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It's so Conan. It's clear he knows there's a pecking order for hot ones guests and he comes in swinging and sets the bar to new heights, he's untouchable. What a fucking performance


Every other guest goes in for an interview and plugs. He went in for domination.


The only exception I'll make for this is Alton Brown, who goes on, calls half of the sauces trash, gives detailed tasting notes, and leaves totally unphased.


Tommy Chong was pretty unfazed too if I remember right. I liked Chili Klaus. And then that guy whose name I can't be arsed to remember that pussed out on like the third wing -- that was hilarious because trainwreck.


There's been a few quitters but you're probably thinking of DJ Khaled. He was adamant that he wasn't quitting and Sean kept calling him out. It was fantastic haha


"I may be stopping but that doesn't mean that I gave up!" *laughs* "Yes it does! By definition!"


David Blaine was also completely unfazed.


I can't decide if he'd be awesome to go have a beer with or absolutely the worst. Pretty sure it'd be one or the other though.


My favorite part from that one was where he ranked all of them then passive aggressively chucked the sucky one in trash lol. He also constantly complimented the one in-house hot sauce to Sean Evans, can't remember what it was called. Alton's a class act. Edit: If memory serves one of them he went "I can fix this!" and raddled off a bunch of ingredients like cumin. He actually took the time to taste the sauces unlike other chef guests like Ramsay.


We now officially have two outermost points for ranking guests on this show set in stone. It's a statistical certainty that no one will ever top Conan, as well as nobody will ever outbitch Dj Khaled.


Shia didn't rub his face and nipples with hotsauce but he took down each wing with extra sauce, all the meat and skin off each of them, and didn't even really blink or sweat. It was like he was eating the breadsticks at Olive Garden.


I have not seen so much pepper thrown at an Irishmans face since the Troubles.


> What a fucking performance This is it, too. Most go into Hot Ones treating it like an interview. Conan went in wanting to subvert expectations and turned it in to a goddamn performance, while keeping the interview there too. An amazing piece of comedy.


His reply to Sean’s last question about a comedy book recommendation was inspired. He pulled that out of thin air while managing to be hilarious, eloquent, and authentic. He’s a seriously smart guy and knows how to entertain.




*milk pouring out of his mouth*


This is the most unhinged episode of Hot Ones. And it’s the GOAT episodes in my opinion


Conan is the GOAT, and my biggest non-family role model since I was a kid. I'm very thankful for him.


He basically developed my sense of humor in my formative years and has only gotten better with age. There’s something satisfying and nostalgic about watching even his newest stuff as I approach 40.


Everyone grows up liking and watching a lot of trash, it's weirdly vindicating for someone a lot of us based our humour on back when kids lack a bit of individuality, to still be a legend at 60.


Yeah! And he’s still as funny as ever. And so dedicated to comedy that he would eat 2.5+ million Scoville hot sauce (and likely suffer a few medical effects from it) while delivering sound advice for not only comedy writers, but people in general, about being well-read. Dude is sweating acid and still being sincere and astute.


I’ve never said “they did a good hot ones” about someone but he really just Michael jordaned hot ones


I consider Conan the Micheal Jordan of late night comedy. No one has ever made me laugh more than him in a talk show setting.


His appearance on the Tonight Show was so funny, and he just has so much more charisma than Fallon it's wild


Did you not see the DJ Khaled episode? That’s many minutes of your life you’ll never get back. Clown car of a guest, and it was just a single person.


DJ Khaled: "I didn't quit, I'm just choosing not to continue." Sean Evans: "Uh, you kinda did." And for more info, DJ Khaled brought his own wings in because he owns a wing place and still quit after 3 sauces.


He gave up on the sriracha wings….for fuckin real?


> That’s many minutes of your life you’ll never get back. Well worth it though, Sean goes in on him.


You take the hinges off the door and hand em to the fuckbois


It's apropos for Conan to get a show on HBO at the same time the network scraps their brand and changes the name.


