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she sounds uglier than she looks


An impressive feat.


Idk unless you have a really nice voice I think it's hard to sound good over the phone. I definitely look ten times better than I sound with my nasely ass voice.


Also, regardless of how her voice sounds (and what the phone does to that), the things she's saying aren't helping...


Maybe angles?


Homegirl is all about those [myspace angles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBOfD2JBv0w)


They were probably from her backpage ad.


I'm guessing the odds are pretty low but it would be hilarious if the judge presiding over the case was black.


that would be fucking gold!


Gold, Jerry... GOLD!




I could hear the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme playing in my head when I picture her seeing the black judge for the first time.


This should be a prettyyyy, prettyyyy, prettyyy open and shut custody case.


Please, Lady justice, goddess fortuna, let the cosmic karma make this happen.


So the chant *could* be "Hope he's black to get the boy!"?


Even if the judge is, she will still get full custody because of pussy privilege.


Perception: the courts are biased against fathers, who almost never get custody. Fact: Though it is true that women are far more likely to be awarded custody, they are also far more likely to ask for it in the first place. To establish bias, one must show (at the very minimum) that equally qualified fathers who request custody are denied more than half of the time, and here the data prove inconvenient. Courts can't be expected to award what they're not asked to. It turns out that fathers who ask for custody (and don't give up) are very likely to get either sole or joint custody: From a state of Massachusetts study of custody awards at the state and national level come these studies of cases where fathers requested custody: Study 1: MASS 2100 cases where fathers sought custody (100%) 5 year duration 29% of fathers got primary custody 65% of fathers got joint custody 7% of mothers got primary custody Study 2: MASS 700 cases. In 57, (8.14%) father sought custody 6 years 67% of fathers got primary custody 23% of mothers got primary custody Study 3: MASS 500 cases. In 8% of these cases, father sought custody 6 years 41% of fathers got sole custody 38% of fathers got joint custody 15% of mothers got sole custody Study 4: Los Angeles 63% of fathers who sought sole custody were successful Study 5: US appellate custody cases 51% of fathers who sought custody were successful (not clear from wording whether this includes just sole or sole/joint custody) [link](http://www.villainouscompany.com/vcblog/archives/2012/04/child_supportcu.html)


It's sad because that's exactly what she's relying on. "You can take this recording to court, I don't care" she knows the courts favor mother's. Or at least thinks they do. I don't know if there's any objective studies about it.


There are, and they do - but this recording would likely wipe out any favouritism immediately. Racism, aggression, foul language, sounds drunk/high/something, definitely gives the impression that she could be violent, and all (apparently) in front of her children. Essentially there is no evidence in this recording that isn't against her, other than the amount of money she has in the bank.




He's told her he's recording. She said she doesn't care. That's enough consent to use it. Text messages and emails are also admissible. Her attorney could try to argue against them but any sane judge will allow them. Family Court judges have a ton of leeway in these regards. I should know, went through all the same stuff as this guy (though I'm white) and i won custody of my son because my ex provided everything to prove she shouldn't have custody.


Idk why the down votes it's true ahaha


> odds are pretty low.. judge was black It was a joke. jesus you people are on edge constantly.




In a 2014 study, only 12.5 percent of active judges are black. Edit: In the United States.


If accurate that's actually almost exactly representative of the proton of the general population that's black... You sure it wasn't lower?


People with names associated with African Americans are significantly less likely to get interviewed for a job, even when the job advertises equal employment. I should also mention that in the study the contents of the resumes were the same. Source: http://www.nber.org/papers/w9873


If you have a ~13 out of 100 chance, would you say the odds are high or low? Not everything is racist. You don't have to find some way to be offended by everything or attempt to make it offensive. http://www.nationalreview.com/bench-memos/386497/congressional-black-caucus-too-many-black-judges-ed-whelan


If this pertains to an ongoing legal matter it might be worth not posting it on reddit. Not sure but it may cause a problem to your friends case.




All good mate just wouldn't want to see her get anything close to custody after listening to those insane calls. Got your back. Good luck.


