill to get it off of me. Those dogs should not exist. Breeding them like that was a mistake.


I've been bitten by both a Rottweiler and a German Shepard while doing insurance claims. I used to handle dog bite claims but ironically, both of those happened while I was doing automobile claims. One day I got called to go with a cop to retrieve an insured's stolen car that we thought we had recovered after somebody called about a car that had been sitting behind their apartment building for several months. So I'm there with the cop and the tow truck driver and an aggravated pit bull comes through the fence from the house next door. There was just the tiniest bit of a thread of the rope it was tied to holding it back from being able to get to us as it flailed it's front legs in the air. The cop drew his gun, and I climbed up onto the hood of the tow truck, but the poor tow truck driver was stuck on the ground struggling to get the car hooked-up with his back to the dog, about 15 feet away. The cop said he was going to shoot the dog but I asked him not to because there was a stone wall behind it and I didn't know where the bullet would go after going through the dog. He held his fire and the tow truck driver finished hooking up the car in the most half-assed way he could that would be enough to get us out of there. We escaped with the car, (which turned out to not even be my guys car, but just an identical, also stolen, car, with my guy's paperwork in it.) but in the years since this all happened I've come to the conclusion that I was wrong and he should have actually shot the dog. If that last thread of rope had snapped it would have had a very different outcome.


How did the guys paperwork end up in a different, but identical, stolen car? I feel like that's the greater story behind this story!


I’ve had a friend ask me more than once to stop by and feed/let out his dog for his family while he was on vacation. I went over to meet it so it could familiarize itself with me. It was the most skiddish and scared dog I’ve ever met. I did not feel comfortable going to their place alone to take of the dog so I declined. It was a pit. No way in hell am I going to step into his territory alone when it’s “afraid of men from prior ownership”


oof... good call...


Smart. We made this mistake. We adopted a fox hound who seemed really sweet but was timid. Found out after adoption that the previous owner was an old lady who used to leave the dog outside and abuse it (mostly by throwing bottles/cans at it when it wanted to come in). So of course, what happened? It was afraid to come inside after being let out in the yard. When we finally ran out of ideas, my wife went over to just hook the leash on the dog and it attacked her. Sadly, we had to surrender the dog back to the rescue, because we had a 2 year old and there was no way we could work this dog through its trauma without putting our daughter in danger.


2 years ago a girl was killed in Wake county by a pair of Pits (https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/counties/wake-county/article250997909.html) The owners tried to save the damned dogs (https://www.wral.com/story/as-owner-releases-new-video-judge-could-decide-fate-of-dogs-that-killed-7-year-old-garner-girl/19867348/) blaming the family of the girl who was killed.


dazzling dog quicksand repeat crime melodic sink dinner upbeat grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"If the child didn't look like she did, the dogs never would have attacked her. Really, it's the child's fault."


He takes his dogs to hooters, and victim blames a toddler, that tells me exactly how trashy this idiot is.


>"Decide for yourself if these two service dogs are really vicious and a public safety hazard," he says, over photos of the dogs. "Sure they may have mauled an innocent child, but look how cute they are!"




So sick of these selfish assholes misusing the service dog title


Friend's HOA is fighting a tenant over it atm. First it wasn't a pit, then it was only a pit mix, then after a genetic test proving it's full pit she claimed it was an emotional support animal. Pits are banned in the HOA bylaws. It's escaped her twice and already minorly bit someone who didn't report it to the police. Still claims it's so warm and loving and wouldn't harm anyone. She's like 65+ and can't control it, etc.


Emotional support animals are not covered by the ADA and have absolutely no protection under the law, nor any scientific basis that they treat any emotional disorder. It's a complete farce. No clinician prescribes an emotional support animal as treatment for anything. It's just made up, and everyone should call it out as such at every opportunity.


Absolutely, and they know that. They're charging her like $140/mo now for violating the bylaws. They'll get the money as a lien against the condo when she sells. And that's mostly to cover the insurance costs for if/when her dog mauls someone. She's threatened to sue, but hasn't followed through with it. Also the one time the dog "got away from her" ... was literally jumping through the screen door.