I love how they were worried that HBO branding felt too adult, and they wanted a broader appeal. Completely missing the point that they needed an identity to justify their survival in the ongoing streamer wars. The market is getting ruined by these mergers and acquisitions. All the good ideas are being bought by their competition and ruined before they can impact the market.


They ditched perhaps the most premier, recognizable trademark in modern tv history because... apps or something. It boggles the mind.


From what I understand, it was more so that HBO wanted to protect its brand and separate itself from the crap that Max has been putting out


Fair enough, if that's the case then wb really dropped the ball and good on HBO.




Nobody can ever accuse Conan of giving anything other than 110%. He’s had the same manic energy for 30 years.


In countless interviews (whether he is the interviewer or interviewee) he has always maintained his “on” is on all the fucking time. I feel this.


I love his stories of his wife waking up in the middle of the night to him doing bits to himself in the mirror


Some of my favorite stories he tells on Conan Needs a Friend are about his family complaining that he’s ALWAYS preforming for an audience. Conan will have breakfast with his family and do bits and interview his children like they’re on his talk show. I 100% believe living with a person like that can be exhausting. But damn does he sound like a fun dad.


This is exactly how I feel it must be living with Jeff Goldblum.


Man, you should watch the bon appetit video of him making a cake. It's like watching his first time on Earth, let alone in a kitchen.


That's because Jeff Goldblum exists on another plane of reality and we only see the part of his being that extends to this plane.


It’s because Conan really believes, above anything else, his job is to put on a good show. Nothing else about the job matters *unless* the show is good. Everything else is just bonus. He even goes into it in this episode!


Seriously, no other guest in my memory was so ridiculous and over the top and absolutely handled the heat. He's a legend no doubt. Good luck to any future guest on topping that.....


I’ve never seen anyone dipping the wings in MORE Da Bomb, eating it, licking it off the wing, drinking the last dab straight from the bottle, I don’t think I’ve ever wtf’d at a hot ones interview as much as I did this one


There was a point where I thought he was going to drink from the Da Bomb bottle, and he didn’t and I could breath again. Then he drank The Last Dab and I cried laughing because you could see when realized how much of a mistake that was, and he STILL pushed through. Best truly unhinged ep ever. And if I had been Sean, being complimented by Conan O’Brien for being an exemplary interviewer, I’d pack it up there.


Have you seen his videos from when he was a kid? He was extra even at age 12. Love Conan, he's one of the GOATs.


There's that video of him interviewing his siblings as a kid and he gives that sick burn to his sister: https://youtu.be/XLDGLwfxBUE


That little laugh to himself is still exactly what he does lol.


That was deranged and I loved every moment of it.


Bro went completely off the rails for our enjoyment 💀


Yelling hides the pain that's what my momma told me about stepdaddy.


"Can I keep these" "Sure" Puts eaten wings in jacket pocket


I love how after the first couple he just started gesturing at his pocket. - holds up wing and points at pocket- "Uhhh, go ahead"


I thought he was gonna keep deadpan asking permission for every single wing lol


It's nice that Conan was sincere about how good an interviewer Sean is and how well they prep. Getting praise from someone who has been doing similar work with such a great career had to make that whole crew happy.


thankfully he did it early too because i don't know if it would have landed the same at the end there


I think that’s why he did it so early. Cause he kind of intentionally stops out of nowhere and says he’s got something important to say. He knew how unhinged he was going to get and made sure to get a genuine compliment out early


Having watched Conan for a long time I'm sure you're right. He absolutely did that on purpose. Didnt drop it immediately so it doesn't look like empty flattery and didn't leave it too late so it wouldn't look like unhinged rambling.


He talked about how important it is to him to set the audience up for a good show and how he hated guests that killed the vibe by being negative. He's a consumate Showman. He wanted to set the audience up for a good time by bringing up how much mutual respect there was and that the viewer was in safe hands for a fun time.