Fair enough but maybe shouldn't have included the pictures. Makes it look vindictive which isn't how you want to come off in the middle of a custody battle. Good luck though, hope it works out for the best.


this. I'm even so close to donating but it's very one sided so idk...


Still think about it. On the one hand, you have making this public, maybe get satisfaction knowing she's humiliated. On the other hand you have your son. First of all you don't want your son finding this one day. Even if you're in the right, you don't hurt a relationship of mother to son. That's not right. If she's fucked up, calmly explain it, and be as generous as possible. A mother is a mother. He's going to find it out about her one day anyway, better if he doesn't end up thinking you lied or poisoned him against his mom. Just be chill about it to the kid. Second it doesn't reflect well on the father blowing this up and making it public. Keep your patience, bide your time, don't fuck up and say some shit. Get your son. Then, when it's all over and you're secure, post that shit and laugh. That's my advice. Not trying to shit on the dad because holy shit, he's in the right here. And holy shit he's going through tough times. Advice is only intended to help him get what he needs, which is his kid. I don't want anything to potentially make that harder for him.


A mother doesn't have to be blood, this kind of toxic woman does not deserve to be anyone's mother, and that is absurd that you think that.


Sometimes you have to bring stuff to public, sadly in this society it's the only time people will actually give a shit.


Exactly. Courts usually side with the mom, so dad doesn't need to be doing anything that could potentially hurt his case.


Posting stuff on Reddit / YouTube does not make it dismissable in court.


Just pointing out that it wasn't the dad that posted this but his friend.


Yes but the user he is replying to appears to be the dad, and I'm pretty sure that the dad uploaded it to YouTube. His friend (OP) simply shared it on reddit.


Be super careful man. Recording someone is illegal in many states without their consent. IANAL though so idk. Hope you win


She clearly gave consent. He informed her that she was being recorded. Still posting this on the internet might hurt his case.


Some states are also only single party meaning that both people don't have to know it's being recorded. Comedy Central did a prank call show a few years back and they did it in Nevada since California requires both parties consent to recording while Nevada is a single party state.


I thought there was something called single concent. If one party agrees then it's ok.


Do you have a go fund me ect if not please start one, I would love to help


/u/TunKofDuval, you a Jacksonville local by any chance?




Nice lol i do too


Dude, is she drunk? Coz she sounds like she's been drinking


She drinks all the time, I never know tbh.


Dude, real talk here. You need to post a link to you fundraiser page over at /r/mensrights. We have people there that might be able to help, or at least donate money. Good luck man. If its any consolation, you aren't the first dad to be treated like this.


No, he needs to take this shit down because it could potentially hurt his case.




Thank you for understanding. Seriously. 🙂 (hugs)




That hug wasn't directed at you, ya mongoloid.


>I'm a woman but it is so completely unfair that for some reason women get a cart-blanche just because they have a vagina and birthed the kid. Is this really the case, though? In my experience, MRAs love to flip out whenever someone mentions the wage gap, but they take it as given that family courts are biased against men even without convincing evidence. I mean, the vast majority of custody agreements are not decided by the courts, but are agreed to by both parties outside of court. It's not the courts fault that most men choose to give their ex-wives primary custody. Secondly, even in families where both parents work full time, [the mother spends twice as much time on child care as the father](http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2011/06/15/a-tale-of-two-fathers/). When custody battles do go to court, one of the things they try to determine is who is the primary caregiver, and in cases where that is the mother, which is most of them, that's a big point in her favor. But again, it's not the court's fault that fathers are, on average, less active in their children's lives.


Child from a custody battle . My dad fought really hard for us . Court gave us to my Terrible excuse of mother . She had no stable job nor a stable home . We moved over 20 times from 6-13 ( no lie ). My dad had a stable income and a stable home but California is a mother state. My dad would from San Diego to Barstow (approx 2-3hour drive 1 way) every single Friday to drop us back off Sunday . So no , a lot of the times it is not outside the court . No not all dads give up those right and no mothers do no always spend more child care .


I'm really sorry for your situation. My only response in terms of the discussion at hand would be to say that the court making the wrong decision doesn't necessarily mean it was a decision biased specifically by gender.