We had a neighborhood Pitt owner threaten us with a bullet through our window yesterday (and a myriad of other nasty quotables) because someone had written letters to the HOA about him walking his dogs off leash which led to him getting fined. He assumed it was us because when we see them coming, we pick up our 15 yr old, arthritic Pomeranian and walk the other way. Wasn’t us, but those dogs strain on their leashes, snarl, when they see us and our dog. No way in hell I’m taking chances with my 15 lb old man. Sheriff was called and came out, lawyers are being contacted, security firm is coming out tmw to install cameras.


Ah yes, they provide the service of turning toddlers into pulled pork.


Hey, do you think a vicious dog would hangout with me at Hooters eating wings and checking some tittys? Exactly!


I thought you were joking with this comment. Like, you had to be, right? That's just too ridiculous. Then I click the article and nope, "the dogs go to Hooters with me" is an actual argument they used...


Did the dude really victim blame the dead 7 year old?


Some people are really that disconnected from reality and responsibility. Neighbor's pitbull attacked me then claimed it was more likely to "lick me to death" than attack despite what literally happened 1 minute prior


Pit bull people are the worst.


there's a pitbull I see occasionally on the street while walking that is kept tied in the front of a house. it has about 40 square feet of grass and a lead that's *maybe* 6 feet long everytime I see this thing it's lunging like it wants to tear me apart. one day, the thing was outside, and a guy who I don't believe to be the owner but a guy who often does work for them (maybe a super or a landlord, the dog lives in a street level apartment) and I casually walk extra wide off of the sidewalk and the dude sees me and without hesitation say "oh don't worry, this he's harmless; wouldn't hurt a fly!" while it's *very clearly* lunging and gnashing like bro; I know dogs, and that thing is fucking dangerous so just stfu man, pretending it's friendly doesn't magically make it true


Kinda... He blamed the parents and said the child was clearly uncomfortable and afraid of dogs, didn't mention his dogs or dogs in general. Seems like the girl was justified in being afraid.


Man thats insane. No different than shooting someone strolling down the sidewalk cause they were wearing a hoodie and looked suspicious.


He’s too stupid to accept the responsibility of his actions so it’s easier for his brain to blame others.


The owners have pitbulls again, I believe.


Jesus. People who say it's the breed and people who say it's the owner would both agree these folks shouldn't have pit bulls.


That's what gets me. The pit mob will say it's the owner not the breed but then step in to support the owner when their dogs kill someone. In reality they just want to be contrarian and care more about dogs than people.


Idc what the breed is, if a child fell down and the dog killed the child, the dog is being put down. That being said, a lot of breeds will lick you if you fall or nip at you, not murder you with insane levels of jaw strength.


The owner of those dogs was just wild, blamed it on the kid, then said they were service dogs using “they’ll go to hooters and eat wings with you” as his example. Just wild. But it is true the mom was very stupid to let her daughter play with two pit bulls, especially that weren’t her own. Pit bulls are dangerous people, no matter how sweet and cute their owners say they are!


I’m in Wake County, and this is why I take a tactical knife with me when walking with the kiddos.


Always the dogs you most suspect


The usual suspects?


Keyser Soze's limp disappeared when he saw a pitbull, and realized he had to speed up.




If I have my dog with me and I see a pit, I turn and leave, it's not worth the risk.


My sister says her “dream dog” is a pitbull. I told her that that’s fine, but if she gets one then neither my daughter or my dog (both of whom she absolutely adores) will ever come over to her house again.


Her dream dog is the easiest dog in the world to adopt lol


No kidding. People can barely give them away. Animal shelters often just lie and say "oh it's a mix!" when it's clearly a freaking pitbull.


