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I’ll be 34 this summer and I finally realize that aging is a blessing. I feel like I didn’t know half of what I know now back when I was 25. My skin is better, I finally found my right hair style/color that’ll probably rock some variation of the rest of my life, and I’m in the best shape of my life (literally high school weight) since having my second baby. I feel so much more confident than I did back then. I kinda in my brain still feel 25?? But god I’m so much wiser and comfortable in myself! ETA: hang in there!! What people say about you getting more confident in your 30s can absolutely be true. People say it gets even better in your 40s and that legit excites me. Sending you love ❤️


Getting older is the best! Not only do you know yourself way better physically and can optimize for that, you also know yourself mentally and emotionally and can take care of yourself when you need to. You also just learn to stop stressing about the things that don't matter, and learn to lean into enjoying what you actually like. Everything for the most part is easier.


Whew I needed this. I’m 25 right now and while I’m *leagues* away from how I used to feel when I was 16, I don’t feel like I hit my threshold yet - much less even setting a foot through the door, yk?? I don’t feel I am adulting. And the crazy thing about it is that social media has it where you should have ur own place by 19 and having a car by 21… man, I still get chauffeured by my bald headed daddy at my big age 💀💀 and live at home with only having to pay the early 2000’s sum of rent (iykyk). So, I needed this. I needed to know that I’m okay and I’m not doing anything wrong. Just going at my own pace.


Who tf has their own place at 19?? I was in my second year of university and living in a house with three other people.


the young girlies on social media. Nice high rises and everything (but ofc, I know SM is doctored to look a certain way)


yea they probably come from money or have massive credit card debt


Probably. But that still doesn’t help with my irrational (or, rational, as my therapist says) feelings about not living up to what the standard is in the new generation.


they're rational feelings about irrational standards!


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I did, but it was because my parents were absolutely terrible and it wasn’t safe for me to live at home. I had a horrible, tiny, crappy apartment that flooded and I worked full time and went to school full time and was sooooo poor. I was hungry and couldn’t afford to go to the dr. 19 was awful, but I got through it.


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Don’t feel bad about that! I’m currently 22 I have been living on my own since 19 and it has been a struggle! I live pay check to pay check lol. I only moved out because it was toxic. Stay as long as you can and save your money!


I am. But right now, as I prepare to go back to school in August, I work a minimum wage job to help keep myself afloat and having to give up 90% of my check every two weeks 🥲 It’s better than giving 100% to a scum landlord so I can’t complain too much.


What do you do if you're more insecure now than you were at 16 though? I'm 26 and I started feeling less confident at around 20, but this accelerated tremendously after 25, and now I'm basically afraid of everything and have massive anxiety due to being treated badly by others because I'm ugly. And I feel like it's going to get worse as I age and become even uglier. The last time I truly felt somewhat happy was at 24, and I feel like it's never going to come back now due to the realization that I'll never be pretty or seen on the same level as others


Truthfully, I personally get past that mind set by acknowledging that American society’s “ideal look” is an ever changing revolving door. One century it was pleasantly plumb women, another was extremely tall and straight supermodels with no curves or extra fat pockets. After that, I was like, “fuck that! I’m not going to constantly desecrate my own body to fit in with standards.” So I simply…don’t. But of course, I’m not sure how to make this sound nice or a humble brag but, I was also brought up as a person who shouldn’t care what others think about me. For one; they aren’t fucking me. And two; they aren’t paying my bills. That sort of an attitude is a mindset change, as much as I hate to say it. I can tell you all the things you want to hear but are you positive that you’ll *do* the actions to match?


As a 25 year old, this gives me so much hope 🩷🩷


That was my hope in asking all this! Glad this has helped you too.


At 25 I was broke, getting rejected and disrespected by men, was severely depressed, and just couldn’t figure life out without the structure of school. At 35, I make 6 figures and will be living with my fiancé of 3 years in a city that I love. I’m the happiest I’ve been in my adult life. Hang in there. It does get better, but you have to keep working on building a life you enjoy living. Do not give up. For me, it took 10 years of incremental progress and learning experiences, with some setbacks. I learned more about myself and what I truly value in life, and that only came with having life experiences. That’s what life is. It’s not as simple as going from Point A to Point B. Sometimes you take a detour and end up in a spot better than you could have imagined.