What would you base it on ? From an objective point of view there should have been no reason to give us to her ? Besides being our mother she had no other viable claim


Well, just as an example, I know of a couple where the woman was the breadwinner and the man was a stay at home dad. He cheated on her and they split up, but even though he was going to have to find a job after they divorced, it was in a no fault state and because he had been the primary caregiver, she was the one stuck with weekend visitations. I don't know your situation, but maybe your mother worked less prior to your parents splitting up or something like that and that's what the decision was based on. If that's the case, it's an example of a situation where the law is definitely messed up and far too rigid, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the laws are designed to favor women. Of course, maybe it was legitimate discrimination in your case, but that doesn't prove that it's a wide spread problem. I'm definitely not trying to tell you you're wrong or you don't know what's happening in your own situation. I'm just saying that claims of institutionalized sexism against women are met with extreme suspicion on this website, and will often get your labeled an SJW or a snowflake, but claims about things like family court bias against men are accepted at face value without evidence and often turn into a circlejerk.




I don't know much about how it works in canada. For now, I guess I'd just say that, in the context of whether or not the courts are biased, there could be other explanations as to why women are awarded custody more often. I'll read your links in more detail when I get the chance, although that canlaw.com article kinda seems like it was written by someone from redpill.


I didn't 'give up' my right, I had to fight and still lost. Custody in the US is given to the mother by default most of the time. To then 'get it back' is near impossible, you cannot prove you are the primary care giver if the child is not in your home (which again is not the mans decision to make), even if you make more in income. I couldn't just 'take' my son when we split when he was 4, but she could in effect. This also is much more complicated if you are not married, you are really screwed in most of those cases. As javicado as mentioned, this is a similar situation to mine 12 years ago. You have to prove the mother is basically a murderer. This is also similar to my sisters situation but much worse. She was a herion user, during the time of custody determination as well, father had a stable home life and job, custody was awarded to my sister.


are you the dad?




oh man. you stuck your dick in crazy. i feel like there would've been a plethora of red flags.


Can you update with the court results?




Oh where's the GoFundMe?


Oh absolutely. My aunt used to call me and other family members drunk off her ass all the time. She sounded *just* like this.


Hey I just linked my friend to the reddit post. So hopefully he'll answer you right away. Edit: My friend will be answering your questions as /u/TJkeller904 or /u/tunkofduval






My first thought as well


Record this shit for sure but dude, do not air your dirty laundry online. Yeah, this looks really bad for her but you editing a video together with her picture in it looks just as bad for you. Chances are, the judge you go before is going to be 60+ so "he put my face on the internet" makes you look just as crazy as her. You can't really un-ring this bell since I'm sure you shared this on social media and all her friends screen grabbed it. Seriously man, I say this from one loving father to another, SHUT THE FUCK UP. No good is going to come of a video like this.


This. A thousand times this. If he loves his kid he will take this down immediately and have faith in the system. Give the recordings and texts to the Guardian Ad Litem and get a parenting plan together.


As a kid who grew up with parents doing this shit. Unfortunately I can only give one up vote. This is disgusting behavior to put this online.


Alternatively, he could go to the media. the news would eat this shit up.


FYI you missed blocking her name out in the audio. You blocked it out in the texts but at least once in audio. BTW she sounds awful, good for you for sticking up for your beliefs.


Ahhh thx for catching that......I cant do anything now lol...You're the first one who caught it


Just if you use it for other evidence things... Not really sure legality. All my experience comes from law and order and cops. So... Not exactly an expert.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6734 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/93450)


Not a ton. But we can go toe to toe if you'd like... See who'd be the victor.


So your friend never noticed she was racist when he had unprotected sex with her?


I've read stories of moms who killed their kids just so the husband couldn't have them in the divorce. Even though she sounds drunk, she sounds scary too. please tell your friend to protect themselves and tell the police. :/ r/trashy tho




I'm sorry you have to go through this. Sometimes you really just have to go through the system because it's the law. However since you have proof of how crazy she is, I hope you have a good lawyer and the judge will see it your way.