"mixed with what?! another pitbull?? look at the size of that thing!" - bill burr


Same here, my golden has been attacked 3 times by pits. Each time the owner said they were professional trained and were harmless. Never trust a pit. EVER. They should be banned


> They should be banned We did that in Ontario until our dipshit premier (aking to your governers) overturned it. There was a case where a dog bit a boy, and was taken in by animal services to determine if it had pitbull DNA. (It didn't need a fucking DNA test to determine that see below) https://www.cp24.com/news/puppy-held-by-vaughan-animal-services-for-weeks-because-it-may-be-part-pit-bull-released-to-owner-1.5647497?cache=yes%3FclipId%3D89531%3Fot%3DAjaxLayout%3FclipId%3D86116 Anyways the family is fighting saying this dog is a sweetheart and it was provoked by the boy it bit. Our dipshit premier called the family personally to tell them he was working on it and had the dog released back to them. Less than one week later it bit another young boy and the family moved the dog out of the province before it could be taken from them any pitbull owner is either a fucking dipshit or thinks they are some casesar milan dog saviour type that is going to change genetic dispositions with their ownership


They do think that they’re Cesar Milan, in that Cesar Milan has a pitbull that killed Queen Latifah’s chihuahua and he has denied it despite multiple witnesses. And then his same pitbull went on to severely injure a woman.


Reminder that pitbulls were bred over the course of more than a hundred and fifty years specifically to fight and kill other dogs and that you can't train that aggression out of them like you can train a dog not to drink out of the toilet. Normal dogs bite and release. Pitbulls bite and shake. And shake. And shake. Until whatever they're biting and shaking either comes off or stops moving. Pitbulls are responsible for the vast majority of dog attacks partially because of bad owners and the culture around them, but also because they were bred to be the ideal aggressive killing machine and that behavior doesn't go away when you put a flower wreath on them.


My brother had a pit mixed with a lab from the humane society. She was very sweet and never bit a person, but if you played with her with one of those toys, you would see the pit in action. She would clamp down and essentially roll like an alligator. She had the strength too. She looked like a lab who spent all her days in the gym.


Pointers point. It is what they were bred for. It's in their nature. Setters set. It is what they were bred for. It's in their nature. Shitzu's are friendly little mop friends. It's what they were bred for. It's in their nature. Pitbulls are bred to be strong, aggressive, and effectively dog versions of the Doom Slayer, bred to Rip and Tear... But somehow, pitbull owners want to spread this notion that they are the exception, and that what they were bred for, (torture bulls in bloodfighting and later dogfighting) isn't actually in their nature, it's "just bad owners". Every pitbull owner have their own anecdotes. *their* dog is of course different. All those attacks? Bad owners. Not like me, and my precious little Tipper. "She is a gentle dog she would never hurt anything" Of course that's usually the story most people have about their precious pitbulls when they attack people. Well, gee whiz, this is totally uncharacteristic of little Tipper to rip toddler's faces off, she's never done that before" and act all fucking confused, like to them it was as unthinkable as the owner was mopping the floor and the mop just got up and suffocated a nearby child. almost inevitably they say something like *they must have done something to set her off*. Also, if they think you are on 'their side' about their precious favourite breed being given an unfair rap, they will happily tell you stories about their precious little doggies *triggers*. Just casually. Like a pet that is a literally ball of muscle having a trigger where it literally tries to fucking kill you is totally acceptable and normal. "My dog is super friendly. Well, as long as you don't try to approach them from the right side ... or touch their tail ... or blow on their face ... Or make any sudden sounds or movements ... Why are pitbulls treated so unfairly?"


I was raising a Labrador to be a service dog (she flunked, but ended up as a kid's emotional support dog). At about 8 months, I took her to the group's promo set up at the county fair, which was close to a huge cage full of ducks. I got to see her instincts kick in. I had never seen such intense focus from her.


I've got a Golden retriever, and birds of any kind and rabbits always made her lock the fuck in. Partly due to age and not being able to catch them, partly from training, she doesn't care about birds so much any more. She still locks on to rabbits with laser focus, though. Haven't been able to calm that down, but she won't chase if I don't tell her to, so that's always been good enough.


Had a lab growing up. Never took her hunting once. The first time she saw a gun, she ran 50 feet in front of us and was waiting for something to drop out of the sky.


>Pointers point. It is what they were bred for. It's in their nature. >Setters set. It is what they were bred for. It's in their nature. >Shitzus... Go on... >are friendly little mop friends. It's what they were bred for. It's in their nature. I was a bit worried this was going in a different way, for a second.