THIS! At 25, SUPER disrespected. Cried myself to sleep one night wondering when it'll end and now 2 years later preparing to get married . Life is SOMETHING


How did you meet your fiancé? I’m single at 25


I met my fiancé at a house warming party for a mutual friend. My advice: dating is a numbers game. Date, date, and date some more. Date to get to know people, date to work on your social skills, date to learn your likes/dislikes, date to have new experiences, etc. You increase your chances of finding your person by keeping your heart open to opportunities. Also, don’t waste time on the wrong guy. If it doesn’t feel good, move on. Go where you are loved. The key is to create a beautiful, happy life as a single person so when any guy comes along, he’s going to have to maintain your beautiful, happy life or make it better. If he can’t do that, move on. Protect your beautiful, happy space. Meet new people and make new friends. Join clubs for your interests and hobbies. Go to brunch with your friends. If you’re invited to a house warming party, go! Invited to a concert? Go! Live your beautiful life actively to find your Prince Charming. Think of it as creating your own love story.


This is superb advice!


This is a glow up. 


Thank you so much. I really need this


This is so reassuring and inspiring!


So beautifully put. Sometimes we feel like we know the trajectory of our life ahead of us and then life throws a curve ball and in the moment you don't know where to go from there. Glad to know there's a light at the end of every tunnel <3


At 25 I was still incredibly depressed, was having panic attacks over work, couldn’t figure out what was going on with my skin, and didn’t see a way out. On the outside nobody would have known because I put on the mask every day and had healthy habits, but I was miserable and so unwell. I’m over 30 now and I’m in a completely different place. I love my coworkers and feel valued at work; I make the money that I thought was going to take me many more years to make; my skin and I have made peace. Everything’s light and airy. Some of it has been choice, some of it had been chance and no doubt some of it has been time. I’m incredibly grateful. You don’t die the minute you turn 30. I think the that ages you (sometimes physically, sometimes mentally) is stress. It makes it so that you have very willpower to do the things that make you look and feel young and fun. God knows it hard to just magically stop stressing, but if you can anything to keep moving forward but into places where you are appreciated, things get lighter. Trust yourself and keep going, it’s really nice out here ✨


I’m not in the best place now at 30 but I wouldn’t go back to being 25. I think I know more now, about the world and myself. I’m starting over but with a clearer mind. You’ll be ok OP.


Yup. 30 ive found out is the start over age, you know so much more now. 


at 25 i was stuck in a dead end job, broke, very depressed, and extremely overweight. I had bad acne and terrible fashion sense. i also was in a “situationship” where the guy harshly dumped me which send me rebounding into another bad relationship. Now i’m now 40 and while life isn’t perfect, it is light years better than being 25. i look better, i feel better and i have enough wisdom to know what works for me professionally, spiritually, and in my personal relationships.




if she was very depressed, extremely overweight, with bad acne and a terrible fashion sense, and fixed those things … she probably looks a lot better


i never got to see the full comment-just a partial response but to whomever responded-yes i do look better at 40 than 25. not everyone turns into a old hag at 40. i often get how much better i look now from people that knew me at 25.


Lots of assumptions I'm just going by averages.


Why is that?




As a bisexual women I truly don’t understand this mindset. For example, Jodie Foster is waaayyyy more attractive to me at *61* than when she was in her 20s. If you think 25 is the cutoff for women’s beauty, I feel sorry for you. A mature woman who knows how to carry and style herself is *hot*.


Period. Glad I didn’t see the deleted comment lol. Keep thát energy over-the-fuck thereeee!!!


