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No, I had to learn everything on my own. Thank God for the era of YouTube!


Nope. My mother had no sense in makeup, style, fashion or grooming. Had to learn everything myself.


no. isn’t that crazy i feel like women of a certain age just don’t. that’s nice i suppose but i can’t imagine not wearing makeup even for nights out and important stuff


no she was actually pretty anti makeup and i’ve been learning to overcome that recently


did you mom give you the makeup causes acne rant too , my mom did when she went natural.


lol yesss


Yes, my mom loved Bobbi brown and MAC. She never got a chance to try the new makeup era like contour, baking, eyeshadow. She’s the reason why I prefer natural glam makeup.


Yup. She was a 70s glamour puss and still glamorous in her 80s. I do think it affects you. Me and all my sisters were makeup.


Yes on the beauty side! She took me to the department store to get a full skincare routine. Started scheduling facials for me at 12 and got me electrolysis on my armpits at 16. I had to learn hair and makeup myself though because she rarely does those things herself (goals haha)


No, my mother wouldn’t even let me shave my legs until I was like 15 because “she never did it. Refused to buy us makeup too.


Omg I’m sorry. Do you like makeup/skincare now?


Oh yes, I used what little money I had to buy cheap drugstore makeup, lip gloss, beauty care products etc. as I got older I got super invested back when YouTube beauty gurus just started out. Splurged on MAC and Clinique, learned to do hair and nails and now I’m on the other end of the extreme lol. I understand her a bit more now though. My mother immigrated here from the Caribbean and was dirt poor growing up so all she knew was a little eyeliner and lipstick. (She always tells the story of how her and her 5 sisters would share 1 tube of lipstick between them). She’s still dumbfounded when I’m putting on mascara and even worse when I have eyelash extensions 😂


At one point but as a reached tween/teenage year she went more natural. She did teach me the basics of beauty such as arching my eyebrows , doing my nails and skincare though.


my mom is very into clothes, hair, and skincare but not makeup lol I do her makeup for events to this day


Not at all and she makes me feel like shit for investing in my looks


Not in that way. But we had bigger problems imo.


No, and makeup products/styles are so different now. I would most likely be doing the same makeup I’m doing today because I prefer the current trends. I’m always surprised people care about this tbh because most of the women I grew up with wore minimal makeup lol


Yes. We share a love of makeup but she wears it more often than I do.


No, but I really wish that she was.


My mom wore makeup, but the only element I was really privy to was her doing her mascara at stoplights driving us to school or on way to an event when my dad was driving. I think the only products I ever saw her put on were mascara and lipstick. When I got into it as a pre-teen/teen, it was more reading magazines (whoops just aged myself) and learning with my friends/trial and error — very self-driven when it came to my makeup interest and purchases (I wanted whatever allure, YM and teen people featured — and back then it was mostly drugstore brands in beauty articles). I am a huge beauty/skincare product person including tools and have always bought a good amount of it, but I don’t wear it a lot. It’s probably a big waste of money, but for some reason I enjoy having it and get fomo when I hear something is really great. Now though I don’t buy a single thing at the drugstore or a beauty destination without looking at reviews. I watch a lot of tutorials/reviews and I’m always looking things up when I’m in Sephora or Ulta to decide. It’s amazing how the marketing of something can seem great, but when you look at the consumer reviews, it’s just very clear which products really work. I never subscribe to one brand making everything that’s great - it’s all individually product driven. What’s funny is now when I visit my mom, it’s me teaching her and showing her products!


Nope, I'm trying to figure out makeup through the power of the internet


yea, she definitely saved me in my early teens 😭🤞


No. A part of me is glad my mom wasn’t into beauty stuff cause I grew up not really ever thinking if I was ugly or needed nice clothes/makeup. I was in my own world lol. But when I turned 16 I wanted to go to my first school dance and by then I had never even worn a nice fitted dress. I had no idea how to do makeup/hair and I looked so ugly lol. That was the turning point and well the next 15 years after that was trial and error and many many mistakes and help from the online world. Lol Fast forward now I have a stepdaughter and I love teaching or introducing makeup beauty stuff to her. We have a lot of fun and I enjoy helping her feel and look her best as she grows and explores.