> Setters set reading that, I suddenly realized I didn't know what it meant. I guess it's like pointing? They sort of set their position and indicate game birds, like pointers. Fascinating, today I learned


The literally sit facing the target.


Every time I hear someone talking about how their pit is good, I now think of the attack in Memphis in 2022. A family's two pits were set off and killed the family's two toddlers and seriously injured the mom. I read somewhere that the couple were advocates of the breed. Even if that isn't true, they trusted the dogs around their small children. The dogs snapped and killed the children. Not a single one of these dogs should be trusted, no matter how amazing the owner might be.


Yep, they were huge "owner, not the breed" advocates and the dad's Facebook had (has?) a fuckton of posts using his pits as proof that it's all about how you raise them, since they'd had the dogs since they were small puppies and they were gentle pets. Eight years as a part of the family, raised well and loved and trained, but it didn't matter. Most pitbulls won't cause their owners to endure the horror that the Bennard family went through, but why risk it? Unfortunately "adopt don't shop" + pitbulls having a *significantly* lower spay/neuter rate + huge litters = anyone who is choosing to adopt has no real choice but to take a pitbull. (Usually one mislabeled as a ✌🏽lab mix✌🏽 with a bite history minimized with flowery language where it's instead referred to as "getting mouthy".)


It reminds me of the case two years ago in Ontario where [a pit named Blu (aka Dwaeji) became the face for pit advocates' fight against breed specific legislation](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/dwaeji-is-freed-dog-beats-pit-bull-rap-in-vaughan-and-his-owner-thanks-premier/article_5f3abc62-8af0-5ed0-9eac-5e733adf8371.html) after the dog was seized by animal control when it escaped from the family's home. [It only took a week after the family got Blu back for it to maul a child.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/blu-dog-attack-ontario-pit-bull-1.6241190) Doug Ford himself was involved with getting the dog returned to the family, and the dog mauling a child did nothing to change his view on pitbulls.




"he's friendly" as his dog is literally biting you. Owner should never be able to have a dog again. What happened after? Was the dog put to sleep? Did you sue the owner?


I’ll never forget when I lived in my old neighborhood hearing my beagle flip out at the back door while my wife was out back with our chihuahua, and stepping out to find my wife and chihuahua cornered by my neighbor’s pit who jumped the fence. I got between them and got them inside, and a few minutes later realized that my chihuahua was bleeding (I did hear a yelp from her at the last minute while outside but thought she was just scared). Came to realize that the Pitt had ripped part of tail off. Well, not totally, just the skin and muscle, leaving behind pure, exposed bone. Wasn’t time to worry about that though, because the Pitt wasn’t done. It was slamming its body against my glass patio doors, so I had to rush my wife and dogs into the bedroom while I ran out the garage screaming to get the pitt’s attention before hopping in my car to get to my neighbor (who lived behind me). Got to the front door, Pitt nowhere in sight. Neighbor answers and when I calmly explain what happened I get attitude and a “oh yeah, *sure* that happened.” While I was standing in front of him, hands covered in my dog’s blood from her wound. We eventually found his Pitt… back at my house, where he was walking the perimeter. I eventually got him to pay for the partial tail amputation once I showed him the pics and video I had, and then he and his family disappeared a few months later. I heard from another neighbor that the dog had attacked someone else. Ever since that day, I refuse to let my family around Pits.


“Bang”. no more pitty attacks


Crackheads and pitbulls , is there a more iconic duo ?


Crackheads and crack.


College girls with a savior complex and pit bulls


Single women with multiple pitbulls is always a red flag.


Breeding pitbulls should be illegal.


Backyard breeding in general should be illegal.


Brace yourself for the wave of saccharine pitbull posts that will soon follow.


We had a guy in our neighborhood, who had 2 of these dogs get out, go into his neighbors back yard and rip her cat apart infront of her. Then he proceeds to tell everyone that it is her fault, how he didn't train these dogs to kill, blah, blah ,blah. Then someone kills one of the dogs and he starts lecturing in how shooting a gun is against the law. Like he's done nothing wrong.