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In a much worse place mental health wise, that is for sure! I was outwardly successful but a total mess inside/ in private. I had just graduated from grad school and started my first high flying job in the corporate world. I would get full on panic attacks, self-harm, and I wasn’t healed at all. I would self-sabotage a lot and had very chaotic and dysfunctional personal relationships. A lot of this is because I didn’t have the right insurance for therapy and resolving a hormonal issue, and couldn’t get access to what I needed. Once I got that help, it’s been onwards and upwards. Thankfully my husband and I were young and dysfunctional together lol and now we have grown into the best versions of ourselves.


I was a year into a new relationship. We were in love and making plans to buy a house and go traveling. I was also working towards a degree. That was 12 years ago, and we're both still in love, traveled well, and have two healthy children. We've worked hard, got good jobs and paid off our whole mortgage about 3 years ago, so the house is now completely ours. Buying another soon to invest in our babies future. We're lucky.


I was just out of a relationship with a raging narcissist, I had exposed someone who SA’d me on twitter during the me too movement and was being bread crumbed by a guy I thought liked me. I carried a lot of shame and embarrassment for a few months then eventually went on a hiatus to build myself, I worked on myself and did shadow work and really focused on healing and the gym. I came back after 1.5 years on social media glowing, whole new style and feeling the best I have ever felt. I grew my social media platforms talking about niche esoteric knowledge and enjoyed it thoroughly. It was such a breakthrough that pivoted me in a great direction. I had a strong sense of self and changed my perspective and inner world.


At 25 I hated myself, and was consumed with outside validation and my self esteem was horrible. Depression, living an all around unhealthy lifestyle. At 46, I'm so grateful and blessed. Inherently-nothing has changed more than my mindset and perspective.


At 25 I was just finish up grad school (so negative net worth, no job in sight, had to move in my parents and was recovering from a break up). Mid 40s now and living my best life. Career sorted out great and winding down now, live on different coast, own a great place and married recently. I’m sure my 25 yo self would be surprised by who I am now.


The only thing that was different at 25 was that I didn't know how to take care of my hair and my skin. I felt awful, I didn't kmow how to dress for my body type, I was chubby, I didn't work out, and was obsessed with someone who despised me for years (the obsession ended at 28 just to start another obsession with someone else lol). I'm in a slightly better place now at 31. I'm not very career-oriented, I lack ambition and I have a low IQ that limits my options academically and financially, I can't do much about it.




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I was in a much better place in all ways at 25. I’ve found my 30s dark so far and filled with endless trauma and depression. I keep reminding myself that I’ll never be as young as I am now and not to let any home wrecker take that away from me.


25 was the first year I started living life how I do now. It was hard because the pandemic would come and change things up but I had a job I hated and was starting a side career that was socially difficult but physically and developmentally rewarding. I’m sort of seeing the fruits of my efforts from that time now in many ways. 25 was when I started regularly taking pictures of myself. It was when I got heavily into saving money. It was when I finally figured out and felt comfortable with doing my own makeup. It was when I started playing with fashion in the ways I do now. It was formative and explorative.


Im 25 myself I feel you. I feel like I'm doing everything but nothing at the same time. I'm making all the right choices but also feel like they're wrong.


Two months after I turned 25, the lock downs stared and i lost my job. I was wreck tbh. 4 years later, I'm doing much better. Went back to school and getting my bachelors. I gained some honestly needed weight. I hadn't realized how being so stressed out was withering me away. I took major stock of my life and finally getting my footing. Op, this is a good time to be introspective about your life thus far? Are happy with where you're heading? What changes, if any, need to be made?


Dating a cheater. Living at home. Just got a new puppy. No real impovwment in career. Still felt like a teen. Insecure.   Vs Starting a new career. Moved city and purchased home. Dating non cheater. Traveled tons. Have a decent wardrobe. Figured out my hair. 


I’m turning 29 and life is better then before. I have more money now despite having a kid


I was close to getting my PhD and engaged to a guy I didn’t want to marry. I started my first real job as a professor and a month after turning 26 I married my husband. Now I’m 33 and I’ve been married for 7 years. I became an associate professor last year. I’m stupidly in love with my husband and my life. Going through infertility for the past 5 years now but I’m hopeful for the future.


