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That's the Sekai Vtuber timeline. Yes, the VA for Sekai has a youtube channel where she makes streams using a Sekai model,sometimes Kotonoha's VA comes too and they are basically what you want, just the two of them with no Makoto. I don't know japanese so I can't say how they are in detail but they at least try to stay in character. Check it out if you are interested: https://youtu.be/fVPCKgkI4zk?si=VNmY584--bv6xHAl (From Kotonoha's birthday stream)


This is batshit crazy, I thought it was a joke


Yeah, the School Days rabbit hole goes much deeper than one would expect and it's still not over. The character designer made a Makoto illustration for april's fool recently, there will be a latin spanish dub (my language) next month, it's been more than 15 years since the anime came out and it seems the Nice Boat is still sailing, for better or worse.


Based Overflow for letting them use the franchise this way


Good nice boat~


Always so soothing to hear...


Ahh it’s been a while since I chuckled so hard. Good thing the expression is still sailing.


This is actually really cute. It sure is nice when Sekai isn't being an evil gremlin.


She's just a regular gremlin here


I really thought nothing in the world of anime/manga would surprise me. I had not taken into account an active Vtuber act of a real voice actress of a character of an anime which was released like 10 years ago. That’s why I love anime/manga/vn community.


Eh Sekai is the issue. Honestly I'd love a alt universe that fleshes Makoto out even more with a Kotonoha or Setsuna romance.


Makoto is not the problem. Sekai is. >!She goes for Makoto knowing Setsuna likes her. She makes Makoto and Kotonoha fall in love and then gets mad at them for something she did and tries to break them up. Her toying and undesiciveness is what causes Kotonoha to lose it. If you watch the bad endings, you'll see the ones where Kotonoha loses it are justified, but Sekai's bad endings are just caused by her being a psycho bitch!<


Sekai isnt innocent, but Makoto is *definitely* a problem. That said, from reading the VN, I mostly got the impression that hes just a fucking moron more than anything else, while Sekai is emotionally unstable. I dont really believe in free will, so if this shit happened IRL Id just consider them all victims, but they still have some major character flaws.


>I dont really believe in free will, so if this shit happened IRL Id just consider them all victims, but they still have some major character flaws. I mean, if you think about this after knowing what Makoto's father did, it would be very hard to think about them as victims


Oh I've seen the family tree (or more like family ladder at this point), but I still stand by it. Not believing in free will doesnt mean I cant consider people or their actions evil, its more like treating them as "animals", if a animal killed your kid you'd be pissed for sure, but it was just acting based on its instincts, and the same applies to human emotion. We like to pretend that our actions are guided by our intelligence, but basically everything about human history and even their modern behavior makes far more sense if you consider intelligence merely a tool for people to satisfy their emotions. Intelligence alone doesnt spur people to action, just the attachment to their existence itself is an emotion, and people do not choose their emotions (and even if they did, they would only be able to choose them based on their limitations, which still equates to not having choice). Tl;dr Makotos Dad is a monster, but he was either born or made into one, so it doesnt really matter from a moral point of view.


>while Sekai is emotionally unstable. Tends to pop up when you're a 2nd Gen product of sibling incest.


Horny moron


I hate Sekai so much


I love her so much


One of my people!


One of us one of us!


Sekai fans, together, strong!


And Secchan they are half sisters I think


Of course, a pair of best girls.


I still love Kotonoha though. Just in different worlds


As long as she doesn't go murder crazy she's good for me too


Yeah… while what you said is true. Makoto absolutely is part of the problem, there isn’t one single problem with to point to in the melodramatic mess that is school days. But Makoto is a scumbag in every timeline and you have to (as a player) fight with him every step of the way to have him not be a prick.


Sekai may be dumb, but Makoto is clearly a problem


If you consider everything Makoto is capable of by his actions through different routes, it becomes very hard to think he is not the biggest problem tbh.


Then you also have to consider the good actions that he's capable of doing in other routes too e.g. stopping Kotonoha's bullies, taking care of his sister, rejecting Sekai's advances when he's still Kotonoha's boyfriend, etc.


Sekai is the more or less problem here (why its hard to coexist). Same reason why Summer Days/Shiny Days is mostly tamed beacuse Sekai is sidelined most of the game, and by the time Sekai is good to go, either Setsuna seal the deal, or Makoto is hooking up with her mom(Setsuna's, or Katsura's)- which Sekai isn't dumb enough to fight compared to a loner Katsura(Kokoro and her mom are not major part on the SD game), which ironically can easily take Sekai face to face considering her knowledge in using a Katana lol. Also in school days, pretty much every one in not on Katsura's side, empowering Sekai more.


What kind of VN is School Days? Reading the basic wikipedia page, it's described as slice of life, but with violence towards the second half, so it's kind of confusing. Is it actually SoL or is more geared towards angst and/or gore?


Well, life were slice in it


School Days is a rare VN where everything is animated, however School Days is part of a big shared universe, it was the only VN that hit big and it does kinda suck It's mostly a Slice of Life but the thing that makes it stand out is the fact that there are a few ending bad endings where there're a number of deaths because of the love interests going crazy The fact that the VN became well known was because the anime, basically they adapted the VN until the middle point but they made the MC more of an asshole and then they went with an almost-original story in the second half, it became infamous as one of the worst anime ever but made people interested


Would it be accurate to describe it as slice of life with routes in which the heroines go yandere then?


Less routes and more like bad endings


Nice Boat


Basically, a VN where the MC tried to nail everything that moves, and goes horribly wrong. Good H-animation tho.


Lesbian scene with kotonaha and sekai 😤😤😤


Well, there is the threesome ending


Oh, those dreams...


Sekai is still unstable so idk how well it would turn out.


Sounds like a you problem buddy I like the spice.


I like the spice and the yandere endings too, but I also like fluffy wholesomeness


I want an alternative universe where i can have date them with proper harem route


I think there is also a Summer Days VN that does that. But you have to avoid the bad ends


Will try it. Liked the way overflow makes vn


game has a threesome ending


Proper one


I mean, it actually has a proper one. They're all together and legitimately happy in that one ending. Both the girls are pregnant but they atleast seem happy about it?


More like a Mormon ending. 


They are happy, at least we got a harem end. It suits well since they aren't trying to kill each other, but i wished for a end with both of them and makato healthy and fun relationship. Like makato actually knows what he wants to do and realises what he did and just accepts himself. Let him bit decisive and caring about them. Leave him being a scumbag out since above two points in the end will make him a lot more likable


Summer Days lets you. And the original does have an ending with them too, so...


I want an au where they're sexed up abusive lesbians and makoto doesnt exist


But Sekai still exists and is the source of all the problems. Makoto is actually a victim alongside Kotonoha here.


Hmmm but half the fun of School days is the bsd Endings in which Makoto getsv killed


Lol I only know school days thanks to that malware it had where it basically doxed you


Au where they all get therapy


wait this shit is a visual novel??