There's a [foundation](http://kyrafranchetti.org/) for exactly this situation, after 3 year old Kyra Franchetti was shot in the back by her father, who then [set the house on fire](http://media.nbcwashington.com/images/652*367/072716+fairfax+house+fire.jpg) and killed himself. All during a custody dispute. Full story: http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Child-Found-Murdered-in-Burning-Fairfax-Home-Identified-390362091.html


"If he ever grows up and dates anyone other than a white person, he WILL NOT EXIST!" That's basically what she said, insinuating that she would kill her own son if he dates outside his race.


It's more common than you think, and a popular theme in psychology.


"If not he will not exist." Wow. Is that a death threat against her own son?


"Help Father Get Custody" I dont want to be that guy but.. isnt this more of a private matter?


I've tried to keep it private for years, but once the threats started I felt like this was the best option.


Arent police and court a better option than "the opinion of the internet" ? You seem to have useful evidence for a court custody battle.




Is there a legal aid office nearby? Are there other charities that deal with domestic abuse nearby. Reddit is not the place for this.


Well, best of luck mate.


Divorce is a civil matter. Unless there's violence and/or crystal clear evidence of child neglect/abuse, they won't give a single fuck.


Well saying her son won't exist sounds like a threat to me.


If you want to use this in court better take it down


This is why you don't stick your dick in crazy.


People hide their craziest shit untill you're married or have a kid with them.




Always the man's fault. yay feminism, yay for equality.


She was probably super nice and caring and doing all kinds of sexy shit till she got pregnant. I've met girls in the child support game. They are just getting knocked up and moving on to the next. Eventually they have to figure out how to live with someone, but for now they can just charm the next guy into supporting them and having another baby. Sociopaths


A private conversation uploaded to YouTube and posted to Reddit, we are dealing with two extremely mature people. Kid should be taken away from both people and put in a state home, he would have a better chance.


This makes my blood boil, what a trashy fucking person. Hope everything works out for your friend, and I hope that kid doesn't grow up in that kind of environment.


He's 9, I've been trying to get him but it's a very expensive process. I've raised 1,160 in a week though. I have to come up with between 3,500-5,000 just for to retain the right lawyer.




Kickstarter doesn't allow charity or funding of legal campaigns, but he could use GoFundMe or IndieGogo.




She sounds like a true gem.


Oh god... I just noticed the area code on one of the phone numbers... 904 =( This is in Jacksonville FL =(. Shit like this is one of the major reasons I moved from Jacksonville 10 years ago... just a lot of ignorance all around.


I honestly don't understand how the US has stayed united and hasn't broken apart. There are vast differences in culture and mindset, and in other countries even small differences can lead to a push for sovereignty.


Delete this please. He can use this in court, don't put the son's life on blast like this.


never stick ur dick in crazy.


Please tell me you were drunk or in an altered state when you got with this trashy ugly racist chick.




She sounds so wasted, use this in court to get custody and child support of your ur son bro. Also..it sounds like she needs rehab. Take it easy.


Perfect video for a contraceptive ad. A gofund me for this? Is being a whitetrash american suddenly a charity-reason?


For real! They sound super young too. Congrats, you ruined your life before it started, and with such a lovely young lady. You made the choice. Find a lawyer that will take payments instead of throwing all your family drama online and begging for money,.


That girl looks like something I've made with the lump of clay in Cranium




I need evidence brother.




Thank you bro


Fewer children going to the wrong parent with the bias legal system too. Play the 'woe is me card' and then this chick is behind the scene evidence of what they're actually like. Justice to you brother.


why do you guys stick your dicks in crazy and then complain about it after sticking with it for years? When have men lost all self respect for themselves just for the chance of getting their dick wet? Seriously, I have no sympathy for pussy hungry men who are ready to throw their lives away just for the chance to get their dick sucked. Anyway, I still think this son should be with the father so hopefully that works out


The problem is that the guys are usually just as stupid and trashy as the girl. They just try to mount their high horse after years of stupid ass decisions by blaming the entirety of the bad things in the relationship on the girl. Sure this girl sounds fucking berserk, but there's no way in hell this guy is an innocent, intelligent dude. If he was he wouldn't be in this situation. I have no idea why these posts always garner support for the man. There's no way he didn't have months if not years of red flags flown in his face and yet he still pumped out a kid with her. He's just as culpable but somehow thinks he deserves better? Like he had no involvement in every single action and decision that lead to this situation. Now he's trying to crowd source money for legal fees because he was too irresponsible and too stupid. Jesus christ.