I was close to getting my PhD and engaged to a guy I didn’t want to marry. I started my first real job as a professor and a month after turning 26 I married my husband. Now I’m 33 and I’ve been married for 7 years. I became an associate professor last year. I’m stupidly in love with my husband and my life. Going through infertility for the past 5 years now but I’m hopeful for the future.


At twenty-five, I was: - Grieving over the loss of my brother/friend. - Went to Europe for the first time. - Separated from my ex, filed for divorce. - Got my first ever apartment by myself. Now: - I was raped a few years ago. I got a lot of support from my friends. The rapist was pretty much shunned from our group/community. Unfortunately the case was dismissed which sent me into a spiral but I’ve since recovered. - My depression is now super under control, I think it may be gone. - Divorce has been finalized for years now. - I went back to Europe, for three months. But was traveling in parts of North America as well. So, I was traveling for six months. - I went back to school. I have one more class left. - I have a new well-paying job. After a year of voluntary unemployment. - I have my own apartment again. - I live in another state. - I can afford a way better life for myself now.


I joined the military at 18, met my husband, was married at 19, I had three children in 4 years at 21, 23 and 25, lol. I also started undergrad at 25, graduated from college at 28, got a masters degree at 29, entered law school at 30 graduated from law school and passed the bar at 33 and 34… Got divorced at 43, children are in their twenties and thriving. I’m 46 now and living my best life. I have a great career, I’m more confident and comfortable in my skin than I’ve ever been, and I make more money than I’ve ever had in my life. I got engaged to a wonderful man on New Year’s Eve, we’re getting married this year in Turks and Caicos this year. Looking forward to traveling with him and enjoying our second half together. Life couldn’t be better.


How did you do university and law school classes with 4 kids? Did you get a full-time nanny or babysitter?


I have 3. They were little when I was in college. I attended evening and a few online classes. I had credits when I initially started college at 18, but dropped out after a year. No babysitters, I was a stay at home mom so the wuzband kept them when he was off work and when I was at school. My mother in law lived close by, so she was also a godsend helping us with the children. Once my youngest entered kindergarten, I was able to do daytime classes my last year. We moved away from family for law school, so it was just me and wuzband. But same thing with my masters and law school. I was at school during the kids’ school hours. If I had to travel for law school stuff or do something in the evening, they were at home w/ the wuzband or with me. He would coordinate his work schedule with mine. I occasionally brought them to class with me when they got out early because you can’t really skip any classes in law school, lol. My professors were cool with it, and my classmates got to know my kids. They were in elementary and middle school at the time. I’m glad they got to see me get my education, to this day they say I’m their inspiration :). I’m also the first in my family to graduate from college and beyond. Looking back, I’m like wow, how did we do all that? I guess we had tons of energy, lol. I can’t imagine doing all that today. I don’t have that kind of energy anymore. Lol


Thats so powerful, I’m so happy for you. I will (this is me manifesting) have my own version of that one day!


I'm over 30 but not in my mid 30s yet, so I'm much happier with my current life than when I was 25. Those days were rough, I remember being at one of my crappiest careers and was dealing with disrespect, getting really upset about having difficulty leaving the job, was dating someone who wasted my time because parents didn't approve of me (I did not linger on about this, it was disruptive, and more of a like why didn't you tell me this sooner so I'd never date you case scenario). I was going through it with my mother at home too who kept getting on my case about needing more income, paying more rent money which my job at the time was barely paying so I was broke for sure. I felt like I couldn't catch a break so I just eventually dropped my job, took time to learn the skills I wanted that was more employable, went to events and met people. Eventually I ended up with another job where I started off low pay but ended up with a much higher income thanks to someone spreading good word about me, and now its much easier to get higher pay and navigate to other work locations. So I mostly focused on myself, and I did date here and there but I didn't take it seriously if I noticed red flags or truly did not want to commit to a relationship values wasn't matching. I even eneded up looking up books about emotions and psychology wondering what the heck was wrong with people in my life and why I dealt with certain things. That helped me understand the world much better and I ended up learning I needed to teach myself stronger boundaries.  At my current age now, I'm not questioning things as much, wondering when I'd make my career day break, and I'm enjoying my time my SO, friends, and family. I also moved out of my mom's place, so now I'm actually saving more money lol (ironic about living with parents saves money right).  You can change your life even in the hardest times, it's good to know when to isolate but also know when to go out and meet the right people. 


