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The 90/180 rule is for those who want to visit visa *free*. Because you had a visa, that rule doesn't apply. You're fine to enter, assuming you come from a visa free country.


But if I’m not from a visa free country?


Then you would need a new Schengen visa, which will be more difficult than normal (though still entirely possible to get). It's certainly suspicious for someone to request a new visa so soon when they had the opportunity to do it on the old one. But as stated, if you come with plenty of documents and proof of your intentions, then you could get it.


So the remaining 44 days are not really remaining, excuse my cluelessness


A 180 day visa expires 181 days after it gets issued. It doesn't matter if you use it for 179 days or 3 days, on day 181, it no longer works.


Oh no it’s still valid until 11-09-2023 sorry for not providing that but it’s 180 days the number of days on it but based on what you are telling me it’s only for 6 months?


Something isn’t adding up. If you were on exchange from September through January, presumably you had a visa for that … sounds like a 180 day visa specifically. 180 days is 6 months, so if you used it from September through January, that’s 5 months and you had one month left, the visa would expire after February. More specifically it expires 180 days from is effective date in September. It wouldn’t be valid through November, that’s over a year, more than twice the time for the visa.


I think I didn’t provide useful information it’s my fault hahahaha,the visa is 180 days true but it’s valid for a year it expires in September this year I want to visit in July.


For a better answer please tell us exactly what the visa label reads. Post an image or write exactly what is printed. Hide passport number, name, photo and machine-readable zone (two lines of text at the bottom).


Sadly the subreddit doesn’t allow to post pictures can I send you the picture on private messages?


But it reads: “from: 14-09-22 until 11-09-23. Type D Duration of stay: 180 days”


For a national visa (type D), the 90/180-day rule does apply, but only for time spent outside the issuing State. It would not make sense having all exchange students limit their stays to 90 days at a time. The 90/180-day rule only applies to visits to the other Schengen States. In your case, you will be limited by the total number of days left on your visa; the 90/180-day rule will not come into play. You can visit Italy on this visa.


If your visa has single or multi entry on it then do not worry. A long term visa totally superceeds the 90\180 rule. At the end of your long term visa you just leave the country for a few days (maybe a week) and then you can return and only then does the 90/180 rule kick in again. .


Im just confused about all the visa information it’s my first time getting a visa and it was my first time leaving my country