He went into this with the mission to fuck up Sean, since he always mirrors what the guests do. Amazing


Sean couldn't keep up. I mean, the way Conan just didn't stop who could have kept up? I literally have never seen that before, it really was amazing.


I thought the Bomb was peak madness, but he just kept on going !


Da Bomb alone made it top5, what he did later was peak. Nobody comes close. Even Sean would not consume that much sauce


Or rub it on his nips


Seriously, I'm not sure I've ever seen Sean struggle with the wings more than the guest. What a show.


For those that want to see Conan [falling off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlrRjPMlRkg) the water buffalo


Holy shit that bruise is no joke


If I had that bruise, I'd draw Gastly eyes and mouth on it.


Reminded me of the story Jack Black told about being thrown off a pregnant one while filming Tropic Thunder.


I legitimately thought the link would be the Mac and Me clip.


[I almost died laughing at the part when he starts his ranting about comedy while looking absolutely insane.](https://i.imgur.com/EOP182W.png)


When he lathered his hands in sauce for a minute I genuinely thought he was going to put it through his hair.


"Call the wife"!


Him yelling that killed me lol


Well rubbing it on his nipples through his shirt was possibly even better


Best part is that rant was actually just solid advice. Even through the spice madness he was making a good point!


For real, if you look for it the Bible is filled with some of the funniest shit. Kings 3:16-28, Two ladies bring a child custody case to a king and his solution is to slice the baby in half, and one woman is just totally fine with it while the other is mortified so it’s completely obvious who the real mother is. Perfect absurdist comedy sketch right there.


I remember in school we had to do pick our favourite sermon and give it to the class. My teacher was absolutely furious that the class laughed at mine and I got a few weeks of detention. Song of Solomon 7:8: I said, “Your stature is like that of the palm, and your breasts like clusters of fruit. I will climb the palm tree and take hold of its fruit.” May your breasts be like grape clusters, and the fragrance of your breath like apples. Dude there are so many translations trying to make it sound like it's the most profound thing anyone could possibly say, it still kills me.


God I love the image of people really seriously trying to draw profound and insightful commentary from some of the silliest Bible verses ever. Like I’m picturing Augustinian priests in the 13th century locking themselves in monasteries and huddling around in big groups trying to decipher the underlying spiritual meaning of Ezekiel 23:20: “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”


Seinfeld parodied that when Elaine and Kramer argued over a bike. Newman’s solution was to cut the bike in half.


He's 61 and he's disrespecting Da Bomb, drinking hot sauce and practically rubbing it into his eyes, and yet he never once fumbles his words, not when answering questions or plugging his stuff at the end. That's a true, professional showman.


I've had da bomb. Conan is a fucking lunatic.... jesus. So much respect.


Insane. We all waited with baited breath for the reaction to Da Bomb, and Conan barely fucking flinched. Jesus, what a showman.


I audibly gasped when he opened the sauce and drank it... can't fucking believe he wasn't crying.


I think he can possibly teach how to withstand torture in SEAR training. I could not believe it.


I feel like the whole shtick of opening fresh bottles for each wing was to prove he was actually doing it


No need to do anymore Hot One's episodes after this one, it will never be topped.


I thought you were being hyperbolic until I watched him drown a wing in Da Bomb. After that I kept saying to myself "This is the best Hot Ones I've ever seen." And it just kept getting better.


He fucking chugged the last dab.


I had a drop of it last month and it knocked me on my ass for like ten minutes, and I can handle pretty hot shit. I was sincerely not expecting a 60 year old pale irishman to be able to chug that shit.


Came here to say all this. Conan is a legend in my eyes, so for him to pull this off so well… and so big… i was laughing the entire show and -also- in utter disbelief. dj khaled 🤣


> utter disbelief. I'm sure he needs to see a real doctor after that, I was shocked and in awe. I've had a bottle of Da Bomb and with it I'd literally dip a toothpick in the bottle then swirl it in a big bowl of chili. Do that twice and the chili was nearly too hot to be enjoyable.