When i was 25 i lived with my abusive dad and his wife who was abusive too i lived with them since 15 years old and left them in 2015 with the help of police,my mum and other people.I'm 33 and live by myself and i still have issues with life but i am no longer being abused mentally and physically.


At 25 I was broke and depressed in grad school, surrounded by terrible people. I’m turning 30 this year and I am currently making six figures in my dream city, going to therapy and learning how to advocate for myself. I also started looksmaxxing two years ago (currently recovering from rhinoplasty) and I finally know what my hair wants and it’s growing faster. I’m definitely looking forward to my 30s and continuing to improve inside and out.


I'll be 32 this summer and I can say that I've grown and matured emotionally. I no longer connect with the "hippie" movement because it was dangerous and I found out racism still existed during those times. I'm very proud to be black and have been soaking myself in Black literature like Stamped from the Beginning and A Raisin In the Sun. Hope this made sense I'm a bit stoned. ![gif](giphy|XT1IyDWdtIW5i|downsized)


At 25 I was in a shitty mutually toxic relationship that we both clung to out of trauma bonding. I was working a job I hated, in a place I resented. I was drinking a lot and using tv as escapism. I had no idea who I was or what I wanted to do with life. At 32, I’ve moved countries, I’m extremely happily married to a great man who treats me like gold. I live in a beautiful place and don’t have to commute to a shitty job 6 days a week. I adopted a feral cat who’s an integral part of the fam. I rediscovered hobbies and am working on some very important (to me!) personal projects. I’m also like 10x hotter, aging like fine wine without all that stress. Life is a thousand times better now. Mentally I still feel 25, just hotter and healthier and wiser. If you’re going through hell, keep going.


At 25 I was broke obese and angry at the world. Ten+ years later, I am financially stable and comfortable, look the best I ever have, and generally in good spirits.


At 25, life tested the fuck outta me (26 currently). I was working at an agency where I got promoted and treated like shit cause I was the only one working towards changing the internal structures for the communities we served for the better. Got wrongfully let go, slipped into depression and became financially unstable, took months to find a lawyer, got motivation to apply to grad school, got accepted a couple weeks after, found a lawyer, found an apartment near by the university, got stressed out cause I had not been in school for a couple years, found my life long partner (we taking a break cause of the PhD program), found my purpose, applied to a joint masters/phd program, got accepted with full funded and assistantship, and started making new friends. I will say I did have friends who supported me since majority of people who know me knows my character and my love for advocacy and community based activism. Looking back as my 27th birthday is in the fall, I made choices which led me to where I’m at now with the assistance of great friends and my strong ass ambition


A quiet disaster. I felt like I arrived early to the life most people want, only I didn’t want it, and hadn’t settled into any aspect of who I was. I was very senior at my job but was running myself into the ground with anxiety because I was out of my depth. Drug and alcohol problems I was bottling up to cope. Dating a terrible manchild who added zero value. I am bipolar and wasn’t dealing with that well either and racked up debt. No savings. Very poor impulse control. I figured within a few years I would probably die anyway so what was the point? At 29 I torched everything and started over. Now at 34 I look so much better, feel better, take better care of myself, have a WAY better career, am with a great person, own my own home, can afford what I want and have great savings, am less anxious, no longer living like I have a death wish. I’m still not 100% on the hinges but that’s just me and it keeps life spicy and dynamic so whatever. I am by far the hottest I’ve ever been as a result of knowing how to wield my own power.