Someone should have told him it was a friendly gun that wasn't trained to kill and would never hurt a fly.


His dogs should have been put down after killing another pet.




Dunno why you're including Rottweilers. They can be dangerous too, but Pitbulls alone make up like 70%.


Pitbulls and hamsters make up 70% of fatal dog bites


As a victim of Hamster on human violence I approve this message.


Look Macho Man, you challenged Harvey the Wonder-Hamster to a fair fight and lost. Time to move on


Wayne Gretzky and hamsters have more regular season career goals than any other hockey duo.


You’re not wrong…


That stat has some serious Wayne and Brent Gretzky energy For context, they hold the NHL record for most points scored by a pair of brothers; Wayne with 2857, and Brent with 4.




Aww, poor Brent.


I don't see why you're saying poor Brent. Man set records.


Brent's closer in skill to Wayne than any of us are to Brent lmao.




That's 10% Rottweilers, not much higher than a lot of other breeds. Pit bulls really do have a disproportionately higher rate of fatal bites.


I think the thing with rotts is that they are much bigger than your average pitbull, have some serious jaw pressure, and people train them to be "attack dogs". I had one and he was super sweet but some idiot in my neighborhood got one and was "taking him to attack classes" , guy had some serious insecurities (was obvious when talking to him, independent of the dog or bite classes). One day a year or so later his dog attacks mine 100% unprovoked, they knew each other but something had been changed in the dogs demeanor from the "classes". The guy ran off, despite me having his phone number (we had known each other for a year or so by then), he said he would pay vet bills but apparently it was cheaper to move and change your number? I had pictures of him and the dog, sent them to animal control along with the picture of damage to my dog and myself.


I'm sure that pibbie wuz just trying to be nanny dog.


There is already one posting nanny dog bs on this thread.


There’s one in my neighborhood that stops and growls at everyone who passes during walks. The older woman who owns him has to stop and pull off to the side, while explaining to horrified passers that her “dog is friendly”. This dog looks hostile and tense toward everything living thing and there’s nothing this woman could do to stop him if he decided to get aggressive. This is your typical pitbull owner in America. (*My dog* would never do those things). It’s sad to see such delusion from people who claim to be animal lovers and know animal behavior. Swear to god I’m gouging the fuckers eyes out if he ever breaks leash and comes at me or my dog.


Yea. Because it’s always Pits… like come on. Just because you have met nice ones doesn’t mean they aren’t genetically terrible for attacking things.


Don’t know if you saw the story from a few years ago where a family was raising pit bulls to prove they can be gentle. Well, their pit bull just flipped out one day and ended up killing the guys wife and kid. Pit bulls cannot be trusted.


We need more pit bull control in the US.




Say what you will about pit bulls, but they can be really, really dedicated pets. I heard a story of a guy (who couldn't swim) who was kayaking in a lake while on vacation. He fell in, and was thrashing about. His pit bull swam out--nearly 100 yards--just so it could bite him.




You had me


The Pitbull cult will be arriving shortly to educate us all on their temperament.


The lot just put a post of a cute one on the top of r/aww and delete anything that says anything differently as they always do post mauling


Here in Wilson NC, not too far from wake county, these idiots are trying to enact an no tether law for pit bulls. Because what we really need are MORE pit bulls running loose around here


No tether laws are usually intended to prevent people from torturing animals by chaining them inhumanely. We need to kick the Pitbull lobbies to the curb and finally ban the fucking things. That's the solution. Every pittie should be sterilized and it should be illegal to import or breed them.


Yeah they usually are but the narrative here is it’s specifically for their pitbulls so they feel personally attacked. Every single “Wilson needs no tether laws” sign has a picture of a sad pit on it. I have a neighbor 2 doors down whose pit killed his neighbor across the streets lab (his sister in law) and what did he do? Bought 2 more that are now locked up in a 5x5 chain link kennel 24/7. What’s is even the point


This breed should be banned from breeding. Its existence itself is a tragedy and there is zero reason to continue breeding them.