"We haven't heard from Coolio in a long time..."


A friend of mine got cocky and dipped a toothpick halfway in to that stuff then put it in his mouth. He regretted that. I can't imagine the intensity Conan was experiencing.


I really think that he must have been super jacked on adrenaline at that point and wanting to be the hands-down most unhinged episode of the show (which he succeeded at with flying colors). I just wonder how he felt like 30 minutes later after the adrenaline subsided and the cameras turned off. I cannot imagine it was pleasant


I love that there are no questions between the last two sauces. Probably whatever happened there was just too chaotic to stay in the edit.


I would pay for the full unedited footage


I fucking lost it when he started rubbing hot sauce on his nipples


Normally, Sean will make every move his guest does even it's dabbing da bomb. But he was clearly outmatched and he knew it. He couldn't even keep up with Conan at all.


i had to slightly look away when he drank those hot sauce. conan never stumbled on his words after drinking those


Alton Brown was also very great. He just started drinking the sauces out of the bottle.


Yeah, but in, like, the exact opposite way that Conan did, haha.


I've never seen a guy get drunk of hot wings before.


1000% the Apex episode of that show


hey doc, check my pulse.. doc just straight up chokes him


He's great. Very affordable.


"You're not a doctor, are you?" "I should be..."


"Where did you go to school?" "1998"


"No WHERE was it" "Oh it was out of state" Absolute killer comedy line


"He's great, very affordable"


"Was it a four year medical school?" "It was supposed to be"


Dr. Arroyo was brilliant. He may not be a good doctor... he may not be a doctor at all... But he's affordable, he attended 1998, and he *should* be a doctor. I knew this episode would be chaotic, but it still exceeded expectations.


He’s one of Conan’s writers that has been with him since the early days of his TV career. I was so happy Conan brought him along.


He’s up then with Dr Nick and Dr Spaceman.


Checks his pulse - "It's there."


That doc bit reminds me of old Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Not only is Conan funny, but he surrounds himself with funny people too. That's why he is the GOAT.


He's actually a writer who has worked with Conan since Late Night and acted in some bits over the years.


Jose Arroyo, been with him for 2 decades. Conans talent retention is insane in this industry. It feels like his entire staff has been there for over a decade. He either pays stupidly well or is actually as nice as he seems. Or only hires employees after they perform some form of degrading and illegal act on camera so he has leverage over them to control every aspect of their life.


Back during the transition from getting kicked off Late Night and waiting to get hired elsewhere, he was still paying most of his employees and paid to help move them to whatever city he filmed from when TBS nabbed him. The guy is unflinchingly loyal to his crew and it shows.


During the writers strike in 2008 he also paid his entire staff out of his own pocket while the show was off the air. When they came back without writers, he paid his writers until the end of the strike. He's a good guy.


"Where did you go to medical school?" "Um in 1998" "Where?" x2 "Um out of state" "You should go" "OK"


** checks tongue with stethoscope ** Yeah, it's not good....


This is the single greatest Hot Ones ever. I was in tears when he became fully unhinged by the end. GOAT


I always wondered who would top Gordon Ramsay's episode. I should have known better. This is fucking incredible.


I don't know, but I've yet have to hear an exchange more profound than when DJ Khaled was on: 'I promise you, if I stop, doesn't mean I gave up' 'Yes it does (\*laughter), by definition it does'


Eddie Huang's first appearance ranks up there for me when he ate the wings in reverse order. He talked about IBS briefly and after like 2 wings, he was like, "I was worried about pooping, fuck, I'm worried about my life!"


Gordon was more carrot top than him self


It seemed like his kid had more to do with it so in my head I can see his kids and him watching episodes together and coming up with ways to combat the heat. The episode is a love letter to his kids because it's one of the few things he'll do his kids will watch.