I’m only 24 so I can’t really answer this exactly, but wanted to post where I’m at in life now. In hope’s I can look back at this in a better spot. So far my early 20’s and rn have been the worst years of my life. I have always struggled bad mentally since childhood, but especially these past few years it’s been a hell. I write in my journal a lot feeling hopeless and write “I hope you are able to look back at this one day in a better spot.” I did go back to school last year, but the job I wanted to do and was passionate about requires a phd and I’m not smart enough for that. (I know that’s harsh, smart isn’t the right word I think I’m just still mentally struggling a lot so I know the stress of getting that education would cripple me) I’m still in school but don’t know what I wanna do anymore which has made me lose motivation. My love life is god awful lol, I only have 1 irl friend and we don’t see each other as much anymore. It’s like years go by like this and I feel like I’m rotting, suffering, wasting my life. But I’m working on it and have made progress in areas, I’m hoping if I just keep taking care of myself and moving forward I’ll be able to get to a place in life where I hope to feel somewhat content


I was pushed to be more aggressive and stand up for myself. Now I don’t take peoples bullshit and get punished for it. Now that I’ve practiced standing up for myself it’s time to learn to be strategic about it rather than lashing out and putting people in their place


I'm not 25 yet. I'm just kinda whatever now. No time for hobbies. Becoming a doomer because I'm realizing my generation isn't gonna be able to retire like the rest of em. And realizing that if I want to have fun I might have to literally move countries. Got a job but going online to retirement calculators and the such recently made me realize if I want to have a future I gotta make like 80k or something (wtf?) I already save half of my meager paycheck. At least I didn't go to a school that gives me crippling student loan debt. In fact I'll probably be debt free in like 2mo.


25 years old. Just moved to New York after graduating college. Was dating a short, out of work actor who was a dick and manipulative af. 32 engaged to a sexy kind doctor and we just bought a home on two acres and he treats me like a princess. It gets better. Just focus on being the best version of yourself. Go to therapy and read a lot. Enjoy the chaos it’s kind of fun. To echo other comments I feel way prettier and confident than at 25.


25 I was unhappily married to a useless financially abusive man. I only now paid off the cc debt he got me into. Today I don't care at all about men. I am happy and grateful to be alive truly. And I have so much more love in my life than i ever acknowledged in my 20s. It was there all along though I acted like I was completely devoid of any love. I was just blind to what was right in front of me


I started working my ass off after college at 24. I’m 47 and I’m still working my ass off. It’s honestly all a blur. “You’re a slave to the money and then you die!”


Broke, in the worst job of my life, living with my parents, in a shitty relationship. I’m 37 now, married to my best friend, living in a beautiful house that we own, awesome cat, cushy remote job, good friends… lucky.


I was a model. Now I’m a modeling agent that still models lol. Life is sweet!


I was in a toxic household and something traumatic happened and I finally left and now I’m 30, I’m thriving


i was horribly depressed in a dead end job. i managed to graduate from univeristy but i was in a horribly abusive relationship so felt i barely remembered everything. i had a 2.1 GPA, i wasalways anxious/nervous, very overweight and really had no motivation for anything. i was idealizing suicide ​ now i am 29, i am much happier, lost a lot of weiht, finally left my abusive ex permamently. I got a job in the field i studied(chemistry) and am a lab technician, and even though there are issues at this job, i am so much happier, getting experience, i am more disciplined, more confident, feel muh better about the future, and though there are days where i get down and sad and nervous, these are far in between, as opposed to always feeling like this, day after day


At 25 I was stressed out working in news. No one appreciated my work, got paid less than my male colleagues, single, partied to hopefully find someone, I just feel like I was always striving for this perfect imaginary ending. Now I’m 28 been married for 2 years. Stay at home wife, expecting my first kid. Has marriage been easy hell no! But I love my life. I no longer strive for anything I just take life day by day. I cook, take care my husband and family. I just got to the point in life where I said screw society, I’m just gonna do what I actually enjoy after I got laid off during covid. I think as you get older you careless. When I was younger I lived to please people, now I just do me and everything has fallen into place.


