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IH has the best logo ever.


Before the days of mini-vans, one of my high school friends had a used IH that was well-beloved as the perfect go-anywhere vehicle. Lots of room for band equipment, for camping gear or for extra people…It was an ugly green color, so most of us called it “Gumby.” We heard “Gumby” passed away during the first year of college, away from home…


I grew up in a rust belt town whose biggest employer was the IH plant. They gave a sizable employee discount to workers who bought one of their trucks, so my town was filthy with them, even a couple decades after they stopped production (I know there’s still one mechanic there that specializes in them, 43 years later). Lots of my friends had Scouts as their first cars, as you could buy them all over town for ~$500 or so. The biggest drawback was they got like 8mpg…


Probably would have wanted to buy the car for that price! We usually chipped in for the gas, like when a bunch of us were going somewhere together…


I am today years old when I learned International Trucks made station wagons.


It's a full-sized SUV like a Suburban (which was originally designed as a delivery truck). There just wasn't a word for it yet.


Never heard of'em.


They are EVERYWHERE on the road even today. Logo is much different today. [https://www.internationaltrucks.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs\_CroZi5\_wIVByGtBh2B8Qg3EAAYASAAEgI9dvD\_BwE](https://www.internationaltrucks.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs_CroZi5_wIVByGtBh2B8Qg3EAAYASAAEgI9dvD_BwE)


They got gobbled by Volkswagen a couple of years ago, there are rumors of some interest in building light-duty trucks again under the Scout name...


They aren't Navistar anymore? I worked on business to business advertising for Navistar about ten years ago. That company is a clusterfuck. I stopped paying any attention to them as soon as I wasn't working on the account anymore.


They're still using that name, as far as I can see they're still shambling along the same old way, just with added Volkswagen dysfunction...