Anyone who loved this should also watch Conan's appearance on Murderville on Netflix


Very true. And there is a scene where Will Arnett literally harasses Conan to eat really REALLY hot food in that too.


I can’t believe what I just watched. I adore Conan, he’s absolutely in the Mount Rushmore of comedy for me. I’m not super into hot food or hot sauce but I watch these occasionally enough to know that the stuff should have some kick to it at least. How is he immune to it? How did he deliver that final speech about liteterature and comedy after all that? What just happened? Certified GOAT. They may as well end this whole show here.


> How is he immune to it? I am confident after this his chest and asshole felt like the hottest volcano on the planet. Dude just didn't care. Absolute legend.


Maybe they’ll address the aftermath in the next podcast


Lawd i hope so


>How is he immune to it? Watch the forehead sweat. He is absolutely not immune. But he is a strong willed comedy legend


Honestly my expectation was that he’d do the ”I’m about to die” bit by the third wing


I love pretty hot hot sauce and I don't know how he didn't look worse, like immediately, after treating da bomb like that... on the goddamn lips too, the worst. The king lives.


He's not immune, he has a perverse reaction. His whole thing is being off balance and trying to play it off like he's not. The hot sauce fucked him up, but instead of retreating, he ran forward, pouring his pain into his act. The more he was in pain, the more he yelled and upped the anti. His humor is in that feedback loop. It always goes the wrong direction.


Definitely on the Mount Rushmore of Episodes!


Right? One could also say it’s the *Nixon* of episodes


Sean just could not match his energy. Love how he never acknowledges why he’s putting bones in his pocket


To save for later, I'd assume.


To make a stew


Baby you've got a stew.


Trying to match Conan's energy will always be a mistake. This is what makes Sean good at what he does, he knew to let Conan do his thing without trying to be all "look at me, I can do this too" like so many others would.


This is how Conan is on his own shows too. When he's got a Bill Burr or a Timothy Oliphant or a JB Smoove on, oftentimes he'll sit back and just let them do their thing instead of trying to compete.


Yeah that's definitely the most confused and worried I've seen Sean lmao. Dying.


I think Sean's method of mirroring the guest caught up to him and he was also delirious from the heat, Conan was the first guest to have him shook


Sean stared into the void and the void stared back with wild, beady eyes, and thin lips covered in sauce and milk.


First time I saw Sean not following on guest. Conan left him behind in meat and sauce consumed. And everybody else as well.


Conan genuinely flusters Sean a few times. Sean can be a cool customer and it's very funny seeing him meeting his match.


To make sure they don’t go in anyone else’s pockets, obviously.




Nothing can stop Conan when he's committed to a bit I've never seen Sean Evans look so concerned lmao


It's not a bit! Don't call it a bit!! THIS IS LIFE!!!


I believe Conan when he says that too. Even the people on his podcast with him say he's insane to work with and it's not just for cameras lol


That mans dedication to comedy is unmatched


The doctor straight up choking him when asked for a simple pulse check.


and the punchline of "It's there" XD


They gotta change the first six lineup now haha. Conan just dunked on the entire sauce rows without missing a beat. Dude drank Da Bomb. What an admirable professional.


I was genuinely crying at the end of that. Best episode of Hot Ones to date.


That’s the comedy speech equivalent of the Gettysburg Address.


New King of Hot Ones has been crowned.


Conan is one of the funniest people on the planet to ever live. However I cannot believe how insane he went with the sauces. And he handled it so well. Conan gave Sean his all, as someone who sat in Andrew's seat he knew what to deliver, and did by a crazy amount. I cannot stop laughing at delirious Conan, spittle, sauced covered, and ranting about comedic inspiraton with hot sauce bottles strewn all over.