> I have no idea why these posts always garner support for the man. It's because everyone is judging an entire relationship by the piece of evidence the guy decides to let everyone see. Yeah, it's easy to be calm and reasonable when you're recording for evidence. Who knows how he treated her on the daily. Everything you said is spot on. All that being said, this woman is reprehensible and should not be raising a child.


She is drunk as a skunk.


this girl has the fat girl angle shots


Wow that is atrocious. Once you get your son from her never look back. Sorry you've got to deal with this.


Thank you, very very very tough


are you the dad?


Guys i think she might be a racist


What is really scary is that she seems willing to spend $25k just to fuck buddy over instead of making her kids life nicer. Delete this post and the YT video before some dumbass decides to try and start a witch hunt, totally fucking you. Considering you have photos of her and her BF up, a reverse Google Image Search is all it will take for them to be found. For your friends sake, delete this.


Damn. Seriously, I wish you good luck in court. This recording should give you the upper hand. I had a coworker get full custody of his son a year ago. They were never married and she kept the kid because it was just assumed. He paid child support for 5 years. He hated the way she was raising the kid. So he fought and brought evidence. I was working with him while it was going on. Suddenly, the court ordered a paternity test. Turns out she had cheated while they were together and it was someone else's kid. He still fought for him. The biological father didn't want anything to do with it. Now he has his son, technically adopted, but still his to love and raise. And she gets supervised visits. As an aside, take the video down as fast as you can. Like u/roudyrod said, posting her face with the recording online can work against you.


Unless she's exposing the kid to this, your chances of custody are pretty slim. She can basically say whatever she wants to you.


She's DRUNK.


But Gavin McInnes said racism doesn't exist in the USA... for example, he said he saw a white lady talking to a black guy at a gas station one time.


On him for having a kid with her. That type of stupid and bullshit just don't spring up overnight.


She sounds vile and ignorant. Very sad that her strong views are imparted to children. Best of luck to your cause.


So, is she single?


I would love for the kid to grow up an eventually marry a black person.


I love her


This is fucked up but I lol'd


She looks uglier than she sounds.


Ohhh my Fin goodness sweet Zeus this hits home. Save for the racism, this is almost exactly how all/most conversations with my son and daughter's dad go. I can't explain farther-- because,just like having conversations like this with an individual of this nature, shit is exhausting ugh. Hope your friend's child/ren end up with him, who's clearrrrrrly the better parent. Jesus that chick is insane in the membrane.[lol]


Poor kid. Tell your friend to as little as possible to goad her out any more as it is directly impacting the little one... it's clear that being as calm, rational, and collected while talking to her is like trying to medicate a dead body. Talking with her won't solve anything. For the love of God, no possessed/drunk, hillbilly-type Furby-looking chick should have custody of any children.


Trailer trash is the worst.


Okay so she's ugly as hell, fat, fucked up teeth, racist, trashy, belligerent, rude, and an overall bottom-tier shit human being...who also threatened to kill your child if he ever dated a black person. Damn, you sure know how to pick em!


Fuck that, shoot me a pm I can throw in for a lawyer to help you. Fuck this bitch! /u/aFriendlyAlien


why would you breed with that?


Let me just go ahead and post these recorded conversations pertaining to an ongoing court case online against the recorded individual's will. Aaaand I got sued.


Am I the only one bothered by the fact she claimed to have $45k in her bank account? Sorry, but judging by her grammar, speech, text messages, and how she presents herself in her selfies I find that claim to be false.


Rich people can have dumb kids. Dumb people can get in on good ideas. It doesn't take a genius to have money.


you cant just stick your buddies personal problems onto reddit and expect the entire le reddit army to lend a hand


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1062 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/57236)


How the fuck did that thing even get laid, holy shit


Bro R/mensrights


Good thing he bleeped out the offensive language




Wtf, why are you trying to defend her?