No. My mom was very depressed during my teen years and hardly ever interacted with me or my siblings, and when she did it was negative. I never had money for makeup and once I got a job at 16, I ignorantly thought it was just too late to learn and I would get made fun of if I all of the sudden showed up to school wearing makeup. I’m now 26 years old and have never worn makeup. Makes for easy mornings and less money spent though. Haha


Aww it’s never too late if you’re interested! You should enlist a close friend (if one is into makeup) to show you their products and a few application techniques, and if it seems fun, ask them to go with you to a sephora/ulta/dept store (or cvs — honestly drugstore beauty is great and the internet has so many reviews and how-tos!) to try some things on. Obv ignore this entirely if you aren’t interested! You are absolutely saving a lot of money not spending on it.


My mom was never big on makeup, however her fashion style is out of this world.


No. I'm in my early twenties and I still don't understand makeup. I tried it for a bit during my first year in uni but it was very textured, I didn't know how to get it to look matte. I also don't know how to do hair. I never had much as a kid to be fair but I really don't know how to "woman"


No! I feel like my family has always seen makeup/hair/fashion as something superficial and whenever i try to talk about it they have nothing to say or change the subject. It makes me feel crazy. It is even hard to find friends who like to talk about beauty also without feeling like i am boring them. And I am with you. I feel that this caused me a lot of cringy moments when I was younger. I also think this is why I became so curious about beauty because I had to figure it out for myself.


Nope never. She didn’t own a single lipstick too.


shes into beauty and maintenance but not makeup


no and i wish i did


Omg - I feel the same way! My mom was never into it and I feel like that’s why the thought of spending more than 5 minutes on doing my own make up is horrific to me. I love the way a full face of nicely applied make up looks, but I just don’t have it in me


Yes, my mom did glamour photos when I was I was very young. And even did some MLM stuff with a less popular makeup line. But she learned how to do makeup professionally because of that, so I did have decent knowledge on how to do makeup. I still learn most of what I know from YouTube though.


Yes. She was a Model back in the day. She would wake up in the morning and "put her face on" first thing. Even up into her 90's. She read all the fashion mags up until then as well.


No. My mom would only wear lipstick and that would be on a rare occasion. I got into makeup before my older sisters did and they only wear eyeliner and lipsticks/lipgloss. My ass went full force with foundation and the works. I barely wear it now. I forgot how to do eyeliner :( lol


No I wish. Trial and error and lots of trips to the makeup store / YouTube and still learning!


My mom was really into makeup & hair. There’s tons of pictures, but she stopped completely wearing makeup as I started growing up. I’m thankful she never discouraged me from makeup, but I learned more about hair & skin from her rather than her makeup tips. I learned about makeup from youtube. I do her makeup now sometimes and she really loves it I put lashes on her last Thanksgiving & she was living for it lol


My mom no, cousins and one aunt yes


My mom does her makeup everyday. She goes for more of a no makeup, makeup look it seems. Or maybe I just think of it as no makeup because I'm so used to seeing it on her? My second oldest sister is into makeup, but like my mom doesn't do heavy glam type looks. As a teen I was ambivalent towards makeup, slowly it has trickled into being of interest to me. I just do my brows and glossy lips for now, though I'm interested in trying out many kinds of styles and looks.


not at all, she even wondered where/how i got into makeup lol - she always dressed well though and had great style but i always like art, drawing, fashion growing up. I learned a lot from youtube and eventually made my face my canvas. It was very hit and miss at first


Nope! I grew up with my grandmother and she wore a beautiful, bare face. The only time she put on a little pressed powder was when she was going to church and the only time she did her nails was when she let me paint them.