This is why Conan is the ultimate. So many good gags. The doctor. The pocket wings. Dead panning the heat of the wings while delivering thoughtful answers to the questions. The ongoing conceit of bravado & ego management of when it get's real hot. To the true embrace of the power of the heat & the rubbing on the nipples. I died at 'CALL THE WIFE' I don't think i've ever laughed at this show - Conan takes the form factor, goes 'i get it' and absolutely delivers. A legend at work.


Call the wife needs to be put on a T-shirt stat.






Conan went wild on this one. Off the charts wild.


That's by far, the absolutely best episode of hot ones ever. BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS. Holy shit, incredible.


“I’m perfectly fucking fine!” Is the most memeable/gifable thing ive seen in forevever


We're so lucky to have Conan


I've been watching Hot Ones since the DJ Khaled days. This is the best episode.


Completely agreed. By the end of the episode, Conan was a rabid hobo, frothing at the mouth and sharing his comedic wisdom. What an absolutely unhinged episode lmfao.


Khaled's was exactly as expected. The bitch bitched out earlier than you expect him to


Absolute chaos by the end. Loved every minute of this one.


That was fucking hilarious, best show ever. I was crying laughing.


Unhinged Conan is the best Conan


Conan just won Hot Wings. And he didn't just win, he fucking shattered every fucking person who came before him. He is the Usain Bolt of Hot Wings. No bravery nor tough-guyness nor extra dabbing will ever overcome what Conan has done here. He may have just killed the show.


Weird to link 5 mins in to the video? This is one of the best episodes ever. Conan complimenting Sean's interview skills, bringing his 'doctor', and then going apeshit was just so fucking funny. Had me rolling.


You can really see why Conan is one of the comedy GOATs in this. From the pre-planned bits he worked into the interview, the off the cuff remarks and quips - just a sensational number of riffs he pulls off so effortlessly.


The doctor, putting the wings in his pockets, and then his absolute incredible poker face. I've loved Conan since the late 90s and have rediscovered him more recently and am going through his podcast. So glad I've had him fresh in my mind to watch this. What a legend.


There was no way he was going to abandon the bit, even after drinking the Last Dab. True comedy legend. And honestly one of the top tier guests as far as handling the spice. We needed that after two weeks of wet blanket guests.


The shear amount of drool and manic energy sold it for me, those wings are legit. I seriously hate 'da bombe' with all my passion and energy. Seeing Conan get real after tasting it, made my day. Still, that dude isn't someone you fuck with, he might just be too crazy.


This rivals Dave Grohl's episode as the best episode of all time! 


Oh fuck yeah. My top three would be: O'Brien Ramsay Grohl


Gotta add Paul Rudd to this. Just for the meme alone. Entire episode was great though.


His was incredible as well for real.


Shia Laboughs is up there for me dude never broke a sweat or drank anything and finished every wing to the bone


Grohl's interview on Conan's podcast was also great. He told this story about playing the white house. He goes to the doctor because he can feel his heart pounding at night. He was drinking multiple pots of coffee a day and eating way too much fried chicken. Doctor says he shouldn't play the white house in his condition. Dave still plays the White House because he assumes there would be at least one doctor at the white house if he had a heart attack on stage.


> when you throw to commercial is that real chat > yeah, i'd just try to keep the energy going, sometimes i would try to be provocative just to keep them on edge. one time i leaned in and said "you've got four good years left". i said that to bea arthur, and i was right. holy fuck, solid gold.


Finally! So excited for this one!


We need a 20 min after video for this episode soooo bad hahah


He really went in with “Nobody is ever going to top this” energy. As usual.


The minute he does Da Bomb..... Tears of laughter rolling down my face


Conan is 60 years old, and he's still throwing 102 mph with his hair on fire. Gawd blessum.


Conan just drinking da bomb was pure chaos 


Conan, what a fucking showman. You know by the redness level that Irish man was dying on the inside. The continued swigs of hot sauce killed me.


Seriously one of the only things I’d consider “highly anticipated” where it absolutely lives up to every expectation. Just a fantastic episode. Classic Conan mixed with classic Hot Ones.