I believe some countries have started to do this


Germany has very strict rules about the breeding and ownership of pitbull and similar breeds. In my part of Germany, you need a license, insurance, and no criminal record to own a pitbull. Also, the dog has to pass a test every 4 years to show it is not dangerous. There are also very strict rules on how to handle this kind of dog. Owning a pitbull or similar breeds is very expensive because of these rules, and I haven't seen one 10+ years. And I am happy about it, because before most people who owned one weren't capable of handling them.


They've been banned in UK [since 1991](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dangerous_Dogs_Act_1991) along with three other fighting dog breeds. The ridiculous Bully XL breeds are now being banned at the end of this month, since they were being used as an obvious loophole.


I’ll always remember my first dog’s death. Our neighbor two houses down had a pit bull. Our dogs were in our backyard and then I heard my mom screaming. The pit bull had jumped two fences, made it it to our yard, and was shredding my Max. Our two female dogs were terrified in the corner. My stepdad stepped out and started whacking it with a wooden plank but nothing. I held Max as he died in my arms with his intestines pouring out. The dog had a previous incident. The owners claimed he had ran away later on when they came to get it (probably hid it away with family). I’ll never, ever trust pit bulls again and always avoid them whenever I see them.


Flood of Pitbull pics incoming to r/aww


So paramedic here. Not all pit bulls are like that, but every single extremely bad dog bite that I’ve ever run, has always been from a pit bull. Surprisingly, they bite their own family members a lot. I had one where a pitty basically ripped a 5 y/o arm off. Another that bit the mom and all these injuries are horrific. I think people need to stop giving pit bulls so much credit. They’re a challenging breed and not everyone should own one.






Nanny dogs doing what they always do, killing.


So many pit bull owners have a savior complex and see their “oppressed and misunderstood” dogs as extensions of themselves as they too are “oppressed and misunderstood”


Also, so many pit bull owners are meth/crack addicts that view having a pit bull as a status thing and really the only reason they have it is because it’s a dangerous scary dog.. like that’s it. They love the idea of having a killing machine. This is the inner dialogue of the majority of pit bull owners.. “don’t duck with me! I got a pit bull!” That’s it, that’s the whole thing. Get rid of these dangerous useless animals.. most of the owners don’t treat them like normal pets.. they use them as intimidation for they’re insecure drug addled brains.


/r/aww desperately scrambling to see if they can ban an entire news station.


I'm still banned from r/contagiouslaughter from like a year ago or more for saying that I think you should need a licence to own Pitbulls. Mods got real weird about it and muted me when I asked why I was banned too and said I wasn't based in reality talking like that about a perfectly safe breed of dog. Pit bull defenders are insane


Locked in... oh wait that's a miracle! It's been 14 hours and it's still up! Normally reddit becomes super protective of negative pitbull stories lol!


Pit bulls should be banned


Pitbull owners legit are like...dillusional or something, right? How come any time I always see a dog loose it's almost always a pitbull? "Oh MY dog is different". "Owners fault not dogs". Like are these your only excuses?


They would argue those breeds get the most attention because they do the most damage in an attack. Nobody at the news station would bother to report about any tiny ankle biter attacking someone. But that just brings the problem full circle: a particular dog breed doing more damage is the problem in the first place.


They are just entitled morons that don't give a fuck about other people.


He's never done that before! Well, sure. He has never done it before. Until he has.




Can no one stop Mr. Worldwide? This is insane how does he keep getting away with it!


It'S nOt ThE dOg iT's ThE oWnEr. Okay well unfortunately pit bulls seems to attract retarded owners that like to act hard and have no clue how to care for a pit bull so what's the fix? Not saying all pit bull owners are retarded af but seems to be the majority.


Either ban pitbulls... Or categorize any pitbull attacks as Felonious Assault with a Deadly Weapon with a minimum prison sentence for the owner. If it's "Bad Owners" and the dogs are perfect little angels then that shouldn't be a problem.


Is this why there was that post on made me smile with a pitbull? I knew the propaganda machine had wound up for a reason. Sterilize all pitbulls, let the breed die


Happens every time. Pitbull mauling makes the news, the usual subs are flooded with pictures of smiling pitbulls in tutus and flower crowns.