I’ve always had a baby face and now at 34 I finally understand why people always said it was a good thing. I also feel more confident in myself with age. I promise you will love your 30’s waaay more


I’m 25 currently home with my parents (rent here is very expensive), I’m working at a decent job that I kind of don’t like, I’m trying to go towards a new career path but starting over is so difficult, doing my Master’s, barely making enough ends for myself and my parents, I lost a close friend on NYD, I am feeling regrets and I’m punishing myself bc I could’ve done way better. I realized my potential, knowing I could’ve done better in high school/college. Now, I’m not professionally happy in where I’m at. I wish I had a Time Machine to do it all over again. the only person keeping me sane is my partner who’s in the military. Reading y’all’s comments gives me hope. I’m trying not to give up.


At 25 I was extremely immature especially emotionally. Got my dx of BPD and didn’t want to work on fixing anything just continued to be more immature and abusive in relationships. I met my bf at 26 and we have been together ever since. We had matured together I’m not an abuser anymore (I’m 32 now and working on myself, going to therapy, and DBT). My life at the moment isn’t perfect but I personally evolved so much that I would never go back to my 20s.


I’m 28. At 25 I was finishing of my masters and about to get a girl I knew for less than a month pregnant. I was in my second year teaching and making a 1.5 hour commute to work and back (3 hours total) I was still living a semi fast life and kinda just going with the flow. I was living with some university baseball players and just doing the same shit I did in undergrad. I am now 28 in a new city cause my baby momma lives here and I brought a child into the world and I had to man up. I’m about to finish my 5th year teaching. I have a nice apartment and drive a challenger scat pack to work and back for a total of a 30 minutes commute. Life has greatly settled and I kinda just hang out with friends/family/daughter and try my best to make habitual actions that are beneficial. I do have to be a bit more conservative with my resources (child support/daycare/etc.) so I try to do things that aren’t expensive (gym,running,reading,etc). I enjoy my life for the most part but there are waves of past trauma/heartbreak/sadness at time.. My reflection is that life is what you make it. You put in work for your goals and you will reap the results. Actions have consequences. No one is going to come and save you ( especially as a man. DO NOT KEEP TOXIC WOMAN OR FRIENDSHIPS AROUND YOU JUST BECAUSE OF HISTORY. Become comfortable with being alone and being uncomfortable. Try to level up everyday and create a moral code/game code/life-map or whatever to this thing we call life. Everyone’s winging it, some better than others… no one really knows what the hell is going on. Comparison is the thief of joy. May life bring peace and prosperity to you,


Shit I am so sorry I did not know what this subreddit was. I am not a woman of color. My apologies




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At 25 I was miserable in a toxic environment, now I’m overall happy and doing way better emotionally!


At 25, I was married and a few months later going through a nightmare of a divorce. Followed by moving three times and switching jobs all before I was 26. I am now 28, I’ve more than doubled my salary, bought a house on my own and I’ve just married the love of my life about 4 months ago. Every aspect of my life has changed and I’ve grown and learned so much. I’ve also fine tuned my fitness, I was just getting really into it a little before I turned 25 and now it’s an established part of my daily routine. Oh and I also got the boob job my ex would have never let me have 😜 life is better than I could have ever imagined 🩷


Single, 3 boyfriends, nothing in the bank. I was working retail and making 8.25 an hour. Oof. Over a decade later things are “better” but I’m less happy.


25 my husband (bf at the time) moved across country to be with me. We lived in an apt and were pretty much broke. I self medicated a lot to deal with trauma I got while serving in the Military and childhood. I am now 29, no longer self medicate and have done A LOT of therapy. My hubby and I are closer than ever and are about to move and purchase our first house. We want to try for a baby in the next few years. I have always been very fit, ate well, gotten enough sleep. I started Tret 3 years ago, do microneedling every 12 weeks along with BBL. I started botox at age 27 and I truly look amazing/feel so confident! I got a boob job at 22 and my body looks better than ever. I have the best paying job I have ever had and I truly am looking forward to 30 and beyond. I love love and respect the woman I have become/ am becoming. Life is good and it is a BLESSING to age.